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Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt !

09-30-2013 , 11:36 PM
I wish I could coach OP more but unfortunately only like 10 minutes a day, but I think a lot of advice is really impactful, like "study X" or "dont study X" or "you X too little/much" can really make a big difference in your winrate. Hopefully he goes the distance and stunts on all these haters AY MONEYCLUB GO.

[ ] 9000 GAMES A MONTH

Last edited by Alex Wice; 09-30-2013 at 11:38 PM. Reason: [X] I ONLY HAVE ONE GEAR...... GO.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
09-30-2013 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by STTranger
Goals for october are;
- $1500<
So keep dem donations coming!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 12:02 AM
Dude, this is your profession. You absolutely 100% need more volume. You played 69 hours in September. That's great volume for a recreational player. Not so much for a professional player. And your volume is even worse when you consider that you posted a one day graph of yourself playing 9 of those 69 hours, or ~13% of your volume. If you play 5 hours a week, 5 days a week, with the same hourly next month, you'll make nearly $900, and that's if you stay only at $1.5s.

You have potential. Now put the volume in. This isn't a vacation, this is your life and job now.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzbrah
Dude, this is your profession. You absolutely 100% need more volume. You played 69 hours in September. That's great volume for a recreational player. Not so much for a professional player. And your volume is even worse when you consider that you posted a one day graph of yourself playing 9 of those 69 hours, or ~13% of your volume. If you play 5 hours a week, 5 days a week, with the same hourly next month, you'll make nearly $900, and that's if you stay only at $1.5s.

You have potential. Now put the volume in. This isn't a vacation, this is your life and job now.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
I wish I could coach OP more but unfortunately only like 10 minutes a day, but I think a lot of advice is really impactful, like "study X" or "dont study X" or "you X too little/much" can really make a big difference in your winrate. Hopefully he goes the distance and stunts on all these haters AY MONEYCLUB GO.

[ ] 9000 GAMES A MONTH
What a bossman
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
you are right in everything you said but you totally neglected his financial side of things. Do you know how long $250 will last for 2 people and 2 dogs in Thailand? He is basically a charity case, people have sent him money like one would give a begger on the street, and you keep telling him "carry on". He needs some tough love.

His business model doesn't look too great either mainly due to naivety, lack of funds and what looks like being forced into marriage alot sooner than he wants. Even if he does do well and I hope he does, that wont be the end of his worries. He needs to man up now and sort his life out, I.e call his parents for a bit of money, tell his gf that they will get married but not so soon, instead of having his tail between his legs and being a total pussy about the whole thing which is what he is doing. Everybody is walking all over him, its time he says NO!

His whole line of thinking is flawed and totally lateral, not looking into other way to create cash flows, sell expensive items, find other jobs online, contact parents for a short term loan. I could be stepping out of line here but he is a total idiot (judging by this thread) when it comes to live and how to fix this pretty sad situation.

It may come across as harsh, but its what he has to do, unless you see a better way for him to remedy this situation?
wow man you sound like your personally vested in this guys life. what happened to you in your life that was so crappy that you feel the need to continuously crap on this guys thread. in the end your just getting more and more defensive about your angles about life. tbh people really dont care about your judging of op and your "fatherly" posts are just uninteresting and annoying. i see you have like a 5 figure post count, nice! that means your stuck behind your screen judging people 24 hours a day while op is going to exotic countries, meeting interesting and beautiful people and i believe will be making a great living doing something he loves.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 03:30 AM
Hey OP have one question is it true you played only 69hours sep???Really hope this mistake because if you played only 69hours one month thats lazy!!!Iam really hope you will make it but if you play only 69hours makes no sense and you dont diserve great choaching like this!!You have to work your ass off at least 160hours poker one month!!Strange thing also you are saying the last 4days you played so much so you must have played 32 hours last days or are lying???So before those 4days you played only 37hours???Remeber that you played so much that you didnot walk the dogs for two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 04:20 AM

in for when OP is beating 500s, coaching AW and marrying a thai superstar
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 05:25 AM
This thread is adictive.

