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Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt !

10-03-2013 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by inJaxwetrust
Ok I'll take you through it my oblivious friend

Scamming 101, trick your victim into a false sense of security by being open about a dark past.

Lesson #2, tricking your victim into thinking it's all voluntary.


Lesson #3, tricking your victim into thinking you have a moral compass.

Lesson #4, regular STD check

Ok so here she made the mistake of believing the pretty picture OP sketched her, that's her mistake. So I guess Lesson #5 is one for her: if victim is unable to provide, find a new one.

See Lesson #2

Just for the sake of argument let me rephrase:

If you're going to marry a golddigger thai girl why not pick a prettier one?

#PleaseDontHate, #LookingOutForObliviousWhiteBoy, #PretendingToKnowWhatThisHashtagCrapIs
All excellent points and 100% true.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 07:36 AM
kk, will try not to be troll.

Will be hard for me, but OP you as a kid really do deserve it.
Do not wish to be ******* or smart-ass (as some here definitely are), and give unsolicited advice, but you are a kid. Life kid if you want to put it that way.
And I do not mean anything negative or positive by that. Stating obvious fact. Captain Obvious you might say.

Some things you do, some choices you made and are making now are not so god, but at the end of day they are your choices and your life. And if everything goes well these mistakes will help you to evolve in a even better and even more successful person.

About the poker side I can't tell much, seems like obvious that you know your ****. And could do well if you do take it 100% seriously.

And for the life, here are two unsolicited advice (just can't help myself):

- call your parents (I do strongly advice to tell them everything, but if you don't want to, don't) and get them to visit you and your future wife-to-be. Or fly with her to Belgium.
You really need to this before wedding.
- on any future decision in life, before you make it - process it like you do process your decisions in poker (may that be about unprotected sex, what to do about your dogs or bigger ones such as marriage, moving to another place/country) and then make a move.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 09:16 AM
From now on, this is a:
[X]5 Star topic!!

OP keep us updated in your standard intriguing fashion!
Curious how you have been faring, daily update?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by worpler does Ritalin actually do? There was an article in the UK press about students at "top" univs taking some kind of stay awakey drugs to study longer.

GL op, and why has no one said "me stake you long time..."?
I'd bet my manhood that more than 3/4 successful 3/6+ grinders are loaded on ADHD meds. It's brain roids
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 09:55 AM
But it's basically an amphetamine right? If it's anything like ice, no thank you. I don't want to end up like that poster who started the 'degenning in the phillipines' thread on the travel forum.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by daicos77
But it's basically an amphetamine right? If it's anything like ice, no thank you. I don't want to end up like that poster who started the 'degenning in the phillipines' thread on the travel forum.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
I can coach hypers if you want, skype alexwice

ps. this offer only applies to OP -- to others, I dont give a F about your sob story, don't PM me unless you can pay 1k/h
Wice is ICE COLD

Still a boss though
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
I can coach hypers if you want, skype alexwice

ps. this offer only applies to OP -- to others, I dont give a F about your sob story, don't PM me unless you can pay 1k/h
ill do it for 995
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by STTranger
She is a big dog lover, i was ok with just 1, but she wanted to take care another one and got it for free, so they can play with eachother. It's all fine as she likes spending her free time with the dogs.

Yes it stinks here most of the time. I start to hate it a lot this smell. It pisses me off sometimes, cleaning their piss and ****. But i get a lot of love from our dogs and i love them.
The dogs are fine here and we bring them go to outside everyday and take them to places with our motorbike many time. But they need to stay in room for some time now as we both no have time for play with them.
Im not getting rid of my dogs or run away from here, they're part of the family and my obligation is to be here for them and my gf as that is what i want.
Just running away from hard times is not what people should do. Hope that's clear.


You know what helps a lot? If you garden train them. Train them to only pee and poop outside. Start by taking them down to the garden/grass, wherever they can poop or pee 3-4 times a day, and then slowly reduce the number of times they go downstairs to 1-2 times a day. Depends on the time you feed your dogs as well, if you feed them once a day in the morning then you should take them down in the afternoon.

I'm a huge dog lover and I have 2 big mutts and they only poop and pee when we take them downstairs. Makes for a hella better living environment. Cleaning their poop and pee used to tilt the **** out of me but once I garden trained them life was so much better. I love that you've made a commitment to your dogs, and if you just commit to taking them outside for a short toilet break regularly it'll make life better for you.

Trust me, your dogs would rather go to the toilet outside than on your bed. It's their natural instinct.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by daicos77
But it's basically an amphetamine right? If it's anything like ice, no thank you. I don't want to end up like that poster who started the 'degenning in the phillipines' thread on the travel forum.
Adderal is amphetamines but ritalin is a bit different. Still similar though.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
ill do it for 995
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-03-2013 , 11:09 PM
OP I can really relate to your story, have been in a similar situation myself 500$ to my name in Eastern Europe due to my own laziness and frivolous spending and I managed to grind up to a point where I was comfortable again and lived well for 6 months until I got lazy again and pretty much bustoed, I now live at home with my parents working a job I ****ing hate 8-11hrs a day just so I can save up and move out to get another shot.

