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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now)

06-04-2013 , 09:53 AM
a fold is optimal in that spot, but no one is folding pre.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 10:29 AM
RobFarha admitted to being in a bunch of fights. He then called it nonsense. He doesn't do it anymore. He's in his early twenties, has played competitive sports for many years, and is male--he's got a lot of testosterone.

Somebody flipped his switch, and he ultimately walked away. I say good on him!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Wyldhorses
Um you know that is very abnormal right? Sounds like you might have some serious anger issues and could benefit from some counseling. I would say less than 5% of the population has "Been in dozens of fights" in their life. I think I've been in one fist fight, it was the fifth or sixth grade. Grown mature adults don't usually behave like that, it might be an issue to work on, just saying...
I believe he said those fights took place pre-coaching, which means he was probably a teenager. I saw plenty of fights throughout high school and participated in a few myself. **** happens when you're an insecure seventeen year-old bursting with testosterone trying to find your place in the world. I don't think it's been an issue for a while so your post is pretty ghey imo.

Angle kinda reminded me of this:

I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:11 PM
Beat me to posting that video. A fairly genius, though clearly immoral move.

Everyone loses it once in a while, well done on walking away. You're better than that dude, at life and most likely at poker as well.

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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 03:08 PM
Nice to know that you controlled yourself and walked away.

Look at the big picture, you like to play at Aria and Venetian, your favourite rooms, getting 86ed from there is far more painful than dealing with one scumbag/angle shooter. I usually let the chips/my game do the talking.

It is nice to know that you are surrounded by good people at the table who can sense the issue and suggest to you to take a walk. I always remember the line from MASH - "Major take a walk, no take a Major walk!"

I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 03:37 PM
Can confirm OP is bar none nicest guy at the table and takes bad beats very well and keeps atmosphere jovial and fun for fish

Can also confirm he could crush people

He has same disposition at table regardless of which direction units are flowing, which I envy
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wyldhorses
Um you know that is very abnormal right? Sounds like you might have some serious anger issues and could benefit from some counseling. I would say less than 5% of the population has "Been in dozens of fights" in their life. I think I've been in one fist fight, it was the fifth or sixth grade. Grown mature adults don't usually behave like that, it might be an issue to work on, just saying...
This is from the time I was 10 to 20 years old. I'm not in fights every other week now lol. Thanks for educating me on how grown mature adults behave though, now I know.

Is it really that unthinkably horrible/surprising that I had just gotten angled for a thousand dollars and wanted to start wailing on a guy?

Originally Posted by 11t
I think a 4b pf to 255 or 275 and fold to a ship is about optimal in that spot.

Originally Posted by gus1112
Can confirm OP is bar none nicest guy at the table and takes bad beats very well and keeps atmosphere jovial and fun for fish

Can also confirm he could crush people

He has same disposition at table regardless of which direction units are flowing, which I envy
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 04:32 PM
Rob clearly has anger issues. I came up to him at the table yesterday and tapped his shoulder and he about took me out
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-04-2013 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
One Step Closer
The thing is that when it gets to this point, your opponent has won. He knows two things.

1. He wants to get a rise out of me and will do all things possible.
2. He can't get the **** kicked out of him in a poker room.
I've actually been employing a different kind of solution as of late whenever something like this arises - start talking about something completely bum**** random.

A few months ago some guy started antagonizing me after I iso-ed his limp on the button with K9o, checked down a QJ9xx board and beat him at showdown. I'll spare the details but he constantly kept bickering about 'King nine is NOT a raising hand', 'you'll always lose money in the long run', 'I can't wait until I send this kid home broke', yadda yadda. He'd also slowroll me in every pot we played together.

So after silently enduring a couple orbits of this, I finally turned to him and said, 'Hey, I've got something to say to you.' I saw his eyes light up, thinking he'd finally got a rise out of me.

'Don't you think chairs are an amazing invention?'

He stared back at me, blankly. 'Wha...what?'

