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6MAX HYPERS - 2013 SNE Challenge 470k VPP to go - 2014 Good life + Great Grind - Melkien 6MAX HYPERS - 2013 SNE Challenge 470k VPP to go - 2014 Good life + Great Grind - Melkien

11-29-2013 , 04:28 PM

That's all i have to say to this guy.
He is the ****ing nutz.
11-29-2013 , 09:06 PM
the world is yours fella ; ), no doubt u will achieve the SNE goggoogogogog saXXe
11-30-2013 , 12:30 AM
Gl Melkien. I'm RuhappyNow on stars.
11-30-2013 , 12:39 AM
Gl boss, will cya on the tables once again in about 12 days!
11-30-2013 , 02:34 AM
Gl sicko!
11-30-2013 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by danipinicuer
Good luck on the rest!! tables will be tough!! I gave up the SNE this year, I will do it in 2014. tbh Im not a fan of your game but in first I'm respectful and anyone can improve everyday,also I wish the best to my compatriots, I want everyone being SNE.
Thanks Dani! You'll get it easy next year, GL with that!

Originally Posted by tinchoarce

That's all i have to say to this guy.
He is the ****ing nutz.
putoo gato chetoo gimme my nuts

Originally Posted by w10lvl
the world is yours fella ; ), no doubt u will achieve the SNE goggoogogogog saXXe
JAJA no comment, gracias sebitaa. kika revival incoming?

Originally Posted by I grind ev
Gl Melkien. I'm RuhappyNow on stars.
Thanks man! Appreciate it. Good to know, wish you luck with the format you're playing .

Originally Posted by jdawg91
Gl boss, will cya on the tables once again in about 12 days!
Thanks Josh, awaiting your return and dat comeback Wish you fun those 12 days.

Originally Posted by Jokerstarz
Gl sicko!
Thanks man, we should play numerous 5bb HUs one day for practising postflop skills
11-30-2013 , 02:56 AM
29-11 - Morning 30-11

Well, finally finished my exams and hopefully I passed all of them, by which I will have officially finished all my carrer exams Finally,..they were getting annoying haha. Still have to complete my thesis though.

Since I finished my last exam today at 8 PM Argentina time, I didn't have that much time to grind but could put in 265 games. Tomorrow i'll try to grind a lot!

Again, thanks for all the support guys, appreciate it.
11-30-2013 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Melkien
Thanks man, we should play numerous 5bb HUs one day for practising postflop skills
No money postflop at 5bb HU, I'm too solid.
11-30-2013 , 07:02 PM
would be nice if u can update with games played/vpps/vpps left to sne

(srry busting balls :$)
11-30-2013 , 08:19 PM
Just saw this linked on skype, dno how I missed it here. gl man, insane you go from grinding mid stakes HU to going for SNE mid year. You'll probably see me occasionally donating at those 6 max tables
11-30-2013 , 08:28 PM
Blue, when did you start playing 6max? Why?

On topic: once you start your promised 600 games per day every day on December, do include vpp count, that's the main stat of this thread, isn't it
11-30-2013 , 08:48 PM
I don't play it properly, I play pretty much everything on occasion though.
11-30-2013 , 11:53 PM

Yep, very complicated day, ran bad in a lot of ways but hey, it's poker and it happens. Was planning on putting in 600+ games before I left, I have to got to a friend's leaving party since they are going to do work and travel, I'll be joining em by February. However, we had a blackout for 4 hours (today and yesterday), so that screwed me up. There are 2 factors which I will have to take into account when continuing the challenge: 1) when I started the challenge I always knew I would be extremely dependant on how I run, so I'll have to continue and see how that develops. It's important not to destroy my roll only because I want to get there, I have to be careful and if stopping is the correct decision, I will make it, 2) Blackouts, it's very random here in Argentina where I live, sometimes they happen a lot over a period of days, then they stop for some time. I'll have to see what happens with that too. In case someone suggests laptop, I did try when during blackout, and it was one of the worst tries I've made haha. Since I had to use backup internet I got extremely lagged by the end of the session, folded lots of good hands, got blinded out on a HU, etc etc.

Games: I'd reckon around 400 (361 from graph + around 40 ish, some which I deleted because when blackout happened they corrupted the graph, and others I played on the laptop)

VPPS: 545.109
VPPS left: 454.890

By the way, this new graph includes the
- PURPLE Line: Vpps;
- GREEN Line is Net Won or Lost while the same line but GREYISH is Net Won or Lost + Rakeback
- ORANGE Line is EV Adjusted Won or Lost while BLUEISH line is EV Adjusted Won or Lost + Rakeback
- YELLOW Line is Net Expected Chips Won

Thanks for the GL wishes Blue . GL to you too!
12-01-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Melkien

