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6MAX HYPERS - 2013 SNE Challenge 470k VPP to go - 2014 Good life + Great Grind - Melkien 6MAX HYPERS - 2013 SNE Challenge 470k VPP to go - 2014 Good life + Great Grind - Melkien

12-11-2013 , 10:03 PM
Sure guys, here is my graph.

I don't have a backer, I built my roll from the ground up so I know what I'm doing and I'm very careful about it, I don't like to gamble. Also, I studied a lot so I definetely know it's just coolers and bad run these last couple of days, I don't get usually get tricked by variance. The EV part where it goes down abruptly at game 8500 is a clear indicator of that, it is just running into monsters in a session, nothing strange.

Thanks a lot for the support .
12-11-2013 , 10:17 PM
To a guy who dedicated his new account to me: I made a silly presumption that Melkien never played on other sites or cash on stars and since his lifetime graph on stars is way down below zero, it came into consideration that he should have a backer.
First days of this thread he posted his graph with ~15k profit, now he's ~40k in the red. I just added 2+2, where do you see hate in what I posted?
I didn't include rakeback because he doesn't get SNE rakeback yet.
Hatters gonna hate hatters
12-12-2013 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Dude Abides
To a guy who dedicated his new account to me: I made a silly presumption that Melkien never played on other sites or cash on stars and since his lifetime graph on stars is way down below zero, it came into consideration that he should have a backer.
First days of this thread he posted his graph with ~15k profit, now he's ~40k in the red. I just added 2+2, where do you see hate in what I posted?
I didn't include rakeback because he doesn't get SNE rakeback yet.
Hatters gonna hate hatters
Yeh because you earn no RB until you hit 1m VPPs... Doh.

Javier gl bro!
12-12-2013 , 03:14 AM
Guys, I just wanted to let you know, I have decided to stop posting updates for the time being. It really doesn't do me well when my goal is being completely obliterated this way. I thank you a lot for the support and I will update you in some days about if it improved and I can get to SNE or if I have to leave the goal for next year.

12-12-2013 , 12:53 PM
HAHAHAH el dona y sus accounts
Gogogoo Javi get thereeeeee
12-12-2013 , 01:01 PM
vamos javiiii espero q llegues
12-13-2013 , 02:38 AM
Def feels like you ran much better today IMO
12-13-2013 , 04:07 AM
Buena suerte! Sexy ev graph, keep up the good work
Good decision to stop posting daily results imho though followers will hate.
12-14-2013 , 06:01 AM
12-14-2013 , 11:26 AM
Small update guys

This is the state of things. I'm really having an awful time, I wake up, play, end up with my back destroyed by stress every session, go to sleep and not get much rest cause I go to sleep extremely tense, and I cannot win at all. Seriously, most people tell you this when they are on a downswing but it happens VERY frequently that I am dominated, when I have 80/20 situations at my favour, it somehows seems the other way round lol, and getting bottom range most of the times. I felt I was playing really well pre this, but now it has changed. I feel I am playing well for how bad a situation this is, but my mind is much more fogged, I execute wrong actions much more frequently and I get blocked and do other actions just out of pure rage.

Apart from the mess that is going on in my mind at the moment, I am still attempting to get there. I will be playing a crapload of 60s and 100s these days to try to get there by the end of the month.

VPPS Left: 247.000

Cheers and thanks for the support!
12-15-2013 , 05:12 AM
Dude quit your ****ing sne and save money!!! You are one of the worst Regulars, if not the worst playing at the moment. Relax take your time, review some, start off easy going next year with 30s or 60s and better play/mindset/etc... AND LOL@ those stupid idiots ITT, want you see going broke.
12-15-2013 , 05:35 AM
Lol who are you? At least have the balls to put your screename. Wheover you are, I assure you 100% I am better than you. Cheers.
12-15-2013 , 05:40 AM
LOL Koeningskebap. Not even going to waste time, good job limping aces and kings only 7bb every time HU. Keep at it bro! .

I get your frustration though, I just started 4 months ago and I'm already better than you, it's understandable that your sad ego can't manage it.

Last edited by Melkien; 12-15-2013 at 05:47 AM.
12-15-2013 , 05:46 AM
Gl turning it around broski, home stretchhh
12-15-2013 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Melkien
LOL Koeningskebap. Not even going to waste time, good job limping aces and kings only 7bb every time HU. Keep at it bro! .

I get your frustration though, I just started 4 months ago and I'm already better than you, it's understandable that your sad ego can't manage it.
Of course mate, limp AA at 7bb to induce but balance your range by adding KK in, everyone knows that. It's actually pretty LOL funny how bad 6m regs are at HU.
12-15-2013 , 06:22 AM
I dont get it. Do i read those graphs right? You are about 40k down in hypers and the plan is to get to supernova to get most of that back? Are high stakes hypers impossible to be profitable pre rakeback in or something?

Sorry not hating just kind of confused by the recent posts/Allegations showing you are a losing player :?
12-15-2013 , 06:32 AM
They're super high variance and SNE is worth good amount over 100k in rb
12-15-2013 , 06:36 AM
Hey, yeah I lost that amount being very close to SNE, I just ran too bad and it happens, 6max hypers are very variancy. I'm not going for SNE to get that back, but I was very close to it so I might as well try to finish it, the money will come back sometime. It's hard to be really profitable pre rakeback while playing lots of tables and playing vs lots of regs (over a large sample), but the rakeback amount is considerable.

As regards the allegations, honestly anyone can believe what they want to believe, there's nothing wrong in that. The issue is when your ego has taken over your mind and makes you jump at other players aggressively, evidently showing how weak you are because of you needing to attack others to lower them in your mind, so as to feel good yourself. I have seen this very frequently in poker.

As a side note, thanks Josh. Hopefully can get there GL this year.

12-15-2013 , 06:59 AM
Why should i be frustrated? Because i have 985k VPP and 1,50$ ev each game this year? Yeah pretty frustrating. My post wasn't meant to be an offend, just giving you serious advice in harsher tone because ppl in here sometimes cheering guys like you up, just to see them fail. In fact you seem pretty frustrated by the whole situation, otherwise i can't imagine why you respond so cheeky.

Cya at the tables
12-15-2013 , 07:02 AM
Have a couple of hands of you showing that you are a horrible reg.

Can I post here ?
12-15-2013 , 07:08 AM
Bye Matt, keep at it.

No cris, this is not the place for you to prove your supposed superiority.
12-15-2013 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by Melkien
Bye Matt, keep at it.

No cris, this is not the place for you to prove your supposed superiority.
But I will post anyway lol and im not telling that im best than you (i only play hypers for fun), but I believe you are one of the worst regs on 6man hypers for sure
12-15-2013 , 07:20 AM
How much vpp left? I am on 780 :/

Keep the updates coming.
12-15-2013 , 07:22 AM
Very similar to you haha. I'm on 770. You putting in good volume these days right? Seeing you a lot these days.
12-15-2013 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by crispoker10
But I will post anyway lol and im not telling that im best than you (i only play hypers for fun), but I believe you are one of the worst regs on 6man hypers for sure
It's okay, I understand you must defend your boyfriend.
