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03-02-2015 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Snowball2
Lol +1

Cant you just bring in food in a normal backpack? That way you can actually use it for other stuff too.
No, this one works as a cooler. In a normal backpack, I can only bring in processed food that doesn't spoil and nuts... Fruit, veggies, etc wouldn't hold up long enough.

Originally Posted by D0UGHBOY
I think ECG means any backpack. I think this backpack actually has a different message than the typical backpack. This backpack says "I take fitness seriously." A typical backpack says to most I am a serious grinder that plays for a living etc. Yes I know analyzing backpack strat.
Yeah ECG means any backpack... I think what WE take a backpack to mean and what a rec player takes a backpack to mean might be two different things, though. Especially in Vegas, where tourists carry backpacks around. Also more and more rec players are using some form of bag at the table. If you're going to be there 10-12 hours or longer, there's just stuff you need.

Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
I bought an insulated backpack on Amazon for like 20-30 bucks. Assuming I paid a lot less than the six pack monstrosity. Just get an insulated one and load up on Tupperware.
That's a consideration. I'll check into it.

Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
Rio also has a place in poker kitchen that makes made to order salads. Stack meal vouchers while you play cash and basically eat for free. I might get an All American Dave meal plan this year as well.
I didn't know they gave meal vouchers - I thought there were no comps for cash play at the Rio... Do I just have to go ask a floor or something? I was looking into All American Dave, but it looked expensive.

Originally Posted by Snowball2
Actually i thought that backpack says "i try too hard and i look ridiculous".

Even though im anti-backpacks in general, i get that it sucks for you guys in terms of being able to bring anything. That one with the compartments is overkill though.
I've never really gotten the anti-backpack thing. I get the sunglasses and headphones, but once a backpack is hanging off the back of the chair, it goes relatively unnoticed. I think most rec players pay no attention, and only other good players are going to notice and make assumptions.

But yeah I definitely need a bag with insulation to do 2 months of 12 hour days and eat reasonably well. I'll look into non-compartment bags, and this one may be discontinued, I can't find it any more.

At the end of the day, though, if it costs me a couple dollars an hour in EV because people assume I'm good, but helps me stay healthy while grinding my ass off for 2 months, it's well worth it.

Originally Posted by 11t
Fwiw i dont think carrying around a back pack is that ridiculous but I carry one to my day job
Yeah, most people carry a backpack, briefcase, or something around with them day to day.

Originally Posted by Snowball2
Im not saying it's ridiculous at all fashion-wise. Im saying carrying one to poker is bad for the game. Rec players dont carry them. Whales dont carry them. It also doesn't help when most (- not all -) people with backpacks generally also come with that douchey attitude where they throw their headphones on and keep to themselves the whole time. It really pisses me off when people do this at higher stakes - it's terrible for the game in the long run.
I definitely don't come with the douchey attitude. I wear headphones maybe 15% of the time I play... When someone is being massively annoying, or I'm sick or something, I'll throw them on. I'd always prefer to get people talking about sports, movies, or whatever else is topical.

Originally Posted by squid face
ez wat to tilt snowball - bring backpack. fill it with healthy foods. eat them while wearing hoodie, shades, big headphones, and cap
I'll keep this in mind whenever I am going to go play 5/10 at MDL haha...

Originally Posted by ECGrinder
sb2 knows whats up. + I'll 3bet you a ridiculous amount if you have a backpack
See? It makes people play sub-optimally!

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Are you trying to encourage or discourage the backpack use?
Exactly haha.

Originally Posted by 11t
Yeah I legit dont think anybody cares about back packs at the table. Sunglasses and big head phones are way worse but I have my ear buds in a good % of the time.

Originally Posted by Thamel18
I keep mine under the table, gonna start leaving it in the car though, I already throw off a little too much pro vibe. Good advice SB.
I've been told I throw off a pro vibe just by paying attention at the table and by how I cut out my chips and such. Sometimes, though, it can be a good thing - if you know how to use it. It often just makes people play worse against you.

