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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now)

07-04-2013 , 11:04 PM
Nh getting it all in with kj there, what do you do if the board pairs otr, obv a, little different between a K hitting and a 9

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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-04-2013 , 11:05 PM
One of the best written hand-histories so far Rob, though I need to correct your grammar! Whenever you write "should of" or "would of" the pedantic side in me cringes. Replace "of" with "have" for a more grammatically correct sentence.

Keep crushing dude - I look forward to bumhunting you when I get to Vegas in September!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-05-2013 , 12:14 AM
Good god. Sounds like there is no money in poker these days
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-05-2013 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Nh getting it all in with kj there, what do you do if the board pairs otr, obv a, little different between a K hitting and a 9

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This is something I wanted to write as well but had to go because I had fourth of july festivities to attend.

If the board pairs I am check/folding. This is not results oriented. This was my plan on the turn because when he r/c turn his range is sets and sets only. Expect him to shove KJ himself and fold everything else. He doesn't flat pre with j8ss I don't think but again, alcohol may cause him to open up although I haven't noticed it in his preflop hand selection. It is hard to fold a set when your drunk though. If the river is a q or a ten or anything and I check and he ships. GG. I lose.

Also, the queen on the flop is the Q, not diamond. The turn brought BD hearts that bricked.

Originally Posted by skillz_2106
One of the best written hand-histories so far Rob, though I need to correct your grammar! Whenever you write "should of" or "would of" the pedantic side in me cringes. Replace "of" with "have" for a more grammatically correct sentence.

Keep crushing dude - I look forward to bumhunting you when I get to Vegas in September!
I will try and fix this. My roommate that graduated from Upenn critiques my use of the English language constantly. Come say what up, I'm a pretty easy guy to spot. I get tilted when people who read my thread/know me don't say anything, love meeting people.

Also- pretty upset but doesn't look like I will be playing the main event unless I hit a miracle tomorrow. Had a cancel for a big piece and another possible big piece being purchased didn't work out as I intended. I really, really, want to just throw 6k at it myself but it's a terrible financial decision for me. I constantly say no gamble no future, but in this case I think the gamble is detrimental to my future so I won't. Very unfortunate but that's how it goes sometime. I will endure. Sorry I couldn't provide a sweat, no one is more upset then me about that.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-05-2013 , 09:05 AM
Maybe take a shot at the mega-sat if you want to play with less risk.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-05-2013 , 09:23 AM
If you have people buying pieces of you during the world series always try and lock the money up before hand. People out there go on huge swings and the infinite bankroll they think they have quickly can deteriorate.

Sorry to hear you might miss the main event, the tournament has a ton of dead weight so perhaps taking shots in satellites should be your mission.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-05-2013 , 11:06 AM
**** it and play a satellite dude. No gamble no future.

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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-05-2013 , 11:50 AM
I've been following this thread from the start cos I recognised your name from playing with you on Stars way back, so definitely plan on coming and saying hi.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-06-2013 , 06:01 PM
nice hand with the KJ, you understand the live game as well as any low/mid stakes grinder....lot of difference between online game and live and you get it really well-GL if you play the main
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-06-2013 , 09:07 PM
No gamble no future.

Yay for getting paid. Those Penn folk... Colin praised me once for my use of the adverb "badly." I enjoyed it.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-07-2013 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
My roommate that graduated from Upenn critiques my use of the English language constantly.
I will refrain from pointing out the irony here...
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 03:50 AM
Yes, "who." We got it.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 08:15 AM
Sticking It In

I've been doing a lot of this lately. Off the felt is more fun.

Was really unsure about this one at the time. Actually felt sort of demoralized about it afterwords (even though I won) because I thought I made a deepstack mistake, I didn't. If my opponent ever folds the flop my line is correct in a hypothetical sense.

Folds to me in the CO with 97 in a straddle pot. I raise to 35, get called by the BTN and by the straddler (obviously).

My reads- He's in his 40s, he's fat, he looks angry, he straddled, he likely sucks.

(105) 346

I have a flush draw and a gutter. Against a range of only sets I am a 2-1 dog.

Straddler checks to me, I cbet 80, button folds, straddler makes it 220 with 800 behind. I make it about 600 total and call off his shove.

This is more of a math equation than some sort of soulread/player dependant. My play is profitable folds some small percentage of the time. I make it 600 instead of just shoving myself because it looks less bluffy/drawy even though we are effectively all in. He should only continue with sets, I think he folds flush draws and also folds overpairs in this spot because this is a lot of money to stick in without a set.

People always complain about how hard it is to stick 200bb in the middle in live poker because the dynamic is such (in most cases) that it has to be a massive cooler.