I continued, 'Yeah, it's kind of fascinating to consider how much of a breakthrough it was relative to how humans operate. Either you're standing, or you're lying on the floor - I wonder how and when we realized that the happiest medium is to be sitting on something that elevates us without the effort needed to stay standing.'

And then I immediately went back to not talking. He ended up staying silent for the couple more hours we played, and just quietly tabled his hand whenever he won a pot off me.


Basically by doing this you can accomplish two things: you completely derail his aggression with such a bizarre response, and by having done something so unorthodox it throws him off completely since he can't fathom any real reason for you having said something so strange. In doing so, you completely out-level your opponent in a way that he isn't even capable of realizing just happened.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 06:59 AM
I personally witnessed RobFarha get nitrolled by a 20yo kid in a hoodie today and can confirm there were no punches thrown.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 07:19 AM
Raise AK over 2 limps to 30, good, yet straightforward euro kid on my immediate left calls.

AQ4r, cbet 45 he calls.

Turn Q bet 120 he calls.

river 6 bet 225 he agonizes, tanks for 2 minutes and calls with


god help me
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 04:03 PM
Well, in the end you had control and didn't do anything you'ld regret.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
There are 3 limps including some asian regular who overlimps after 2 people and I look down at AK and make 35. They fold to him and he throws out a black chip and 40 reds and starts flipping out that he threw in the wrong chip.
I'm not trying to nitpick/be an ass, I'm generally confused but how does someone "throw out" a black chip and 40 reds? 40 reds are 2 stacks of course, can you tell us how he did this and also a black chip and make it look like an error? I can't picture this in my mind/did he have the black buried?
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 04:18 PM
40 dollars in red.

8 red betting units
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 04:35 PM
rob-think the point is that he threw in 9 chips for a bet that would have taken 7. if he threw in 130 (6 reds and 1 black) then the angle would have been a tiny bit believable (unlikely though)

but he threw in 2 extra chips...obvious angle is obvious
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:23 PM
Or that he meant to throw in exactly 2 stacks, which is the same as Rob's 2 stacks bet.

I think it would be more of an angle if the chips were of an odd number as oppose to even.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:25 PM

You should be angry at yourself for falling for such a transparent trap. Getting angry at the fish for this angle shoot seems misplaced.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Raise AK over 2 limps to 30, good, yet straightforward euro kid on my immediate left calls.

AQ4r, cbet 45 he calls.

Turn Q bet 120 he calls.

river 6 bet 225 he agonizes, tanks for 2 minutes and calls with


god help me
The board did run out with backdoor clubs but it still took him 2 minutes to conclude he was good at least 28% of the time. Inside I was like

I felt kinda bad for the nice lady that was sitting to my right. Nut worst seat in the room.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-05-2013 , 06:57 PM
I'm surprised you fell for the angle too. I'm even more surprised that you hadn't already seen this move w all the hours of live poker you've played.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-06-2013 , 06:55 AM
I'm not going to argue miniscule points on the exact amount of chips thrown into the pot and how that influences what happened. I got angled. Hard.

Should I of known better? Yes. Does that make the situation any more kosher? No. Apparently I need anger classes. I will seek counseling soon to ****** my uncontrollable rage.

On the flip side.

Games are incredible and I have put in 45 hours the past 4 days. I will be grinding like an absolute maniac until WSOP is over and then go back to Connecticut for my birthday and a few weeks vacation.

I have some bankroll goals I would like to accomplish by the end of the summer so we will see how that goes. I lost a few thousand including the 1k angle and that kind of stopped me from playing 5/10 at Bellagio. Speaking to taylor (the world famous cushlash) who has played both games extensively his opinion is that the V 2/5 is just as big as the 5/10 at Bellagio so theres really no reason to "move up" when games at V are this good.

A few hands from todays session where I thought I played very well.

It's amazing the impact that one big loss can have on your session. I played a few pots today where I made some hero folds in spots where I just don't think my opponents are bluffing enough to be profitable.

They really just have it.

I raise 87 to 25 after a limp in MP


cbet 75, get called by a fishy guy with 500 left, big blind who called after 3 callers check raises me to 175. I call. Fishy guy calls and has 400 and change left.

