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Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Going pro after 2k HUSNGs...

10-07-2013 , 11:58 PM
Day 25:

Today was a pretty tough day on the grind. I decided to one table for most of the day to try to just win some games and stop breaking even in ev every ****ing day but I played about 65 games 1 tabling and was stuck about 6 buy ins after 3.5 hours. That wasn't working out so I started 2 tabling and ended up winning a few EV$$$. Weird game...

I also had a really good study session first thing, reviewing a video and making notes/quesitons for my coaching session tomorrow evening. I am really pleased with this as i hate watching videos, but I forced myself to pay attention throughout which I am proud of, and I also really like this plan of doing all my study first thing and getting it out of the way. Makes the rest of the day so much better.

Todays graph, half one tabling and half two tabling, so even though it is pretty low volume it still took me like 6+ hours. zzzzz!

Hopefully I will run better tomorrow!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-08-2013 , 11:44 PM
Day 26:

So today was much the same as the last few days, got stuck a lot straight away to some brutal coolers and ended up breaking even, so my b/e stretch is now getting to around 700 games and it is getting pretty depressing

On the plus side though I did about 3.5 hours study away from the tables today and think I have made some changes which will make me considerably more profitable in the coming months, just need a bit of luck now to reap the rewards!

It has also been exactly one month since I went pro as a husng player. Pretty disapponted with my results/volume but I am happy with how far my game has come already, if I can continue this rate of improvement for the rest of the year I am still very confident in achieving my goals.

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-08-2013 , 11:55 PM

Is that months or what robot.
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-09-2013 , 12:21 AM
Hey noobis, hope youre doing good bro! Still 9 tabling?

Yeah that is 30 days I think.
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-09-2013 , 10:25 PM
Nice job dude 2k plus rb/bonus...awesome
Am ok bro,yes still 9 tables running pretty hot
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-09-2013 , 10:42 PM
GL with goals and poker in general OP. Just flicked in few $30 hu hypers at end of my grind to gambol and play the usual punters and realised I was a dog to you pretty quickly, you'll move up quickly im sure!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-10-2013 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by noobis
Nice job dude 2k plus rb/bonus...awesome
Am ok bro,yes still 9 tables running pretty hot
Haha thanks mate! Oh nice, 9 tabling is definitely the way to go, crush those fools!

Originally Posted by TVD
GL with goals and poker in general OP. Just flicked in few $30 hu hypers at end of my grind to gambol and play the usual punters and realised I was a dog to you pretty quickly, you'll move up quickly im sure!
Thank you sir, you too! I don't think I had a big edge at all but was fun to play/chat with you, GL with your goals!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-10-2013 , 12:37 AM
Day 27:

Great ****ing day.

Ran hot today and felt like I played well too. On days where nothing goes your way and you miss every flop and people are at the top of their ranges a lot it always feels difficult and like you could have played better I guess, then on days like this where you are at the top of your range a lot and had good run outs to triple barrel bluff etc it feels like you played great so that probably has something to do with it. Either way it has helped me get some confidence back and get me to a new peak in my lifetime graph after quite a long b/e stretch so I am going to bed happy tonight!

I am actually a bit frustrated I couldn't play out my heater and get another 50 or so games in while im running/playing well but my right eye is really hurting. Probably something to do with me snapping an arm off my glasses, ebing too lazy to replace them and then playing poker/gta 10+ hours a day while wearing them at a ****ed up angle. Must buy new glasses tomorrow! Also must play more volume!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-10-2013 , 10:25 AM
Can you expend on how it feels to quit a game where you just sat forever for any action(and it could take weeks to make back a single fish's upswing) to a game where theres constant array of bad regs/fish sitting you.

Are you able to sit longer in front of the tables? Did you feel fear sometimes at cash nl and do you still sometimes have a small bit of fear in those hu sngs?
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-10-2013 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
Can you expend on how it feels to quit a game where you just sat forever for any action(and it could take weeks to make back a single fish's upswing) to a game where theres constant array of bad regs/fish sitting you.

Are you able to sit longer in front of the tables? Did you feel fear sometimes at cash nl and do you still sometimes have a small bit of fear in those hu sngs?
My cash graph is 6max, I didn't play much HU cash for the last couple of years because the games are so dead and because I can't handle waiting around and bumhunting. Hypers are the most fun poker game i have played

I used to be scared when I played underolled but I have been really over rolled for any game I have played in for the last 3-4 years so don't get get much fear now, apart from the fear I might suck and not be able to win anymore!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-11-2013 , 01:19 AM
Day 28:

Well today was even better than yesterday!

