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04-15-2012 , 04:00 PM
This might sound kinda nitty but I prob flat or fold pre
I think raising we just get rid of his air range unless he truly is a maniac
we only have 8 hands id prob just muck it pre
04-16-2012 , 01:00 AM
^^^ I'm still a nit at NL16 so I did muck my hand... But I'm not too happy with it

04-16-2012 , 03:31 AM
Id raise to about $4.50-5, quite big so that he knows your putting him to a test for his chips and i dont like the idea of him flatting so i want him to shove prefrebly or fold.
04-16-2012 , 04:01 PM
^^^ Do you raise/call?

I got rivered a lot today... and consequently lost 1.5 BI...

Villain was a fish in this hand (59/21 over 57 hands, 5/10 c-bet but 63% turn and 56% river AFq). What do you think of my raise OTT? I raised partly for value and partly to freeze.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
SB ($15.41)
BB ($17.34)
UTG ($12.34)
UTG+1 ($18.55)
CO ($18.65)
Hero ($18.33)

Dealt to Hero 7 7

UTG raises to $0.48, UTG+1 calls $0.48, fold, Hero calls $0.48, fold, fold

FLOP ($1.68) 3 5 Q

UTG bets $0.32, UTG+1 folds, Hero calls $0.32

TURN ($2.32) 3 5 Q 5

UTG bets $0.64, Hero raises to $1.60, UTG folds

Hero shows 7 7

Hero wins $3.44
04-16-2012 , 05:02 PM
Yeah im planning to stack off here. Variance may be high but i think we make profit in this spot from getting it in with better a lot of the time and also from him folding so much as well.

I think the call on the flop is marginal, theres just so many turn cards we dont like even though we probably have the best hand at the moment.

The turn dosnt really change much although i guess its a decent card because it pairs the board rather than bringing an over card. I think if you are going to freeze i try to make it a min raise as it usually has the same effect. Im not too keen on it here but i cant get down in words why im not too keen on it here, something to do with how dry the board is and bluffing with the best hand but not sure. Its a good play to have though.
04-17-2012 , 04:45 AM
^^^ Thx! In the 77 hand I was ready to call him down even if another overcard comes (assuming smaller bets).
04-22-2012 , 07:35 PM
JJ: as it is shorthanded i would 4bet here to put him on the test (about 4,5$) or fold - even in position i dont like a call here with pairs like 99,TT,JJ because they are so hard to play postflop (even if the flop doesnt bring overcards you cannot be sure to have the best hand).

77: would be an easy fold for me (on the flop), but if you want to put his hand on a test i would reraise the flop (the raise is cheaper and has the same effect as on the turn).
04-23-2012 , 03:28 AM
^^^ Thx!

JJ: I can't really 4bet/fold, so I rather fold to his 3bet. Calling isn't great I agree.

77: I understand your thinking process but I'm often ahead (against him) OTF and I didn't want to bluff w/ the best hand (OTF).
04-23-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by furkae
^^^ Thx!

77: I understand your thinking process but I'm often ahead (against him) OTF and I didn't want to bluff w/ the best hand (OTF).
might be true but have in mind that every overcard to the 7 makes it harder to continue.
04-23-2012 , 04:39 PM
^^^ But not against him: I was going to station him on most boards as he was way too aggro.
04-24-2012 , 03:52 PM
Private life update: I have finally managed to sell our flat! Hurray! I hope I'll be able to play (more) again... But today it's beer day...
04-24-2012 , 04:46 PM
nice to hear that!

05-12-2012 , 11:04 AM
Finally the forum's back... I've hardly played a hand since the forum went down b/c I was completely demotivated...

I hope I can put some hands in today. GL to everyone!!!
05-12-2012 , 07:18 PM
77 hand from days ago...

given his sizing otf mw it is never tp imho. I think either a bluff (less likely given it is mw and the fact that he doesnt seem cbet happy) or a semibluff or a hand like 66-JJ. Ott by raising you make him fold pretty much his entire range but draws and some stubborn JJ-TT stuff given the board paired. what was your plan otr?
I dont like it as a freezing raise tbh. It can turn out really bad if V decides to shove with a draw or call with a better PP (esp. On this turn card). His stats and sizing suggest that he can do silly things so I would strictly play for value/sdv vs. him in general. So I think folding flop is fine. Avoid weird plays vs. erratic guys imho.
once you call, meh, i dont mind turning our hand into a bluff ott given his sizing, but u def have to bet river anyway to make sure he still folds better PPs. I dont like it if your plan is to check back otr. Or just fold, bc it is going to be hard to play otr on this board without knowing his tendencies well.
05-13-2012 , 01:57 AM
^^^ Thx! Actually I was going to check back OTR had he called OTT.

