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Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Going pro after 2k HUSNGs...

10-23-2013 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Emilbbs
Cool story. I also play the hyper hu on stars, just a little lower. Played a few 60 tough. Gl. Hope 2 see you soon at the 60´s ;-)
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-23-2013 , 07:00 PM
Gl buddy, following!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-23-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by hungry_hungarian
Gl buddy, following!
Thanks sir!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 01:19 AM
Day 36:

Decent day. Not ecstatic about my volume but it isn't my worst day, if I can do about the same tomorrow and then a big grind day on friday I should hit the 700 games for the week target on saturday.

Played u cnat spel again today for the last few games, he played well again, and I guess he was bored because we spoke for quite a long time about how he was a russian millionaire who only played for fun from his mansion in moscow, pretty amusing.

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 09:52 AM
Nearly there...

Hopefully I don't just miss again this month
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:01 AM
LOL, it's going to be a hard grind for those 73 vpps Subbed and gl!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:04 AM
As a former cash player, you have surprisingly low all time VPP count :P
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:07 AM
I'll guess OP 6-8 tabled cash games
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by LoudEcho
LOL, it's going to be a hard grind for those 73 vpps Subbed and gl!
Haha, I'm such a spaz I still may miss :P

Originally Posted by Dude Abides
As a former cash player, you have surprisingly low all time VPP count :P

Originally Posted by ...|...
I'll guess OP 6-8 tabled cash games
Lol well yeah I did, but on other sites. Those VPP's are from a bit of zoom, and some cash on stars from like 2008
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 11:20 AM
results are looking solid at the 60s ! grats.
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 02:52 PM
Really nice progress.
Following! Gl gl!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by S.J
results are looking solid at the 60s ! grats.
Thanks mate

Originally Posted by $Tetsuo$
Really nice progress.
Following! Gl gl!
Thank you sir!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-24-2013 , 08:00 PM

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-25-2013 , 01:03 AM
Day 37:

Another decent day in EV$$$ and another day where I end slightly disappointed with my volume. The 100 games I played today actually took a relatively long time as I 1 tabled a couple of decent regs for a while, one match in particular was super fun. The reg was really aggro with 3bets and iso's so I was limping some ridiculous amount and loads of cool stuff was happening. Pretty fun/interesting and I tried to implement some stuff I learned from playing u cnat spel yesterday.

Also got platinum star today (see above).

Overall a decent day.

Need to play more mother****ing volume!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-25-2013 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by kaimac

Looks like you made it after all. Supernova this year?

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-25-2013 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by LoudEcho
Looks like you made it after all. Supernova this year?

Haha just about yeah XD

Nah noone near unfortunately. Next year I will do! (I hope...)
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-26-2013 , 02:23 AM
Day 38:

Damn it! My Sharky expired!

Luckily I had already got in 100 games, but meant I couldn't play my final session so looks like I will miss my volume target this week zzzzzz. Actually may not be able to play anymore at all this week anyway as it is one of my best friends birthdays and we are all going out tomorrow afternoon/night (what up arjjjjj!) and I will no doubt be hungover as a mother****er on Sunday so I may as well wrap up the week now I guess.

Week 7:

Missed volume by a tonne and pretty much hit EV$$$ target. I think I am playing well but I am just not playing enough. I am actually finding it harder and harder to put in decent volume everyday for some reason, maybe I need a couple of days off or something. I just cannot concentrate for as long as I could a couple of weeks ago and I am needing longer breaks to be ready to play again, as well as obviously pissing about too much.

I think I will take tomorrow and Sunday off and try to come back strong next week when sharky is hopefully verified and I am somewhat refreshed.

I am also going to set daily volume targets now, ready for next week and I can have a more realistic target and be held accountable for volume more day to day and I am going to change the break down of my poker schedule. I think I am going to play sessions of 50 games, and just force myself to only have small breaks (<5 mins) during these sessions. If I can get into this routine I think I can plan for volume a lot better and make better use of my time. Obviously being this strict on session length is easier said than done but I don't think it is unreasonable and I think I will use next week as an experiment to see if I can finally increase my volume!