Originally Posted by D0UGHBOY
Might as well just throw it in the trash.
Yeah, the space under a poker table is pretty nasty.
03-02-2015 , 02:54 PM
Yeah floor gives out $10 food vouchers for cash players. I hit up all the floors and get like 2-3 a day.

I bring a backpack and dgaf what my image is. Most the people I make money off of know I'm a pro anyway. I do cover the backpack with my hoodie on my chair but not intentionally.
03-02-2015 , 02:59 PM
Ya the vouchers are clutch but they won't work on all American daves, I think.
03-02-2015 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by D0UGHBOY
Might as well just throw it in the trash.
Doughie be like

Doughie be like

03-02-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
Yeah floor gives out $10 food vouchers for cash players. I hit up all the floors and get like 2-3 a day.

I bring a backpack and dgaf what my image is. Most the people I make money off of know I'm a pro anyway. I do cover the backpack with my hoodie on my chair but not intentionally.
Nice... I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Ya the vouchers are clutch but they won't work on all American daves, I think.
No, RG is referring to the salad place in the poker kitchen.

Originally Posted by Snowball2
Doughie be like

Doughie be like

I laughed.
03-02-2015 , 04:30 PM
get the vouchers are early as you can in the day because last year i kept running into the problem of them running out by dinner time
03-02-2015 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Duke0424
get the vouchers are early as you can in the day because last year i kept running into the problem of them running out by dinner time
You mean I have to wake up before dinner time???

I kid, I kid.

I'll probably be at the Rio by 2pm each day at the latest.. Hopefully by noon.
03-02-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Ya the vouchers are clutch but they won't work on all American daves, I think.
Correct. They work anywhere inside the Rio though.
03-04-2015 , 02:24 PM
GLGL, i just start the same thing like you did today, same starting BR, same goal, i will also play at borgata, if i see u there will say hi
03-07-2015 , 12:48 PM
WSOPc Main in Baltimore today! Time for a lot of A game and a little run good. Should be a large field and I'm hoping 200K up top. I've got about 40% of my action.
03-07-2015 , 03:18 PM
Had a gross start from 20K down to 5K. QQ < T5o. JJ likely cracked I kept the pot small and folded the turn. Ran the nut flush draw into a flopped flush blind vs blind and took an aggro line against a LAG and missed. Chipped back up to 9.4K at first break though. Blinds going to 100/200... Just gotta keep grinding the mid-size stack.
03-07-2015 , 05:27 PM
20K ran down to 13K when I got into it blind vs blind again and he made a boat. He was bluffy against everyone and flopping/turning gin on me. Then KK < QQ on a Q42r in a spot I don't think I could fold.

Very frustrating because I studied up a lot on my tourney strategy for this one and just ran pretty awful.
03-07-2015 , 05:28 PM
Meant to include I grinded the 13K back up to 19K with a little trickeration and another thin value bet... then the KK < QQ.
03-07-2015 , 07:17 PM
GL. What material did you study? We have a $1100 MSPT tournament next month so I need to get some study in.
03-11-2015 , 12:23 PM
Did you get a chance to hit up the gym this month yet ?
03-11-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
GL. What material did you study?
03-17-2015 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
GL. What material did you study? We have a $1100 MSPT tournament next month so I need to get some study in.

Originally Posted by pokerodox
I highly recommend the Harrington books on tournament play. I've already recently re read that stuff so this was watching some videos by Vanessa Selbst, watching the 2012 WSOP ME Final Table with cards down until the end of the hand and thinking through all the ranges and picking up on sizing and such, and refreshing myself on 15-40bb play by going through spots mentally.

Originally Posted by PlaceboEffect
Did you get a chance to hit up the gym this month yet ?
I'm sad/ashamed to say no. I tweaked my schedule and have been out of town too much and hopefully can make up for it the next 2 weeks.
03-23-2015 , 10:01 AM
Long overdue for an update.. This is unlike you cuse...
03-23-2015 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by PlaceboEffect
Long overdue for an update.. This is unlike you cuse...

