Turn: ($27.50) 2 (3 players)
BB bets $18.81, Hero raises to $43, BTN folds, BB raises to $267.15 and is all-in, Hero calls $72.02 and is all-in
River: ($257.54) 3 (2 players, 2 are all-in)
Results: $257.54 pot ($3.00 rake)
Final Board: J 4 T 2 3
BB showed T T and lost (-$124.02 net)
Hero showed J J and won $254.54 ($130.52 net)
BTN mucked and lost (-$9 net)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 9 9
UTG raises to $2.50, MP folds, CO calls $2.50, BTN folds, Hero raises to $13, BB folds, UTG calls $10.50, CO calls $10.50
Flop: ($40) K 4 7 (3 players)
Hero bets $22, UTG folds, CO raises to $87 and is all-in, Hero calls $65
Turn: ($214) 8 (2 players, 1 is all-in) River: ($214) A (2 players, 1 is all-in)
Results: $214 pot ($3 rake)
Final Board: K 4 7 8 A
Hero showed 9 9 and won $211 ($111 net)
UTG mucked and lost (-$13 net)
CO mucked Q J and lost (-$100 net)
sick grind gazzy and glgl, how many hands have you played this month and how much more do you intend to play?
Thanks buddy. 20 days into the challenge and I've played 146k hands, got 10 days left so I'll probably hit 210k hands this month.
Thanks a lot for all the kind words, really struggling again the last few days being on the wrong side of variance. Keeping my cool as best I can though. Did throw a wee hissy fit right at the end and smack the mouse off the desk today tho, gotta release sometimes.
Everyone I talk to keeps saying "how you doing? 12 days left!" "11 days to go, you must be so tired" "10 days left, keep going!", but hand on heart I am not tired of the grind at all; I'd do another 30 day challenge on top of this one with ease if I could just run normally.
My favourite whale was playing today. Love this guy.
Yeah that's true. Also for the first time tonight I felt like I just wanted to get this challenge finished, but I think that's again just down to the level of being scunnered and not fatigue.
Shambles of a weekend, lost 8-0 with the football team I manage, lost 5-4 with the semi-professional youth team I coach, and got absolutely smashed at the tables.
I am world class at Fifa, it's been my one release this month, and I canny win a game at it either.
I'm doooooooooooooomed.
Edit - give us some more sad songs. I listened to some of the stuff posted last time, and I wasn't a fan. I thought that Antlers album was gash (no offence). This is the sorta thing I'm after...
Quite liked the Ohia song, didn't like the Micah P Hinson song. Quite liked the Bright Eyes one, and absolutely loved the The Replacements one. My brother went to see them at a music festival in Boston, he's a big fan. Good work! Any more efforts are more than welcome.
This is gonna be yet another "look at me I run so bad" post. I actually came close to quitting again today, but just gotta keep going. Again, it's not a physical/mental tiredness, it's just upsetting how much I've dropped so far. I'll post the full graph at the end, but at one point today I hit my biggest losing day whilst playing B game at worst, and still had 4k hands to go. Some hands (these are all from today...).
Would also like to say just now that I don't feel tilted/mad/frustrated when these occur any more, it's just like a deep sadness. Kind of like when I discovered Dominos got rid of the Dominator base... anyway...
Let's start with a good one. Didn't even think about this, just smashed the call button.
River: ($107.40) J (2 players)
SB bets $78.83 and is all-in, Hero calls $78.83
Results: $265.06 pot ($3 rake)
Final Board: 7 T 5 T J
SB showed 5 6 and lost (-$132.53 net)
Hero showed 9 8 and won $262.06 ($129.53 net)
There's a dude I play against a lot, Sir_Fisher. Mad props to the guy, he gives a lot of action, and calls me down super light. This is a fistpump jam tbh, like he's calling down super super wide OTR and I think I lose to QJ/QT/JTdd otr.
Preflop: Hero is BB with 3 3
UTG raises to $2.50, 4 folds, Hero calls $1.50
Flop: ($5.50) T 3 6 (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $3.50, Hero raises to $12, UTG raises to $29, Hero raises to $177.97 and is all-in, UTG calls $68.50 and is all-in
Turn: ($200.50) 7 (2 players, 2 are all-in) River: ($200.50) 9 (2 players, 2 are all-in)
Results: $200.50 pot ($3.00 rake)
Final Board: T 3 6 7 9
Hero showed 3 3 and lost (-$100 net)
UTG showed 6 6 and won $197.50 ($97.50 net)
Howww do we missssss. Felt like I should bluff river, and vs a fish this sizing does the same job as jamming for $90ish total
Results: $104.34 pot ($3 rake)
Final Board: 9 5 Q A J
Hero mucked K T and lost (-$50.42 net)
BTN showed 6 5 and won $101.34 ($50.92 net)
Plus a bunch of flips.
I think I'll commit to not updating in here until my next winning day, as I'm just releasing after bad days when I do update and it must be monotonous to read.
T7hh i just 3bet/gii on the flop
AKo seems very bad ott since you block both diamonds and clubs
AK on KKJJx you're calling to chop vs 99.9% of regs,folding would be very sick if you're able to I think its safe to assume he never bluffs there
rest of the hands seemed fine,gl and keep the grind
T7hh i just 3bet/gii on the flop
AKo seems very bad ott since you block both diamonds and clubs
AK on KKJJx you're calling to chop vs 99.9% of regs,folding would be very sick if you're able to I think its safe to assume he never bluffs there
rest of the hands seemed fine,gl and keep the grind
Why gii with T7? Against a fish we can just draw and play more perfectly depending on which cards come out.
Thanks for the songs, will listen later. Regarding T7, I think we can call or raise, it doesnt make much difference. To be honest when I'm not running well at all I'm happy to call and reduce the variance a little bit. Cardician you're absolutely right, I wish I had learned that a couple of years ago
Said I wasn't gonna update again but have to vent. First time in weeks I've felt actual anger as opposed to just disappointment. Couple of mistakes in there but nothing earth shattering.