So if I aim for 650 games that is the equivalent of 13 sessions.

Monday: 2 sessions
Tuesday: 3 sessions
Wednesday: 3 sessions
Thursday: 2 sessions
Friday: 2 sessions
Saturday: 1 session
Sunday: Off

Easy right.........?

I'm pretty happy with my overall progress so far. I am well on course to be at the 100s sometime in November and then should have >1 month to establish myself as a reg there in order to hit that part of my target.

I am +5271 in EV$$$ so far so need about 12.8k ev$$$ more in 8 weeks. This will be really hard but it is still possible if I am put in some decent volume at the 100s (and actually beat them!) and decent volume elsewhere too obviously. Honestly I hugely overestimated how much volume I could put in and so my EV$$$ target is probably way too high, I am beating the games currently for a little more than I thought I would be at this point (In EV at least!) but >3k games a month 2 tabling is just too much for me at the moment so I think I am going to revise that goal to have a slightly more achievable/motivating target. So...

650 games x 8 weeks = 5200 games

5200 games x $1.50 = $7800

Currently at ~4,080 games so my new end of year goals are:

[ ] 9,280 games

[ ] +13k EV$$$

As well as:

[ ] Be an established 100 reg

Gonna have the weekend off and come back refreshed ready to get in 650 games a week! Have a good weekend guys!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-28-2013 , 01:34 PM
So, did you survive the birthday?
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-29-2013 , 01:14 AM
Day 39:

Kobmish, I did survive the Birthday! Possibly a weird question to ask for any non-British readers, but kobmish is obviously well aware of the British tradition of everyone getting wasted on a friends birthday, particularly the birthday boy/girl. In this case I managed to survive without being too drunk, as did, unfortunately my man Arj, whose birthday it was. He is a baller so managed to "sell" his brutal drinks to some of the poorer members of the group. One classic was a large glass of red wine, with a shot of black sambuca in it, which had to be drank in 1, which he managed to pay another of our friends £20 (!!!!) to drink. I was looking at it thinking I would probably drink it for about $1k, arj offered £20 to the group, I was ready to laugh and mock him for his pathetic attempt and my friend Andy snap accepted. Not only that, but he gave him the £20 back later (???). Jobbers are weird.

Anyway today was frustrating, ran pretty badly and didn't really play anyone too good. Actually didn't quite manage the 100 games but I am OK with this as I am quitting early so that I can get up "early" tomorrow to hit my 3 sessions. Will catch up the exta 24 games over the 3 sessions tomorrow. I hope...

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-29-2013 , 03:37 PM
Worst (husng) day ever so far :'(

Gonna quit the 60's for today and see how much I can grind back at the 30s.

GL me!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-29-2013 , 03:49 PM
It's only 10 buy ins though. I say continue playing 60s and end day in profit rather that going break even with help of 30s
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-30-2013 , 12:07 AM
Day 40:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Worst day so far.

Ran pretty brutally all day, played probably my c game for the first session (30 games or so) and for the rest I was fairly happy with my play but just got crusheddddd. At game 57 quit sitting the 60s and just tried to grind it out at the 30s, was grinding it back pretty well then got soul crushed again. Tough day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-30-2013 , 02:22 PM
head up man. you're a solid winner just keep playing your game (Y)
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-30-2013 , 02:48 PM
So, fish, I see the heater ended, huh?

On a more serious note, move back up and stop chasing regs at the 30s. The wl is long enough without you.
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-30-2013 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by S.J
head up man. you're a solid winner just keep playing your game (Y)
Thanks mate, appreciate the post.

Originally Posted by kobmish
So, fish, I see the heater ended, huh?

On a more serious note, move back up and stop chasing regs at the 30s. The wl is long enough without you.
Haha he was asking for it...
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
