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08-14-2016 , 12:58 PM
i really don't see the problem with some regs joining Doug's games. so what? one of the best poker minds in the world should be able to adjust and still be insanely profitable at these stakes. unless of course he's playing in games with 0 fish and a billion 200NL regs going for glory or w/e, but i seriously doubt that's the case.
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08-14-2016 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by TouchOfEVil
I'd play wcgrider until I bust my site roll if it were hu on any stakes up to 2/4(the higher it were the less inclined i would be though) Ring game any stake up to 1/2 if it were 6 tables or something so I don't know about that TimStone.

And I know a lot of ppl reason like I do , especially if it is hu for some very obvious reasons. Plenty of guys that would come in their pants if they got to play wcg at 5/10. It would be the cheapest thing ever.

And j didn't even account for the possibility to rewatch every hand on vod later
Always amazes me how teh endboss propaganda "you gotta play teh best to be teh best", "its such a cheap lesson", yadayada works. That there are actually legit intelligent guys who believe this is just amazing. I really would want to know which endboss came up with this. "Damn, i dont get any action, i just tell them its a cheap lesson and drop down a stake"

While i have to agree that for HU there may v well be a tiny bit of truth to all this im always dying if a 6max guy proclaims statements like this. "you have to play reg only games at 5k to get better, its teh only way". but what if you play w 4regs and one fish? do i not get better then? DAIM!
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08-14-2016 , 01:34 PM
in gl doug
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08-14-2016 , 01:43 PM
I'm sure Doug would happily play you at $5/$10 unless you're decent HU reg (so it would be worth his time) and you can find a site with non-ridiculous rake. IIRC he used to sit as low as $10/$20 pretty often even couple years ago and probably didn't shy away playing against any midstakes bumhunter or random 6-max player.

Anyway, if you're gonna get these mad HU skills in 2016 by playing him and losing a ton, what you gonna do with them? Load up 2 entries of Zoom $0.25/$0.50 on Stars and print?
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08-14-2016 , 02:05 PM
You are not always going to realize your edge immediately, no matter how good you are even at 2nl. The idea that someone can sit in and crush any stake any time, all the time has always been some fantasy crap.
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08-14-2016 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
pretty grim overall if teh alleged GOAT cant get an edge on an NL2 pool due to rake. Also note that the "strong" microplayers (read: soviet union, south america) arent even playing that site
One point and one dumb question...

To be playing online poker in 2016 on a USA legal site, you obviously must have some experience playing poker. Pre black friday, people were just seeing poker on TV and depositing on stars/party/ftp/etc. I don't think it is like that.

When Doug beat the computer bots in that competition, did rake factor into that equation at all. For example, wouldn't a continuous rake perhaps some impact on the game after the house collects over and over and over and over versus two players playing with chips that never get subjected to a rake?

Last edited by easyfnmoney; 08-14-2016 at 02:41 PM.
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08-14-2016 , 02:50 PM
how many hands has doug played so far?
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08-14-2016 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by getmeoffcompletely
Yes microstakes players have obviously gotten better over the years but the real issue is the rake.

If your opponents have any sort of clue what they are doing and there's no clear mark on the table, then it's really really difficult to overcome rake. Even for a very good player.

Hence why regs joining Doug's tables is so bad for him at this stage when rake is the worst.

I'm surprised he's not playing HU hypers. That's probably one of the fastest ways to grow his BR at this stage.
HU Hypers, hahahaha! With 100$ bankroll only spins would be bigger gambling than HU hypers, and I'm saying this as a HU hyper reg. (who is salty and hates HU hypers as f*ck lately, because of running 210BI below EV)
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08-14-2016 , 04:42 PM
Too much whining about rake itt. This forum has become like a 24/7 advertisement for why rec players could never possibly make a dime playing online poker and should just never play.

You people are losing or 2bb/100 players because you're not good enough at poker. That's all it is. Doug lost the other night because he didn't play all that great and he ran terrible... He will end up crushing these micros (and this challenge) 12bb/100 rake or not, just watch.

Last edited by TommyTsunami; 08-14-2016 at 04:57 PM.
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08-14-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
a 1-2 guy likely plays for a living so chances he drops down to play w teh alled GOAT isnt happening bc they 1. Want to make money and 2. They dont give a **** about WCG. This isnt 2008 where some videoproducer is an idol to other regs, its 2016 where such a guy is a detriment to other regs at best

pretty grim overall if teh alleged GOAT cant get an edge on an NL2 pool due to rake. Also note that the "strong" microplayers (read: soviet union, south america) arent even playing that site

If its indeed 8-10bb his results so far are laughable if its more like 15-20bb(which id expect its understandable.

But if you cant beat 10bb rake on NL2 being teh best there is poker may very well be close to GG.

Ohhwait, thats what im saying for months now
Hey Tim is that profile pic really you, and do you actually live in some Eastern bloc slum? I'm starting to think so.

Last edited by TommyTsunami; 08-14-2016 at 04:55 PM.
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08-14-2016 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTsunami
Too much whining about rake itt. This forum has become like a 24/7 advertisement for why rec players could never possibly make a dime playing online poker and should just never play.