Nowadays I play a nittish ABC game at NL16 and it works well. I should just increase the volume somehow...
05-13-2012 , 04:12 PM
Lost a BI today in an unlucky hand. NL16 on PS is quite fishy IMO and I only should try to play more...
05-14-2012 , 04:53 PM
So I played a few hands today but the results are quite frustrating...

Hand #1: Second hand at a new table, villain was completely unknown. I think I should have just folded OTT...

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
Hero ($16)
BB ($12.98)
BTN ($12.96)

Dealt to Hero A A

fold, Hero raises to $0.48, BB calls $0.32

FLOP ($0.96) T T J

Hero bets $0.55, BB calls $0.55

TURN ($2.06) T T J 2

Hero bets $1.47, BB raises to $2.94, Hero calls $1.47

RIVER ($7.94) T T J 2 4

Hero checks, BB bets $5.76, Hero calls $5.76

Hero shows A A
(Pre 86%, Flop 8.9%, Turn 4.5%)

BB shows T K
(Pre 14%, Flop 91.1%, Turn 95.5%)

BB wins $18.58

Hand #2: The most hated situation ever: you flop 2pair in the BB in a limped pot... Villain was unknown.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
SB ($10.14)
Hero ($16)
UTG ($13.71)
CO ($12.80)
BTN ($2.71)

CO posts $0.16

Dealt to Hero 5 6

fold, CO checks, fold, fold, Hero checks

FLOP ($0.32) T 5 6

Hero bets $0.34, CO calls $0.34

TURN ($1) T 5 6 K

Hero bets $0.92, CO calls $0.92

RIVER ($2.84) T 5 6 K T

Hero checks, CO bets $1.92, Hero folds

CO wins $2.79

Hand #3: At this point villain was completely unknown.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
SB ($8.31)
BB ($6.24)
UTG ($30.22)
UTG+1 ($24.49)
Hero ($16.28)
BTN ($16.68)

Dealt to Hero A J

fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.48, fold, SB calls $0.40, fold

FLOP ($1.12) A K T

SB checks, Hero bets $0.80, SB raises to $1.60, Hero folds

SB wins $2.60
05-14-2012 , 05:23 PM
AA hand. I would bet more otf or value. Ott, meh. No worse pair raise turn after flatting pre, nor Jx. So it is basically Tx or a turned club draw with KQcc, Axcc... Straight draws would raise otf. I think it is close ott. River is a fold though

56: i like your sizing otf and ott. Otr i xc tbh, tons of missed draws, esp when he openlimps. His range is Tx, and tons of Axdd, Qxdd, Jxdd, sc...

AJ: this is a spot where i often check back otf. It is hard to get value from worse here, when he is behind he has very few outs, and we might get 1 street of value from air if he decides to stab ott which happens fairly often. If he has worse Ax we still can get 1-2 streets later. That said i am not sure i would fold to his miniraise in this spot. i mean AA-KK-TT-AK possibly AQ all 3 bet pre. QJ is possible, but we have a blocker and meh, does he really raise it?
So we are left with AT and KT. Now it dependa if u think he can bluff raise u and with which freq. Vs. An unknown folding is def ok we can safely assume he is raising for value untill we are shown otherwise.
05-15-2012 , 12:47 AM

AA: Yes, I could have bet more OTF but I still think turn is a fold. TBH I (almost) always fold in such spots: villain won't raise w/ worse ever as he's also afraid of the paired board.

56: Villain can bluff here but does he do it often enough (readless)? I doubt I can call profitably...

AJ: I also check back here sometimes but not readless. Against an unknown I go for three streets of value (Ax) or two streets (draws+pairs).
05-15-2012 , 07:09 AM
56 hand...looking at the maths you dont need to be good that often (many regs fold too much otr overstimating the times they need to be good imho)
to be calling profitably here. with this drawy flop i would call vs. pretty much anyone, bc any strong made hand would raise at some point, and really he is repping Tx only.
i would fold only if i had seen villain check back a missed draw otr already.

