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Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas

06-03-2013 , 12:00 AM
Donating to charity is awesome, plus if it makes pure feel good then why not? A small donation won't hurt his bankroll, but will boost his happiness.

200 hours is very realistic. Worst case scenario shoot for the stars land on the moon.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-03-2013 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
Donating to charity is awesome, plus if it makes pure feel good then why not? A small donation won't hurt his bankroll, but will boost his happiness.

200 hours is very realistic. Worst case scenario shoot for the stars land on the moon.
Also can just donate his time to a shelter or something. Doesn't have to be money although that may have been what he had in mind. Or even just seeing a homeless person outside the grocery store and buying him a few pieces of food while you are in there doesn't cost much but will be very appreciated.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-03-2013 , 01:26 AM
Nice goals to grind up a bankroll and move to Vegas but honestly there are alot softer games in Florida!!!
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-03-2013 , 12:43 PM
I'm helping some friends move apartments so might just take the day off.

I was playing at MGM yesterday and I squeeze on the btn. English guy in sb tank folds. I think is sees me lurking 2+2 on my busted phone and starts grilling me and eventually is like "I know who you are I should have 4b." Same guy 6b jams aces over a recreational players 80bb shove for 200bb and got called by a reg with AKs which of course makes a flush that was pretty gross. Fwiw I thought you played excellent man, if your friends hadn't told me I would have had no idea you were shot taking, keep it up you'll be crushing in no time.

June 2013

Total hours played- 18.5
Average hourly winrate- $0
Winnings- -$3

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 755.5
Average hourly winrate- $14
Winnings- $10252
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-03-2013 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzbrah
Too ambitious imo.

1. Have you ever played close to 200 hours?

I played 96 hrs the first half of last month so I know I can do it. I have played 170 hrs in a month iirc. 200 shouldn't be that much more difficult.

2. Do you work out daily now? Do you work out every other day now?

I've been working out this whole year on average about every other day. Im not going to do anything too strenuous just a few sets of PUs and SUs every morning when I wake up and going on some runs.

3. Do you currently eat healthy or unhealthily? How long have you eaten unhealthily?

I have always ate too much junk and fast food. Buying fruit from the store and eating it daily shouldn't be hard at all.

4. What do you mean by stay hydrated? Drink lots of liquids? Cut out pop and drink purely water?

Yes I want to drink almost exclusively water. It is really important to drink a lot because of the hot dry climate.

5. Donate to charity? Great goal, but very unrealistic and improbable. You're making $2k a month, which is barely above minimum wage and I'm assuming you haven't paid taxes yet. Donating to charity is always good, but you have to be well funded and comfortable yourself.

I am relatively comfortable as is, there are many less fortunate that me and I want to have their back. I'll probably play better knowing that some of what I win will go to a good cause.

Why I say these are all too ambitious is because they're extreme. If you've never played close to 200 hours, why are you trying to aim so high? If the most you've ever played is, say, 150 hours, then why not make a goal of 160 hours? And each month afterwards, increase that slowly. It's a much more manageable pace.

And it's the same for all of these. If you don't workout at least every other day, then why immediately go for the fences when you can't hit the fences every time? The goal of goals is to set yourself up to be able to continue that goal with relative ease. It should become ingrained, like a second nature. Much easier to continue the lifestyle that way than forcing yourself to an extreme for one month.
Your are right about the incremental improvement, as long as I am making progress I am happy. I would rather set my goals too high and fall short than set my goals low and achieve them with ease. Thanks for your input!
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-03-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by pure_aggression
Goals for the month-

[ ] play 200+ hrs no excuses
[ ] go over 100+ hhs with my coach
[ ] work out daily
[ ] eat healthy (at least 2 fruits or veges daily)
[ ] stay hydrated
[ ] get enough sleep
[ ] donate to charity

I have been running into a lot of poker friends from all over, good to see they are all alive and well.

June 2013

Total hours played- 9
Average hourly winrate- $14
Winnings- $130

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 746
Average hourly winrate- $14
Winnings- $10385
all easily done. Just do 10 six hour sets every week. ez
HHs should be easy too. just send one every hour that you grind
workingout can be pushups. ez
the rest you do anyway

paying owed tickets>charity!

hell its kinda like charity anyway
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-03-2013 , 03:27 PM
Yeah that was me took me a while to figure out who you were, the cracked phone gave it away!

Yeah that AA hand wasn't nice.I actually thought he had more than 80bbs at the time so could possible flat his raise but that looks just as strong. I know seat 9 who called with AK and I actually didn't want him in, I was already up a buy in and was happy to take seat 1s money. Iv been running really bad last few days so losing that pot sucked even more, just wanted to book a win.

Yeah when you 3bet the btn I wasn't that deep so I can either 4bet to 220 get it in or fold. I think I only saw you showdown JJ when you sqz pre before, which was another sick hand too.

Anyway appreciate the comments, I'm sure I will see you again before the end of the series, GL!
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-05-2013 , 06:51 PM
I see a lot of billboards for ultimate poker, they even have radio adds. I'll probably try it when I get my laptop, I hope the software doesn't suck.