If this logic is true (it is imo), then an adjustment would be to maximize fold equity in spots like this. I spoke (texted) with my favorite (semi) nit reg cushlash regarding this hand because he was at the table and at first glance I think he thought I was crazy sticking in 1k+ with nine high. I was actually starting to reconsider what I had just done afterwords but the stack sizes are such that I can apply so much pressure that turns my opponent's continuation range into only sets when I b/3b it. A hand like 45 might checkraise/fold that flop as well. Although I have no reads at the time, going by appearance and demeanor I believe he folds enough to make my 3bet profitable. Let's not forgot the straddle is on so this pot is bloated from the get-go.

Anyways, I shoveled it in and got there on the river as a 2-1 underdog against a set. Although I did not actually see the set but my opponent's verbal declaration of "your so lucky", combined with him tilt re-buying above the cap, demonstrated his frustration.

Let's do some 4betting now.

I raise utg+1 with AK and get called in 3 spots. The big blind who is a young internetty looking lad decides to make it 120. He transfered to our table with a mound of chips and the way they are stacked is annoying me. We start the hand around 2300 (460bb) effective. It gets back to me and since I am in position and think I can muster a fold enough percentage of the time to justify 4betting. I make it 310 to go and it gets back to him after cushlash tanks for a minute to get some TV time (backraise me in a 4bet pot who are you).

He makes it 580 total (270 more to me).

At first instinct I am like !@#$%%$%^$ing omg. But then I think things through.

We are 2300 effective. If this kid really has aces here is he going to basically min-5bet me out of position? Leaving 1700 behind or so? So very doubtful. The problem is that I really don't want to 6bet/fold (this was not a typical 2/5 game) because he might shove AK on me and then I lose because I really can't call it off there.

I really hate folding to his minraise also. I have position.

This spot kind of tilts me also because I flopped a flush draw on low cards, he checked, I bet like 850 or so and he folded rather quickly. I got really lucky to flop that draw there but I was thinking that my flat of his 5bet looks so strong that he won't cbet very many hands. Had the board come 3 low without my draw, he checks I bet and I still win. Fortunately it hit my really hard that I almost wanted him to have kings there and cbet so I could shove over it. Or for me to brick and steal it when he checks. The only real problem I face is if I flop king high and he bets. That is probably a fold in that spot and I am really not happy with it. I'm still kind of torn between flatting and 6'ing.

Bad beat story-

Transfer to new game with about 4k, sit down. People make jokes that the 5-10 games are over there. People ask me how much I'm in for. People ask me how long I've been playing. Etc.

First orbit. 7 handed or so UTG raises 20, called by the world. I make it 130 in the BB with AA (I have it). UTG calls. Small blind tanks for a minute to get his TV time and folds.


Cbet 210, guy shove 700 more, I snap call. He verbalizes "ugh, I guess I lose". I say "I have aces", he shakes his head

When the Q hits the turn I can feel my net worth decreasing as he says "oh my god sorry" and fastrolls QQ. Then he spends the next 10 minutes telling me he is sorry and how that usually happens to him (I'm sure). I smile as usual, let him know I don't really like black chips that much anyway as I ship 9 of them right to him in a direct deposit style because he is on my immediate left. He then asks me for restaurant recommendations in Vegas and explains to me how much him and his wife love Vegas. I tell him where to go eat, inform him that he should buy his wife a gift from the crystal shops with my money and then I leave because our table breaks.

Eventful day. Won 2k. Should of been 4.

All my friends and people I know seem to be doing very well in the main event which is obviously good, but also makes me sort of sick to my stomach that I am at Venetian playing 2/5 again and again instead of getting 4bet by Justin Bonomo with cameras in my face. Next year.

Good night.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 11:01 AM
Why you wanna steal the pot on low cards with AKhi? Surely noone is folding a pair in a 5bet pot to one bet and you can't really bet flop shove turn, plus your outs vs his pairs are dirty a lot if he is playing anything resembling a reasonable 5bet range (axs).
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 06:43 PM
Because when we are this deep his check, combined with the his small 5bet is not indicative of aces.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 06:59 PM
You are inferring too much from his 5bet sizing imo and depending who is left to act behind you flatting the 3b can be way more profitable.

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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Because when we are this deep his check, combined with the his small 5bet is not indicative of aces.
what i'm trying to say is what is the purpose of your bet? are you bluffing? i'd hope not seeing as he won't fold a pair.
are you value betting? seems unlikely he x/c worse Ahi.

Or are you doing the old bet because I don't know what to do otherwise or to 'protect equity' or w/e. Don't mean to sound like a dick, just think you should probably check unless live plays even crazier than I think.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 09:11 PM
Pretty clear that I am bluffing. When he checks I just basically win.

Also he snap folded so its either AK or an air ball.

