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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

07-19-2012 , 06:10 PM
07-19-2012 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
People tilt me with its not the dealer's fault. Yeah it is, they are the ones cutting the cards. Some dealers know how to cut them better than others to create action and get tips. Its their jobs to deal coolers.

If you have played 40hours+ a week in the same casino for at least 6months you know what I'm talking about.
Ummmmm...who wants field this one? I am worn out over the J7o discussion.
07-19-2012 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Ummmmm...who wants field this one? I am worn out over the J7o discussion.
You didn't field that J7o hand
07-19-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Did you also want to sing show tunes about our cars and girls we are dating?
Only if we're wearing really high rising jeans with nice white socks.
07-19-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
People tilt me with "its not the dealer's fault". Yeah it is, they are the ones cutting the cards. Some dealers know how to cut them better than others to create action and get tips. Its their jobs to deal coolers.

If you have played 40hours+ a week in the same casino for at least 6months you know what I'm talking about.
Dealers can deal coolers if they cut the deck right? Huh?
07-19-2012 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
People tilt me with "its not the dealer's fault". Yeah it is, they are the ones cutting the cards. Some dealers know how to cut them better than others to create action and get tips. Its their jobs to deal coolers.

If you have played 40hours+ a week in the same casino for at least 6months you know what I'm talking about.

Ok now I know this is a gimmick account. Who's gimmick is this?
07-19-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
People tilt me with "its not the dealer's fault". Yeah it is, they are the ones cutting the cards. Some dealers know how to cut them better than others to create action and get tips. Its their jobs to deal coolers.

If you have played 40hours+ a week in the same casino for at least 6months you know what I'm talking about.
Awesome. [confirmed level account]

The only time I'll get upset/snippy with a dealer is if they're doing their job horribly. For example, technically, we're not allowed to be on the phone/texting at our table, but sometimes this is let to slide if the person isn't in the hand (fine, IMO). But last session there was a guy and his girlfriend at the table both texting on the phone (each other, I have no idea) while one/both were in a hand, clearly a violation, and yet the dealer just kinda ignored it. Wasn't ignored after I ignorantly asked in dealer's general direction after multiple occurences of this "Are we allowed to text at the table"? OPTAH lack of enforcement also kinda pisses me off; the better dealers do well to try to prevent this stuff but some are just so clued out and don't give a damn to even try.

07-19-2012 , 06:22 PM
I play many casino's with bbjp. Certain dealers have way more than others. Is it luck, year after year. I don't think so.

So cut the crap, the cutting of the deck is a big deal imo. My "white magic" says so. You guys didn't know Im psychic
07-19-2012 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
yeah I have busted out the "nice ****ing river!" a few times to dealers/people

it is called frustration
Yeah, all night was frustrating. I was down $300 at one point, but like I said, thank god for the extended short handed play. I finished the night down $140. Never really won that big of a pot, just played good short handed poker to chip back up.

There was a very good player at my table last night who was also running like god. He bought in for $300, and was sitting on maybe $800 when the following three hands occurred, one after another:

1. He is in the BB. SB has $400. Folds to button who raises to 6, SB 3 bets to 20, BB 4 bets to 60, button folds, SB calls. Flop is A44, bb bets and calls sb's shove, bb shows AK FTW.

2. UTG raises to 10, folds to our hero who is in the SB, he 3 bets to 30, UTG calls. Flop is AQx rainbow, hero bets 45, UTG calls . Turn is Q, SB bets 60, UTG shoves about $300 more, SB calls, and flips quad queens to stack pocket aces.

3. UTG rebuys for $200 and is in the BB. folds to our hero OTB, he raises, SB folds bb3 bets our hero 4 bets, bb shoves and it is bb with AK. v button's AA.

3 hands in a row and he ships just a hair under $1000. Never seen anything like it.
07-19-2012 , 06:23 PM
Lol I am so bad at detecting levels over computer
07-19-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
I play many casino's with bbjp. Certain dealers have way more than others. Is it luck, year after year. I don't think so.

So cut the crap, the cutting of the deck is a big deal imo. My "white magic" says so. You guys didn't know Im psychic
Racist ban!!!

@mpethy.... puke.
07-19-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Yeah, all night was frustrating. I was down $300 at one point, but like I said, thank god for the extended short handed play. I finished the night down $140. Never really won that big of a pot, just played good short handed poker to chip back up.

There was a very good player at my table last night who was also running like god. He bought in for $300, and was sitting on maybe $800 when the following three hands occurred, one after another:

1. He is in the BB. SB has $400. Folds to button who raises to 6, SB 3 bets to 20, BB 4 bets to 60, button folds, SB calls. Flop is A44, bb bets and calls sb's shove, bb shows AK FTW.

2. UTG raises to 10, folds to our hero who is in the SB, he 3 bets to 30, UTG calls. Flop is AQx rainbow, hero bets 45, UTG calls . Turn is Q, SB bets 60, UTG shoves about $300 more, SB calls, and flips quad queens to stack pocket aces.

