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♠New World Order♠ ♠New World Order♠

01-03-2019 , 09:26 PM
Aight let's go. I feel I should make a mini-intro of sorts, since it's the first post.

Decided to start a new blog since it's a New Year and my overall direction has changed since last blog.

I'm Daniel, I play mid-highstakes online and I live in Malta. I want to start blogging to help keep myself accountable, connect with likeminded people and lead everyone to the promised land.

I like poker for the freedom it gives me and because it teaches me a lot about myself and life. This blog will also be sort of a journal, where I discuss various ideas from nutrition to spirituality, performance, etc.
Most of you know I also have a youtube channel where I make vblogs on poker and self development.

Let's start with a bit of a poker recap. 2018 was a pretty good year, I ran good, learned a lot, met cool people while travelling.

Online volume was pretty low, because of Vegas and Barcelona trips, playing untracked sites but also because I am a low volume type of guy - I don't play many tables and I enjoy working on my game. My friends make fun of me saying that I am the best non-playing poker pro.

A lot of people have been asking me, so I will make a video soon on how I went from playing ~200NL to nosebleeds in less than 2 years, so stay tuned for that.

Meanwhile, I just posted this video

After posting it and talking to some people, I realized there's a need for something bigger. A lot of people I know want to take massive action in their lives, especially now since it's a new year so I decided to create a place where likeminded people can connect, challenge themselves and grow. They will be able to join me in my challenges and also together create new ones. To be honest I'm also doing this for selfish reasons, I think I will perform better this way.

For now, I started a channel on Discord to build this community there. If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, pm me and I will send an invite. But only join if you want to participate and offer value to such a group. I already have some high performing friends joining, so it's gonna get GTO af.

As you can see, in the last months I'm going through a lot of paradigm shifts in all areas of my life.

Some updates, I came back to Malta after spending holidays with family and I'm probably the only person on the planet who lost weight during this time. Lately I am really enjoying table tennis and if it was up to me I would play 2h+ everyday, but there's no one to do it with However, some friends here are getting a table so things will change

It's weird to write a first post because I could write about so many things, but I'll keep this one short. As you can see, this blog will be a lot of experimenting and bouncing ideas.

Good luck everyone in 2019, time to take affirmative action yo!

Show of Force.

♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-03-2019 , 10:24 PM
I'm looking forward to following your progress in 2019.
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-03-2019 , 10:47 PM
GL seems like a good concept you're bringing. Would like to part part of a Skype group rather than discord so I'll pass though.
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-03-2019 , 10:55 PM
omg i LOVE table tennis too. like im awful and also havent played since like 10y/o in summer camp, but i LOVED it. so much fun.
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:01 AM
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:50 AM
Glgl will be following
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 02:47 AM
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 02:58 AM
Table tennis is an awesome game! I have followed your poker strategy blog in the past, can confirm threadsaver game is on point so looking forward to that!

Pretty awesome rise in 2 years man, congrats!
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 04:29 AM
Keen to see where this project leads!
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 06:20 AM
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 06:20 AM
Good luck!
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 07:38 PM
Thanks everyone! Let's make some money in 2019

Originally Posted by Kizzah
omg i LOVE table tennis too. like im awful and also havent played since like 10y/o in summer camp, but i LOVED it. so much fun.
Oh so ur not that good at it, sry but no scrubs:

Originally Posted by UAC
Table tennis is an awesome game! I have followed your poker strategy blog in the past, can confirm threadsaver game is on point so looking forward to that!

Pretty awesome rise in 2 years man, congrats!
Thanks bro, always good to see long time followers!

For 2019, my goal with poker is to be at a level where I am comfortable reg gaming ~5k NL in most line-ups. This means a lot of improving. It's intimidating to put this out there, but this is my main goal pokerwise for the year and I know I can do it.
I am experimenting with so much stuff, from my approach to grinding to constantly challenging my views on how poker works. Just gotta put those hours in.

I am experimenting with eating mostly beef lately and low amount of carbs from greens. After few days, seems my energy is up compared to my normal diet. My suspicion is that I was eating too many carbs.

Getting quite a few ppl in the discord, gonna be good. Btw not sure if it was clear but it will not be strategy based.

Dunno why I enjoy these 2girl pics lately.
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 08:27 PM
Seems like this will be a great follow. GL!
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 09:54 PM
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 11:30 PM
lol experimenting with eating a lot of beef, it's 2019 mate and the planet is ****ing dying, wake up
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-04-2019 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
lol experimenting with eating a lot of beef, it's 2019 mate and the planet is ****ing dying, wake up
Yeah okay buddy lmao
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-05-2019 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by _Beck_
This was my fav vid for a while! prob watched it 541 times

Originally Posted by Xenoblade
lol experimenting with eating a lot of beef, it's 2019 mate and the planet is ****ing dying, wake up

tried to practice some professional serves at table tennis today. hard af
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-06-2019 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by ShowOfForce

This was my fav vid for a while! prob watched it 541 times

tried to practice some professional serves at table tennis today. hard af

Great , then probably you will like this :
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-06-2019 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by _Beck_
Great , then probably you will like this :
Decent track, 7.1/10

Btw, to give a less trolly response on the eating beef thing. I mostly change up my diet to perform better. The way I see it, If I take from the 'planet' by eating beef but by doing so I am performing at a significantly higher level and I can give back more then it's an overall win for the 'planet'.

Good news for the planet tho, I may end up changing my diet some more based on some stuff from the discord chat. Pretty excited with how it's going so far. I will sometimes share some nuggets here

This part was pretty cool, by our life GTO resident

Also, RIP gym? Was this LLinus' / OtB secret all along?

I beat MMAsherdog today at table tennis. He's not much competition, but helpful in training for taking on Era7er - he crushed me in the past, but now I bought an actual table tenis racket and had a bit of training while away for holidays so I believe I will overtake him.

Ok this is a low resolution pic because it's a screenshot from a video but I swear this girl on the right is the hottest girl I saw in my life

Anyone share my taste?

This is the vid, you're welcome

Daniel SoF
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-07-2019 , 12:51 AM
A quick post, decided to do a 7 day challenge where I don't use social media at all.
I made a video on it, other people can jump in as well

I will be restricting my time to only work related stuff - I will still be on discord and on skype - and maybe some updates here; other than that, I will have my internet off on my phone for the whole week and not go at all on facebook / insta / youtube etc

Curious to see what this will feel like.
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-07-2019 , 12:57 AM
^^^^^ im in for sicko mode. NO 2+2, skype, discord, twitch for a week. see you guys later xx
♠New World Order♠ Quote
01-07-2019 , 08:05 AM
In, for ping pong reports obv
♠New World Order♠ Quote
