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Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt !

10-08-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by qaarama
It's a problem with the servers, i heard from a player on facebook if you lost money due to the lag then you're able to apply for a refund.


Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

PokerStars is aware of the technical issues we have been experiencing recently. Our programmers are currently looking into it and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We will be considering refunds for materially affected players. "Materially affected" means you missed a considerable number of hands and lost a significant portion of your chip stack due to blinds and antes."

Not sure how they would treat hyper players but its worth looking into.
Ty for sharing, will send them.

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
OP a lease, utility bill and a local land line they can call you at should be fine. I also assume you have some documentation for the visa stuff youve been doing.

Another reason i suggested 9m for your situation is that a 5 min dc loses you less equity at 9m than 6.

Id buy as many usb prepaid aircards as you can, maybe look to get your router checked, and have your backup ready to switch on at a moments notice. As someone who's lost thousands to ****ty Mexican internet the last couple years, ive learned the hard way.

gl at the 3.50s
Ok, good idea, i've thought about getting an extra aircard, might do that if them not allow installing a line here.
Maybe i will try 9man hypers some time after a bad session in 6max.
And ty btw

Originally Posted by jspill
afaik no serious grinder here is using truemove 3g as their primary connection, it should be a backup only. Condos in your price range will rarely have decent wifi and you're sharing with the whole corridor so what you should do is find a place that lets you install your own line. Often the condo wants a one off payment of 1k when the True wifi / TOT / 3bb guy (best provider for you depends on your area, they will tell you this) comes over with the router and drills into the socket. Totally worth it. The provider charges no fee with a 1 year contract (no way they can find you if you break this and move condo, but if you do decide to pay you just cover the cost of the router, a few k) and then you have your own connection for ~600b/mo instead of the condo wifi (~500b/mo in most places).

to change your address to thailand obv ask stars for the latest ID requirements, afaik tho' you may need a thai bank statement, since they don't print these as a policy people have asked for a document like this. or use that as proof of address
Ty, that's very usefull information, will ask the owner today and if them allow.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-08-2013 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by inJaxwetrust
Bitch needs to be paid..
Would you speak to someone like this in person or just from your bedroom at your mums house? If yes then you are a not very nice person who is in mummies bedroom trolling on the Internet as you have no friends. If no then think about why you do it here and not to someone's face.


Last edited by chasepoker; 10-08-2013 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Bet your reply is hilarious as well
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-08-2013 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by chasepoker
Would you speak to someone like this in person or just from your bedroom at your mums house? If yes then you are a not very nice person who is in mummies bedroom trolling on the Internet as you have no friends. If no then think about why you do it here and not to someone's face.

The funny thing is, according to his thread he was playing 2nl and living with his parents a few months ago.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-08-2013 , 11:52 PM
Ok, so i talked with the owner and he allow to have my own internet line installed in my room. But he told me if i want i can have a LAN made in my room, same them use. Would this fix the lagg if i use lan instead of wifi ? I don't have disconnects with condo internet, just terrible laggs.

Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-09-2013 , 02:37 AM
lan should be much faster and more stable, give it a try obv, run on wifi and then on lan, see the difference
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Hello STTranger,

I've been in Thailand since early 2006, moved out from the US shortly before the passing of the UIGEA bill. At the time I was in my mid twenties and still grasping the reality of playing poker professionally and living in a country so far away from my home. During that time I've matured a lot as a person and as a player.

After reading your story I couldn't help but notice some similarities between yourself and my former self.

You really need to be more honest about your situation with your family. It sounds like you have a really good family and you're very lucky. You also need to be more honest with your girlfriend. You seem to put her on a pedestal and shower her with gifts and trips you cannot afford. This brings me to the most important thing; you need to be more honest with yourself.

As poker players we teach ourselves to sit back and analyze situations while factoring in all the variables. You need to try and do that with your life as well without letting excuses or denial cloud your better judgment.

My advice would be to set up a Skype chat with your Mom and Dad. Sit down and tell them the truth but also let them know what is important for you and your future.

-Let them know that you want to try and continue the dream of being a professional poker player.

-Let them know how much you love your girlfriend and life here in Thailand.

These are people that most likely love you more than anyone else in the world. They care about you and want to see you succeed in life.

Everybody goes through problems and they always feel heavier when they are on us than to the people looking on from the outside. Best in luck in overcoming your obstacles.
pretty much that, +1
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by DumbBlondeXOXO
OP I can really relate to your story, have been in a similar situation myself 500$ to my name in Eastern Europe due to my own laziness and frivolous spending and I managed to grind up to a point where I was comfortable again and lived well for 6 months until I got lazy again and pretty much bustoed, I now live at home with my parents working a job I ****ing hate 8-11hrs a day just so I can save up and move out to get another shot.

