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PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown

04-19-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by fold4once
I'm leaning toward c/c here too, but there is a paradoxical problem with c/c here IF villain was paying attention to our actions with an overpair mentioned in the history (in that he's seen us call down, so shouldn't really be betting with worse). Maybe I've got this wrong. Anybody block betting (Sol mentioned it among all options, nobody advocating it yet)?
The board is as wet as a wh0re this time unlike previously though. I'd advocate x/c as there are less hearts in his range than diamonds where he still might barrel this river because our hand has become even more face up with the line we have taken OTT. He will defs bet all 8's here I don't see him checking back any of his range ever.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 07:20 PM
11t and Tao I don't disagree with you guys in this spot necessarily. I just want to point out that I actually think you can c/c turn and c/f river against certain players safely. It's the type of player that turns 99/1010 into a bluff without knowing on this turn. Then doesn't bluff river, just checks back praying that they're good. Other players understand that they need to semi bluff sometimes if they're going to call pf with a weak hand. But they don't bluff river because they don't see their opponents fold strong hands enough.

I could be wrong I'm sure. And I'm not sure this is the right spot for it.

I never considered leading. Is there anyone who wants to discuss leading for w/e reason, or should I move on?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 07:40 PM
If we lead, we lose the ability to get value from his bluffs.

Check/raising makes more sense than leading, IMO. It would be such a sick move, since a river check/raise might get villain off everything except for full houses (including 8x).

But I don't really feel comfortable advocating that sort of sick crazy stuff. Interesting proposition, though.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 08:03 PM
I like to consider the play if the stacks are right after they bet. (C/jam)

It's all pretty tough readless.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 08:20 PM
No need to ever play a hand like this readless.

If you was going to c/r it should be ott.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 08:24 PM
Just look at your overall line. You raise pre from ep, bet flop, bet turn, got raised, called and now you want to c/r river. Line sounds terrible vs an unknown. You showed 3 streets of aggression, now want to flat a turn raise and c/r river. Sounds like bad planning. Line is laughable nothing sexy at all.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by ticketmaster
I never considered leading. Is there anyone who wants to discuss leading for w/e reason, or should I move on?
move on. Leading seems bad because it folds out all his crap that missed and gets us shoved on my his monsters. Plus, it denies him the opportunity to bluff.

If the river was a Q, i'd lead small to induce.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by ticketmaster
Youngish asian V sat down ~1/2hr ago, seems TAGgy, competent. My image is TAG/winning.

Only showdown I've seen Villain involved in- A bunch of limps, and the SB (pro) raises to 8bbs. V calls in BB and the flop comes 5 way.

Flop is K53ss, SB checks, V bets 2/3 pot and gets called by SB and one of the limp/callers. Turn is a 9os, and V shoves for ~2/3psb, gets called and wins at showdown with KQo.

That is the only showdown I've seen. He has been button straddling a fair amount. Hasn't played too many pots. He bought in for 100bb but now has over 250bb.

The only showdown of mine that V has seen is the following: I open 3.5x pre, get 3bet 3x by a reg pro, and flat his raise OOP. I proceed to c/c three streets on a J105rJ2 runout, and table AA and MHIG.

For the purposes of this hand, we are not going to know what the stakes are. Since there is a Button Straddle (Mississippi) 1BB = Straddle.

Effective Stacks ~110BB

V straddles BTN for 1BB, folds to Hero in UTG1, Hero raises to 3BB with QQ (tbl was pretty tight to my left), folds to V who flats BTN

Flop (6.5BB) 873

Originally Posted by ticketmaster
Hero bets 4BB, V makes a weird face and pretty quickly calls

Turn (14.5BB) 8

Hero bets 10BB

Villain takes ~3 seconds to raise to 24.5BB, giving off no sign of nervousness. In other words he looks fairly calm.

Originally Posted by ticketmaster
Hero calls.

River(63.5BB) K

Hero checks after thinking for ~10 sec, V thinks for ~15 sec. He looks fairly calm as if he's just thinking the spot through. After 15 sec, he bets 44BB.

As Hero tanks, Villain doesn't make eye contact with Hero. Just sits there looking fairly calm and staring at the felt.

PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 10:35 PM
Catching on a little late, but I fold to the turn raise and I am definitely folding on this river.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-19-2013 , 11:34 PM
c/r turn is dumb, he won't fold 8x, but on river he may.

Leading river can be okay as a block bet. Believe it or not block bets CAN be good in spots like this.

I said before c/c turn c/f some rivers can be viable.

As played if I b/c turn I probably c/c river.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-20-2013 , 02:06 AM
How long did Hero (you) take to call T raise?