Let the man breathe yo.
03-23-2015 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by PlaceboEffect
Long overdue for an update.. This is unlike you cuse...
Cliffs: started month running great, was busy, didn't want to take time to write up a bunch of stuff. Also need to pull my notes out of old texts, which takes time. Then ran bad, didn't feel like updating. Also busy with some new stuff. Still having a positive month, but not as good as it was... I'll update at some point, hopefully soon, with more detail.

Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Let the man breathe yo.
I'm picturing Denzel in Training Day... That's it, breeeeaaathe.
03-26-2015 , 02:31 AM
March 1-25: “It's a thin line between heaven and here.”

I mentioned earlier I was in a rhythm early in the month playing well and getting busy with non-poker stuff, and later in the month I was running bad and still busy… So I fell behind and instead of breaking it down into the weekly posts I’ve been doing, I’m going to unload a bunch of sessions.

Saturday, March 7

WSOPc Main Event at the Horseshoe Baltimore

I had about 40% of my action in this one, and started off running awful. My 20K starting stack was down to 20K after my QQ got cracked by T5o and my JJ was likely cracked in a spot where I folded the turn. I then got into it blind vs. blind with a LAG when I had the nut flush draw, but he had flopped a flush and it bricked out.

I did chip my 5K back up to 9.4K by the first break, though. I fought my way back up to 20K with a really thin value bet that got paid off, but got into it blind vs. blind again and he made a full house. That got me down to 13K. It really is no fun having a huge LAG on your left in a tournament, especially when they’re bluffing everyone else and making monsters against you.

I ran the 13K back up into 19K, though, and thought I was going to be on my way… I 3b a TAG when I had KK and he called. (4.2K): Q42r He checks, I bet 1500 to induce because he’s been check-raising a lot of dry boards. He makes it 4200. I call. Turn (12.6K): Tx he bets 6700, I jam 11K, he snaps with QQ, and I’m out.

Result: -$625 in 4.5 hours

I took a break and a nap, then headed back over to the Shoe for some late night poker… I started out at $1/3 while waiting for a $2/5 seat.

Result: -$28 in 12 minutes at $1/3

Then I was on to $2/5, where a tough decision with middle pair would go on to define my session.

Hand No. 1

The villain is Asian, reeks of Scotch, and is making all of his decisions very quickly.

We’re four handed and there’s a straddle on in a hand with one big blind. I raise to $35 with A9o, everyone calls.

Flop ($140): Q86

Check, I bet $80, villain calls the rest fold.

Turn ($300): 9

I check, he bets $125. I tank and call.

River ($550): 3

I check, he jams $155. I thought he had more behind, so I’m annoyed at myself for not realizing that on the turn. I tank. I think he’d raise a big Qx on the flop, and I think he’d bluff almost everything that missed. I call and he turns over T9o… He said he was value betting hoping that I had an 8.

Result: +$413 in 2 hours, 30 minutes at $2/5

Sunday, March 8

This may be the hand of the month. I’ve mixed up the details a bit on this one, but I’m pretty sure this is right. In light of the DGI hand history altering scandal, I want to point that out. The only thing I ever make up in a hand history is when my notes say the river was a blank, I just make one up without pointing it out since it’s irrelevant. In this case, I’m recreating the hand as best I can.

Hand No. 2

I’m one of a couple of limpers with A9. A fish raises to $30 and there are a couple of calls. I have a tell that the original raiser is light, and I make it $90. There’s also a fish in the hand who is short and may jam whatever he called the $30 with. Sure enough the PFR calls in position (we don’t like that) and the short stack jams $115. I call, kicking myself for not going to like $70 so that I could re-raise. The PFR calls.

Flop ($375): 854

I jam for the PFR’s last $270ish with my A high draw, backdoor flush draw and backdoor straight draw, and in theory some fold equity. After all, he had to call the $25 more, and he could have called the $90 with plenty of hands he folds now (AK-AJ, 99-JJ, etc). Again, in theory.

He thinks for about 15 seconds and calls.

Turn ($375 main, $540 side): 3

River ($375, $540): T

I say, “Ace high.”

The PFR sits there and does nothing.

I say, “I’ve got Ace high.”

