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Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here

12-30-2014 , 07:32 PM
Cliffs on my history before I set the goals & challenges since I just drank coffee and feel like blathering:

Started playing poker around my registration date in '07. I ran my BR up >$10k a few times after reading Harrington and 2p2, then cashed out and went busto, got a job and ran it up again, quit, cashed out and went busto again a couple times. I was really bad and dreaded post-flop play. I would cbet 2xbb and give up if called. I was good at 50 tabling. I hit some big >20k scores. Eventually I was busto and couldn't pay for my own apartment, and was grinding $2/180s for rent when black friday hit. I was loyal to Pokerstars and overlooked the emerging US facing sites. Sick, because I had just found training sites and was actually working on my game. I moved back in with my folks and went back to uni. I then got back into live cash and ran it up at $1/2 at the local casino. I splurged on a training site memberships and started getting better. I finally got money online after being inspired by this guy's thread, and ofc started binking tournaments under-rolled, which always came naturally to me, as I literally have 100x'd my BR on at least 3 occasions in big Sunday tournies in the past, and I started winning at 25nl Zone as well.

As of right now I have ~1.3k online playing 25nl and a $21/hr winrate at 1/2-2/5 over the past 528.5 hours over the last 4.5 months. I had not played more than 200 hours of live lifetime prior to 4.5 months ago. My life roll is like $10k.

Fitness wise, I started 5x5 about a year ago and was squatting 1.5x body weight, and then 8 months ago had an ACL, medial, and lateral meniscus tear playing soccer, lost all my muscle. I'm about 90% recovered and have been back at 5x5 and am currently squatting and deadlifting 105lbs 5x5 @ 155lbs bodyweight, whilst benching 145lb 5x5

o Aiming for an ambitious $100k in winnings. This pretty much means I need to run well for the first month or two at 1/3, and then continue to run well at 2/5 and not drop down while putting in loads of hours on and offline.
o Graduate uni (only 1 class left, calculus, at a tough school though)
o Nofap except for fap Saturdays, which I may cut out as well
o Only drink during tournaments, not cash
o Dunk a basketball
o Squat and deadlift 1rm 405lbs, bench 315lbs
o Read a book a week, mostly at the casino poker table
o Make this thread entertaining: I'll post hands, try to include some bits of knowledge from my ongoing study of my game, my antics from the live poker tables, and maybe some stuff about books I'm reading or the gym
Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here Quote
01-17-2015 , 11:04 PM
Uni update then a fitness and poker update: Last semester I struggled in Pre-cal, working my ass off in the math lab daily, and ended up receiving a D, which didn't meet the prerequisite for Calculus, but I somehow got regged for the class. So this semester I have and AMAZING calculus teacher, and am so excited! It's my last class before graduation, and I have an entire semester to dedicate to this class alone.

So fast forward to Friday's class. There was a guy who sat in the front, who hadn't attended Monday or Wednesday, and who pretty much constantly talked throughout the class. He would crack a joke, and then turn to see the class' reaction. He insta-snap-responded to all of the teacher's rhetorical questions. He was being real cheeky with the girls sitting to his left and right. He pretty much ruined it for me, and I could tell others were heavily distracted as well. The professor tries shushing him and completely ignoring him, but he persisted, and the professor never came down on him for it. After class he didn't have anything to say to him.

I approach the troll after class, intending to just tell him to STFU in more or less words. I start out with, "Hey man what's up" to which he responds "sup" and continues walking. Not knowing what I would say next, I go with, "what do you study here, man?" He responds, "Physics, why" as he walks away. I go, "oh, so are you good at math?" "Yes", he says, as he turns in a different direction. I pause briefly, thinking ****, this guy is a real ****ing *******. Hmmm, can't let him off the hook, he's ruining this class for me and others. I say, "Hey man, look, I just wanted to ask... I just wanted to know if you could possibly like slow do...." He cuts me off, "I have a disability. I try hard EVERY day." He then turns into a faculty members room, and I overhear somebody say, "Heyyy been waiting for you!"

I'm torn between thinking this guy's full of ****, some real life troll ******* from the netherworld of /b/, or he's actually ****ing disabled.

I go back and find the professor in his room and say, "Hey man, I talked to that guy who was disturbing class, he says he has a disability, tries hard at it, ever day..." Professor looks me square in the eye and says, "He is not lying, and there is ABsolutely nothing I can do about it" without breaking eye contact.