OP you can live your life as you think best and I wish you good luck.

As to the dogs the reason they are pissing on your bad and maybe chewing stuff is they don't get enough exercise.

Grooming is the least they need. You need to take them out at least twice daily for a decent 30mins+ walk, play with them at home and stimulate them mentally.

I am donk at poker but good with dogs.

Sent from my LT15i using 2+2 Forums
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 05:30 AM
inb4dogcoaching $/h
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by ohsnapzbrah
Dude, this is your profession. You absolutely 100% need more volume. You played 69 hours in September. That's great volume for a recreational player. Not so much for a professional player. And your volume is even worse when you consider that you posted a one day graph of yourself playing 9 of those 69 hours, or ~13% of your volume. If you play 5 hours a week, 5 days a week, with the same hourly next month, you'll make nearly $900, and that's if you stay only at $1.5s.

You have potential. Now put the volume in. This isn't a vacation, this is your life and job now.
Yes i 100% agree with u, i need to put in hours, i dont have a worthy reason for having only 69 hours, but there were several personal reasons that cost me time. But could have definetely played double the hours if it was not for me being lazy.
Bit ashamed of posting my hours and volume, but i have a new month with a completely new thinking and motivation, i can do it.
I set myself a goal for this month for 9000 games, i want to prove everyone who help me i can grind hours and make enough money and grow to the higher stakes. It definetely motivates me a lot more and have a goal that i want to succeed.

Originally Posted by winkelstraat
Hey OP have one question is it true you played only 69hours sep???Really hope this mistake because if you played only 69hours one month thats lazy!!!Iam really hope you will make it but if you play only 69hours makes no sense and you dont diserve great choaching like this!!You have to work your ass off at least 160hours poker one month!!Strange thing also you are saying the last 4days you played so much so you must have played 32 hours last days or are lying???So before those 4days you played only 37hours???Remeber that you played so much that you didnot walk the dogs for two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes i agree, same as post above. I will work my ass off this month.
By the way last 4 days, if i would completely ignore alex and this thread, i would have played more volume for sure. But it's important my game is as best i can do it now and study for couple hours a day. Make everything ready for go laos, i go tomorrow and obv can't grind in that time, will be back friday night and put some serious hours as a professional. I won't dissappoint this time.

Originally Posted by Mrspiky
This thread is adictive.

OP you can live your life as you think best and I wish you good luck.

As to the dogs the reason they are pissing on your bad and maybe chewing stuff is they don't get enough exercise.

Grooming is the least they need. You need to take them out at least twice daily for a decent 30mins+ walk, play with them at home and stimulate them mentally.

I am donk at poker but good with dogs.

Sent from my LT15i using 2+2 Forums
Ty man ! And thx for advice.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 07:09 AM
Epic thread!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 08:00 AM
This is a level. Not even a good one.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 08:01 AM
Clearly not a level.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 08:05 AM
Nice to here OP!!!Gl sir really hope you make it.You have also point that you have been studying alot and working on this thread that makes sense!!!69 hours 600dollar profit 138hours maybe 1200dollar profit!GOGOGOGO OP!!!!!!Sorry for saying you dont diserve coaching thats not true keep up the good work and put some volume in this month!!!CRUSH IT
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 08:28 AM
Good luck! Really focus on putting the hours in over the next few months and build up a solid BR.

Also definitely consider postponing the marriage for a year or so. There are so many things that could go wrong with your finances as they are. For example any small medical event can run to several $k.

Say down the line you do decide to have kids. You realise to send them to a school where they have the same opportunities that you had will cost you $1k+ every month in Thailand.