I know in my gut I'm calling this because all miscellaneous events add up to I'm back and forth with myself almost equally between him overvaluing his hand/underrating ours so we beat him versus he's got the 8x and playing straight up. And I'm a calling station when in serious doubt.

Question is, what does he put you on if he was paying attention to your passive overpair hand previously and now you've called his c/r on the T? This hand is sticking in my mind:

Flop is K53ss, SB checks, V bets 2/3 pot and gets called by SB and one of the limp/callers. Turn is a 9os, and V shoves for ~2/3psb, gets called and wins at showdown with KQo.

Seems to me he could be doing this 44BB R bet with enough hands we beat; we've differently repped our hand, meaning not necessarily weakly I guess, but who's playing QQ p/f like this and would the Villian ever put us on that - don't think so. Also never puts us on an 8, so perceives a weak point at least.

I'm ready to see 8x here but also A7; and 99 thru JJ easy as well as other maybe less likely hands like 910 where he thinks we'll fold to his agg.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-20-2013 , 06:04 AM
I meh-call this
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-20-2013 , 01:21 PM
The question I have is what circumstances make b/c turn c/f river a viable line? OTR our hand has improved against his perceived range, right? How does that factor in?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-20-2013 , 02:24 PM
Apologies in advance for being a liven00b and looking at tells possibly to much...but, with the snap call on the flop, then a turbo raise on a great bluff card, I think he's getting creative at least ~29% of the time we need for this call to be good here.

We know he's not nitty based on the KQ showdown.

I call. His range is polarized. If we were stationing the turn w/AK, he's checking back his 99-TT. He has busted draws enough for this to show a profit, imo. But I'm a certified payoff wizard. ;-)

Last edited by Hand Shaker; 04-20-2013 at 02:33 PM.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-21-2013 , 04:00 AM
Let me know if you guys want to discuss anything else in this thread. Otherwise I guess I'll post results soon. Thanks for joining in! Y'all rule
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-21-2013 , 09:37 AM
Here's a question ticketmaster: If you were villain (seeing only the AA showdown), what types of hands would you take this line with?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-21-2013 , 03:40 PM
Well Villain could think that if I play trappy with strong hands I have too many bluffs. In that case he would want to bluff raise very weak hands, and just flat strong hands to let me continue to spew off.

I usually don't expect ppl to think like that after seeing one showdown (and I don't think anyone can or should adjust to someones play after seeing just one showdown).

OTOH, he saw me call down 3 big bets without thinking too hard about it with a one pair hand. If that's the part that registered with him the most, you would think that he would not expect me to fold after I call turn, and would have alot of value bets.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-21-2013 , 05:17 PM
The thing that sucks is that my hand is pretty much face up once I call turn.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by ticketmaster
he saw me call down 3 big bets without thinking too hard about it with a one pair hand. If that's the part that registered with him the most, you would think that he would not expect me to fold after I call turn, and would have alot of value bets.

He can probably beat AA. Fold.

PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 03:53 PM

Hero folds. Villain shows J5dd. NH!
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 07:14 PM
Heh one of my favorite types of bluffs tbqh. Only bluff I like more is sitting on a straight draw and raising when the flush comes.

I think the turn is fairly close. A lot of players simply don't have the creativity required to bluff their draw when the top card pairs. It's not a clear fold. It's not a clear call.

However, once you call the turn, you can't fold the river unless a diamond hits. Otherwise your turn play is always wrong.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Heh one of my favorite types of bluffs tbqh. Only bluff I like more is sitting on a straight draw and raising when the flush comes.

I think the turn is fairly close. A lot of players simply don't have the creativity required to bluff their draw when the top card pairs. It's not a clear fold. It's not a clear call.

However, once you call the turn, you can't fold the river unless a diamond hits. Otherwise your turn play is always wrong.
So you don't subscribe to the exploitative theory with certain players that you call turn and even if nothing changes OTR you can safely fold when they bomb?

Not saying that this was the right spot for it given that I'm basically readless in the hand. But I really think there's a place for this in live poker.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 07:41 PM
Also, I agree the turn is a close call/fold. Could go either way.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by ticketmaster
So you don't subscribe to the exploitative theory with certain players that you call turn and even if nothing changes OTR you can safely fold when they bomb?

Not saying that this was the right spot for it given that I'm basically readless in the hand. But I really think there's a place for this in live poker.
Certain players sure, but not players creative enough to raise this specific turn.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-22-2013 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Certain players sure, but not players creative enough to raise this specific turn.
Fair enough. Yea I mean I think I agree with pretty much everyone saying call turn/fold river here is a mistake. BTW, this hand was 5/10/20 at the bike. I think it's hard to expect someone who bought in 1k at an uncapped game to be capable of bluffing huge on the river. And $875 is a pretty big bet for an unknown usually. Meh, I got outplayed for sure on this one.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