I advise you to think about how ****ty a real job is having to go to work 40-50hours a week and do what someone else tells you to do (worst part for me after 1 year of poker) next time you think about getting lazy with your grind.

Hope everything works out for you, I intend on coming to thailand some time next year, if youre still there i'll buy you a celebratory beer
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by ranka
OP. Do not listen others - they are just jealous because they are like you before - shy and not getting laid.

Keep posting, and definitely try to marry ASAP. Your life is too short to waste the time.

Good luck!
How can`t it be a suboptimal desiscion in 99,9999% of all cases to marry your 1st real girl as a still total noob with any experiences and game?

I rly hope the best for OP and kinda feel almost sry for his situation,
but at the end, everybody is responsible for his own life.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by CCM
Good luck! Really focus on putting the hours in over the next few months and build up a solid BR.

Also definitely consider postponing the marriage for a year or so. There are so many things that could go wrong with your finances as they are. For example any small medical event can run to several $k.

Say down the line you do decide to have kids. You realise to send them to a school where they have the same opportunities that you had will cost you $1k+ every month in Thailand.

Finally, if you do want to commit to Thailand very long term and have a family, you can't really rely on poker for the rest of your life. It seems like you should be able to win several $k every month but as for becoming rich, you may not ever achieve that. Also, hyper STTs are probably one of the most solvable games so who knows if in 10-20 years they be profitable at all. Once you have a decent rainy day fund of $15k or so saved up and are decently profitable you should consider other income streams so your eggs are not all in the same basket.
1) theres no reason to justify getting married right now. and yes ive read your reason for doing it.
2)with a marriage looming you will definately NOT be playing optimal poker. you will struggle for scraps and this fact will boil over to the rest of you life in various ways, which in turn will boil over to even worse play at the tables. you will feel a weight on your shoulders daily despite how easy it could be to live like a baller (in thailand) if you take your job seriously and grind 8-10 hrs/day or 60+hrs a week.

edit: the balling comes later after you've grinded like a madman or a guy working his way through 100+hr weeks at his first year at a law firm. this is your JOB dammit!

Last edited by ih8ustfu; 10-04-2013 at 01:27 PM.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
OP i'll be good and let you know a secret for your volume

In Thai pharmacies you can buy a generic version of Ritalin. Unfortunately you cant buy a slowrelease version because they arent actually sold in the country. But it's still better than nothing. You'll feel like **** every night so take it maybe for 2weeks. grind 120hrs those 2 weeks then take 2 weeks off it and grind your normal hours and then start again.

You should make 2-2.5k your first month without moving up. Setting yourself up with a roll.
assuming OP wants to **** his health up for poker.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
I'd bet my manhood that more than 3/4 successful 3/6+ grinders are loaded on ADHD meds. It's brain roids
dont listen to these idiots. i was prescribed ritalin when i was 18 bc i lacked motivation or something. the doc concluded that bc i read a magazine from back to front i have add (lol!) and prescribed me that ****. i was lifting weights at the time for over 1/2 year and was in an extended cycle of creatine. i ate about a pound a day of meat and was 6 ft and 210 lbs of muscle. i took the ritalin and a few days in i was at the gym and i went to bench press and on my first rep it just sank and i couldnt do anything about it had to call for a quick spot. i sat up and thought for like 5 minutes why the hell am i so weak all of a sudden, and realized i had maybe 1-2 meals over the last 3 days without even noticing. i got off it immediately, its basically speed and just as bad for your body/mind.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by ih8ustfu
dont listen to these idiots. i was prescribed ritalin when i was 18 bc i lacked motivation or something. the doc concluded that bc i read a magazine from back to front i have add (lol!) and prescribed me that ****. i was lifting weights at the time for over 1/2 year and was in an extended cycle of creatine. i ate about a pound a day of meat and was 6 ft and 210 lbs of muscle. i took the ritalin and a few days in i was at the gym and i went to bench press and on my first rep it just sank and i couldnt do anything about it had to call for a quick spot. i sat up and thought for like 5 minutes why the hell am i so weak all of a sudden, and realized i had maybe 1-2 meals over the last 3 days without even noticing. i got off it immediately, its basically speed and just as bad for your body/mind.
Ritalin is a poor man's med. It's a single strong dose as i said earlier. Extended releases are fine. You still eat enough.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 04:49 PM
Just because you come off as a moronic psychopath in yourop. welcome to the internet.

