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After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!!

01-22-2018 , 02:23 PM
Hey everyone!

This isn't just gonna be another one of those threads which fizzles out in a few days where another young hopeful makes claims and disappears. Why?

Because I'm not a young guy, that's why!, lol I'm bloody old compared to most of you on here. I'm in my mid 40's with 4 kids and a wife of 15 years.

I used to play poker for a living. Played for a living from 2002 until 2014. Played 100nl-200NL Full Ring 24 tabling and some Rush/Zoom poker sprinkled in. Played 99% of my volume on Stars and 99% Full Ring. And yes, I agree 100% that's not saying much with the state of the games today.

Those were the days when Tim Stone Vinni, Jrockhalf, Meleab, Mayo SMB, etc were making regular appearances on the tables.(until Mayo and SMB were banned) Don't know if any of those guys are still around. I haven't logged into 2+2 in about 4 years, I can't access my old account as I can't remember the pw and the email address I used no longer works but I lurk occasionally.

I stopped playing poker for a living as I got sick of the grind. I was also given a chance at a major business opportunity that I couldn't pass up so I exited poker still a decent winner 24 tabling SSNL or 4 tabling zoom at the same time that Pokerstars was being sold in 2014 Concerns about the legality and availability of poker in Canada as well as really hating poker made me make a long term life decision. It was probably one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made as I was exiting poker still a decent winner in the Full Ring SSNL games I stopped playing poker and launched a new career and never looked backed.

I haven't played a hand of poker since Jan 2014. I've lurked a bit here and there reading a bit about how times have changed and how hard the games have become and I decided to dip my toes back into the water. I realize I'm going to be outclassed and outmatched by virtually every reg out there as I haven't played a hand in 4 years and from what I've been reading every micro/SSNL reg out there is doing PIO simulations etc etc, so basically yea I'm gonna suck coming out of the gate, but oh well!

I don't have an ego, I know I'm going to suck compared to every reg out there these days so feel free to berate any HH I put up in here and lol and call me fish. Sorry guys, no high stakes action here!

I'm going to play 6 max this time, no more full ring for me!
I started out a few days ago on Stars 4 tabling zoom because I'm still a Stars fanboy at heart but decided to change it up and hit Bovada Zone instead for softer games.

I'm also going to be doing some live streams when I play just for fun if anyone is interested in watching. No high stakes action here unfortunately., not yet anyway, lol!

I'm starting off very small, 3 tabling Zone 2x50nl and 1x25nl to dust off some of the rust and figure out exactly what I'm getting myself into. I tried 4 tabling zone but I kept timing out so 3 looks like my sweet spot. Looks like nothing has changed on Bovada, software still sucks. I expect to be playing about 15-20 hours a week.

Anyways here's my results so far.

Pokerstars only

Pokerstars and Bovada (missing about 1k hands I have yet to download from Bovada)

Anyways, this post got long. Sorry Promise to make them shorter next time.

I'm going to stream tonight around 10pm eastern if anyone wants to watch. Just be warned, I'm going to suck and you are likely to see some spew, lol!

Good Luck everyone, go crush!

Last edited by fryguy1987; 01-22-2018 at 02:38 PM.
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 03:17 PM
Gl man, off to a good start.
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 04:03 PM
I'm in. Post link to stream
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 04:06 PM
Sick man haha , i can't imagine 24-tabling cash games wtf? Like even 12-tabling full-ring is insane, now a days most ppl just 4-6 table or if ur on that MTT grind.


btw bovada zone is a different pool from USA ignition right? You said you can play on stars as well so i'm assuming ur not in the USA
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by sweetswing1
Gl man, off to a good start.

Originally Posted by Brokenstars
I'm in. Post link to stream
I just set up a twitch account and I'm trying to figure out where the link I provide to people is so I can post it in here when I stream. I've been lurking in your thread btw and watched a few of your recorded streams. Nice results!

Originally Posted by Evoxgsr96
Sick man haha , i can't imagine 24-tabling cash games wtf? Like even 12-tabling full-ring is insane, now a days most ppl just 4-6 table or if ur on that MTT grind.


btw bovada zone is a different pool from USA ignition right? You said you can play on stars as well so i'm assuming ur not in the USA

I was under the impression they shared pools? I don't really know as I never really checked. I just figured I would start fresh on the fishiest site out there after I realized that Stars chests or whatever they called earned me about $2 in rakeback every 10k hands or so and the softness of Bovada would more than make up for it.

