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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

03-01-2015 , 09:43 PM
Happy Bday Bro!!!! can't play while its raining (showers). go to HK for some R&R while ruuuuuuuse!!!
03-02-2015 , 04:21 AM
happy birthday bro, keep crushing the new year
03-02-2015 , 07:30 PM
happy b-day mate, all the best
03-02-2015 , 08:11 PM
Happy b-day crusher
03-03-2015 , 05:46 PM
Late thanks to everyone for the happy bdays

Had a nice, chill afternoon drinking and shooting pool with Ruse followed by dinner; definitely the most tame of the 4 birthdays I've celebrated in Mexico by far .

Going to the Tijuana Brewery before going to the Tijuana Xolos game (local Liga MX team for those who don't know from my past threads) this afternoon/evening with ruse, gramps and a cpl others. Pretty sure we will be going to the Caliente Casino after the game as it's right next door to the stadium. Should be a fun night, then will be trying to hit the grind hard starting Thursday.

I'm sitting on 171k VPPs right now, my tentative plan is to be at 250k at the end of March and then attempt to get 100-125k vpps each month afterwards so I can be done for the yr 1-2 weeks after WCOOP is over. I will probably focus less on my vpp count and more on # of hours played though on a week to week basis as that has always been my problem, putting in the hours.

Anyway chea, will be on the way out in about an hour. Forgot to post a graph at end of month so heres an up to date ytd graph

03-03-2015 , 06:32 PM
beasting it obv. Also happy birthday with a little delay!
03-03-2015 , 06:51 PM
that graph though
03-03-2015 , 07:28 PM
03-05-2015 , 07:48 PM
Xolosssss. Lol, was a great night with what ended up being a bunch of ppl. Think there were 10 poker players that showed up including myself, and then we met up with most of the staff from Ollies pizza after the game at the casino which was fun!

We got showered pretty hard at the Tijuana Brewery, they don't say anywhere online that they are closed on Mon and Tues so when us 4 showed up, we had to quickly figure out a new gameplan and let everyone else know. Luckily the food truck place was close by and everyone else knew where it was, so we just met there and had a bunch of great food and a few pregame beers.

Xolos won the game 2-0, stadium was absolutely packed for a Tuesday game, I'd say easily 15,000 ppl at least, forgot that when the tickets are a bit cheaper the ppl come out in droves . But yea, game was a lot of fun, I think 4 of the guys that came with that night had not ever been to the stadium before and were fairly impressed with it...usually dont expect #nicethings in Mexico.

Went to the Caliente Casino afterwards, actually got to see dogracing there live for the first time which was pretty cool. Ended up leaving soon after with a couple of the guys and had already given Ruse the key, so when we came home to get a certain white drug that was inside my condo, we got showered. Obviously in the moment kicking down the door seemed like the clear best choice, so I started kicking away but even with the steel toed boots on, didn't get very far lol . Apparently we have a nice, strong, sturdy door, because I didn't ever get in and this is what I came home to in the morning

Seemed so brilliant in the moment/no other choice seemed possible, obv did not seem so great in the AM lolllll.

Someone just got done fixing it, cost me like $100. Not too bad as I was somewhat expecting to have to buy a whole new door and figured that was going to cost $300+

Gonna be hitting datttt grind real hard this weekend, hoping to be at 195k vpps at least come end of Sunday

Oh yea, still playing for #teamsunrun too (dance)

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 03-05-2015 at 07:54 PM.
03-05-2015 , 08:14 PM
03-05-2015 , 08:17 PM
Ended up leaving soon after with a couple of the guys and had already given Ruse the key, so when we came home to get a certain white drug that was inside my condo, we got showered.

03-06-2015 , 05:08 AM
Just checking into 2+2 for the first time in a few weeks and glad to see poker is going well!

What's this tho m8:

Originally Posted by jdawg91
so when we came home to get a certain white drug that was inside my condo,
Not trying to be a dick, just thought you were kicking all the drug habitz
03-06-2015 , 12:53 PM
Gotta go hard for your bday yaknowww

Other than the white stuff a cpl of times this yr, around my bday, haven't used a single drug other than caffeine a few times
03-07-2015 , 12:27 AM
keeep it going bro !
03-11-2015 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Yazzx
keeep it going bro !
(hifive) I sure have


Forgot to update on Sun/Mon; I owe freerollers as I didn't make it to the gym 3 times. Have gone once this week and plan to go tomorrow night and fri or sat night.

My right foot is kind of ****ed up; I have nearly no arch in my feet, same as my dad (who has had insane problems with his feet past 5 years and just had to decide between going to see a specialist in Madison or at the Mayo Clinic as nobody locally has been able to figure it out), and I need to start taking precautions. I got a massage last night and the girl really checked out my foot and realized that the entire thing is all ****ed up and is the reason my shin has also been hurting. So for at least the next month, going to have her come once a week to mostly work on my foot and then give me a quick massage at the end.

