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01-07-2017 , 01:37 AM
Home stretch, final hour!
01-07-2017 , 04:11 AM
Calling it a night. 15 hours and 59 minutes and I feel better now than I did the last two days... Today was supposed to be the toughest day of the month, based on my plan, and there were low points but I got through them. I texted some friends and got some moral support when I was exhausted and cranked my energy back up and got through. I felt so good when I hit 15 hours and the game was good enough that I fired through for the extra one. I had a couple more hours in me but I decided to cap it at 16 and try to get a good sleep in.

I'm now at 77 hours and 21 minutes.

I also broke out of the valley of my downswing. I suppose I could dip back in, in the next few sessions, but it's pretty sick that I wiped out a 230+ hour 2/5 downswing in less than 80 hours of 1/3. Throw on the promo I hit and this bet/challenge is already a big success.

That's probably the best news my opponent could have, but there's no way I'm backing out now just cause I don't *need* the hours as much anymore. I'm fired up to continue outpacing it and see how far I can push myself to prove what I'm capable of when it comes to volume.
01-07-2017 , 06:07 AM
If I were you, I would negotiate a buyout from whomever took the other side of your prop bet. If he gives you a good buyout based on your hours being ahead of pace to win the bet, you can take it easy on your body for the rest of the month.

You don't want to put your mind and body through the brutal grind of a 300 hour month unnecessarily. As you said, you have already climbed out of your recent downswing by crushing the last 77 hours.

I totally ujderatand why you started the prop bet in the first place, but your circumstances have now changed.
01-07-2017 , 08:49 AM
[ ] Huge downswing at 2/5
[?] Finishes 300 hour challenge
01-07-2017 , 02:06 PM
Cuse you had a large downswing at 2/5? How many buyins? I would say a large downswing is 20buyins while a normal one is 10buyins. This has held true for me from 1/3 to 5/10; it's the buyins that matter not the BBs
01-07-2017 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
1) Finance, state school in Fl.

2) graduated at 22, 3.8 GPA

3) gother internship straight out of college (very easy if you get good grades, have a big school, and work with school) still easy otherwise. No prior experience.

4) not much overtime in internship but I made damn sure to out-do my peers (not hard). I got hired after 6 months and then came some hours, but I actually enjoyed the work. Also I never had to do the hours, just if you didn't you weren't going to rocket through the ranks.

5) workplace morale was great. Feel Wrath touched on this but I have never laid more women then I did first two years OUT of college. It was crazy. I had no game and was a big loner in college. Not so once you are 25 and have the appearance of success in a 40/60 male female workplace with women that are finally realizing that Brad is in fact a douche that lives with his mom.

FW also hit on a super important point re: business. I literally wrote business cases for 4 years for my company. Some required as much as $1 billion in capital. I was on the "special projects" team and this was all we did. I knew nothing about this upon joining the team but now study capital movements in my free time

I do realize I'm very very lucky. But Ive worked hard to realize my luck. "Aggression is the best way to fully realize your equity"

Not all people who have an 8-5 are settling. Many are content sure, and they are happy family oriented etc. and wont move past analyst level making 60K or whatever (nothing to be ashamed of!) But I mean feel wrath didn't settle. Hes got to be one of the most successful people on these forums, poker players included. It's the same in corporate and in poker, you keep moving up stakes until you are at the nosebleeds. But there are alot more games running in the high stakes corporate market.
#5 was very different in the broadcasting grind with virtually no money and insane hours haha... Your path makes a lot of sense to me for someone younger, but less so for me now. Like, an internship or low paying entry level job and a wait of a few years to get to the position where it starts to make sense is rough. If it was 40 hours a week, I suppose I could supplement with poker, but the whole thing doesn't appeal much to me - even socially, I'd be working mostly with people almost 10 years younger than me. I'm sure it would be fun, but I don't know that it would help with my social/relationship life goals either.

One thing I will say this conversation has me thinking is if I'm backing out of poker due to struggles instead of transitioning after success, I'd probably be inclined to start up this conversation again and look for opportunities that do not involve starting my business. You guys have underscored the difficulty/variance in that, and although I knew it already, I hadn't thought a ton about that specifically. The plan was/is/will be to trim the poker schedule down eventually and use 20-40 hours a week on one business idea at a time until one hopefully sticks and turns profitable.