Time to put in some long sessions.

June 2013

Total hours played- 21
Average hourly winrate- $2
Winnings- $46

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 758
Average hourly winrate- $14
Winnings- $10301
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-06-2013 , 07:35 PM
I got to meet and hang out with Aesah for a bit, super friendly guy.

Only ended up playing 5 hrs but played ok, made a few mistakes but no big ones.

June 2013

Total hours played- 26
Average hourly winrate- $27
Winnings- $706

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 763
Average hourly winrate- $14
Winnings- $10961
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-07-2013 , 04:23 PM
I got in a full day, played solid almost made $1k. I'm am back out of makeup so that is good. On pace to hit 200.

June 2013

Total hours played- 35
Average hourly winrate- $48
Winnings- $1654

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 771.5
Average hourly winrate- $15
Winnings- $11909
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-07-2013 , 06:25 PM
Nice job my friend!

I've seen aesah on latb he seems quite friendly and is always going to "meet ups" to meet new people seems like a good way to make friends in a new town.

Keep crushing gogogogogo
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-08-2013 , 06:30 AM
I was able to meet this 2+2 Forum posting warrior tonight.

I even had plans to write a story about what happened today when I met dhcg86, Stampler, Pure Aggression, etc.....


The bastards...

Got me too damn high.

So, I'll just tell you what the point of the story was going to be.

The point is...

I had plans to play poker tonight, but I set those plans aside to meet some potentially amazing people.

I wasn't disappointed.

Although I didn't get to know each as of them as much as I'd like, I learned enough to know that even though I didn't have a fat stick of chips in front of me on this Friday night, I was still winning.

Poker can truly bring people of different ages, religions, and cultures together.

Nice to meet you all tonight.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-08-2013 , 10:56 AM
Oh and your charity goal?:
Easy "buy a homeless person some food"
It will make you feel better and he/she will be grateful! (Hopefully)

(+) donate to charity
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-08-2013 , 07:16 PM
It is starting to get into the triple digits and probably won't cool off until fall, I need to adjust my sleep schedule a little bit so I only have to got outside when the sun is down. I played a short session, played one big pot set vs overpair.

Met LotGrinder, very cool guy with a talent for writing.

June 2013

Total hours played- 36.5
Average hourly winrate- $58
Winnings- $2130

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 774
Average hourly winrate- $16
Winnings- $12385
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-08-2013 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Stacking Chips
Oh and your charity goal?:
Easy "buy a homeless person some food"
It will make you feel better and he/she will be grateful! (Hopefully)

(+) donate to charity
I think I can invest 10 bucks at the grocery store and make some sandwiches to hand out.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-08-2013 , 07:43 PM
That's a great idea!
+live ev (very important)
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-09-2013 , 08:49 PM
I got in a swingy session started off down 2 buyins then won some sick pots and was up 2 buyins eventually left down a little. The table was really good. I'm going to play a long sess today.

109 degrees outside.

June 2013

Total hours played- 47
Average hourly winrate- $42
Winnings- $1947

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 784
Average hourly winrate- $16
Winnings- $12202
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-09-2013 , 09:44 PM
I know you can't progress as a player if you leave every time you are up a few buy ins, but give your situation I would think you should.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-10-2013 , 05:17 PM
I crushed pretty hard today and got to chill with a buddy from Borgata.

June 2013

Total hours played- 52.5
Average hourly winrate- $61
Winnings- $3225

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 789.5
Average hourly winrate- $17
Winnings- $13480
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-10-2013 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
I know you can't progress as a player if you leave every time you are up a few buy ins, but give your situation I would think you should.
I've got plenty of bullets, no reason to leave a juicy table.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-11-2013 , 08:06 AM
Yeah no need to leave when you get coolered but when playing bad it's ok.
Recognizing it first then acting upon by leaving and not excessive flipping for stacks!! Been there too many times..
By by roll
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-11-2013 , 09:55 PM
Falling a little behind pace have to pick it up.

June 2013

Total hours played- 55
Average hourly winrate- $60
Winnings- $3305

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 792
Average hourly winrate- $17
Winnings- $13560
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-11-2013 , 11:02 PM
Falling a little behind pace have to pick it up.

June 2013

Total hours played- 55
Average hourly winrate- $60
Winnings- $3305

2013 YTD

Total hours played- 792
Average hourly winrate- $17
Winnings- $13560
Hey buddy, don't sweat it, I have a 9-5 and have only "worked" 1 more hour than you this month. AND you're making more /hr than me. I'd consider the month a success so far.

Sent from my DROIDX using 2+2 Forums
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-13-2013 , 01:56 AM
which stakes are you playing? are the 1/2 games really "non-beatable" because of rake?
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
06-13-2013 , 06:40 AM
There is just so much more money at two five. One two is just a stepping stone, it's still beatable for 15 an hour long term though. I'd like to see someone who's logged 1k hours with a 200 max beating it for $25. Not saying it's impossible, but it'd they are that good they might as well move up to 2/5.
Grinding up a bankroll to move to Vegas Quote