I walk out dismayed, but certainly not ready to let this go. I could just wait it out, or attend another section of the same class. Ah, I gotta call the office of disabilities and see how they could let this guy sit in a 60+ person classroom where he guaranteed ruins it for everybody. They have no answer and refer me to the Dean of Students. I now have an appointment with the Dean of Students Wed. at 9am, which I will not be attending as it's too risky considering I didn't even meet the pre-reqs for this class and could easily be tossed out.

There's no class Monday for MLK day, so we'll see how it goes Wednesday. I plan on sitting in the front, right next to the guy, so as to be able to hear both the ongoing discussions between the teacher and the class, and the guy and the teacher.

As for fitness, I've got back up to squatting and DLing plates, which is cool. I still bench more 5x5 than I squat or DL. I've been making these bags of rolled oats ($1.29/lb) mixed with granola ($3.99/lb) and sunflower seeds ($2.99/lb) and eating them at the poker table. The mix is something like 700 calories per cup, and I can down like 4 cups per hour. Ramen with veggies and eggs, and veggies in the Vitamix compose the other parts of my diet. I eat some local ethnic food once every few days, too.

I ran it up on the Bovada account. Between committing ICM suicide with 6 left wasted during a tourney FT, then taking a drunk shot at 5/10, then 10/20 NL, not to mention 5/10 PLO, and breaking evenish over 5k hands of Zone poker, I managed to run it up to $4,500. I withdrew $1,500, bought Bovada hand converter so I can log my sessions in my ancient copy of PT3, and today purchased Holdemindicator for $93 and made ~$100 in the first 30 minutes of using it, paying for itself. I'll be grinding 50-200nl, bumhunting 6max games, playing FR where more fish are, and grinding tournies. I'm also up about $1,400 live since my OP, bringing my grand total of winnings to something close to on pace to $100k. Yeeeeeaaahhh buddy.
Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here Quote
02-16-2015 , 08:56 AM
Nice thread. Is Holdemindicator a solid software? I am trying to decide if it makes sense to go that route or to use the bodog poker hand convertor to use with HM1/HM2.

Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here Quote
06-05-2015 , 06:29 PM
Yikes, nice long blog post to start this thread. I get carried away.

Originally Posted by bpmst2
Nice thread. Is Holdemindicator a solid software? I am trying to decide if it makes sense to go that route or to use the bodog poker hand convertor to use with HM1/HM2.

Holdemindicator is very solid.

Update time:

Bad news is I'm only up 2.65k over 229 hrs of live 1/2 and 1/3 this year and I've probably made 5k or so on Bovada I'm dead broke (about 3k to my name) and living at home. I tore an intercostal muscle and couldn't lift for two months, so I'm slacking on my fitness goals. The ATM machine ate $500 that I tried to pull out for live cash and there's an investigation pending. It should return to my acct in a week.

Good news is I graduated school, I'm dead sober, nofapping, and got my old GrindBox up and running with a fresh installation of PT3. Plus I got hired at 3 different places, all ****ty jobs, in the past couple days. I'm doing mealprep (check out to save money and eat clean, and am back in the gym lifting heavy and cycling loads. I'm spending over 5 hours a day reading, and am generally waking up early which is huge for me.

It's time to buckle down and try really hard. I'll be throwing a few hours of study time in per week as well. I'm going to ****ing become financially independent of my parents and quit these loser jobs, go to grad school, and persue a career in science.

Here's the last 5 days of 25nl-100nl, and the entirety of my database on my new (old) GrindBox setup. I withdrew 75% of my roll and dropped down to 10nl today, and today's session is not represented on this graph.

Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here Quote
09-15-2015 , 01:37 AM
Having decent success in tournaments, and have been lazily boozing it up and playing every night. I've done quite a bit of work "in the lab" regarding tournaments though, so it's not too bad. The boozing is meh. Obviously this isn't going how I planned. Lost a $600 sportsbet I drunkenly made on Federer yesterday.

Next step in the process here is something I heard JNandez mention on his stream today: make short term goals ('stride' goal?). I also subbed to pokerjuice which seems to be a waste of money, and bought odds oracle pro, which PJ requires. Looking to buy ICMizer next.

Next goal: Make 2k at plo100 this week, check back in next monday.

Also found out about another cool stream this week 'rdrossel' is pretty good. not that i watch streams v much, but s/o rdrossel.

Edit: re: boozing while playing: At the moment it seems great. Got a bunch of tournies going deep? get drunk and talk **** in chat! woohhoooo! next morning it's just a different number in the poker account and a fat hangover. the disparity between the two is huge.

been jammin this George Harrison album a lot, too

Last edited by hERESY; 09-15-2015 at 01:49 AM.
Gonna try and make 2015 a good one here Quote