This is not a typical lol value bet only!!! live poker hand. Sometimes good players get into sticky spots like this .
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by flipzforchipz
I will refrain from pointing out the irony here...
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-08-2013 , 11:27 PM
Q6s has a point though. if his range is pairs (KK+) and bluffs (Axs?) then your bet really cant be the maxEV play in that spot cuz you have his bluffs utterly crushed and could either induce some kind of bluff or get them to pair up and think they are valuebetting. its very doubtful that he will fold the value part of his range to your bet and so the only reason for you to bet would be to get him off of middle or bottom pair that he hit with his Ax bluff. and even that may not fold cuz you do have unpaiired hands in your range.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-09-2013 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Q6s has a point though. if his range is pairs (KK+) and bluffs (Axs?) then your bet really cant be the maxEV play in that spot cuz you have his bluffs utterly crushed and could either induce some kind of bluff or get them to pair up and think they are valuebetting. its very doubtful that he will fold the value part of his range to your bet and so the only reason for you to bet would be to get him off of middle or bottom pair that he hit with his Ax bluff. and even that may not fold cuz you do have unpaiired hands in your range.
Assuming villains range is KK+, AK, airballs, which is reasonable imo:

The point of betting even though only worse is folding is that with villain's line Rob's read is that he wouldn't play KK+ that way so he has either airballs or AK, all of which will fold. Just because we have this range crushed doesn't mean its not a bet. Why give something random a chance to make a pair? Getting him to pair an A or K and be dominated is wishful thinking. We want to take the pot now even though we think we have the best hand because otherwise we open ourselves up to a ****ty turn decision. If the turn is a brick and villain bets what do we do? Is he bluffing? Did he play AA tricky? Did he back into a pair ott? Even if we turn an A and he bets, did he back into a pair with Ax or play AA tricky? Pot is too big right now to not take the pot despite knowing we have the best hand and can't get called by worse.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-09-2013 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by ico2525
Yes, "who." We got it.
Reading comprehension fail, he meant that UPenn sucks. Also, even though "who" is thought to be more appropriate than "that" when talking about people, "that" technically isn't incorrect.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-09-2013 , 03:41 AM
But I thought the read was that he does not have aces

All I m saying is that there may be another way to play this hand considering both our hand and Heros read
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-09-2013 , 08:09 AM
Honestly Rob, you'll be having the last laugh when the majority of your poker buddies bust from the Main Event.

Putting up $10k is a huge gamble, especially when you have limited experience with these kinds of fields.

One time, playing at the Venetian PLO game, I got to talking with a player sitting next to me. It became clear that he was a professional player, having played all over the country, with quite a bit of success. I asked him if he was playing the WSOP. He replied, "Tournaments are for the dreamers. I just want to make money."

I'll never forget that. Sure, there will be the lucky few who min-cash the WSOP or even make a deep run. But I'd rather be a $5/T+ reg, earning close to 6 figures per year than some dream-chasing wannabe who binked some WSOP circuit even for $100k but has given it most back in a series of big buy-in events.

I say keep doing what you're doing, Rob. If you're bored in a year or two, and want to take a little gamble for a chance at something big, then go ahead and play some big event(s). But I think that this year you made the right decision. Some people get so caught up in the WSOP events that they forget how many fish are sitting at the cash games this time of year.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-09-2013 , 08:29 AM
I cant afford to put up 10k of my own money. I was planning on investing 3 or 4 of my own coin to enter this and having around half my own action (after markup).

Unfortunately it didn't work out. Investing 10k is not a huge "gamble", it's stupid and reckless. Even investing in the satellites is a waste of time because that is time that I could of spent playing cash.

I understand most (if not everyone) will bust, but there is always a chance someone gets deep and pockets 100k+.

Cash games are super fishy at the moment and incredibly profitable. It's really unfortunate I didn't play any 5/10 this series as well because I deemed myself underolled. Even when I was playing 5/10 at Foxwoods and Borg I was underolled for that and buying in for 2k.

Back home I was only playing somewhat professionally, all my money and spending expenses came from poker, I had no job, but I also had no worry. I have a risk of a ruin out here that I don't wish to have happen by drastically increasing variance in games that are too big for me. The Venetian 5/10 always looks huge with people playing 4k-5k everyday. It's my goal to be rolled for 5/10 as soon as possible. 2/5 is a really simple game that everytime I think I have it figured out, I find myself making a big mistake that humbles me into working harder.

During the series I have been playing pretty good volume but not studying at all due to doing stuff off the felt on off days/off time. That is not a bad thing because after all, what's the point of being a professional poker player if I can't go to EDC for a few days with no worries, go on dates whenever I feel like going on dates, sleep in till whenever I want, etc.

Of course there is some personal accountability regarding the amount of work ethic I display. It just happens that during the series all my "poker time" has been spent playing rather than studying.

I will write a more detailed report about my first summer in Vegas. It was absolutely amazing, poker-wise and not.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