He pauses and goes, “That’s… … … gonna be good.”

I table it and ship the side pot, the fish tables KT, having rivered me.

So, yeah, I got it in 3-ways with A high and it was good… But somehow, it got cracked. I mean, when your A9 suited isn’t holding up preflop, what faith can you have in the world?

Also, what in the world did the PFR call me with? Seriously! Look at that board. He raised preflop, called a limp-raise, then stacked off on the 854r flop and on a 3-T runout, he couldn’t beat A9.

Result: +$781 in 8 hours, 36 minutes at $2/5

Monday, March 9

Sequel and I hit up Maryland Live for some good weekday action.

Hand No. 3

There are two limps and I make it $30 with J7o. It folds to the first limper, who is very weak tight, and he calls. The second limper is a huge, loose-passive fish, and he also calls.

Flop ($91): 982

Check, loose-passive fish bets $60. I have a read on him that he’s weak and call. The weak-tight player folds.

Turn ($211): K

He bets $100 and I move into action and make it $300. He thinks just a few seconds and calls. Hmm… Spades?

River ($811): 6

He bets $250 with about $500 behind, I cover him. I think a bit and rip it in. He quickly folds. I decide not to show since I’ve already showed one big three-barrel bluff. Score one for the physical read.

Result: +$1,469 in 6 hours, 21 minutes at $2/5[/B]

Friday, March 13

After some time in Maryland, it was out to the Borgata for some AC action… I don’t have any notes from this session, so I’ll just give you the result…

Result: -$407 in 1 hour, 59 minutes at $2/5

Saturday, March 14

This one isn’t one of my hands, but I just have to share it…

There’s a straddle and four calls. A short stack calls. The straddle bombs it to $110. The short stack calls. With $260 in the pot, they take a Kxx flop. The straddle jams, and the short stack picks up his last $12, shuffles it, holds it, and folds. I try so hard not to laugh, and I’m successful, but I definitely smirk a lot. Hey, he was only getting about 23 to 1!

Result: +$931 in 6 hours, 54 minutes at $2/5

I took a break for dinner, came back, and made about my hourly for my second session.

Result: +$233 in 4 hours, 17 minutes at $2/5

Sunday, March 15

I ran pretty bad in this session, including getting a fish to put in nearly 2/3 of his stack with 34o against my AJ on a J532 board, then bink his 3 on the river and at that point I’m obviously never folding. Later the same villain raised and I called with KJo, then check-folded to a standard cbet on a KQ5 board and got him to show me AA. (We were deep, so I had implied odds preflop and was pretty confident he had QQ-AA, would play it face up, and wouldn’t fold QQ on a K high board.)

The table continued to be great, though, as I had guys talking about video games, their kids’ baseball teams, golf, sex, bluffing, and lots of non-poker topics. I figure if you’re going to throw one poker topic in, it might as well be bluffing.

This worked well, as I got a guy to put in 7bb preflop with 73s against my AK when he only had 50bb behind and was probably going to go with any piece. Unfortunately, the A77 flop did me no favors, nor did the 3 on the turn, and I did not suck out.

I proceeded to fold a flopped flush on a non-paired board against two opponents who were going crazy like 200+bb deep, and of course I would have been up against a flopped straight and AA with a flush draw and I would’ve shipped a 4K pot.

Somehow, despite making that mistake and running awful, the game was good enough that I still made a nice little profit.

Result: +$729 in 6 hours, 40 minutes at $2/5

I left the Borgata and gave Sequel a ride to Delaware Park, and when we arrived I was feeling rejuvenated and was kind of hoping to run into a friend there, so I decided to come inside and sit for a bit. There was a heads up $5/10 game going with two people I recognized as not that awesome, and I tried to sit but they wouldn’t let me. Technically they can’t block me, but they both said they were going to get up and quit if I sat, so I didn’t. I later found out they were $1/2 players having a grudge match.

Anyway, some of my funniest hands from this week were at the $1/2 game. Sequel and I were keeping the folks entertained, that’s for sure.

Hand No. 4

We’re five handed and I make it $12 over a limp with J8o. The SB calls and the limper calls.

