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Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside)

04-03-2013 , 11:59 AM
Hey thanks guy! In for about 500 dollar but 1/3 in a 3r and 6/14 in a 4 1k guaranteed .... Noteable saw roommate win the 5 hyper at 6 am and I got like 40th tere running like aids in 180 but there variance monster probably playing my B game need to click in gear and close some of these out so I can have a good afternoon chase
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-03-2013 , 01:59 PM
Took 5th in the 4 dollar aa vr k7 he flatted flop 772 gg me!

Not deep in anything peticular ATM still fell like playing t b game made a jam in the 5 quad deep Itm where a min raise would done same result. Result of to many tables stop regging for 180s for a few hrs until game count goes back down!
19 games going for 200 ATM with the previous cashes
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-03-2013 , 03:08 PM
Nice going man, care to share your secrets
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-03-2013 , 03:46 PM
have no secrets lol any ? just ask ...stop regging today at 1230 played..i got 8 tables running now a few decent stack ut nothing really im gonna play some cash soon inless i bink something im going to be down for mtts today no biggy as i felt i played k lost some reeal big hand in big spots aa vr a/10 for cl in 2r 9k guaranteed 80 left etc etc
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 08:01 AM
Yesterday Recap 4/3

PokerStars Total Buyins ($): $1,091.78
PokerStars Profit ($): -$234.00

Tournament Session Stats
Total Games: 107 ROI: -21.43 % ITM: 14.02 % ABI: $10.20 FPP's: 999.13

Total -

Tournaments - 162/2000
Tournament Winnings - 331.06

Cash Hands - 920
Cash Winnings - (-3.00)

Tlb- 302

Session Review

overall played a b game throughout. Rush some decision and made some spewy plays at the end but all in all like how i played. Ran poorly late but that poker. Got 7 hrs of registering in and 10 hrs of play. Mini goal for today is 125 mtts freeroll first to wish me gl on this feature can win this.... if i dont complete the 125 mtt i ship you 20 dollars if i complete and over 1000 profit i ship u 20 dollar if i complete and under 1k we break even....
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 08:22 AM
Freerolls are nice. Good luck sir!

How difficult is it to play 125 mtts in a day?
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 11:00 AM
Ty astro your in... It's not that difficult just time consuming take a 9 hr registering day and prob like a 12 hr playing day.

So far nothing much cashes in the 27 ko busted like 16th got real deep in a 5 hyper busting lots of 180 cash in like 2 no ftable but got a stack in one so next break hope that changes
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 12:09 PM
was wondering, how does your sleep schedule work? Obv if you run deep you'll prob sleep later but do you normally account for that by "ending" the day earlier
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 02:00 PM
I try to stop regging 2:30-3:30 so I'm I'm bed about 9 o'clock pm unless I'm deep in the 55 etc . I wake up around 4-5 am shower clear my head and when ready try to reg by 5:30 am. Nice in Mexico maids are cheap we have a nani who comes in at 7 cook and cleans till 4 so don't have to worry about food preparation etc.

Took a sick beat in te 33 with 18 left for cl guy river 2 outer calling flop and turn with underpair . Final
Table on the 2r 5/5 first will prob break me even for this morning. Trying not to look at cashier as I'm rolled for the game I play and I shouldn't care about the daily swings I'm either gonna lose 1500
Or win xxxx
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 02:48 PM
o food prep and cleaning...awesome! btw GLGL on final table!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 03:43 PM
how did that p90x program work out for you? gl
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 04:00 PM
I didn't complete the p90x fail!! I'm thinking of starting it back between break I do push-ups but def need to do a lot more ....

Ty for the gl busted like 4th or something I stop regging at 1230 I have some things need to fix with HUD etc. I think in exactly at 125 games gonna ref some hypers while game go down hope for the free roll I take down the 13 ko 5k so I can ship
Him so money!!! Havnt look at cashier all day playing B+ today but running like aids deep again it's poker
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 05:22 PM
How do you know if your just running bad or playing bad game Only ask coz i feel atm like im getting crushed alot and am wondering if its me or variance leveling itself out?