Kid snap bombs turn for 480 or something. I fold. We would of had about 1100 after the 480. I really think a queen high flush is a fold there against most people and certainly this straightforward ABC/tight kid.

Stacking off there would ruin my day.

I raise 99 to 20 from utg and get called by 4 people including the button who is pretty straightforward as well. He isos pre but doesn't 3bet at all, nothing out of line.


Cbet 80 into 100. Get called by button only.

947 J

I check call 200 for a couple of reasons.

I think my opponent will bet the turn with his entire range.

If he floats me with the A10x or jx or whatever I expect him to bet after I check cause it's tough for me to have more than one pair after checking. If he has a flopped flush, he will bet, underset, he will bet. There is really no hand he checks here.

So instead of betting, and risking getting raised and stuffing it in against a (raising) range that beats me, I allow him to keep his range as wide as possible and I have enough equity/implied odds to call.

river 7.

Yay. We got home.

947 J7

Check river for the same reason I check turn. He is going to bet.

He bets 350. I stuff 400 over it. Calls fairly quickly, shows me the nut flush and I'm like


Games are good. Vegas in the summer is amazing.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-06-2013 , 07:10 PM
Re: angle, stuff like that happens and people (in this case rob) makes mistakes, I'd be willing to bet a lot that he'll never lose that way again and at least there's that.

Lol at people thinking rob has anger issues. Nobody's happy after they lose that pot, ignoring the angle aspect.

Rob thoughts on rio 2/5, dealers/no comps etc are bad, but games are phenomenal and it's probably biggest 2/5.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-06-2013 , 11:55 PM
Been crushing the 5/10 at the rio. Highly recommended playing in it with a super nit style since your roll isn't huge Rob.

Saw a lady stack off $3000 twice in an hour. Once with JJ on a Q83rainbow board and another with Q10 on a 1074rainbow board.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-07-2013 , 07:41 AM
-300 today. Lost some big pots as a 4-1 and 9-1 favorite. Made one big barrel against squid face where he flopped trip 3s and raised my turn bet.

Still putting in crazy volume.

Tommorow will be a day off because I intend on winning a softball championship and then getting hammered. Have some interesting hands vs various playertypes I will post tommorow or the day after going into more detail again.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-07-2013 , 07:43 AM
I try to get rob to value own himself...

I just lost 1300 pot AI on flop w 33 vs AK on A 6 3 flop vs kid who bum hunted me and thinks I'm splash, I may appear tilted and showed a 3b bluff an orbit earlier w 9 3 sooted... But I've played prob 10 hrs w rob and in general should seem solid, and I know he loves value

So... 650 eff

Rob opens mp to 20 (he's been snug/card dead this session for an hour or so)

Folds to me in BB I flat w AdAc (I play this hand like this under5% of time and should be 3 betting here basis image and earlier play)

Flop Qs 7c 3s (pot 40)

My plan is to ck call 3 streets and let him value town barrel etc

He bets 30 I call

Turn 7d (pot 100) I ck call 75

River 2x (pot 250)

I ck he bets 115 I call

His range? I should be leading flop and ck shoving this river praying he views me as tilted and trying to get him to bet fold AQ KQ etc and basis how I played hand

Thoughts loyal thread readers?
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-07-2013 , 09:59 AM
You played your hand terrible

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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
06-07-2013 , 11:29 AM
You have no read on his range, b/c you never led the betting and you're out of position. As played he could have any high spade draw, KK-77 (lol), 33, K7-67, AK, AQ, KQ, QJ, Q10, 45ss, 56ss. Just about half the deck really.

Next time take control of the betting. I don't mind the call with AA since you only have one opponent, but against a good opponent I would suggest reraising OOP and hoping to take the hand down right there. Hard to extract value and range him out of position the rest of the hand unless you donk bet and get lucky that he hit the Q on the flop or a flush draw and caught the 7. You are just very lucky that the turn and river were blanks, or you could have been put in a really tough spot.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