Flop ($35): 864

The SB bets $8, the limper calls and I raise to $40. The SB tanks for a long time and folds. The limper starts tanking and the SB says, “I almost went with it, I know he doesn’t have anything.” The limper says, “Yeah, I know he doesn’t.”

I’m looking at the dealer like, “Helloooooo? What’s that rule again? One player to a something or other?” (But obviously I don’t want to say anything out loud and give away information about my hand… So I’m just shooting her the look.)

The dealer is looking back at me and not getting the gist of the look on my face at all. I’m getting the blank stare.

Anyway, after tanking the limper shoves $201. This then sends me back into the tank, because there’s a lot of fishy leveling going on here. Did he give the speech to make it look like a bluff, or is he dumb enough to say he knows I have nothing and then rip it in with nothing when his line makes no sense? Normally I try to elicit some talk, but there’s already been enough of that and it actually confused me in this spot. I deicide to call, and as I reach for my chips and start to slide them forward, he starts talking.

“If you can’t beat to---“

But it’s too late, my chips are coming forward already and there’s no line in play. He freezes mid sentence. It’s a call. I glance over at him and he has an, “Oh s***,” look on his face.

I hold against A6.

The two villains proceed to discuss how I’m raising every hand, and obviously I didn’t have anything, since I raised preflop and it was an 8 high board. Run through that logic circle in your head! Do these people think I’m getting dealt AK every… single… hand?

Hand No. 5

I raise to $10 in the CO with 78o, Sequel calls on the button, and the BB calls. Sequel you guys know, he’s a good player, solid TAG, and he knows a lot about my game. The BB is a middle-aged man. He’s been playing pretty TAG, but he’s started to leak chips now as we’ve gotten him more and more involved in the conversation and the fun that is going on.

Flop ($30): Q46

Check, I bet $17, Sequel calls, BB calls.

Turn ($76): T

Check, I think a bit and bet $45, Sequel folds and the BB calls.

River ($166): T

He checks, and I tank a bit then start counting chips as I’m about to unload the clip.

“Wanna see my hand before you bet?” he asks. I pause, wondering if he’s about to show me like T6, QT or TdXd to save me money.

I shrug and say, “Sure, it can’t hurt.”

He shows KJ. Everyone laughs. I splash out $85, and the dealer starts to push me the pot.

I say, “Wait, he didn’t fold yet… Are you sure you don’t want to call?” He laughs and announces his fold. Sequel gives me a look. He knows.

I was going to bluff anyway, but it’s always nice when they show you no pair before you bluff!

Result: +$325 in 3 hours, 9 minutes at $1/2

Monday, March 16

I got over to Delaware Park and saw a lot of action going on by DP standards… I got on the list for $5/5, and got into a $2/5 game while waiting… I actually ran pretty bad, losing an all-in pot as a huge favorite and running JJ into QQ and AA, but finding the fold button preflop. Despite that, I picked up a big hand against a deep opponent and got paid off with a straight.

Result: +$303 in 52 minutes at $2/5

Verbal War to Defend a Whale

I got into a $5/5 game with a ton of action, but I don’t really have any hands noted. I did go to war verbally with a kid who plays a lot at DP and is just awful for the games. He violates all sorts of etiquette, talks a lot of strategy, and says all sorts of words you should never say at the poker table… You know, stuff like “expected value,” and “equity.”

I got into it with him once at $1/2, you may recall… That post is here:

This time around, our villain, let’s call him Dick, got into a hand with the whale, let’s call him Cool Dude, a huge action player having a lot of fun and getting along well with everyone. At the river, the Cool Dude told Dick he was good. I’m pretty sure our villain was the last aggressor, and they may have gone all-in on the turn, I don’t even remember.

Regardless, the official rule at DP is that if there’s no action on the river, even in an all-in situation, the out of position player shows first. Anyway, after Cool Dude told him a couple of times that he was good, the Dick still refused to turn his cards over. Cool Dude told Dick he just had K high or Q high or whatever and had missed, but Dick did what people like him will sometimes do and still insisted he show or muck. I assumed the villain must have a really weak hand (making this all sort of okay), but after Dude finally tabled, Dick showed top two or top pair or something that was essentially the stone cold nuts in that spot.