Last edited by SlothMonst3r; 04-04-2013 at 05:31 PM.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 05:32 PM
errr 42nd in ko ran jj into qq for cL somehow i manage to profit for today dunno how but the 180 cashes and the 2 dollar mtt kept me alive. Down to single tabling the 3r so need to make like 800 for freeroller OneTime!!!> i post result when finish..also got a pretty interesting opportunity.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by SlothMonst3r
How do you know if your just running bad or playing bad game Only ask coz i feel atm like im getting crushed alot and am wondering if its me or variance leveling itself out?
Gotta be purley honest with yourself. Its a fineline i believe when i think im running bad is when i lose huge pot for chip lead late in trnys but still it all pretty much standard and varience in the long haul as long as i keep trying to get in better then there ranges i will come out ahead in the long run. Dont wanna think im alway running bad as i do have some leaks but never complaining about any beat esp if it not deep itm.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 05:58 PM
Thanks for the reply buddy, what would u say a average length downswing for a MTT player is?
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 06:23 PM
depends on buyin lvl and player roi... but that really depend on roi with varience lol but in a vacuum i seen player with all kinds of breakeven stretches i had a 4k game breakeven stretch when i was playing 9 mans and i felt it was during my prime in that game. If your playing say 10 < mtts with field between 150-1500 and you beat the game for a ruff estimate 20-30% roi you shouldnt have to much of a downswing because the game are rather soft and can exploit spot without cards ... when your playing 50r> you can have huge downswing as the skill lvl is so huge and only the best make it out there alive trying to get there no were near there yet.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 06:36 PM
Come on, you can do it!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 06:43 PM
Busted 99 into kk for big stack rejam a shorty bb woke up with goods. Sharkscope is so fishy it keeps missing my game an messing up profits gonna let It load before I post . Sry astro train I completed my 125 games and didn't make 1k I will be doing more of these throughout and if I can get some heat rolling I love handing out money poker gods tend to reward more lol
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-04-2013 , 11:05 PM
Review 4-4

PokerStars Total Buyins ($): $1,300.23
PokerStars Profit ($): $150.37

Tournament Session Stats
Total Games: 127 ROI: 11.56 % ITM: 18.33 % ABI: $10.84 FPP's: 1063.78

Total -

- 289/2000
Tournament Winnings - 481.43

Cash Hands - 920
Cash Winnings - (-3.00)

Tlb- 138


Overall played A- /B + game.i lost some big flips late in some big trny but manage to somehow profit on the day with no real scores. i stop regging at 1 pm today and took a long nap after 4 pm my time. Waiting on a buddy of mine to wake up from euro to know if i have a new mtt deal or not. will post more on that tom.
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 09:01 AM
4-5 Goals & Notes

Maintain my A game throughout. I was chosen by €urop€an to be his new mtt project* He is going to form me into a hs mtter and fix all my leaks I spoke to him this morning and my game are now 22 < 11r< 8 180< pretty much same schedule as before minus the 25 hyper and the 33s. Im real excited about this opportunity as it will only better my game i believe.

Play A game dont rush decision stay out of spots where i'm guessing
Play 50 Mtts- i know i played 125 yesturday but today gonna try to focus more as it the start of the stake and no real rush to jam in bunch of mtts.

Today freeroll- First to wish gl and if i make any profit will get 10 dollars on full tilt!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 09:40 AM
Haha im in again
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 01:59 PM
its all good hope i make u rich started of good final tabling 2 180 but went out 4th and 5th then everything went down hill but trying to figh tback. Playing my A game as im focusing and thinking every hand really shows as before push fold i have had some stacks hopfully something turns out would like to start steak +
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 02:04 PM
Gogogo heat!!!!!!
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
04-05-2013 , 03:34 PM
i stop regging in for 400 need to make a prfit bigger than that 2 semi runs 3/45 in an 8 and 60/83 int he 5 cubed gl rivers
Game2eazy April Mini Challenge (freerollz inside) Quote