I advise you to think about how ****ty a real job is having to go to work 40-50hours a week and do what someone else tells you to do (worst part for me after 1 year of poker) next time you think about getting lazy with your grind.

Hope everything works out for you, I intend on coming to thailand some time next year, if youre still there i'll buy you a celebratory beer
Best advice ITT
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by ih8ustfu
sry op but it seems obvious from your results especially if you are a winning player that you are no where near your "A" game. if your spending all this time w your girl and she on your mind all the time theres no chance in hell you will pull this off. you just dont take it seriously, sry its the truth but your at the recreational level it seems.

why dont you at the very least put down the hud and massive multitabling for a while and play 1-2 mtts at a time and be able to put thought into every move you make? what your doing now and have been doing is definately not working out for you. it reminds me of when i just started out i did the whole massive multi tabling as well it just doesnt allow your inner poker beast to shine just means your looking for good hands and shorthanded high blind shoving thats pretty much level 1 playing you need to be better to be a real pro.

Anddddd this
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 03:10 AM
Wow, what a trainwreck...

No point in giving advice other than helping OP with his game (edit: but I'ma do it anyway).

The chance that his future wife isn't a golddigger is close to 0, but I'd be more worried if he dumped her based on the advice of a few anons on the internet, he'd essentially be a monster.

Everyone a certain age has been in love and been in situations in which there's a huge difference between what you feel and what the other person feels.

It's obvious that (in b4 racist ban and PC police) women from poor countries come to excel at the art of golddigging out of necessity.

Doesn't mean they're horrible people, it's the same way people from poor countries are typically incredibly hardcore negociators.
When your life's literally on the line, you don't worry too much about "finding my prince charming" like some personality-less, spoiled teenaged suburban c**t.

"True" love is a luxury that we can afford because we are incredibly privileged, and it takes most people a very long time to understand that.

Don't forget that you can have grand values and visions of "pure love" mostly (genetics and parental model come in play too, obv) because of the environment you grew up in.

It's important to understand that people in those countries have for the vast majority very, very different priorities in life. I said at the beginning of this tldr post, OP won't (and shouldn't) listen to any of this.
If the miracle fails to happen, he'll just have to be strong and learn from this.

If it turns out to be the case that your future wife is indeed a golddigger, my advice is don't become too bitter about it and decide that "all women are whores", etc...

You think right now that you wouldn't, but trust me, if it ever happens to you you'll fall (ableit hopefully temporarily only) into this kind of thinking.
Just be strong enough to bounce back.

GL with poker.

EDIT: Btw, it's definitely the *norm* but absolutely not a good thing/sign for a girl to ask you to buy her stuff all the time.

just because she's poor doesn't mean she can't have dignity. My gf of 8 years is from a country (much) poorer than Thailand, was working 2 really ****ty jobs to afford being able to pay for college in the US (working both jobs while taking classes), and always refused (and still does) that I pay anything for her.

A few months into our relationship, being fairly well-off, I offered to give her money monthly so that she wouldn't have to work those **** jobs and could instead focus on her studies and she again refused, saying that she really appreciated but would rather eventually have the feeling that she had worked for and earned everything herself.

And here's the thing....Even if your woman didn't ask for anything, there's a point when someone who's not after your money will just feel bad and ask you to stop giving them stuff; that's what any person with good values would do, poor or not.

People who can comfortably accept gift after gift without any feeling of impropriety....well, let's just say they're probably not people you want to be close to, let alone spend the rest of your life with.

Last edited by Land Of The Free?; 10-10-2013 at 03:39 AM.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?
People who can comfortably accept gift after gift without any feeling of impropriety....well, let's just say they're probably not people you want to be close to, let alone spend the rest of your life with.
^^ This.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by STTranger
Today i bought coke as i felt pretty tired all day. Confirmed BALLER.

Just read the whole thing, I really wish for you that your story is different than others, millions of guys have had the same type of speech that you have know regarding a girl/woman ('Nooo this one is really different, I promise. She is really the one for me' etc.).

It seems that your short- and mid-term future doesn't look that bad given the situation you were in a few months ago, I hope for you that it will continue, you're clearly not a bad guy. To whoever thinks that Alex shouldn't coach him, well OP's decisions had been made before he even started this thread and he wants to go 100% for his 'dream and the love of his life', so if Alex were to tell him to go back to Belgium it would not change anything anyway, the best thing he can do for OP's life right now is to coach him, which is what he's doing.

Take care OP
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 08:15 AM
Screw Dnegs. Send your 2c to OP for the boomswitch.

