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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** **Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides**

10-05-2014 , 09:58 AM
When I first read "Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides" I was not expecting you to be a white country boy... Just saying.

Also are you going to be here until Nov 8th for the EDC?
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-05-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by HurricaneWill
When I first read "Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides" I was not expecting you to be a white country boy... Just saying.

Also are you going to be here until Nov 8th for the EDC?
Lmao! I am from NC my dude.... And I might be, gonna get up with this dealer and see what the plan is!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-05-2014 , 08:42 PM
Another mid session update... Already had one table change and debating another. Not the greatest action today, plus I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. Fml

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-06-2014 , 04:33 PM
Last nights session ended up -270 or so. It was a pretty swingy session all around. I give myself a grade of b as far as my play is concerned, def got into some marginal spots. Left and picked up meds last night, actually feel a little better than I thought I would this morning. Currently on the wait list at best bet and plan on playing as long as I feel up to it!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-07-2014 , 03:47 PM
Having a great time in Jacksonville! Sitting in the gym parking lot right now about to go throw around some iron! Finished a solid session last night, +1200. Give myself an A- on my play, overall I played solid but did get into a few spots where my mind went blank for some reason. Good news is that I'm getting over this sickness quicker than I thought! Planning on grinding later tonight after gym, shower, and dinner. Will probably shoot an update from the laptop late tonight!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:17 PM
Jacksonville has been going great! Feeling more comfortable in the games and have started playing a lot more solid! It's been a while since I've updated and just bought a laptop yesterday so to hopefully get some interest I'm uploading TONS of CHIP PORN!!! And another great note, I was lucky enough to turn a high hand promo into a 5k WPT Main Event seat!!! Really stoked about freerolling into a 5k!

**Stats since I got here on Oct 1**

Obviously my stats aren't that great... Had a bit of a rough patch the first 2 weeks I was here. A mix between runbad and playing even worse.. I've since tweaked my play and am playing on a more balanced schedule. I was playing way too many hours the first few weeks I was here and got really burnt out which showed in my results!

Last edited by CEnos90; 10-27-2014 at 02:25 PM.
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:44 PM
One more thing... Busted 15th in the Bovada 200k last night! Extremely happy with how I played but fml, couldn't win a race when I really needed to! Oh well, on to the next! I did play event 1 of the WPT here in jax as well and busted day 1. I'm playing Event 4 tomorrow at noon, event 6 ($350 100k) over the weekend then the 5k main! I'll definitely try to start updating here more regularly!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-28-2014 , 05:12 PM
Busted Event 4. Really didn't get anything going all day. Peaked my stack at 29k from 12k starting stack but kinda dwindled down as the blinds went up without being able to find a decent spot to pick up any chips. About to change and go workout. Debating on playing online tonight or live cash. Don't really wanna be burnt out playing live before the $350 this weekend so may just take it easy and play online later!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-29-2014 , 06:26 PM
Just started my session and the tables look promising!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-29-2014 , 07:27 PM
Looks too me like you have better results at Orange Park Kennel Club...
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
10-29-2014 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by HurricaneWill
Looks too me like you have better results at Orange Park Kennel Club...
Lol 5 hour sample my dude...

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
11-10-2014 , 02:24 PM
Just left Jacksonville, heading to SC then back home to spend time with family before heading to Cherokee at the end of the month for the WSOPc! I'll be posting a full trip update tonight when I get settled in back home!

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
11-11-2014 , 06:50 PM
Trip Report (with giraffes!!!!):

I'm just now getting some free time to give a TR on my Jax adventures... I had a great opportunity to stay with a friend that lived right down the road from Best Bet Jax and it was the perfect chance to add some cushion to my br. The first couple of weeks were def a little rough. To anyone who has been following this thread, knows I'm relatively new to live poker. I noticed some of the regs that I know crush the game play more of a LAG style and being a newbie, I tried to emulate. This went pretty terrible and I ended up dropping around 7 BIs the first couple weeks. I felt like I'd never recover. But finally after some rungood and fixing my play I def came out a winner on the 5 weeks I was in town. I also got the opportunity to play the WPT 5k Main Event. I got eliminated on day 1, lost a flip to Johnathon Little QQ<AK aipf. Not much else to say, I think it was standard for both players and I don't like complaining about losing. It was a great experience being able to play with top pros and to my surprise, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be. I also played both 50ks, the 100k, and a smaller prelim with no gtd. I def played a few more tournaments than I should have but caught the bug for a few days. As far as 2/5 goes, I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with the game. It's a worlds difference from when I first started playing a few months ago.
I wasn't the best money manager while I was there and spent a little more on food than I should have, bought a new laptop and also had some issues with my car... The pics are on my instagram if anyone is curious (cenos90). It looks a lot worse than it was... Overall the trip was definitely worth it and I learned a lot and made some money!

Now for the pictures:

(Total since thread started)

(Cash and Tourney during trip)

I'm down at my dads in SC right now but booked my trip for the WSOPc in Cherokee, NC from Nov. 28th-Dec. 8th this morning! Going home to NC this weekend for thanksgiving then heading out for that! Met a guy in Jax that wanted to go to Cherokee so planning on splitting the room with him! Should be another great opportunity. Plan is to play event 1 only unless I am able to satty the main for cheap then just grind cash! Should be fun! Until next time, good luck on the tables!!!
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:44 AM
Happy about your success man, you'll crush this goal of becoming pro by Jan 2015. You already are a pro. My title would just be: Cash Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M., GET THE MONEY, DOLLA DOLLA BILL Y'ALL.
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
11-12-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by wangtangkiki
Happy about your success man, you'll crush this goal of becoming pro by Jan 2015. You already are a pro. My title would just be: Cash Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M., GET THE MONEY, DOLLA DOLLA BILL Y'ALL.
Haha thanks a lot brotha!!! And yeah I kinda like that title lol

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
04-06-2015 , 12:58 AM
They just called you for a 10k drawing at mdl.. tough beat
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
04-06-2015 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by ImyoPusha
They just called you for a 10k drawing at mdl.. tough beat
Are you serious...?

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
04-06-2015 , 12:04 PM
Yea it was the midnight/last drawing and u only had 30 seconds to get it, I recognized ur name and felt ur pain, u still grinding here?
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
04-06-2015 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by ImyoPusha
Yea it was the midnight/last drawing and u only had 30 seconds to get it, I recognized ur name and felt ur pain, u still grinding here?
Yeah man, actually moved to Baltimore in February. Been grinding full time since. I flew back home for a couple weeks, I'll be back on the 15th. Do you play there often?

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**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
04-07-2015 , 12:38 AM
Only place I play but only go a couple days a month
**Granted 9 to 5 is how you survive; I ain't tryna survive, I'm tryna throw my Momma in rides** Quote