I'm not saying everyone or even most are settling, it's a personal decision people have to make based on their prioritized goals. It just depends on each persons goals/desires/values.

Originally Posted by Avaritia
Crazy that someone has more hours than you. Lol
Yeah, and the sickest part was I don't think he won any of the drawings. I won 1 out of the 60 (my EV was to win 2.24). A bunch of people got two, and three or four people got three.
01-07-2017 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
If I were you, I would negotiate a buyout from whomever took the other side of your prop bet. If he gives you a good buyout based on your hours being ahead of pace to win the bet, you can take it easy on your body for the rest of the month.

You don't want to put your mind and body through the brutal grind of a 300 hour month unnecessarily. As you said, you have already climbed out of your recent downswing by crushing the last 77 hours.

I totally ujderatand why you started the prop bet in the first place, but your circumstances have now changed.
I don't think my opponent would do it, since he thinks I'm drawing dead/behind pace (I don't get it, but he thinks I need to be further ahead by now).

So far I'm not too worried myself, since I now get to ease off my body/mind a little bit and from here on out I should get eight hours of sleep a night and three or four hours of leisure time a day most days.

Your concern worries me, though, since you're a smart guy and I'm guessing you know people who have tried this before?

My circumstances have changed, for now. I could move back up to 2/5 if I wanted and have a little more than a shot-taking roll... But for now, I'm going to ride out my heater and pad the roll a bit more. The thing is, when I move up I'm still going to have a higher ROR than usual, so it's possible I'm forced to move back down in which case I'm back to trying to grind it up.

I'll be trying to maximize hours until I have my full 2/5 roll back, so for now while my situation has changed and is far less of a severe problem, I'm not sure that the prescription for my situation has.

I also may have other people betting each other on whether or not I make it, so I feel some sense of honor-bound duty to give it a fair shot all the way.
01-07-2017 , 04:16 PM
Day 7 is underway. The turn around time was a little under 13 hours, about an hour longer than planned, which is fine. I got about nine hours of sleep and feel excellent today as I take a shot at a 90 hour week!
01-07-2017 , 05:47 PM
Nine hours sleep?! I'm actually extremely jealous. Been lurking this thread for a while but never posted. I like your resolve and think you can do it to silence all the hatred. Rock on bro.

As an aside,
I'm interested in getting your feedback on a semiprofessional's bankroll management and when to move up to $2/5 permanently. Don't play much, maybe 20 hours/week max, but absolutely crush $1/2. I don't have much money to pad my roll after bills, so my roll I treat as a professional would, and unfortunately actually sometimes have to dip into it. Sorry if you'd rather not discuss, bit just looking for an experienced grinders feedback. Cheers

Last edited by Handsumm; 01-07-2017 at 05:54 PM.
01-07-2017 , 09:05 PM
Some guy at my table is explaining the circumstances in which he'd fold AA preflop in a cash game. There are several. I'm nodding along. "Mmmhmm, yes sir. Right. Uh huh. Makes sense! Good decision."
01-07-2017 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Handsumm
As an aside,
I'm interested in getting your feedback on a semiprofessional's bankroll management and when to move up to $2/5 permanently. Don't play much, maybe 20 hours/week max, but absolutely crush $1/2. I don't have much money to pad my roll after bills, so my roll I treat as a professional would, and unfortunately actually sometimes have to dip into it. Sorry if you'd rather not discuss, bit just looking for an experienced grinders feedback. Cheers
Sounds like you need to get your expenses under control. Half a year of crushing 1/2 20hrs/wk should give you plenty to take shots at 2/5.
01-08-2017 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Sounds like you need to get your expenses under control. Half a year of crushing 1/2 20hrs/wk should give you plenty to take shots at 2/5.
Yeah good point. You would think so...
But I was driving 85 miles a day and my old car kept breaking down, so I paid cash for a new one and that kinda wiped me out, after I had built a decent roll. So you like to have what? $10,000 min for $2/5 plus 6 months living expenses?

