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living out of my car in los angeles.... living out of my car in los angeles....

03-02-2021 , 10:13 PM
$1055 Super Duper HR 210k guaranteed is starting now. I'd bet $1k against a dozen donuts that it overlays. Last night's $500 overlayed too. Ignition/Bovada is just giving away money guys! There's gold in these streets!

Originally Posted by Exhale
You should bro. Forget cash. touneys are where the glory is. make your granny proud winning the main event at the wsop.
Haha it was a trick! I'll never be a tourney donk!

Originally Posted by Garick
I don't think it's actually from anything. Just a parody of "My Maserati does 185. I lost my license, so now I don't drive."
Duh! Lol don't know why I didn't get that.

Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Yeah I'm stupid.

Here's another classic song about driving fast.

living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 03:07 AM
Playing The Board

Hero CO (covers) 76dd
Villain UTG ($142.55) 33

Villain limps, HJ limps we raise to $10 and only villain calls.

Flop ($23.75) 955ddx

We flop a straight flush draw. Villain checks we bet $8 and villain calls.

Turn ($38.95) Tx

We both check.

River ($38.95) Td

Villain checks we bet $12 and villain calls playing the board. Did this guy not realize his pair of threes didn't play or was he calling for a chop vs a missed straight draw? I guess I'll never know.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick

I need to get a new monitor I think. I can only fit 6 tables on my screen at once tiling them and I don't like hiding them. I have a 27 inch monitor (HP 2709m) I bought 11 years ago for $400 from Fry's. I'm looking at some huge 49 inch wrap around monitors but I'm not sure I need anything that opulent especially since I'm not really using it for much else besides poker. Would a 4k monitor be able to fit more tables on the screen at once? Is that what's limiting me? Would I need a new computer or would just buying a new monitor do the trick?

Should I start playing on ACR also and just be a full time tourney donk?
You definitely need a new monitor. Actually at least 2 imo. That is if you want to be full time tourney or cash even. Rick for every online pro that is standard. Some even have 4 on a mount, 2 stacked on top each other.
If you can only fit 6 tables and that only even tilted, you need to change that asap. And they don't even cost that much. I have 2 Samsung curved 27 I believe or 28. I'm looking to upgrade to slightly bigger ones now. 200 bucks each or less and you have top of the line Samsung's. Remember you leaving ev if you don't see as much. Also for the eyes it's bad. As for compatibility with your desktop idk. I think for the 5k etc you need a new graphic card. I have my buddy help me there, he's an it expert. You can also just hire someone to do it for a few bucks. Or better ask some pros about there set ups or look what they use. It's pretty easy even in the store they know what u need.

Was watching some of your stream replay today. Was entertaining. Keep it up! Gl
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 01:00 PM
Some have one giant one and a slightly smaller one. I might go for that setup. Although it looks not in perfect harmony. It's all about organization. It's all about controlling the lobbies and the tables and the interweb.
It is kinda overwhelming at first and you have to get used to your setup. You wanna be able to drag stuff to places that are free etc. And I don't recommend watching porn having YouTube open and playing at the same time but it's possible..
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 01:59 PM
Nice topic. I'm looking to upgrade my setup as well. I'm wondering if a 32" is enough to tile 6 to 9 tables and grind the lobby or will I need a dual setup for this.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick

I need to get a new monitor I think. I can only fit 6 tables on my screen at once tiling them and I don't like hiding them. I have a 27 inch monitor (HP 2709m) I bought 11 years ago for $400 from Fry's. I'm looking at some huge 49 inch wrap around monitors but I'm not sure I need anything that opulent especially since I'm not really using it for much else besides poker. Would a 4k monitor be able to fit more tables on the screen at once? Is that what's limiting me? Would I need a new computer or would just buying a new monitor do the trick
A new computer is relatively cheap, you need to have the right people of course. Its best if you know someone that can build or give you a set up.
I have got mine from my techie buddy for less than 200 bucks. The important thing there is a processor, thats how fast it is and the graphic card.
11 years ago monitor? No can do imo. The graphics now became much better and the monitors slimmer. Why would you want such a monster on your table that takes up so much space?