Finally, if you do want to commit to Thailand very long term and have a family, you can't really rely on poker for the rest of your life. It seems like you should be able to win several $k every month but as for becoming rich, you may not ever achieve that. Also, hyper STTs are probably one of the most solvable games so who knows if in 10-20 years they be profitable at all. Once you have a decent rainy day fund of $15k or so saved up and are decently profitable you should consider other income streams so your eggs are not all in the same basket.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by ih8ustfu
i might help him out a bit if he posts some pic for proof. i have to put a face or two to this story.
Originally Posted by ktnxbye
This is a level. Not even a good one.
[X] Decent / lengthy background story for a level.
[X] Inb4 timestamp is 2012 (ever thought about taking a picture of your old pictures, just so you have one)
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by CCM
Good luck! Really focus on putting the hours in over the next few months and build up a solid BR.

Also definitely consider postponing the marriage for a year or so. There are so many things that could go wrong with your finances as they are. For example any small medical event can run to several $k.

Say down the line you do decide to have kids. You realise to send them to a school where they have the same opportunities that you had will cost you $1k+ every month in Thailand.

Finally, if you do want to commit to Thailand very long term and have a family, you can't really rely on poker for the rest of your life. It seems like you should be able to win several $k every month but as for becoming rich, you may not ever achieve that. Also, hyper STTs are probably one of the most solvable games so who knows if in 10-20 years they be profitable at all. Once you have a decent rainy day fund of $15k or so saved up and are decently profitable you should consider other income streams so your eggs are not all in the same basket.
Take this advice.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by MaddieNL
[X] Decent / lengthy background story for a level.
[X] Inb4 timestamp is 2012 (ever thought about taking a picture of your old pictures, just so you have one)
After reading past the first page I might admit that it does look legit. I just have never seen, even on the internet, such a delusional person. The entire story is a for-dummies manual titled "how not to live your life".
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by ktnxbye
After reading past the first page I might admit that it does look legit. I just have never seen, even on the internet, such a delusional person. The entire story is a for-dummies manual titled "how not to live your life".
But if everybody would make the best decisions then the worst of the best still make decisions in our eyes.
It is not about making mistakes, it is about how you stand up after you have fallen down (puke: using one of those over used quotes, but it's very applicable). Let's just hope that OP is able to do very well from now on, but let him make decisions he make.

Personally I hope that OP will crush everything, stay together with GF. Who are all you guys to judge.. even based upon a general rule which is correct 99.99% of the time. Even if it is correct, we are here to give a guy advise, but not berate him for making mistakes.

OP you will do fine, you seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And you got some advice in the girl friend department and you are at least not delusional from now on. So, if over time the advice that people have given you and how they think this person is bad comes close to reality, you will be able to realize it.

Good luck OP. Can't wait to see you crushing, and have your eyes open..
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 12:13 PM
Nice to see there are many people willing to help you. There are some sad trolls too but u will always see that on the internet. Keep your costs low now and grind yourself a good bankroll. You live in a perfect country to be able to do this. Best would be to work with a schedule. That way u dont burn yourself out and you will have time for your gf and dogs too. It will be a clear cut situation for everyone then. If u want to be staked PM me. GL at the tables and in life!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by STTranger

Yes i agree, same as post above. I will work my ass off this month.
By the way last 4 days, if i would completely ignore alex and this thread, i would have played more volume for sure. But it's important my game is as best i can do it now and study for couple hours a day. Make everything ready for go laos, i go tomorrow and obv can't grind in that time, will be back friday night and put some serious hours as a professional. I won't dissappoint this time.
Awice coaching was too good to miss and you always need the occasional studying. But right now your main problem is not being rolled to play the level you should be at. Every session that you fire up 1.50s instead of 7s or 15s is costing you good money. You really arent gonna see much return on time invested in studying at your current stakes so spend an extra hour a day playing and study 30 min to an hour instead of 2 hours studying.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 01:56 PM
I agree with ruse, clearly you need to move up asap
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-01-2013 , 05:38 PM
What a story OP!!!, I'll need more time to go through this thread then I'll make some comments, only managed to read the OP. What I can just say for now is, you need HELP ASAP!!!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-02-2013 , 01:49 AM
Posting to follow thread, GL this month OP
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
