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11-06-2018 , 05:45 AM
just watched your video, or at least a bit of it. you can easily solve your hotkey issue by not using the "active table" option in PGM but rather the "table under mouse" setting in the hotkeys tab. i have it bound on my mousebuttons as well and never had a single "missclick" in many weeks of usage

if you wanna use the "active table" option you will always have to "activate" a table by making a normal left mouseclick anywhere on the table / in the window, first. otherwise it will fold on the last table on which you were active, i.e. clicked something on.
11-06-2018 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Ch@0tic
Sounds like your having a blast bro, more pics plz!
Absolutely M8, not really one for photography much but will do me best to spruce the thread up with some pics this week

Originally Posted by shorshi
just watched your video, or at least a bit of it. you can easily solve your hotkey issue by not using the "active table" option in PGM but rather the "table under mouse" setting in the hotkeys tab. i have it bound on my mousebuttons as well and never had a single "missclick" in many weeks of usage

if you wanna use the "active table" option you will always have to "activate" a table by making a normal left mouseclick anywhere on the table / in the window, first. otherwise it will fold on the last table on which you were active, i.e. clicked something on.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's how I've got it configured. It works fine 99% of the time - and I don't have to click on table to get it to work... But I'll check the settings once I get home.
11-06-2018 , 06:05 AM
its shown in the vid that u have it on active table mode. you dont have to click on it per se, but it will always choose the last table you did any kind of action on.

you can also visualize it by using the "frames" that PGM can display around tables, that will always mark the "active" table for you. its a nuissance though and you will be better of switching to "under mouse" and you wont have any "glitches" anymore
11-06-2018 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by shorshi
its shown in the vid that u have it on active table mode. you dont have to click on it per se, but it will always choose the last table you did any kind of action on.

you can also visualize it by using the "frames" that PGM can display around tables, that will always mark the "active" table for you. its a nuissance though and you will be better of switching to "under mouse" and you wont have any "glitches" anymore
Oh there you have it! Cheers for that mate
11-06-2018 , 06:23 AM
I heard PM banned hud a month or two before but apparently it can still be used?
11-06-2018 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by yasuo
I heard PM banned hud a month or two before but apparently it can still be used?
You heard wrong mate, no HUD bans on PM. H2N stopped working due to their incompetence basically but there are other options. As far as I know it's totally fine to use a HUD on PM
11-06-2018 , 08:03 AM
The week ahead - a different approach

So admittedly I've been pretty delated with regard to results lately. Won like $400 this week and it's really not acceptable. I did a review session with one of the guys from the study group last night too and we filtered in HEM for SRPs in which we lost >30bb. This outputted a bunch of hands with a bunch of mistakes.

Today I also reflected upon a happier time when I was killing these 2/4/8 games for over 20bb/100 and I've been trying to figure out what I'm doing differently now. Back then I was reviewing session on Skype just about every day, I was also making big exploitative folds much more consistently, I was really dialled into population tendencies. And of course I was running much better too - and coolers/setups/weird spots were cropping up far less frequently too.

Anyway so this is what I'm going to do:

Wednesday - Wednesday, I'm going to play every day except for 1 day off (will be spent pissing up with a 2+2er who's heading back to Canada in a week). Each day I'm going to play 5 hours of volume and then will spend 30-60 min reviewing afterwards. Specifically each session I will focus on the exploitative folds and hands where I bluffcatch and could have instead folded, specifically ones where I bluffcatch and I'm right but could have instead folded.

After this review, I'll maintain a spreadsheet in which I keep track of how much $/bbs I could have saved if I'd made the extra disciplined fold, and I want to see how much this adds up over the course of a week. I'm pretty confident that being super dialled into pop tendencies and being extremely disciplined is where all the profit in these games comes.

Will post all findings ITT after each session.
11-07-2018 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by shorshi
just watched your video, or at least a bit of it. you can easily solve your hotkey issue by not using the "active table" option in PGM but rather the "table under mouse" setting in the hotkeys tab. i have it bound on my mousebuttons as well and never had a single "missclick" in many weeks of usage

if you wanna use the "active table" option you will always have to "activate" a table by making a normal left mouseclick anywhere on the table / in the window, first. otherwise it will fold on the last table on which you were active, i.e. clicked something on.
Absolute lifesaver man. It's so much better, how the fk didn't I have it setup this way already...

Anyway, played for a couple hours today, didn't make anything, didn't lose anything - I wanted to play longer but I got kicked off every table because my VPIP was too low (lol) so I'm running booster now to fix my stats up. Played really well overall I think - only made maybe $75-80 worth of bad/unnecessary calls - which seems like a lot when you look at it that way but it's definitely an improvement on recent times.