4k monitor: its not a bout the k how many tables you can fit. Its about the size of the monitor. The K is the resolution imo. Not an expert on all this I can only tell you the players side. Good graphics are good on the eyes. Space is good for multitasking which you have to do.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Nice topic. I'm looking to upgrade my setup as well. I'm wondering if a 32" is enough to tile 6 to 9 tables and grind the lobby or will I need a dual setup for this.
You can 6 or 9 table on one monitor that size, but I would suggest you put the lobbies on the seperate monitor. That way is have more control and organization. I.e. you can only focus on the action, and have youtube and the lobbies, huds etc on the other one.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 02:33 PM
Rick -- the resolution is what will determine how many pixels will fit on the screen (and thus how many tables). The size will just determine how big each of those tables will appear to you.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 02:34 PM
@ Simplerick

can you explain the tousandaire? I read it a lot itt, but dont know the structure. If you explained it itt please let me know and I look it up.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Rick -- the resolution is what will determine how many pixels will fit on the screen (and thus how many tables). The size will just determine how big each of those tables will appear to you.
Thats what I meant, Rick shouldnt have all pixely graphics from a 9 year old monitor. Althoug they made some good monitors back then. Maybe even of good resolution. But yeah, better is better for the eyes, +ev.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Rick -- the resolution is what will determine how many pixels will fit on the screen (and thus how many tables). The size will just determine how big each of those tables will appear to you.
youre right. The K and the size are in relation. You cant put 9 tables on a 18 inch monitor, you wont see anything. Also 9 tables on a old monior could be way too pixely. So yeah Id pick good resolution and good size. And would try it out or see it before I buy. Best bet is take the same as a buddy has or even another pro. Im looking at options too now.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 03:14 PM
Thanks for all the input and help guys I really appreciate!

Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Nice topic. I'm looking to upgrade my setup as well. I'm wondering if a 32" is enough to tile 6 to 9 tables and grind the lobby or will I need a dual setup for this.
If it's 4k monitor my understanding is that should be good enough to 9 table on one screen.

Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Rick -- the resolution is what will determine how many pixels will fit on the screen (and thus how many tables). The size will just determine how big each of those tables will appear to you.
Ok thanks that's what I thought I just wasn't sure. I'll probably pick up a 28" Samsung 4k monitor in the next day or two. And if the tables are too small I'll probably just set up a dual monitor display. That's what I'm thinking right now anyways.

Originally Posted by washoe
@ Simplerick

can you explain the tousandaire? I read it a lot itt, but dont know the structure. If you explained it itt please let me know and I look it up.
Thousandaire is a $75+$7 cash satellite. So for every thousand dollars in the prize pool there is a thousand dollar cash prize. So if there are 100 players ($7500 prizepool) then top 7 will make 1k, 8th place gets $500 and 9th place or worse gets $0.

Originally Posted by washoe
youre right. The K and the size are in relation. You cant put 9 tables on a 18 inch monitor, you wont see anything. Also 9 tables on a old monior could be way too pixely. So yeah Id pick good resolution and good size. And would try it out or see it before I buy. Best bet is take the same as a buddy has or even another pro. Im looking at options too now.
My current 11 year old monitor is 27inch but the resolution is 1080p so it can only fit 6 tables without overlap. I'm not sure why the Ignition software won't allow me to size the tables any smaller but whatever. I'm surprised my monitor has lasted this long without problems.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 04:03 PM
Good stuff everybody but what is the proper resolution to look for? I'm a fish whit comes to this stuff thx
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 04:45 PM
4k should be pretty standard these days -- you could consider high refresh rate 1440p if you want it for gaming.

If it's just for poker and basic tasks then 4k for sure. Probably somewhere between 27" and 32". I use 3 4k monitors, but 2 would be pretty good for poker. Tables on one and lobbies and maybe YouTube or a forum or something on the other.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Thanks for all the input and help guys I really appreciate!

If it's 4k monitor my understanding is that should be good enough to 9 table on one screen.

Ok thanks that's what I thought I just wasn't sure. I'll probably pick up a 28" Samsung 4k monitor in the next day or two. And if the tables are too small I'll probably just set up a dual monitor display. That's what I'm thinking right now anyways.

Thousandaire is a $75+$7 cash satellite. So for every thousand dollars in the prize pool there is a thousand dollar cash prize. So if there are 100 players ($7500 prizepool) then top 7 will make 1k, 8th place gets $500 and 9th place or worse gets $0.

