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Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside)

04-05-2013 , 05:04 PM
ftable 1/9 in 8 dollar gl for freeroller need top 3
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 06:18 PM
which freeroll does that concern? tlb? btw dude try spelling out words and using punctuation haha its so hard to decipher what youre saying. gl tho ship it
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 06:32 PM
heat!!!!! ... no tacos where i live but sure we have cheesburgers!
I can decipher it, ez!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 06:47 PM
got 2nd lost composer hu 11/14 in another and down to 300 in big 11 hehe 1 time 15k lol
river need u to pm me ur full tilt name so i can xfer ur winnings
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by CzechFold
which freeroll does that concern? tlb? btw dude try spelling out words and using punctuation haha its so hard to decipher what youre saying. gl tho ship it
sorry bro i type on my phone so i dont re read during breaks
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 09:25 PM
4-5 Overview-

PokerStars Total Buyins ($): $581.08
PokerStars Profit ($): $360.06

Tournament Session Stats
Total Games: 64 ROI: 61.96 % ITM: 17.19 % ABI: $9.08 FPP's: 492.02


Tournaments - 353/2000
Tournament Winnings - 842.03

Cash Hands - 920
Cash Winnings - (-3.00)

Freeroll Payed- 10.00

Tlb- 114

Thought i played my A game. Still have leaks and lost a crucial hu where i made a call that was not necessary . Lost some big hands on final table to bust early but all in all i like how i played. I started the stake up which is rare hopefully it will continue and i can bink something tom for sam.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-06-2013 , 09:35 AM
4-6 Goals / Plan
Good morning 2+2!!! Yesterday was a real fun experience picking the brain of my new coach. It was awesome to see him final table 3 tournament at once the 33r the 55r and the 13 ko. He ship the 55r in great fashion and it showed me some spots where i was def missing.

Play A Game- I know it everyone goal but we never always play our A game. If there any distraction we will not be playing it. When i fell im on my true A game there nothing holding me back except the cards!
Think- Think think think i rush decisions.... i think everyone does but i need to breathe sometime and think about villain true ranges.
Learn-My coach is suppose to be on any minute now and i wanna soak up much information as i can. I know today is Saturday but no need to rush on tables they will be here all day.


Im a little tired but i got to sleep an extra hr. I wont play until i get to talk to Sam. I dunno if that what he want or not so i wanna wait to be sure and not assume. I really wanna fix my pre ante game as i think that a lvl where people just skip and if you can pick up an extra 1k chips in that lvl per tournament your roi% i believe will skyrocket. Having that extra fold equity at push fold or that extra round can mean the whole tournament. Im not going to have freerolls today sry and prob not tom as im going to focus on playing and dunno how many games i actually get in .Gl everyone
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-06-2013 , 11:31 AM
Didnt get any coaching today but will Monday morning wont put a mtt session in until then so the free rollers get two free days that i be missing my goals. Not to happy as i was eager this morning but i understand.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-06-2013 , 07:28 PM
I'm starting to toss in MTT's into my mix, and i have no clue how to play them really...whats a good spot to start learning from, any books to rec? I just have this opened (basics on stack sizes)and use it for reference as I play, it seems to be working well for me except when i random feel like i should be restealing...(all MTTs i lost either to bad flippinng and cooler, or resteal fail that set me up to be blinded out)
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 07:42 AM
Stack preserving is a must . There stack sizes that u need to steal and there sizes you need to sit on. I recommend for a Mtt site . I think the number one mistake for mtters are playing post. There so caught up with preflop ranges that so many play it so well! But they can't play post for a damn there one and Done with cbets etc these are they player u wanna attack a guy who c bet above 85% on flop and check fold turn a high percentage like 70% u can float this Villian on almost any flop profitable. Hope that help a little it Sunday just woke up will write my review next
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 08:08 AM
4-7 Goals/Plan
Yesturday was a sad day not one tournament played! I did get to watch coach final table the 55r again but went out 7th respectfully due to some runbad. I decided i will play today as it sunday and it to big of day to miss. I will only be playing mtts for the most part today as i want to focus on some key parts of my game.