Cool Dude is clearly aggravated and annoyed, and he goes back and forth with this Dick a bit. Dickie keeps telling him the rule is that he has to show first, and that’s the rule, so that’s the way he handles it 100% of the time. I can tell how angry Dude is, and I can envision him quitting our game over this. Plus, if I’m being honest, at this point I strongly dislike this kid. (Hate is a strong word, but I’m considering it.)

“Don’t worry, Dude, if you and I are ever in a hand and you tell me I’m good, I’ll just turn them over. I’m not an a**hole.”

Cool Dude laughs and thanks me, and the Dick again tries to defend himself. The Dude even tells him he won’t give him action now, because of that. I try to explain that it’s bad for the game because people get mad, and it’s just good etiquette as a gentleman to turn the winning hand over when you’ve been informed the other player has nothing.

Dick goes into his, “It’s an information game, and I want as much information as I can get,” speech, and from then on we just needle him all night.

Later, Cool Dude is standing up telling the story to some of his friends on the rail. He points to the Dick and he’s referring to him as an a**hole, and telling the story. They’re in disbelief. He sits back down laughing and apologies to the kid. “I’m just messing with you, I’m not angry at all, and I don’t really mean any of what I’m saying.”

I look at him and can’t resist, “Except the a**hole part, right?”

Everyone laughs. Well, all but one.

Verbal War, Take Two

A tilted TAG makes a big river bet against Cool Dude, who tanks and asks if he’ll show. He doesn’t react. “I’m going to see them!” he jokes, as he folds. The Cool Dude reaches over and grabs the tilted TAG’s cards and starts to slide them toward the muck, then peels them up and looks. The tilted TAG erupts and tells him not to do that.

Now, this is clearly bad etiquette, but the violation has been committed by the whale… So obviously the move is to let it go for the moment, and tell him after the hand not to do it again, that’s crossing the line, etc. A Cool Dude like this, who’s having fun, gambling a lot and creating action gets a warning, for sure.

But, no, our Dick invokes IWTSTH! “He showed him, I want to see those cards!”

Before my head can explode and I can berate him for being a moronic buffoon tearing the good spirts in our game to shreds, and before I can realize that we have not one, but two people who plan on sucking at life tonight at our table, our dealer FLIPS THE CARDS!

They’re the nuts, of course.

Now, I know this one might not come up in dealer school. I don’t think there’s anything in the Appendix of the Dealers Handbook about exceptions when a player doesn’t show his cards intentionally and the person who caused them to be shown was an action player, but geez, have a little instinct and brains here, and AT LEAST wait for the floor.

Tilted TAG goes absolutely bat-bleep bonkers… At the dealer, at Cool Dude, and at the floor who arrives on the scene… and something like this is said.

Floor: “My dealer did the right thing. Show one, show all.”


There’s yelling, there’s crying (me, internally, as I envision our game taking a nose dive toward the muck), and there’s a lot more yelling. It wraps up something like this.

Tilted TAG: “That’s a bull**** ruling and it’s ****ed up! I’m NEVER tipping that dealer again. NEVER! NEVER TIPPING HIM AGAIN!” (Loop this about 10 times in your head.)

There’s a general unease at the table, as Cool Dude feels bad about it, and Tilted TAG knows better than to blame him outright, so he’s still blaming the dealer.

Not to worry folks, when there’s general unease at the table, Cuserounder TO THE RESCUE!

“Guys, to be fair here… Cool Dude definitely shouldn’t have looked, and now he knows that , so no worries, Dude… And Tilted TAG, I can see why you’re upset with the dealer and Cool Dude, but nobody in their right mind would ever ask to have those cards shown to the table over that. Everyone knew you didn’t show them, and only a true Dick would ask.”

This smoothes things over with all but one, so mission accomplished.

Dick: “You just always blame me for everything.”

Me: “I just call it like I see it. You should never ask to see cards in that situation, etc, etc.”