My current 11 year old monitor is 27inch but the resolution is 1080p so it can only fit 6 tables without overlap. I'm not sure why the Ignition software won't allow me to size the tables any smaller but whatever. I'm surprised my monitor has lasted this long without problems.
thanks! So basically an 100 player sit and go with a flat payout structure. Nice. Looking for new games.

Did you win the big one on that monitor? If so and you wanna keep it in use Id get a bigger one, or maybe 2. what the heck, why not 4? lol, nah I think all you need is 2 and even that you will have to get used too. Or its supernice from the beginning. Dont forget you need someone to set it up if youre not too tech savy. The mouse has to drag across all monitors like one thing. Dont forget these have to have space on the desk. So you need a desk that suitable. Honestly the best set up is not going to give you an edge if you dont have one already. Given that you already know how to fly so to speak this will only make life easier.

Ignition sofware is probably like other sofwares not able to make the tables smaller than one fixed setting. I know this issue from other sites. But I don't think it's a real issue because the smallest setting is too small on my monitors. I think the issue is your monitor/hardware compability with the software. Maybe the sware isn't made for 11 year old monitors imo.They know what the kids use these days.

Last edited by washoe; 03-04-2021 at 05:29 PM.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-04-2021 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Good stuff everybody but what is the proper resolution to look for? I'm a fish whit comes to this stuff thx
Almost the new ones have good resolution. You can check in the showrooms or just buy what someone good has.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-05-2021 , 12:26 PM
rick this is all you'll ever need
Originally Posted by BigBananas

living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-05-2021 , 05:21 PM
Thats not a set up. Ill show you set up.
Ready? Hang on and buckle up.

This is a set up. And this is a set up from 10 years ago.
Note that it was possible to 9 table and more on one monitor. Nanonoko did it too.

AllinPavs set up

Andreas Froehli

Or you could go for something like this.

Gl on the weekends boys and girls.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-05-2021 , 05:24 PM

living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-06-2021 , 12:56 AM
Never Scared!

Hero BTN ($199) KK
Villain BB (covers) J9cc

Hero opens to $6 and villain calls.

Flop ($12.35) Q92cxx

Villain checks we bet $8 and villain calls.

Turn ($27.55) 5x

Villain checks we bet $36 and villain calls.

River ($97) 8x

Villain checks and I'm sticking with the plan. We jam all-in $149 and villain calls and we win. Friday night!

Got a min-clicker nutjob on one of my tables. 95/80/66. He just cannot not click the raise/bet button.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-06-2021 , 04:27 AM
Guys I may be the greatest satellite player in the history of playing poker. For example in the medium stages of the tournament I fold hands that I would be shoving in a regular tournament just because I know that I will be able to steal blinds much easier later. The cards just speak to me and the right play feels intuitive some times. I'm only getting better at poker at this stage.

I remember when I was 19 I played in a satellite tournament at the Chumash Casino. It was a $25 buy-in 40 person tournament and top 2 got a $500 ticket for a big tournament they were running. I ran over that field. I started winning chips normally, getting good cards and playing them well in the early stages. But then I just started stealing practically every pot once I had a big enough chip lead. But not just recklessly either, I would know when to fold and slow down my aggression at the exact right times. And even though it was a satellite only 2 people could win a ticket so people were way overfolding. Needless to say I won one of the two tickets. I didn't cash in the tournament and I didn't play very well either, but the next day I saw the other guy who won a ticket and he asked how I did and I told him I didn't cash and he told me he thought I was gonna win the whole tournament. Which is just a funny thing to think really. That based on how I played one satellite that I was going to win a large field tournament. Sometimes I think I was a better player at 19 than I am now, but that can't be true.

Another thousand.

I'm in the money in the $38 30k guaranteed. 135 left we have less than average.

Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Good stuff everybody but what is the proper resolution to look for? I'm a fish whit comes to this stuff thx
I think I'm gonna buy a 32" UHD (3840x2160 resolution) monitor very soon. I'll let you know how it works out.

Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
4k should be pretty standard these days -- you could consider high refresh rate 1440p if you want it for gaming.