But in all seriousness your probably an ok guy who made alot of head scratching decisions. Moving abroad with about 9k career poker winnings in 3 years. Which is like 5 months of minimum wage in my country. 2 for My current part time job with no college education.

Your young and you definitely should play this through it could be real love after all. The only thing thats troubling is she wants to stay in thailand apparently. But outside of poker theres really no way to make money there for you. If you do marry her move to a nice country if your in the eu. With your results poker, should not be plan a or even b no offense. At least if your married.

Also marriage is stupid especially to someone from a 3rd world country who could be in it for the money. Dont be pressured if she likes you it shouldnt matter religious or not. Hell she already ****ed you she broke one rule already. Even if you do intend to marry her you should drop that bomb and she how she reacts good way to flush out a gold digger. Marriage is a silly concept but give her dat green card if you really like her and you feel its mutual.

Last edited by Alobar; 10-04-2013 at 06:07 PM.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-04-2013 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
Ritalin is a poor man's med. It's a single strong dose as i said earlier. Extended releases are fine. You still eat enough.
so don`t make a big ridic secret of it and tell us the name of the braindrug... hope its not modafinil cause this also sucks equally as ritalin does (if no medical reason for it existent)
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-05-2013 , 01:16 AM
Visa run Laos report

A trip i was not looking forward too but overall everything went great.
After giving my macbook to some old local pawnshop(not real pawnshop, more like someone keeping stuff), it was someone her family know and he would give me some money for it and i could pick it up later when i want withing 2 months, i told him in like 1 month maybe 2months. He gave me 2 months to bring back the macbook. He was very kind and didn’t do difficult about it. We negotiated a price, we came out on 11.000 , about 1/3 of the price i paid for it. This amount would help me if i had any problems in Laos.

So me and my gf took the bus to Udon Thani. A 13hour bustrip, i hate bus trips...
Printed my papers for study poker in the bus trip. Thanks alex for give me something to do in the bus trip.
For rest of trip i slept as i did not sleep that night and played some games with gf.
Arrived at Udon Thani, took the mini van to Nong Kai, get laos visa on arrival (1500thb or 30dollar) went through immigration, crossed border and went to Vientiane.

The driver advised us a hotel i saw on agoda before and was already excited about before going.
So we went to Vientiane Garden Hotel.
I tried booking it while driving to the hotel on agoda, i saw price was 960baht for superior room, it was a last booking promotion and has only 1 room left. Just before going to payment page, connection lost, so we just arrived at the hotel and i told him if i could use his wifi for book a room. He was not very kind looking and kind in a bad mood, but he gave me the wifi password and allowed me to make a booking.
He told me agoda is more expensive sure. I told him no, it’s actually cheaper. I showed him the price on agoda and he told me ok after him talking with his colleague.
He gave me the same price as agoda. He told me it’s ok and gave the key and brought us to our room.
Didn’t need to fill any paper for the booking or leave my name, just nothing. Very strange to me as this was the first hotel who didn’t ask any personal details.
Went to the reception an hour later and asked if i didn’t need to show passport, leave some details ? He told me no, never mind, when check out.
I was kind of suspicious of he was trying to charge me the normal price when check out. But what ever, i had to stay 2night at this place and the place was pretty good value.

Im someone who cares a lot of what i get for every penny. If i spend something with bad value, i will feel bad all day about it and can’t stop thinking about i wasted money. Kind of funny this coming from me, who bought all kind of useless stuff in the past for gf.
But lol i always tried the find best value even then. But it’s something i have when it comes to buy stuff for myself, not so much for others. I have this since i was a kid, always saved my money from birthday, newyear, easter, santa claus,... so i could get the most value out of it and buy the biggest and best toy that would make everyone jealous. I remember the biggest toy, i was so happy about it.

I even drove this thing to the local superstore on the street when dad and mom were not home. Stopped doing it till my neighbour caught me.

Through my entire life i’m someone who will always look all promotion books and later on the entire internet so i get the best value for my money.

I know my life would be completely different if i never had a gf and spoil her like hell, but yea it is how it is now and can’t change that and im glad it happened the way as it is now. I’m happy in love in the country i always wanted to live, country of value baby !
Now i will grind as i should like a professional as my eyes have opened, i can never get back to the situation im still in and i want to get out of it asap.
I have goals i want to succeed and damn i will !

Back to the laos trip
So after the bus trip, me and gf wanted to relax, jumped in the swimmingpool, went to have dinner and went to sleep. Bed was great, everything about the room was good value and definitely not felt like i was a poor bastard living from $250 in my pocket.

(took room pics next morning)

I was happy she came with me to Laos, even tho i wanted to go alone for save money, but she didn’t allow me to come alone. Glad she didn’t allow, we had great time together.