Will review some hands on Skype later on but now going to watch some training vidyas on poker that have been sent to me by a friend.

Will do proper update with giraffes etc tomorrow. <3
11-08-2018 , 03:47 AM
glad i could help also happy you seem happier with your game
11-08-2018 , 06:05 AM
surprising that your vpip is "too low" as you seen to open and iso a lot in your videos lol
11-08-2018 , 07:50 AM
"Today I also reflected upon a happier time when I was killing these 2/4/8 games for over 20bb/100 and I've been trying to figure out what I'm doing differently now. "

Maybe chinese Black Friday has an impact don't you think?
11-08-2018 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by meale
Absolute lifesaver man. It's so much better, how the fk didn't I have it setup this way already...

Anyway, played for a couple hours today, didn't make anything, didn't lose anything - I wanted to play longer but I got kicked off every table because my VPIP was too low (lol) so I'm running booster now to fix my stats up. Played really well overall I think - only made maybe $75-80 worth of bad/unnecessary calls - which seems like a lot when you look at it that way but it's definitely an improvement on recent times.

Will review some hands on Skype later on but now going to watch some training vidyas on poker that have been sent to me by a friend.

Will do proper update with giraffes etc tomorrow. <3
Wait, this is a thing??? wish every site had this.
11-08-2018 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by shorshi
glad i could help also happy you seem happier with your game

Originally Posted by yasuo
surprising that your vpip is "too low" as you seen to open and iso a lot in your videos lol
Yeah, was down to 17% - I guess that's normalish for fullring though.

Originally Posted by LAGasaurus1
"Today I also reflected upon a happier time when I was killing these 2/4/8 games for over 20bb/100 and I've been trying to figure out what I'm doing differently now. "

Maybe chinese Black Friday has an impact don't you think?
Very possible indeed. Think the games definitely have gotten tougher, but still very good imo.

Originally Posted by SB12
Wait, this is a thing??? wish every site had this.
YUeah it's cool, except they're forcing you to play 25% vpip in fullring games - which is never going to be a winning strategy, so we're forced to artificially inflate stats using bots. :/

Here's today and yesterday.

So far the "bad bluffcatch/call" tally is at 863, so nearly a buyin. Which is still a bit over that sample. Still a bunch of annoying af hands like this happening every day vs whales...
11-08-2018 , 05:17 PM
Im guessing these are your opponents?
11-09-2018 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Ch@0tic
Im guessing these are your opponents?

Inviato dal mio SM-A310F utilizzando Tapatalk
11-09-2018 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Ch@0tic
Im guessing these are your opponents?
Looks like what Pads based his BitB HQ on, just a little more... hygienic.

Last edited by samcx; 11-09-2018 at 02:29 AM.
11-09-2018 , 07:05 AM
Hahah yeah saw this the other day. Filthy gremlins that lot.
11-09-2018 , 08:59 AM
pretty sure 17% vpip is way too low for a game with antes, often big antes like on PM
11-09-2018 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
pretty sure 17% vpip is way too low for a game with antes, often big antes like on PM
Not with a lot of limping, cold calling, 3betting going on in 9max 3 blind games imo. Hard to defend straddle/BB plenty too when population blasts off and is v sticky. When everyone is playing too lose I think the best adjustment is to go tighter.

But it's okay because now my vpip is 37%
11-09-2018 , 11:42 AM
Take a look at his redline.
11-09-2018 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
pretty sure 17% vpip is way too low for a game with antes, often big antes like on PM

to say having 25% vpip is never winning is ridic
11-09-2018 , 12:32 PM
Ah ya I forgot these are full ring games so basically being forced to play a 25% vpip could be a bit messy.

Also WTF at that YT video, pretty unreal lol.
11-09-2018 , 01:04 PM
I'm sure 17% vpip is winning, but it's obviously not remotely close to optimal, I'd be guessing in a 3 blinds game with antes, optimal would be closer to 35% vpip

if you feel you wouldn't be able to show profit with all the worse hands you're supposed to play because you get owned postflop then yeah you may want to avoid playing those
11-09-2018 , 02:08 PM
There's a lot more factors to the game than just the blinds structure. I'd be shocked if anyone could play 35% vpip and win. Once again, just look at his red line; you need to be winning at showdown to win in these games.
11-09-2018 , 02:21 PM
the only reason you wouldn't be able to win playing 35% vpip is if your competition is playing better than you postflop, it usually is the main reason that some players play tighter than they really should