I'm not sure what Stars is doing these days in terms of # of tables but I was approved to have my limit upped to 28 at one point. They monitored your reaction times and if you were slowing down the games to much they reduced the tables you can play. On the other hand if you were fast enough they increased it. I never went past 24 even thou I could have. I was also one of the laggier players around when I was playing but keep in mind laggy stats for full ring would be considered nitty for 6 max
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 09:05 PM
Going to start streaming in about an hour. I've never streamed before so if anyone does happen to watch let me know if stream quality is ok!

After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 10:11 PM
Starting the stream. Mike broke so no talking tonight, sorry guys. I'll get anew mike tomorrow.
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-22-2018 , 11:57 PM
Thx everyone who joined my stream, had 6 guests at one point. Definitely need a mike tomorrow because trying to type while playing does not mesh well together. Ended up about $200 which I am happy with overall.

I made a few bad plays tonight due to running out of time and I had a couple overbet spots where afterwords I realized that made no sense but it seemed good at the time due to rushing thru the hand with time restrictions. Also a few spots where my sizing was terrible but didn't realize it to the river due to running out of time. Told you I am rusty, lol

Also had a really weird hand 3 way with KJ where I turned the nuts and I expected the fish to make a play other than what he did and it really screwed up my sizing vs the other player.

I'm also experimenting a bit with some really exploitable bet sizing on my end that would get punished hard on Stars but read less they can't exploit me obviously and at these levels I doubt many are to concerned with GTO play anyways. I'm also trying to adjust 3 bet and calling ranges based on stack sizes and making assumptions that most of the non full stack players are fish with the exception of the ones down 2-3 bbs or so.

Crush hard everyone!

Last edited by fryguy1987; 01-23-2018 at 12:05 AM.
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-23-2018 , 02:15 AM
GL man.
So far tou seem pretty solid.
At first I wanted to suggest start with 10NL and 25NL to get the feeling for 6max and the fact that 25NL 6max novadays is a lot harder than 200NL FR 5 years ago but if you have the money to start higher, why not!
And a soft pool like ignition is always a good option to have.
Best wishes.
After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
01-24-2018 , 10:06 AM
Played another 2k hands or so since my last update. I find it really tilting to have to wait 24 hours to download my HH.

Results so far.

It's nice to see that years later some things never change. The Bovada player pool still plays so much different than the Stars pool. It's a night and day difference. No one ever 4 bets, 3 bets frequencies are 1/4 of what they are on Stars and it seems that 3 bet pots are played rather passively. Even in single raised pots there is so much passiveness and no one wants to fight for pots. And OMG, all the limping.

However the software still sucks, it's literally the exact same and is so tilting and I have a feeling it will never changed and that is done purposely.

Does anyone know why the 100 zone never seems to run? I find it odd that 200 runs but 100 never does. Maybe it's a sample size issue?

Seems that 3bet sizing post flop has changed a lot over the years so that's something I'm going to have to explore and work on. I've read a few articles and posts on the why and it make sense.

Don't really have any interesting hands to post yet that are not standard with the exception of perhaps this one which left me in a really awkward spot on the river

How much do you raise the river? Jam? 1/2? Smaller? I don't ever think the PFR is ever bluffing when he raises the flop 3way and taking into consideration the stack size of the SB. When the SB donks again with his small sizing I fully expect the PFR to raise again which he doesn't do which leaves me a really awkward spot on the river.

    Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    CO: $55.87 (111.7 bb)
    BTN: $70.82 (141.6 bb)
    SB: $16.59 (33.2 bb)
    Hero (BB): $119.88 (239.8 bb)
    UTG: $92.57 (185.1 bb)
    MP: $48.02 (96 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with K J
    2 folds, CO raises to $1.75, BTN folds, SB calls $1.50, Hero calls $1.25

    Flop: ($5.25) A 2 Q (3 players)
    SB bets $0.50, Hero calls $0.50, CO raises to $3, SB calls $2.50, Hero calls $2.50

    Turn: ($14.25) T (3 players)
    SB bets $3, Hero calls $3, CO calls $3

    River: ($23.25) 8 (3 players)
    SB bets $7, Hero raises to $25, CO folds, SB calls $1.84 and is all-in

    Results: $40.93 pot ($2.04 rake)
    Final Board: A 2 Q T 8
    CO mucked Q A and lost (-$7.75 net)
    BTN mucked 5 9 and lostSB mucked T T and lost (-$16.59 net)
    Hero showed K J and won $38.89 ($22.30 net)
    UTG mucked J 7 and lostMP mucked 6 Q and lost
    After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
    01-24-2018 , 10:17 AM
    There are no 3bet in that hand.
    Raise turn
    After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
    01-24-2018 , 03:25 PM
    I'm going to stream again tonight if anyone is interested, Around 9pm EST again. I had a revelation this afternoon as well. I wasn't aware that Bovada changed the way they sat you at cash games. I hate scanning lobbies but I realized today Bovada doesn't allow you to seat select anymore so I'm dumping my 25nl zone and going 2x50nl zone and 2x50nl reg tables.