And lol at 1-2 tabling mtts. Literally the worst thing to do in OPs situation.

Last edited by Rusemandingo; 10-10-2013 at 08:17 AM. Reason: sorry for highjack op
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by STTranger
bad luck is killing me...
Originally Posted by SaltyWetFish
I "hope" the OP does ok, but given what he has told us, there is only one way this is going to end.
Originally Posted by cneuy3
you need to be more honest with yourself.

Everybody goes through problems and they always feel heavier when they are on us than to the people looking on from the outside. Best in luck in overcoming your obstacles.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Screw Dnegs. Send your 2c to OP for the boomswitch.

And lol at 1-2 tabling mtts. Literally the worst thing to do in OPs situation.
Ha nice to see it's working, got some run good from u too, thx for that.

Mixing 3.50 and 1.50, will take shot at 7's when i reach 600, will drop down when go under 530. Tried a few 9man hypers, lost them all, might play some again later.
Br at 376euro ( ~ $500)
But need to withdrawal in next few days for food(not much like 4000baht for rest of the month). Don't have much in cash now. Not spending anything, saving really hard. Eat same food restaurant twice a day for 30baht meal and 3rd meal is about the same but other place or buy food from market for cook at her work place.

Owner will call for make lan cable in my room and tell me the price.
Yesterday had to cut my morning session after power cut, but no problems.
Now running ok and looking forward to move up to 7's.

Will share some run good for everyone itt !
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 10:58 AM
Good to see you are going into the right direction!! Let's hope it continues and that you can actually have a decent bankroll so you can keep on playing the 3.50's. Therefore, really make sure you grind your ass of this month. You got some money last month and use it to good advantage by making sure you can at least maintain yourself at the 3.5's.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?

People who can comfortably accept gift after gift without any feeling of impropriety....well, let's just say they're probably not people you want to be close to, let alone spend the rest of your life with.
i get the feeling she's partly just a child, still. not unlike OP. thus, as said, they'd have to wait with the kids a long time.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Xexilla
^^ This.
There are not many people from a 3rd world country who have nothing all there life that are going start turning down mac books and new motorbikes.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 01:23 PM
Title piqued my interest and JFC BATMAN!

I read most of those walls of text but, why isn't someone staking this kid? I see the obv risk here but still, seems like a POG success story waiting to happen.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 03:18 PM
Wow. Like most OP I was loling real hard thru your first post but after reading the whole thing I just want to wish you luck with Thailand, Poker and the Girl. Just one piece of advice please be careful and hold off on kids for at least a couple of years. GL man.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-10-2013 , 05:55 PM
your a sick man!!!! keep this sh*t going. props on the 30baht meals
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-11-2013 , 01:23 AM
Gl OP, hope you make it and stay disciplined with money from now.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-11-2013 , 03:07 AM
GL bro!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-11-2013 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by ifyouwin1
bro, ask your parents to send you some money.
OP has been dishonest in the past to his family about his income from poker. If he's been dishonest to them he's probably been dishonest to others regarding this issue including himself.

It's difficult to admit failure or fault but sometimes it's the best way to bring yourself back to reality.

The reality is that the OP is a naïve, inexperienced person living in a 3rd world country trying to make a living playing poker at the lowest stakes possible online. He has next to no bankroll or life roll and no proven experience at being able to support himself as a professional poker player let alone take care of someone else and he's looking to get married within the next four months.

His parents would be better off lighting the money on fire than sending $ to the OP after taking that into consideration. OP needs to face his reality first and then come up with a better plan of action. Whether that be getting staked or moving back to Belgium for a few months to at least build a life roll, idk, but his current plans along with his failure to admit the truth to his parents regarding his situation makes it seem to me that he's living in denial.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-11-2013 , 10:23 AM
OP, it is crucial that you move up the stakes as fast as possible. It's pretty much impossible to make a living with the stakes your are playing atm. To do that you have to cashout the least amount of money you can.
Explain your gf that in a while things will be much better and she needs to help u with that.
Stop buying things you don't need.
Eat only at the cheapest restaurants.
Sell the vespa and buy a second hand scoopy.
Sell the iphone 5 and buy a cheap android phone. For facebook, line and candy crush it's pretty much the same anyway.
If she doesn't want to do it then your marriage is doomed.

If you really want to get married, you can do it at the tessabaan for like 100thb and 20 minutes. You can throw the big party and the buddhist wedding later. By the way if she hasn't talked about a civil wedding at all then it's not unlikely she will run after the wedding, especially if you had to shell out some kind of sinsot. Buddhist weddings are worth nada legally.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-11-2013 , 07:13 PM
Gl op, I'm pulling for you
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