You people are losing or 2bb/100 players because you're not good enough at poker. That's all it is. Doug lost the other night because he didn't play all that great and he ran terrible... He will end up crushing these micros (and this challenge) 12bb/100 rake or not, just watch.
lol so you really believe rake does not change one's winrate?
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08-14-2016 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTsunami
Hey Tim is that profile pic really you, and do you actually live in some Eastern bloc slum? I'm starting to think so.
Its a picture of my boyfriend and your reads are spot on - we are in Austria!
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08-15-2016 , 12:58 AM
american poker players who never relocated post black friday has to be some of the most ******ed segment of mankind.
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08-15-2016 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Codecci
I'm sure Doug would happily play you at $5/$10 unless you're decent HU reg (so it would be worth his time) and you can find a site with non-ridiculous rake. IIRC he used to sit as low as $10/$20 pretty often even couple years ago and probably didn't shy away playing against any midstakes bumhunter or random 6-max player.

Anyway, if you're gonna get these mad HU skills in 2016 by playing him and losing a ton, what you gonna do with them? Load up 2 entries of Zoom $0.25/$0.50 on Stars and print?
ya but i wouldnt play him at 5/10, the "lessons" i possibly could recieve from it would not match the money lost (i am not good enough to pick up anything truly worthwhile from it), that said 2/4 is probably my own pain threshold for the fun of it aswell. this is obviously different player to player, a great player would gain much more, especially if he got dougs point of view on a vod because of twitch. that would be potentially somewhat valuable to some, most certainly make up for the EV that he lost in future EV.

ya I guess he sat 10/20 for the occasional whale and weak regs but hardly sat that stake often, if a reg sat him during his #1 hu world years he would not be happy about playing at all. A matter of fact when he was active online as #1 hu world he never played anyone below 25/50 that he considered a "threat" because it was just to cheap of a lesson to them. There is a tipping point where momentary EVgain would almost certainly make future EVgains less because of educating your opponents if they decide to move up. Let´s say danmerrrrr a few years back sat wcg at 5/10, wcg wouldnt be so inclined to play, because firstly it is so low stakes to battle it, secondly wcg would rather play him at 25/50+ while he is as unpolished as possible. He would likely just rather give up the table over playing him, which ive seen some tablechat about before, as ppl were "angling"(they werent winning a table by skill/koth ranking) a table at times because they knew x,y,z person wouldnt play a reg that low and thus getting a free table.

he played friends and stuff sometimes, but yeah, generally wcg have been very careful with overplaying strong regs at to low stakes past few years.


You do have a point though regarding HU 2016 , biggest consistent HU games out there is probably ipoker(hu tables), people battle there a decent amount. On all the other sites its just the random HU-at a ringgame for sitting rights @ stars/winamax´s not like its totally useless being a top dog anymore just not like it was before. And you just gotta stomach the "grind before the grind" as in finding a opponent tilted enough to play


sorry for derailing, last post about this.
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08-15-2016 , 02:12 AM
Good job today, Doug!

I find the chat ****ing hilarious when they say "see you take all these beats when these fish call", "i lose because fish are too loose and it's impossible". I wonder what excuse these guys will have after the micros are done . Fishies.
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08-15-2016 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Good job today, Doug!

I find the chat ****ing hilarious when they say "see you take all these beats when these fish call", "i lose because fish are too loose and it's impossible". I wonder what excuse these guys will have after the micros are done . Fishies.
Thanks dude! Most of the people in the chat obviously have no idea what is going on with poker.
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08-15-2016 , 05:37 AM
Day 5: $129

Today we finally got things going in the right direction. For starters, with a slew of freerolls, we managed to have a lot of free shots at some equity. There was a $500 freeroll that I managed to cash in on for ~$20 by getting 5th place. I also mincashed the Upswing freeroll, for about $5.

Cash games also went well, and I was winning right out of the gate. I took a few beats earlier on in the session (to be fair to my opponents, what are the chances of getting A6o when your opponent has KK) but managed to get out to an early lead.

I played a sizable PLO hand, where I faced a 3b with KK99ds, and decided my opponent was loose and agro enough to go for a 4b. In these games it is weird, because you have a bunch of nits, and then you also have guys that will put in 100 bb with Q3o pre (which happened today, and beat my JJ and someone's AA). So in these spots, you have to do a lot of deciding of who you are up against. I decided to go for it and he had the AA, and I flopped a fd, turned both fd's, and rivered a flush to take down a 900 bb pot. Needless to say that was an extremely important hand in the session.

Overall I felt a lot of the adjustments I am making will improve my results, and I am excited to be able to start tomorrow off playing 2c/4c instead of 1c/2c. Hopefully this time the transition up goes a lot smoother and I dont end up back below $100 once again.
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08-15-2016 , 08:52 AM
This has been pretty great to rail. Keep going Doug!

Just a quick question, how much have you been raked so far and what kind of rb are you getting.

Best of luck!
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08-15-2016 , 11:15 AM
Not sure if it's posted somewhere else, but what's the bankroll management you are using for the challenge? Is it super strict?
glgl doug!
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08-15-2016 , 11:46 AM
I ll bet against. Sounds like u re willing to give odds
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08-15-2016 , 12:34 PM
time to hit full speed doug, well in dude.
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08-15-2016 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Notabot
There is absolutely no chance you will turn one 100 bullet into 10k. That is absurd sorry to tell you. Risk of ruin is about 99.9%
cmon man, risk of ruin is definitely less than 1%, no idea what you're on about
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08-15-2016 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Notabot
There is absolutely no chance you will turn one 100 bullet into 10k. That is absurd sorry to tell you. Risk of ruin is about 99.9%
cobblers. he has 50bi for nl2
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08-15-2016 , 01:25 PM
how the **** else is he going to lose the bankroll then? how often do you think a very good player goes on a 50 buy ins downswing on the easiest stakes online?
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08-15-2016 , 01:30 PM
no I don't see what you're saying lol, that's how I've built my bankroll, this is how a lot of online players have... It's actually not even hard at all as long as you stick to proper brm
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