2) Blackouts, it's very random here in Argentina where I live, sometimes they happen a lot over a period of days, then they stop for some time. I'll have to see what happens with that too. In case someone suggests laptop, I did try when during blackout, and it was one of the worst tries I've made haha. Since I had to use backup internet I got extremely lagged by the end of the session, folded lots of good hands, got blinded out on a HU, etc etc.
Hola Javier,acerca de los cortes de luz te comento que yo tengo un UPS,los podes conseguir en mercadolibre,cuestan alrededor de USD200 uno que te aguanta media hora despues del corte de luz,o sea te da tiempo para finalizar la sesion,funcionan perfecto.
12-01-2013 , 06:09 PM
buena suerte mi amigo
12-01-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by danipinicuer
Hola Javier,acerca de los cortes de luz te comento que yo tengo un UPS,los podes conseguir en mercadolibre,cuestan alrededor de USD200 uno que te aguanta media hora despues del corte de luz,o sea te da tiempo para finalizar la sesion,funcionan perfecto.
Ya you def need to invest in a UPS system man, soooo worth it in the long run and they aren't expensive at all. Just make sure you get one with BOTH surge protection and backup power;jsessionid=0B8A6BD22C1F28140A639687DF972 0BB.bbolsp-app01-122?id=1218222800749&skuId=1115044&st=categoryid$a bcat0515043&cp=1&lp=7

Aircards/backup internet don't work that well where you are? In Mexico they run just fine, I play on mine very often and have no problems 24 tabling 6m hypers on an aircard
12-01-2013 , 08:35 PM
$500s are a tad ambitious don't you think?

Best of luck anyway!
12-01-2013 , 09:02 PM
why, they are often softer then most 200s that pop. yes swngs are crazy but edge is edge, and if a game is reasonbly soft (2 bad regs, 1 fish or 2fish+) which is pretty often, if you can handle the added swings he should go for it, it will tone done his games per day and his skill level is good enough to beat these games.

Yes when they pop 5 good regs + 1 mtt reg, or some other combination of 5.5regs+ its not a good idea to play em but other then that i think alot of sng grinders (like me) miss out of skipping good games just because their mind cant handle the stress.
12-02-2013 , 01:58 AM
That's a lot of lines in that graph ...

Good luck Javier, nice last minute grind!!
12-02-2013 , 06:52 AM

GAMES: 688
VPPS TODAY: 19.507

VPPS Left: 435.381.13

Wanted to play 700 but then Windows came up with an "unexpected error :-( ) and had to restart, by which I panicked cause I had to do everything fast and decided to end it at 688. I'm going to try (not sure if Ill be able) to put in around 700 games/day the following 9 days, so as to accelerate the process. Btw I deleted the last part of the graph cause the disconnect disorganized the data and some of it got corrupted, so pointless to include it.


Dani and Josh, thanks a lot for the advice. To be honest, I forgot to mention I actually do have 2 UPS, one for my PC and one for Internet. It's good to know they last longer than I thought (thought it was like 10 mins max so I always panicked and went for laptop haha). My "complaint" mainly was that blackouts don't allow me to play and take my time away, which kind of sucks :P.

Regarding Internet, yeahh man my backup sucks haha. It kind of gets lagged (few times) and sometimes doesn't connect at all, thats why I just play with backup rather than internet, because if the latter goes off and backup doesnt work it would suck big time. Should get an alternative one tho! There's another company I want to ask if they have backups. Planning on ordering this for when I go to US to join my friends: Seems quite good, especially for the blackouts here. I can get Internet for a long time .

Originally Posted by SandmanNess
buena suerte mi amigo
Gracias hombre arena . Suerte para vos tambien.

Originally Posted by BALOTELLI9O
$500s are a tad ambitious don't you think?

Best of luck anyway!
Thanks bro! GL to you too. Btw, I agree with Quad that they tend to be softer than most 200s. At times, of course...sometimes it's also 5 regs at once and it kind of sucks, but other times it's dream table :P

Originally Posted by SomeBull
That's a lot of lines in that graph ...

Good luck Javier, nice last minute grind!!
Thanks Bull! Hope the family challenge is going well .
12-02-2013 , 07:05 AM
just subscribed.
Can you put a graph with your overall 6max hyper with redline?
How should be the redline, stick close to 0 ( breakeven ) or above 0. Or is that depending on the stakes playing?
For example micro should be around 20 BIs over 0 and close to 100$ games around 0?

Good luck
12-02-2013 , 11:45 AM
Javier,yo tengo 2 compañias de internet,si se me cae fibertel tengo la torta de speedy que es una cagada pero es mejor que las moviles y el tiempo de desconexion es minimo.
PD:hay UPS de hasta una hora si le pones baterias grandes.
12-03-2013 , 05:38 AM

Session divided into two due to day change.

It started okay, then not so much and then I started getting coolered so much I got frustrated and decided to call it quits for the days. Was still pretty tired so no problem, I'll put in good volume tomorrow.

Games Today: 530

VPPS Today: 15.170
VPPS Left: 420.210

Dani, cual es esa torta de Speedy? Realmente no la conozco pero me interesaría saber.
12-04-2013 , 03:18 AM
rough times, but you are def a sicko and can do it. GL bro!
12-04-2013 , 07:03 AM
3-12 - 400k Mark!

Managed to put in good volume today. Deleted last part of the second graph cause I got blue screen of death (yet again..have to fix that asap, strange with new computer :S), and it screwed up that part of the graph.

Games Today: 682

VPPS Today: 20.689
VPPS Left: 399.521


Thanks Assad! GL to you too bro, hope you and Tord are doing well . See you in a couple of days.