Last edited by Handsumm; 01-08-2017 at 02:28 AM.
01-08-2017 , 02:20 AM
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Cuse keep on shinin', the gold jacket's yours!
01-08-2017 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Handsumm
Yeah good point. You would think so... Image
But I was driving 85 miles a day and my old car kept breaking down, so I paid cash for a new one and that kinda wiped me out, after I had built a decent roll. So you like to have what? $10,000 min for $2/5 plus 6 months living expenses?
They can probably help you in the winrates/bankroll thread:

Since you are just playing on the side you should have the luxury of aggressive shot taking if you desire. That being said, I personally think a $10k bankroll is more than sufficient for a part time player taking shots at 2/5. If you have $10k, you can take a few shots and then go back to 1/2 if your roll falls to $8k (as an example). You could really do that with less than $10k. It just depends on how risk averse you are.
01-08-2017 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Handsumm
Nine hours sleep?! I'm actually extremely jealous. Been lurking this thread for a while but never posted. I like your resolve and think you can do it to silence all the hatred. Rock on bro.

As an aside,
I'm interested in getting your feedback on a semiprofessional's bankroll management and when to move up to $2/5 permanently. Don't play much, maybe 20 hours/week max, but absolutely crush $1/2. I don't have much money to pad my roll after bills, so my roll I treat as a professional would, and unfortunately actually sometimes have to dip into it. Sorry if you'd rather not discuss, bit just looking for an experienced grinders feedback. Cheers
It was catchup sleep, but it was wonderful. Thanks for the support!

So my first disclaimer is that this depends heavily on your true winrate (which takes thousands of hours to accumulate and estimate accurately) and your standard deviation. I don't know those, so this is a general suggestion assuming you make $20+/hr at 1/2 since you say you crush it.

If you don't want to ever replenish, 6K should be a safe number for 1/2 300 max. If your winrate is 20+ per hour your risk of ruin should be well below 1%, and you can shrink your buyin if you are on a long downswing. Above that, you could shot take... But if a shot doesnt work out, add some profit to the roll before you try again. This way you are still moving forward. So the system I'd use would be to move up to 2/5 at 8K for a 2K shot. If it doesn't work, grind up to 9 or 10K and try another 2K shot. If it doesn't work out, grind it up a little higher and keep doing that til it sticks. Once you're "permanently," at 2/5, you can stay until your roll is down to 6K or you feel like you need to move down for confidence during a downswing.

Some would tell you to be more aggressive, but I'm a bankroll nit.
01-08-2017 , 05:50 AM
The first week is in the books. Day 7 was 12 hours and 43 minutes bringing me to 90 hours and 4 minutes.

I now need to average about 9.5 hours on my remaining playing days, but I'm planning on continuing to build up a lead so I can take a day off somewhere.

I'm also 7 for 7 and continuing to run and play insanely well.
01-08-2017 , 06:04 AM
Good job
01-08-2017 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Good job
01-08-2017 , 09:59 AM
Go Cuse!

Gl with the remainder of your challenge!
01-08-2017 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Cuse keep on shinin', the gold jacket's yours!

Originally Posted by y0l0Theory
Go Cuse!

Gl with the remainder of your challenge!
01-08-2017 , 06:47 PM
Been in the game since about 4pm today. Had some issues logging into the forum to update this.
01-08-2017 , 09:09 PM
Thanks for the very informative post 'Cuse. Yeah I have taken a few shots at $2/5 with good results, but I have been apprehensive about staying in the game due to being a kind of bankroll nit myself. Besides, my w/r over last year on $1/2 was $31.63, so didn't think it was necessarily worth the effort to move up for good. I think I'll follow your advice this year and maybe I can crush my local $2/5 game as well.

Very nice effort so far in your prop bet. I know you'll smash it now, and you'll be back playing higher stakes in no time. ��
01-08-2017 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Been in the game since about 4pm today. Had some issues logging into the forum to update this.
Even the hackers can't stop CuseNeo.
01-09-2017 , 04:22 AM
This thread has gotten good again! Good luck Cuse - that's a sick first week!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
01-09-2017 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Even the hackers can't stop CuseNeo.
Yeah what's up with that? Should I be worried?

Originally Posted by skillz_2106
This thread has gotten good again! Good luck Cuse - that's a sick first week!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks! Over the 100 hour mark as I wind down the day.