Play My A game
Stay Focus
Dont call if im guessing
Mark all timebank hands for review

Did my morning routine now gonna eat something finish this jayster and start the journey. Freeroll today to clear my full tilt account 8 dollars and some change to first to wish me gl and if i profit you win my fullltilt roll so i can redeposit
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:28 AM
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 03:00 PM
do many deeep runs but nothing so far... playing grat busted 30th in 11r and like 20 something in the 5 quad im itm in the 22 deepstack like 15/16 and got stack in some other ****. Im 4/7 in a party 6 max on my own dime gl me
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 04:58 PM
Ship party 2/24 in a 4 dollar right now got some stack and some other **** nothing deep just busted storm Itm aq vr kj for 100k there goes my dreams lol need to win that 4 dollar to get ahead on stars were one time playing good
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 05:57 PM
2/4 in a 4 dollar need to win to free roll got some stack in other tournament and 5/8 on a party 11 dollar ftable
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-07-2013 , 09:37 PM
4-7 Review

PokerStars Total Buyins ($): $840.95
PokerStars Profit ($): $113.53

Tournament Session Stats
Total Games: 79 ROI: 13.50 % ITM: 22.78 % ABI: $10.64 FPP's: 662.92

Plus 7 tournament on party for 800 profit


Tournaments - 439/2000
Tournament Winnings - 1758.53

Cash Hands - 920
Cash Winnings - (-3.00)

Freeroll Payed- 19.00

Tlb- 227

Played My A game throughout. I did have one **** up in a 3 dollar 4k guaranteed but other than that very happy how i played . Cant wait till tom where i get to review friday session with coach it going to helpful as i still have leak in my game.Below are some of the result for the day.
1st in party 11 dollar 6 max speed
3 in party 11 dollar speed
4th in stars 4 dollar 4 max
10th in 3 dollar 4k
30th in 11r
Alot more many cashes but them are the noteables.

La-OngFong send me you full tilt sn so i can xfer you your freeroll!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-08-2013 , 10:06 AM
4-8 Goals

So today i am suppose to meet up with sam to review all Fridays tournaments. I havnt spoke to him since Sunday morning where he was felling ill so i hope hes better and we get to review as i'm eager to start another mtt session.

Really try to grasp what Sam is saying. Dont argue and just listen and understand.
Think - Think about my hands throughout each street. When i get really dialed in i fell i can take a lot of pots post flop so i really wanna work on that.
Right a blog- i haven't updated my blog for this month so i think i do it quarterly. While im waiting for Sam i think i smoke some more medicine and get right on this.

Funny note-- Went to ship freeroller his money and i sent it to my stars on accident. It showed up there fine so i sent it back t full tilt and still waiting wtf...
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-08-2013 , 08:42 PM
4-9 Review

PokerStars Total Buyins ($): $506.40
PokerStars Profit ($): -$295.90

Tournament Session Stats
Total Games: 50 ROI: -58.43 % ITM: 14.00 % ABI: $10.13 Avg KO: 2.25 FPP's: 418.08


Tournaments - 496/2000
Tournament Winnings - 1462.53

Cash Hands - 920
Cash Winnings - (-3.00)

Freeroll Payed- 19.00

Tlb- 227
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-09-2013 , 04:23 PM
Didnt write a goal this morning as something came up i write in the review tonight. Ne wayz just got 27th in the hot 11 turbo that structure blow late i folded down to 6 bb where i felt i took a lot of spots but ran out of time. Im gonna play cash to end up day as im 4 tabling with 3 itm like 5/17 in a small 3 dollar on party it be nice to win it
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-09-2013 , 05:33 PM
Hows the workout going?
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by czechvengeance
Hows the workout going?

Ya i think your going to win this one .... I have had so much go through i havnt even been able to make one up....i will think of one today and if i dont start by tom i ship you the funds.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:49 PM
well you are doing good on all other fronts so i dont feel too bad
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:32 PM
4-9 Review
PokerStars Total Buyins ($): $202.65
PokerStars Profit ($): -$36.57

Tournament Session Stats
Total Games: 27 ROI: -18.05 % ITM: 18.52 % ABI: $7.51 FPP's: 218.68

Played Another 6 more games on party and tilt were i got first in won for 300 wee small fields

Cash Hand 2,669 + 76.22

Tournaments - 529/2000
Tournament Winnings - 1726.23

Cash Hands - 3589
Cash Winnings - 73.22

Freeroll Payed- 19.00

Tlb- 227
game2eazy is online now Report Post Reply With Quote
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-10-2013 , 04:32 AM
good luck!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-10-2013 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by cupius
good luck!
ty sir....

4-10 Goals

Hehe what kinda luck is this. I wake up 3 hrs early then i have since being in mexico to find a server restart on pokerstars lol fml. Anyways below are my goals today .

Play A Game- Self explanatory but always hard for us to do.
Keep a 12 game tile setup- I use placemint now and i have a 16 game tile setup with the 16th tile being stack im gonna just stack more in the 11th and 12th hole and use a 12 tile set today and see if i focus more.

and Think-- MY biggest enemy is myself sit back and just think it the answer will come to the head.


if i make any profit today the free roller get 1% of total profit for the first person to wish me gl on here after this post.

Ok so i have 2 hrs before stars start im gonna smoke one and then take an hr nap to get back up and do it all again.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