Dick: “I’m Dick, I ask to see cards whenever I can, because it’s an information game, blah blah blah”

(we go back and forth a bit more, leading to the ending, when he lacks the proper sarcasm and sets himself up nicely…)

Dick: “Right, so it’s just always my fault, and I’m a huge a**hole.”

Me: “I agree.”

Everyone laughs. Well, all except for one…

Result: +$624 in 7 hours, 19 minutes at $5/5

Wednesday, March 18

I head back down to the Horseshoe…

I start out in the $1/3 game and flop trips and the action goes check, I bet, PFR raises, player on my right jams. I faux think a bit and call, PFR tanks and folds, and I hear one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard in poker. “Nice hand, I need running diamonds.” I flash him my cards and I boat up on the turn when he picks up his diamond draw, then he realizes he’s drawing dead.

With that, I get called to $2/5, wondering if I’m leaving the better game behind.

Result: +$335 in 33 minutes at $1/3

Hand No. 5

There are three limps to my SB and I make it $35 with QQ. The button calls. She’s a competent TAG who is capable of making moves. She also can tilt pretty hard, and she recently lost a pot. She may be on tilt, but I’m not positive.

Flop ($79): AKQr

I bet $55, she snap calls.

Turn ($189): 3

I bet $125, she clicks it back to $250 with about $500 behind. I tank about the best line going forward and kind of feel like I’m bluff catching, so I just call. She can’t ever have AK, AQ, KQ, AA, KK… She could have A3 or have turned a diamond draw, but she can also have JT. So she has more value that beats me than value self-ownage, and the rest is bluffs.

River ($689): 9

I check, she bets $300. I tank and debate raising again, but it seems unlikely that I can get called by much better. I call and she says, “You’re good, nice call,” so I quickly table and she shows A7 as she mucks.

People at the table are amazed by my call, and I’m amazed they aren’t needling me for nit rolling her by tanking the turn and thinking more than two seconds on the river.

Hand No. 6

A few fish limp and I limp behind with J8. Normally I’d raise/fold it, but I’m on the button, I’ve iso’d a lot, and I can’t bring myself to fold a hand with paint that can make straights against these droolers.

The SB is a TAG and raises to $40. He’s done this several times, so when it folds to me, I decide to use my position to put a stop to this. I can’t rep anything with a backraise, so I flat of course.

Flop ($100): 952r

He checks, I check. This is leveling at this point. He expects me to bet 100% of my range, so I check back to rep some value.

Turn ($100): 3

He checks, I bet $65, he calls. I’m debating whether or not to even bluff the river, since he may check-call me with A high.

River ($230): T

He bets $200. I tank, read him as weak physically and line wise (I mean he really never has anything), and make it $600.

He tanks and calls me with KQ. WHAT THE EFF?

I was later discussing the hand with a few people and we settled on him spaz button clicking at the right time… Because if he thinks his hand is good, he would x/c the river, not b/c. He only bets K high as a bluff, so he somehow changed his mind after I raised. I don’t rep much, but I can definitely rep a wide range of diamonds, and a slow played flopped set.

Killer Whale

Every now and then, a whale goes into killer whale mode and becomes an apex predator incapable of defeat. When a whale goes into God mode, it’s far more devastating than anyone else running good – even a highly skilled LAG. Everyone else has ranges that you can construct and make decisions based upon. A whale’s range is so wide and has so many bluffs in it, that they are just always getting paid off.

That’s what happened to me. A whale limp-calls me preflop with 6:heart2 for 7bb, then check-calls my cbet on KJ2 (I have Q9 and his range is pretty much any two, as evidenced by him having the ol’ 62). I turn the straight with a T. We have over 1/3 of his stack in now, setting up less than a PSB on the river. It’s a bricky heart. He jams, I tank and call, he shows me the flush. He then dances around, jumps up and down, and shouts over to his friends at another table.

I then get it in with him with JT against A9 on a Q97 flop, putting him to a decision. The board bricks out, I table and he looks at my cards and looks at the board. “Jack high,” I say, trying to get this over with. He looks at it. “What’s he have?”