I have been discussing some hands with my best friend who is a really good midstakes cash game player. We have probably discussed at LEAST 20k individual HH's over the last 4-5 years and talking through a bunch of hands with him has helped me to get somewhat back to thinking properly about poker and I feel like I am starting to play pretty well now. Mainly though, I just ran really, really good:

Mental Game of Poker 1 + 2 arrived today too. Having a quick look through and was reading the focus section, losing focus is something that really affects me so I will be working on implementing Tendler's advice immediately. I was actually planning to write a huge post here about my struggles with focus, my thoughts on it and what I was planning to do about it to improve but then figured it would likely be a tl;dr and boring for everyone else. If anyone is interested I will put it up obv but otherwise I am just going to work on it away from the tables and give a little update everyday about how I am doing with it for as long as I can keep it up! I actually think this could help my roi/earnings more than any single piece of poker strat so I am going to really work on improving in this area.

Hope tomorrow is as good as today!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-11-2013 , 02:01 AM
Look at this thread every day, yet just now subbing..silly me. Nice work ethic! Good luck as you scale hyper mountain sir!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-11-2013 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by TiftCountyHick
Look at this thread every day, yet just now subbing..silly me. Nice work ethic! Good luck as you scale hyper mountain sir!
Ha that's awesome, stoked to hear you are enjoying it!

Thanks boss! You too!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-11-2013 , 04:41 AM
Of course write for the focus struggles. (I want to be the first to post tldr then )
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-11-2013 , 09:33 AM
Just found this thread, good work. Gl in the future crush! Subbed!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-11-2013 , 10:03 PM
GL Bro!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-12-2013 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by kobmish
Of course write for the focus struggles. (I want to be the first to post tldr then )
Haha FU

Originally Posted by rapakyvi
Just found this thread, good work. Gl in the future crush! Subbed!
Thanks sir! GL too!

Originally Posted by unicron
GL Bro!
Ty mayne, gllllllllllllll!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-12-2013 , 12:30 AM
Day 29:

Another great day. After last week where I basically broke even and lost a lot of confidence it is so good to play well and run good, honestly I am beaming from ear to ear. Feel way better about poker/life than I did a few days ago.

I'm actually pretty ill at the moment, got up late and slept for an hour or so in the day too as I was feeling pretty bad. This combined with spending 1.5 hours discussing hands/theory meant my volume was very low again, but I feel like my game is improving everyday with the work I am doing away from the tables so I am not too upset about my volume. I also tried meditating for the first time today, inspired by the mental game of poker. I got this iphone app called buddify which my friend recommended which was really simple and pretty cool as I had no idea wtf I was supposed to do but it talked me through it and I actually quite enjoyed it. I usually don't buy into this bull**** but I really struggle with my focus as random thoughts come into my mind constantly and I can't stop thinking about them, and meditation is basically about controlling that from what I can gather. I'm gonna try to get 1-2 10 min meditation sessions in per day and will report back in a week or two with my thoughts on it.

Well this was kinda tl;dr, sorry guys!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-13-2013 , 10:49 PM
Week 5:

I have been sick so have got in no volume over the weekend so a pretty low volume week, but great results!

I am hoping/assuming I will be playing the 60's from tomorrow. I need to speak to my coach/backer but I really think I am a good solid winner at the 30's now and think I am ready to take a shot at the 60's, so fingers crossed!

Here is my graph since starting this thread (all 30s):

Hopefully my next update will be after my first day at the 60s!

Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:09 AM
Great dude.Good luck at 60s!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-14-2013 , 10:17 AM
Cn you put the RB line assuming SN next time?
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-16-2013 , 12:08 AM
Day 31:

I took yesterday off as I was feeling pretty ill but today I played, and guess what? IT WAS MY FIRST DAY AT THE 60's!

Not a huge deal to anyone else, not exactly nosebleed stakes I know, but I am really happy. I have achieved one of my targets, moved up a stake, and now I think I am on course to achieve my target of being established at the 100's by the end of the year and I have a chance of the $18k in ev that I was aiming for by the end of the year. But first I have to battle some regs...

So I pretty much got snap sat by a couple of regs at the 60's so most of my volume today was reg battling. It is actually really fun, but one of them was better than I really expected to be honest, and was actually quite a challenge to play. I spoke to bluenowhere though and apparently the guy sits 200s and just battles at 100s/60s to make up volume in his downtime so I don't feel too bad.

Anyway I managed to run pretty good today while battling and make some EV$$$. Hopefully I can keep up this run good. My plan is to just keep accepting rematches, assuming they want to, and battle it out for my spot at the 60's. While I'm battling I don't expect to make too much monies so I need to get established ASAP, hopefully by the end of this week.

Week 6 goals:

[ ] 600+ games (mostly 60s)

[ ] No declining

[ ] Make >$0 EV


PS. Thanks Noobis! <3
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-16-2013 , 02:44 AM
glgl sir, subbed.
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-16-2013 , 03:46 AM
Subbed. GL
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
10-16-2013 , 04:42 AM
Pretty nice if you prove yourself to be + EV grinding only 60s regs. GL!
Going pro after 2k HUSNGs... Quote