    How long had Bovada been doing that?
    After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
    01-24-2018 , 03:28 PM
    Not very long. <1yr
    After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
    01-24-2018 , 11:37 PM
    Sorry had to cut it short, ran into some technical difficulties with my wife, lol
    After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
    01-26-2018 , 09:41 AM
    Managed to play about 4k hands the other day. Grinding hands on Bovada is slow going compared to the 1700 hands/hour I used to get back in the day. I'm averaging about 500 hands/hour playing 2x zone and 2x reg tables so less than 1/3 of the hands I used to get.

    I'm playing about 1/2 my volume mid morning and mid day EST time when the zone pool has about 20-25 entries and a few times I've not been able to sit at reg tables which is probably slowing my hands/hour by a decent clip. Small sample size but the difference between playing in the morning/early afternoon vs late evening is dramatic.I knew this would be the case as it has always been that way but the extreme difference is far more noticeable with the smaller player pool compared to Stars. Right now it's 8:45 am EST and I'm going to play. Bovada had 21 entries in the 50nl zone pool and 33 entries in the 25nl zone pool compared to stars which has 285 entries in the 50nl pool and 412 in the 25nl pool

    I'm looking into some software for Bovada for table scripts and betting hot keys, any recommendations? The only two I could find are table tamer and Stack and Tile and Table Tamer crashes when I launch it atm and I haven't set up stack and Tile yet.

    I'm also crushing 200nl zone. Sat down by mistake, winrate sustainable?

    Also while reviewing some hands I think I've developed a slight leak where my 3b sizing is to large. I never used to 3bet or 4 bet as large I am currently. Not sure where that came from, it's not extreme or anything but maybe one or two bb's here and there.

    Some hands from yesterday:

    200NL Zone is EZ

      Poker Stars, $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

      SB: $315.12 (157.6 bb)
      Hero (BB): $200 (100 bb)
      UTG: $154.95 (77.5 bb)
      MP: $158.35 (79.2 bb)
      CO: $375.02 (187.5 bb)
      BTN: $563.71 (281.9 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BB with Q K
      UTG raises to $6, MP calls $6, CO calls $6, 2 folds, Hero raises to $34, UTG calls $28, MP calls $28, CO calls $28

      Flop: ($137) 5 5 K (4 players)
      Hero bets $46.50, 3 folds

      Results: $137 pot ($4 rake)
      Final Board: 5 5 K
      SB mucked 6 A and lost (-$1 net)
      Hero showed Q K and won $133 ($99 net)
      UTG mucked 3 3 and lost (-$34 net)
      MP mucked 4 4 and lost (-$34 net)
      CO mucked 9 9 and lost (-$34 net)
      BTN mucked 5 8 and lost

      First time AA gets me a full stack since I came back

        Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

        Hero (BB): $58.59 (117.2 bb)
        UTG: $88.04 (176.1 bb)
        MP: $57.90 (115.8 bb)
        CO: $71.85 (143.7 bb)
        BTN: $90.83 (181.7 bb)
        SB: $50 (100 bb)

        Preflop: Hero is BB with A A
        UTG folds, MP raises to $1.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $6, MP calls $4.50

        Flop: ($12.25) 5 6 9 (2 players)
        Hero bets $4.12, MP calls $4.12

        Turn: ($20.49) 2 (2 players)
        Hero bets $23.49, MP calls $23.49

        River: ($67.47) 3 (2 players)
        Hero bets $24.98 and is all-in, MP calls $24.29 and is all-in

        Results: $116.05 pot ($4.00 rake)
        Final Board: 5 6 9 2 3
        Hero showed A A and won $112.05 ($54.15 net)
        UTG mucked 9 4 and lostMP mucked 9 T and lost (-$57.90 net)
        CO mucked 4 Q and lostSB mucked 2 J and lost (-$0.25 net)