3. UTG rebuys for $200 and is in the BB. folds to our hero OTB, he raises, SB folds bb3 bets our hero 4 bets, bb shoves and it is bb with AK. v button's AA.

3 hands in a row and he ships just a hair under $1000. Never seen anything like it.
Your 60 BI downswing is most likely due to not selecting the God seat. From now on sit in the other seat than the one you would normally choose.
07-19-2012 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Racist ban!!!

@mpethy.... puke.
I know your an old school poker player. But "white magic" is a new poker term Phil Hellmuth made up. It means reading ability/thinking outside the little poker world box.
07-19-2012 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Yeah, all night was frustrating. I was down $300 at one point, but like I said, thank god for the extended short handed play. I finished the night down $140. Never really won that big of a pot, just played good short handed poker to chip back up.

There was a very good player at my table last night who was also running like god. He bought in for $300, and was sitting on maybe $800 when the following three hands occurred, one after another:

1. He is in the BB. SB has $400. Folds to button who raises to 6, SB 3 bets to 20, BB 4 bets to 60, button folds, SB calls. Flop is A44, bb bets and calls sb's shove, bb shows AK FTW.

2. UTG raises to 10, folds to our hero who is in the SB, he 3 bets to 30, UTG calls. Flop is AQx rainbow, hero bets 45, UTG calls . Turn is Q, SB bets 60, UTG shoves about $300 more, SB calls, and flips quad queens to stack pocket aces.

3. UTG rebuys for $200 and is in the BB. folds to our hero OTB, he raises, SB folds bb3 bets our hero 4 bets, bb shoves and it is bb with AK. v button's AA.

3 hands in a row and he ships just a hair under $1000. Never seen anything like it.
My night was similar (like we discussed last night).
Except in my case it was a fairly mediocre player (claims to play higher in Vegas - not terrible but not good either) who kept.flopping.sets. He would run his stack up, bleed it down, run it up, etc.. Bad thing was he kept hitting the hands against me, then bleeding the money to two tight butts who were nesting on those chips. Blech.
07-19-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
I know your an old school poker player. But "white magic" is a new poker term Phil Hellmuth made up. It means reading ability/thinking outside the little poker world box.
Confirmed Phil Hellmuth level account?
07-19-2012 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
I know your an old school poker player. But "white magic" is a new poker term Phil Hellmuth made up. It means reading ability/thinking outside the little poker world box.
Was racist. Not a new term bro.
07-19-2012 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Was racist. Not a new term bro.
It is a new term. Did you watch the one drop? Or did you see the "white magic" thread in NVG. Its definitely a new term. If I was full white you wouldn't say that.

I'm far from racist bro. I have white and black in me. I'm part of both cultures.

My first gf was white, my first piece of ass was white. I'm going to marry a white girl one day. Don't make claims like that without proof. Its disrespect to my family and me.
07-19-2012 , 07:36 PM
^ Obviously can level but can't spot a level. Smh.
07-19-2012 , 07:38 PM
No level Ace, why would I level you. I'm speaking the truth.
07-19-2012 , 07:40 PM
^^^^Phil Hellmuth ITT
07-19-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
No level Ace, why would I level you. I'm speaking the truth.
I'm talking about your dealer can cut to create action level. Man o man. Did you just wake up??
07-19-2012 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoney_J
Oh come on now, unless someone is read into all of the SAPs (to include full STO (w/ full MILDEC/TACDEC), Direct and A/B SAPs), there is no way to definitely state what is / isn't going on.

I was going to make a specific comment, as an example, in regards to the organization I believe you are with and the compartmentalization within it but I decided against that due to OPSEC / security concerns. All of the organizations in N VA / D.C. though, also suffer from the same issues- often when it comes to especially sensitive mission / problem sets, one hand has no idea what the other, within the same organization is doing. That issue is exasperated further on cross agency efforts.
Did say most of what we do... I'm not going to comment on SAPs and compartments except to say that I've been involved (yes, read in) in several, and only 2 involved doing anything the slightest "movie-worthy," and even those were much more ponderous and boring than the movie versions or the conspiracy theory versions.
07-19-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
It is a new term. Did you watch the one drop? Or did you see the "white magic" thread in NVG. Its definitely a new term. If I was full white you wouldn't say that.

I'm far from racist bro. I have white and black in me. I'm part of both cultures.

My first gf was white, my first piece of ass was white. I'm going to marry a white girl one day. Don't make claims like that without proof. Its disrespect to my family and me.
ILCD - look up "white magic" in Wickipedia. Term has been around a LONG time. I do have to say that if Hellmuth is practicing white magic he's very early on the "right hand" path and needs a lot more work.
07-19-2012 , 08:05 PM
yeah this 1/2 game that rakes for preflop and does $8 max is definitely beatable.
07-19-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
People tilt me with "its not the dealer's fault". Yeah it is, they are the ones cutting the cards. Some dealers know how to cut them better than others to create action and get tips. Its their jobs to deal coolers.

If you have played 40hours+ a week in the same casino for at least 6months you know what I'm talking about.
my god

just wow