Aj idk if from 10nl and above you really can get 3 streets of value from anyone who is not a huge whale. you hit this board so hard with sets, 2p, that even weak regs would fold tp ott imo.
i just noticed his stack size though, so yeah, sometimes you can go for 3 streets as he is prolly a fish and will be committed with any pair+draw or tp
05-15-2012 , 07:18 AM
Thx bao!

56: I needed around 30% OTR: do you really think I had that much equity? Villain was absolutely unknown and even a bare Kx beats me... Or can we suppose an unknown (possible fish) bluffs that often?
05-15-2012 , 12:14 PM
not many reasons for him to have Kx, esp when he checks his post pre and sometimes he might not even bet it otr. not many reasons for him to have 77-99 either or big Tx like AT or KT
i think we are good way more often than 30% of the times. diamonds, oesd, gs, random overs like QJ. if u compare this range to Tx, u get a good call. and i think people bluff missed draws IP a lot.
05-15-2012 , 12:39 PM
CO posted pre (his first hand at this table) so he is probably a big fish. He can also have any Tx type hands... On the other hand you're right in saying I fold a lot in such spots and I can't really estimate how often people bluff missed draws IP OTR.
05-16-2012 , 07:28 AM
I've got crushed today morning.

Hand #1:
When I played this hand the players were more or less unknown. UTG seemed to be a nittish guy, MP was somehow laggy, CO was fishy (loose/passive). MP showed AQo before folding.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
Hero ($16.08)
BB ($19.29)
UTG ($16)
UTG+1 ($19.37)
CO ($8.59)
BTN ($16.60)

Dealt to Hero Q Q

UTG raises to $0.48, UTG+1 raises to $0.96, CO raises to $1.92, fold, fold, fold, fold, UTG+1 calls $0.96

FLOP ($4.56) 3 9 7

UTG+1 checks, CO bets $6.67 (AI), UTG+1 folds

CO wins $4.35

Hand #2:
SB was a fishy LAG (42/26 over 223 hands, 12% 3bet, but only 25% AFq). I should have c-bet and - as played - fold OTR (or already OTT).

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
SB ($12.64)
BB ($30.38)
UTG ($23.80)
Hero ($16)
CO ($16.64)
BTN ($16.24)

Dealt to Hero A T

fold, Hero raises to $0.56, fold, fold, SB calls $0.48, fold

FLOP ($1.28) A 5 9

SB checks, Hero checks

TURN ($1.28) A 5 9 7

SB bets $1.28, Hero calls $1.28

RIVER ($3.84) A 5 9 7 6

SB bets $2.88, Hero calls $2.88

SB shows A K
(Pre 73%, Flop 88.2%, Turn 93.2%)

Hero shows A T
(Pre 27%, Flop 11.8%, Turn 6.8%)

SB wins $9.17

Hand #3:
Villain was a LAG (38/23, 8% 3bet over 87 hands, 45% AFq).

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.16(BB) Replayer
SB ($18.01)
BB ($16.24)
UTG ($15.71)
CO ($16)
Hero ($16.33)

Dealt to Hero J J

fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.40, SB raises to $0.88, fold, Hero calls $0.48

FLOP ($1.92) 2 A 8

SB checks, Hero checks

TURN ($1.92) 2 A 8 Q

SB bets $1.37, Hero calls $1.37

RIVER ($4.66) 2 A 8 Q 3

SB bets $4.89, Hero folds

SB wins $4.45
05-16-2012 , 03:58 PM
QQ good fold pre. Given how the hand got played postflop u were probably good, but most of the times u are going to see KK+ here

AT yep cbet otf, as played turn all is ok, river is an easy fold (or sometimes shove as a bluff, if V has low wtsd: u would rep nothing but given V's bet sizing ott he never has a fd or sd there, hard for him to be calling)

JJ is a 4b/call vs. this player in this spot. V seems the type of guy who could shove Ax, Kx, PPs as a bluff plus It is going to be tough to play JJ even in position imo. I would flat KK+, Ax, some suited broadways vs. him. Postflop is ok.