        Random spazz, clicking buttons or I induced, not sure which

          Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

          CO: $52.92 (105.8 bb)
          BTN: $50.13 (100.3 bb)
          SB: $50 (100 bb)
          BB: $54.89 (109.8 bb)
          UTG: $21.25 (42.5 bb)
          Hero (MP): $65.38 (130.8 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is MP with A K
          UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.50, CO folds, BTN calls $1.50, SB raises to $6.50, BB folds, Hero raises to $14, BTN folds, SB calls $7.50

          Flop: ($30) A A 5 (2 players)
          SB checks, Hero bets $9, SB raises to $36 and is all-in, Hero calls $27

          Turn: ($102) J (2 players, 1 is all-in)
          River: ($102) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

          Results: $102 pot ($4 rake)
          Final Board: A A 5 J 4
          CO mucked 4 K and lostBTN mucked 9 A and lost (-$1.50 net)
          SB showed J J and won $98 ($48 net)
          BB mucked 2 6 and lost (-$0.50 net)
          UTG mucked T Q and lostHero showed A K and lost (-$50 net)


            Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
            Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

            BTN: $49.25 (98.5 bb)
            SB: $16.84 (33.7 bb)
            BB: $67.80 (135.6 bb)
            UTG: $165.73 (331.5 bb)
            MP: $65.63 (131.3 bb)
            Hero (CO): $99.06 (198.1 bb)

            Preflop: Hero is CO with 2 2
            2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 2 folds, BB calls $1

            Flop: ($3.25) 7 2 2 (2 players)
            BB checks, Hero bets $2.12, BB calls $2.12

            Turn: ($7.49) 9 (2 players)
            BB checks, Hero bets $11, BB calls $11

            River: ($29.49) 7 (2 players)
            BB bets $12.24, Hero raises to $84.44 and is all-in, BB calls $40.94 and is all-in

            Results: $135.85 pot ($4.00 rake)
            Final Board: 7 2 2 9 7
            BTN mucked K 4 and lostSB mucked 4 8 and lost (-$0.25 net)
            BB mucked 7 A and lost (-$67.80 net)
            UTG mucked Q 3 and lostMP mucked J T and lostHero showed 2 2 and won $131.85 ($64.05 net)

            Non believer

              Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
              Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

              BB: $82.68 (165.4 bb)
              UTG: $69.79 (139.6 bb)
              Hero (MP): $75.99 (152 bb)
              CO: $55.47 (110.9 bb)
              BTN: $43.49 (87 bb)
              SB: $105.82 (211.6 bb)

              Preflop: Hero is MP with 7 7
              UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.50, CO folds, BTN calls $1.50, 2 folds

              Flop: ($3.75) 7 K Q (2 players)
              Hero checks, BTN bets $1.04, Hero raises to $4.58, BTN calls $3.54

              Turn: ($12.91) 4 (2 players)
              Hero bets $15.95, BTN calls $15.95

              River: ($44.81) J (2 players)
              Hero bets $22.40, BTN calls $21.46 and is all-in

              Results: $87.73 pot ($4.00 rake)
              Final Board: 7 K Q 4 J
              BB mucked 5 2 and lost (-$0.50 net)
              UTG mucked 6 K and lostHero showed 7 7 and won $83.73 ($40.24 net)
              CO mucked 9 J and lostBTN mucked T Q and lost (-$43.49 net)
              SB mucked 9 3 and lost (-$0.25 net)

              na na na na I flopped a set...oops

                Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
                Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

                SB: $54.02 (108 bb)
                BB: $50 (100 bb)
                Hero (UTG): $50.50 (101 bb)
                MP: $57.11 (114.2 bb)
                CO: $31.30 (62.6 bb)
                BTN: $32.30 (64.6 bb)

                Preflop: Hero is UTG with 7 7
                Hero raises to $1.50, 4 folds, BB raises to $5, Hero calls $3.50

                Flop: ($10.25) 3 7 4 (2 players)
                BB bets $6, Hero raises to $16, BB raises to $45 and is all-in, Hero calls $29

                Turn: ($100.25) Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)
                River: ($100.25) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                Results: $100.25 pot ($4 rake)
                Final Board: 3 7 4 Q 2
                SB mucked A 6 and lost (-$0.25 net)
                BB showed Q Q and won $96.25 ($46.25 net)
                Hero showed 7 7 and lost (-$50 net)
                MP mucked 4 5 and lostCO mucked 2 Q and lostBTN mucked 3 K and lost

                Last edited by fryguy1987; 01-26-2018 at 09:57 AM.
                After 4 year absence gonna crush Bovada zone. Yes I'm gonna be outmatched  but I don't care!!!! Quote