Probably going to have to watch what I do for a while with my foot; no playing tennis or anything like that. Probably will only going to gym for lifting and riding the bike going fwd as well and try to get better about going to the steam room/sauna and hitting up the hottubs. Sitting here rolling a tennis ball around on my foot now as I type this and going to try to get better about doing that a few times a day for as long as I can; anything and everything I can to help it needs to be done.

Anyway yea, enough of that. I'm still sunrunning hard, past 5 days have been pretty incredible and I have just finished paying off all of my immediate debt and will now start getting some profit cashouts! Sitting on 225k vppsfor the year now and they have been really flying the past couple of days. Been pretty excited about grinding lately, obviously much easier to grind when sunrunning. Hopefully will keep it up for a bit longer!

YTD graph below, the 3 freerollers I owe $50 each to can pm me their ps sn and I'll send asap. Gla on the grind

Edit: Also if anyone wants to follow Ruse's progress or learn how to cook some food, check out his pg&c. Have forgotten to link it in my past cpl of updates; obv I've learned more about preparing some meals from that thread over IRL lessons bc I'm always too lazy to go out to the kitchen and learn how to make anything while he is cooking
03-12-2015 , 12:04 AM
Nice graph!

How about swimming? My unexpert medical opinion thinks the more weight you lose the better that foot will feel.
03-12-2015 , 12:59 AM
Nice start to the year, keep crushing u sicko
03-12-2015 , 03:31 AM
das heatttttt
03-12-2015 , 05:03 AM
you're killing it dude.

try swimming man. especially if your facility has a pool. i got 2 ****ed up hips from a degenerative disease and low impact is the way to go. the bike is a good alternative too.
03-12-2015 , 05:46 AM
Well done mate great job.

I have one worry the thread is turning into some kind of vegan eating, straight up line, healthy and serious poker thread.

A bit of degenning is ok from time to time too -)

03-13-2015 , 04:16 AM
Incredible turnaround from where you were at 9 months ago. congrats and keep it up!
03-14-2015 , 10:50 PM
Killing the games man!

And yeah hope you're doing well
Tbh I think it would be incredibly hilarious if you went vegan and **** hahahaha

I love meat tho so not advocating that
03-18-2015 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Nice graph!

How about swimming? My unexpert medical opinion thinks the more weight you lose the better that foot will feel.
Originally Posted by a octopus
you're killing it dude.

try swimming man. especially if your facility has a pool. i got 2 ****ed up hips from a degenerative disease and low impact is the way to go. the bike is a good alternative too.
Yea I might have to check out the pool down by the clubhouse. My only worry is that it will be covered/not usable at night, which is when I'd go down there and use it.

Def +1 that I need to keep losing weight and it will help, that is going to be the #1 help for my dad as well.

Originally Posted by mcc3504
das heatttttt
Originally Posted by shipitbuddy
Nice start to the year, keep crushing u sicko
Thanks bros!

Originally Posted by TheTyman9
Incredible turnaround from where you were at 9 months ago. congrats and keep it up!
Yea pretty ridiculous indeed, going from 250k worth of makeup + debt to getting cashouts and not having any more immediate debt (have made some payments on the ~33k i had left to pay to 2 old backers). Gotta love this silly game

Originally Posted by Liftoff
Well done mate great job.

I have one worry the thread is turning into some kind of vegan eating, straight up line, healthy and serious poker thread.

A bit of degenning is ok from time to time too -)

Originally Posted by debacle
Killing the games man!

And yeah hope you're doing well
Tbh I think it would be incredibly hilarious if you went vegan and **** hahahaha

I love meat tho so not advocating that
Haha you guys don't have to worry about that being a possibility! Actually been overeating lately which is no good, hopefully cutting that back out.


Probably last update for a while? Not sure really, just haven't really felt like writing anything/don't have much to share. Messed up my left knee last Wed or Thurs. Was really weird, woke up and couldn't put any weight on it and then once I got going, it was slightly better, but ended up walking with a limp for like 3 days. I felt like it was minor and was right as by yesterday morning I had no pain left/felt normal. But yea, have decided to cut tennis/basketball until I get some better shoes and will just go to the gym for the time being. I did hit the gym 3 times last week, just rode the bike and did some light lifting 2/3 times. Will go 3 times I'm sure this week, but will post if I don't.

Grind is going well, still sunrunning. Surpassed $100k post rb profit on the yr yesterday and am sitting on 260k VPPs now. Getting excited that SCOOP season is coming up and will be looking to grind my ass off during that period of time. It is possible that I will be playing hyper sats up to $3502>$10.3k ME but still much too early to tell and depends on a few things...that could be fun though .

Anyway, cpl of graphs below. One YTD post rb and then one since the release of spin&go's and I reset my SS on Oct 1, 2014. Gla on the tables!

03-18-2015 , 02:26 PM
How are the spin and go games? I can't imagine a lot of regs like combining slot machines with poker but I have no idea.
03-18-2015 , 05:34 PM
Sick bro, just sick. I may be light years behind, but your threads always inspire me to chase you down.

Ever think about hoppin on the twitch bandwagon like all the other cool kids?