If it's just for poker and basic tasks then 4k for sure. Probably somewhere between 27" and 32". I use 3 4k monitors, but 2 would be pretty good for poker. Tables on one and lobbies and maybe YouTube or a forum or something on the other.
I hope it doesn't run well on games actually. I might just end up smoking pot again and playing computer games all day. I think I spent like all of 2015 playing H1Z1 and getting high. And when WoW classic came back in August of 2019 I was just playing all day and smoking weed all day. I like sticking to games that I can just casually play like League of Legends or Among Us with my friends. I've been playing a little Valheim though recently and that game can be pretty intense. The good news is I don't have to grind it I can just play it occasionally and use my friends hand me downs.

Originally Posted by washoe
thanks! So basically an 100 player sit and go with a flat payout structure. Nice. Looking for new games.

Did you win the big one on that monitor? If so and you wanna keep it in use Id get a bigger one, or maybe 2. what the heck, why not 4? lol, nah I think all you need is 2 and even that you will have to get used too. Or its supernice from the beginning. Dont forget you need someone to set it up if youre not too tech savy. The mouse has to drag across all monitors like one thing. Dont forget these have to have space on the desk. So you need a desk that suitable. Honestly the best set up is not going to give you an edge if you dont have one already. Given that you already know how to fly so to speak this will only make life easier.

Ignition sofware is probably like other sofwares not able to make the tables smaller than one fixed setting. I know this issue from other sites. But I don't think it's a real issue because the smallest setting is too small on my monitors. I think the issue is your monitor/hardware compability with the software. Maybe the sware isn't made for 11 year old monitors imo.They know what the kids use these days.
I shouldn't talk up the thousandaire so much I don't want it getting any harder for me.

Yeah I won the big one on this monitor. Been using it since 2010 it's actually pretty nice and I'm surprised it still works fine after 11+ years.

I'm tech savvy enough to set up a new monitor or a dual monitor display. =þ

I remember playing pokerstars on the same monitor I have now and I could fit 12 tables on my screen at once. Kind of dumb that Ignition won't let me make the tables any smaller.

Originally Posted by rickroll
rick this is all you'll ever need
That dude has an open piss bottle on the table. JFC. Be a decent human being and keep your piss bottle closed and on the floor. Some people got no class.

Originally Posted by washoe
Thats not a set up. Ill show you set up.
Ready? Hang on and buckle up.

This is a set up. And this is a set up from 10 years ago.
Note that it was possible to 9 table and more on one monitor. Nanonoko did it too.
All of these "cool" setups make me want to be a rebel and somehow downgrade my setup. Like maybe I just start playing on my old laptop. I buy a used CRT monitor and hook that up to it.

Originally Posted by Brokenstars
you found me!
Yeah I figured that was you. I could tell by those stats!
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-06-2021 , 04:47 AM
Nut Blockers

Hero BTN (covers) 99
Villain BB ($207.88) ??

UTG limps, UTG+2 min raises to $4, UTG+3 calls, we call, BB calls, and UTG calls.

Flop ($19.95) J75r

Everyone checks to us and we bet $12 and only villain in the big blind calls.

Turn ($42.75) 2c

We both check.

River ($42.75) 6x

Villain bets $14. This is almost always a blocker bet and very rarely an induce bet. And we block the nuts so that makes it even more likely to be a blocker bet. 98 was a double nut shot on the flop. We jam all-in for $191.88 effective and villain folds.

Is that how you guys WWSF? Or are you guys just 3betting this preflop to narrow the field?
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-06-2021 , 05:12 AM
Another Punt Return

Hero BB ($197.35) 76cc
Villain 1 UTG+2 ($194.90) TT
Villain 2 UTG+3 (covers) 98ss

Villain 1 opens to $6, villain 2 calls, and we call in the big blind.

Flop ($18.05) 985r

Yahtzee!!! We check, villain 1 bets $13.54, villain 2 raises to $47.39, we jam all-in $191.35, villain 1 calls, and villain 2 calls.

Turn ($586.60) 5x

That gives TT four outs to win.

River ($586.60) Kx

And we dodge the 5,8,9,and T and win.

Is 76s too loose of a call preflop?
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
03-06-2021 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Is 76s too loose of a call preflop?
I wouldn't lurk this thread ever again if you didn't atleast call
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