“I missed, Jack high,” I tell him.

“Oh,” he says, dejectedly. He pauses, sits there, then slow rolls me with A9, jumps up and starts dancing and waving people over to brag about how big of a pot he won with second pair.

He continues his killer whale mode, runs $800 into $3600+ in 44 minutes and leaves, declaring us unfit competition for his greatness. (Literally, he told us we weren’t good enough to give him any challenge and it was no fun.)

Result: -$1,704 in 7 hours, 39 minutes at $2/5

Thursday, March 19

I don’t have many notes on hands in this session, and I like to keep bad beat stories short in here if the hands aren’t that interesting, so… We’re 3 handed, I’m in the hand with a relative novice. I check my BB with T6o. Flop 987. It goes check, bet, raise, re-raise, I go all-in, he shrugs and says, “I’m all-in.” When you’re up against a novice fish, you have them covered, you go all-in and the dealer tells them the bet is all-in, and they shrug and say, “I’m all-in,” instead of, “I call,” they pretty much always have the nuts. He has JTo, nh sir.

About five hands later, I c-bet middle pair, turn two pair, and my villain who was floating around with nothing rivers a straight. He’s drunk, whale-ish, and bluffing a lot, so I pay him off.

Result: -$1,320 in 6 hours, 29 minutes at $2/5

Sunday, March 22

I take my talents to the Borgata, but my poor fortunes continue. I don’t really have any notes on hands in this one. I got into a leveling war with one guy, he got me twice, I got him twice, but unfortunately his second one got me for a big one after I completed a comeback from getting outdrawn a few times, and I called it a session.

Result: -$1,237 in 4 hours, 19 minutes at $2/5

I proceeded to play online, getting it in a couple of times with AA against Ax and losing both. (We got it in preflop). I make deep runs in a few of the Sunday tourneys, including a WSOP satellite, but get cracked by weaker hands late, or lose flips late, and it’s Sayonara, cuserounder.

Last edited by cuserounder; 03-26-2015 at 02:37 AM.
03-26-2015 , 02:43 AM
March Part 2 – Goals for March 26-31: “I built it from ground up. / I started out with my basement and builded my house up. / I’m rich off opportunity, money gon’ pile up.”

I’ll keep it simple for the last week or so. I am going to make a significant life change that relates to poker starting in April, so this week is going to be a last hurrah of sorts.

[ ] Play 75 Hours Live

[ ] Go to the Gym Once

I’ve got one day of broadcasting work, which is when I’ll try to get the gym in, and the other five days at 15 hours a day would get me to my goal.

I’m not sure about a reward. The urgings of a few posters in here have me reconsidering the backpack. I still need some shoes, so maybe I’ll go with that. If anyone comes across any cool stuff in the $50-$200 range, it doesn’t have to be poker lifestyle related (but it can, of course), feel free to post it in here for a possible future reward.
03-26-2015 , 03:10 AM
15 hours a day is pretty nuts even for a short period of time. I'm halfway through a 12 day 110 hour challenge myself, if I succeed I plan on smoking a good cigar and having a glass of jack daniels on ice.
03-26-2015 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by ECGrinder
15 hours a day is pretty nuts even for a short period of time. I'm halfway through a 12 day 110 hour challenge myself, if I succeed I plan on smoking a good cigar and having a glass of jack daniels on ice.
I agree - you're going to like the changes I make starting in April. I'm chasing a promo to close out March, hence the craziness.

We've gotta improve your liquor game, though, imo. Do you like Scotch? Ever have Glenlivet? The 12-year is very good, and semi-reasonably priced. The 18-year is even better, but it's like $100 a bottle. It's funny - as aggro as I am at the tables, I still wouldn't be able to properly enjoy a bottle of Scotch knowing I spent $100 for it. I've had the 18-year Glenlivet at a wedding reception when the host provided it and I'm pretty sure that's what they gave me at Amphora at the Borgata when I asked for Glenlivet.
03-26-2015 , 04:08 AM
Johnny walker black or blue label
