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PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range

09-22-2016 , 05:33 PM
PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range Quote
09-22-2016 , 06:13 PM
NH, definitely some stuff to think about from this hand.

It played out perfect vs that part of V's range. I think anytime you are in a spot like this IP on the turn where V can have as many made hands ahead of you as made hands behind you + some reasonable number of draws then this line is a good (better?) alternative to betting for value vs his beaten pairs and draws on the turn.

The line taken maximises value off V's beaten pairs and might enable hero to lose the least vs V's AK+ but loses value vs draws. It's complicated by all sorts of strange interactions between V's different hands and the river. E.g V has AK+ and river is a flush card; this might freeze the action and save hero some chips. Or; river is an offsuit Q giving V 2nd pair for his FD and thus add hands V can hero call river.

The way to work it out is to model your likely wins and losses for each line vs each part of V's range over the effectively different rivers. It's probably a bit laborious though!

What I'm sure of is deception vs thinking players can be hugely +EV The difficulty is knowing when and how to be deceptive. Working out exactly how this line works against V's entire range and all effective rivers would likely add to your knowledge of when/how to use deception.
PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range Quote
09-23-2016 , 10:43 AM
Shove river? Are you out of your mind?

I will eat poop if he called with wose
PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range Quote
09-23-2016 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by IMA
Shove river? Are you out of your mind?

I will eat poop if he called with wose

Ketup with that
PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range Quote
09-23-2016 , 12:14 PM
I think i would bet like 65 on the riv
PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range Quote
09-24-2016 , 10:06 AM
WP hand op.

Yes you should check back AQss sometimes vs decent opponents, where you need to protect your checkback range with the nfd. Other checkbacks (and giveup) might include A5-A2hh/cc since they have poor equity and barrelability

Flop cbet size is good. You generally can go for 2 streets here using ~1/2pot sizing vs regs, whether it be bet/bet/check or bet/check/bet. Not sure why gobbeldygook is saying go pot, pot, that is just overplaying your hand. Since most regs interpret cbets otf as the weakest point in the hand, (rightfully so), we need to be betting this combo to balance our bluffs, particularly since it has no backdoors.

Turn is a bad card for our range, but depending on villians 3! call range preflop, can be a total brick for him as well. Since you said he has some sc and s1g in his range, I think bet or check is fine, but i slightly lean towards check, planning to vbet most rivs.

River, we have the best hand so often now, like 90%+. River is a slam dunk vbet and it really just comes down to how your villian will interpet this line. My default would be to bet $180, but a shove is good too if villian is gunna yolo call this sizing because he thinks you are fos.

PAHWM: 1/3 NL - RIO Hand on the Button vs. Potentially Wide CO Isolation Range Quote