So after we woke up Thursday, i had to go to Thai embassy in morning. But first breakfast, breakfast was really great even comments on agoda said otherwise. They had a menu i could choose multiple meals from.
Arrived at thai embassy, saw some old falangs and some punks and some backpackers.
All my papers were ready, gave my application and was told the come back tomorrow afternoon.
So back to hotel, jumped in swimmingpool, have fun in pool, went to room and had some special time.

Yea im a white ass...

Evening went to night market at riverside, had nice dinner and back to hotel.


Food in laos is about 2x more expensive as Thailand and 2x more spicy. But it was delicious and served by a muscular ladyboy, sorry no pics for u ladyboy fans itt.

Saw 2012 movie on dvd (my room had some copied dvd’s free for watch), felt asleep and was excited to get my passport with new visa in next day.

After check out Friday, we ate something and took tuk tuk to embassy again, fk tuk tuk’s i hate them, always asking way to much, giving me terrible value.

Wanted to rent a bicycle, but my gf did not want to have more black skin from sun... arghhh
So tuk tuk wanted 80.000 laos money, which is 400baht lol ! For like 10min driving, wait 15min and go back 10min. I told him 20.000, he was laughing in my face. I said is normal price. He told me 60.000, i said no way. Gf already looking annoyed of us discussing the price, typical woman i guess, no have any patient and not care about value. ( maybe it’s just my gf ...)

So we both agreed on 50.000, way overpriced, but we had a ride to the embassy and back.
While going to embassy i could only think of this fk driver ripping me off.

But ok i arrived at embassy and had to wait 15min, got my passport and new visa and was relieved i got 2 entries, mean i can stay 6months in Thailand.
Me and gf happy and got back to border, stamp out and got in contact with 3 man from US traveling, agreed to share a taxi ( guy in a pickup truck) for 200baht each. (probably still over paying but what ever, better than accepting that first taxi driver asking 1000 lol)

58km to bus station and were just in time for the bus of 3.15pm. 13hours driving back, have no idea why, but that bus did not stop for food the whole trip, we should have got a free meal, but they did not stop, only gas station 1 time with 7-11 shop. It was ok coz i slept the whole trip but was kind of pissed off for not having my free meal.
Called her dad 4am for picking us up and went to room. I bought him a beerlao in Laos for driving us.
Cleaned room and went to pick up our dogs who stayed at a dog hotel for 300baht a day. Her family and friends did not have time to take care them as they had to go work so a hotel was the only option.
Body feels pretty tired for sleeping in a bus, but im ready for start the grind today.
Also happy to see these last 3 donations since last update;

Thanks guys, helps me moving up faster and real soon to the 3.50 hypers.
Really awesome to have some people support a complete stranger, just from reading my story, just shows there are some really good people on this community.

Gl all today !
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-05-2013 , 01:34 AM
Wow didn't realize she had braces on her teeth. How do you find that?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by daicos77
Wow didn't realize she had braces on her teeth. How do you find that?
Lol? why would he care, it doesn't affect him in any way?
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-05-2013 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by STTranger
After giving my macbook to some old local pawnshop(not real pawnshop, more like someone keeping stuff), it was someone her family know and he would give me some money for it and i could pick it up later when i want withing 2 months, i told him in like 1 month maybe 2months. He gave me 2 months to bring back the macbook. He was very kind and didn’t do difficult about it. We negotiated a price, we came out on 11.000 , about 1/3 of the price i paid for it. This amount would help me if i had any problems in Laos.
This is the definition of a pawnshop.

Originally Posted by sngmastah
Lol? why would he care, it doesn't affect him in any way?
He paid for them

so i could get the most value out of it and buy the biggest and best toy that would make everyone jealous
Maybe take Ruse up on his offer, move your butt to 7s and grind more dip****.

*OP still confirmed moron fish*

Last edited by inJaxwetrust; 10-05-2013 at 04:30 AM.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-05-2013 , 04:27 AM
I assume you are staying on tourist visa's. Well, don't expect to get another double entry from Vientiane. Likely you will get one more single entry with a red stamp that your next application may be refused together with a notice that it's illegal to work in Thailand on a tourist visa. Possibly you could travel around to other places and continue this charade for a while, but at some point you will need a different kind of visa or return back home.

As for your marriage. Has she discussed a sin sod with you? Thai culture would normally oblige you to pay a dowry to your girlfriends parents. The dowry is normally for show and will be either (partly) returned to the couple or sometimes kept by the parents. Make sure you discus this clearly with your girlfriend and not get any unexpected surprises. It is your duty to negiotiate the height of the dowry with your girlfriend parents.

Good luck!
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
10-05-2013 , 05:28 AM
I had about 5 tourist visas in my passport when i went first time to embassy in vientiane and got 2 entry without problems. 6 moths later went Again and again i got 2 entry without any problems.
Busto in Thailand playing <img .5 6max hypers (full story) WARNING; wall of text itt ! Quote
