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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

06-29-2012 , 09:27 PM
I mean, I do care. I'm just not completely uninformed about it.

I'm no fan of obamacare, but you're just wrong about everything you say, and this isn't the place to go about correcting you.
06-29-2012 , 09:34 PM
Mike "SowersUNCC" Sowers vs Greg "DuckU" Hobson heads-up almost even in chips
06-29-2012 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by S1L3N7KN1GH7
pretty hot day 96° F and I Getty suck three stories in the sour above an evaporator stick welding all day. Smh wtf
Our high was 110 F at 3pm, will be down to 97 by midnight. but I'm not welding so, stay cool anyway you can dude.
06-29-2012 , 10:32 PM
to the human foosball players itt.

So a guy has the ball in front of me and I try to kick it. He then moves it away so now his foot is where the ball just was. Naturally I wind up kicking his shin. This is legal right since he caused it amirite? Last time I played soccer, many years ago, the result was some shouting in a european accent and I tried to tell her to hold still if she doesn't like it.
06-29-2012 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
to the human foosball players itt.

So a guy has the ball in front of me and I try to kick it. He then moves it away so now his foot is where the ball just was. Naturally I wind up kicking his shin. This is legal right since he caused it amirite? Last time I played soccer, many years ago, the result was some shouting in a european accent and I tried to tell her to hold still if she doesn't like it.
Not really, its a foul but not card worthy for its unintentional freer kick worthy unless in 18 nix of course pk is rewarded
06-29-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
I am actually referring to the part that he's without a career.
"Grinder" is no longer a valid career?

There went the neighborhood.
06-29-2012 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
to the human foosball players itt.

So a guy has the ball in front of me and I try to kick it. He then moves it away so now his foot is where the ball just was. Naturally I wind up kicking his shin. This is legal right since he caused it amirite? Last time I played soccer, many years ago, the result was some shouting in a european accent and I tried to tell her to hold still if she doesn't like it.
lol at soccer hate

yo I'm an amurrrrrican and I hate soccer, cause fvckkkkkk yeah amurica!!!!!1!
06-29-2012 , 11:32 PM
I played a 2-hour session. There was a huge fish who was playing literally every single hand and opening 85% of them. If it folded or limped to him he raised. Then he pretty much bet every street regardless of what he had. If he wasn't the aggressor, he'd float the flop with nothing and bet the turn.

He gifted me 2 buy-ins and then busted shortly after. Table instantly got about 10x worse and I didn't feel like playing anymore.
06-29-2012 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
I saw a website for insurance on your online poker hands, it is ridiculous, pay 25 they insure 100 in your all-in.

Rofl, I can see making a killing doing this.
Thats why people used to offer insurance. Always a minus proposition for the guy taking the insurance. A few years ago I was playing in a 25-50 pot limit HE game. I had AA and ended up getting 3K in preflop against 10-10 ( bringin pot, raise pot, 3 bet pot, 4 bet all in). Someone offered insurance and I declined, 10 came on the turn. A few orbits later, same V, same hands for both of us, and basically the same action. Once again I said no on the insurance and he hit a 10 again. Even though insurance was always a bad deal I have to say I felt pretty dumb (or unlucky is more correct).
06-29-2012 , 11:40 PM
How different is Pot limit hold em than NL
06-29-2012 , 11:47 PM
Actually can be a bigger game - most people will bring it in for the max (4x), and most bets and raises are pot size rather than c-betting 1/2 or whatever (more like PLO in that regard). But the one thing that is real different is you can't just shove preflop and shut opponents out. Somebody, I think Bobby Hoff, once suggested that the best HE format would be PL preflop, NL thereafter.
06-29-2012 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by jrr63
Actually can be a bigger game - most people will bring it in for the max (4x), and most bets and raises are pot size rather than c-betting 1/2 or whatever (more like PLO in that regard). But the one thing that is real different is you can't just shove preflop and shut opponents out. Somebody, I think Bobby Hoff, once suggested that the best HE format would be PL preflop, NL thereafter.
I think in the old Texas Circuit they were actually playing pot limit more than no limit.

and of course:

Teddy CIA: "You want poker, or whore?"

Michel: "Poker. Give me three stacks of high, elitist society."


Michel: "I raise."

Teddy CIA: "It's a position raise. I call."

- The flop comes 5-7-A, with two diamonds -

Michel: "I bet the pot."

Teddy CIA: "I raise the pot."

Michel: "I reraise the pot."

Teddy CIA: "I reraise the pot."

Michel: "Pot."

Teddy CIA: "Pot."

Michel: "Pot."

Teddy CIA: "Pot."

Michel: "Pot."

Teddy CIA: "Pot."

Michel (voiceover): "I sit back and think. I have three aces - the best possible hand. I want him to think I'm debating a call, but really I'm just thinking about Monte Carlo, and whatever the **** is in Monte Carlo."

Michel: *shrugs* "Okay, well, I re-pot it, I'm all in, because I don't think you have a pair." *winks at the camera*

Teddy CIA: "Who are you winking at? It doesn't matter, I call."

Michel (voiceover): "I know before he even says it."

Teddy CIA: "I have 8-6-4-3 with two diamonds, for a wrap straight draw and a flush draw, which is a favorite over your top set."

- Turn is a King. River is a 2 which gives Teddy CIA an ace-to-five straight for the win. -

- Michel sits there, shell-shocked. -

Joey Croissant: "Come on, I'll get you a whore."
06-30-2012 , 12:15 AM
[QUOTE=DeadMoneyWalking;33529119]I think in the old Texas Circuit they were actually playing pot limit more than no limit.

That's true - until the NL boom, driven by the Moneymaker World Series and the internet boom, the big bet holdem games in Texas, NM, California, and (mostly at tournament time) in Nevada were pot limit.
06-30-2012 , 01:05 AM
Are the fires all contained in CO now?
No, but the approach to Colorado Springs is pretty well defended now. I was allowed back to my house this evening. It's all good, just smells like a campfire. Tomorrow I go clean and move back in. yay!
06-30-2012 , 01:59 AM
Good to hear Garrick!! Glad you and yours are safe and can go home!

Hope you guys get some rain soon to help the out the firefighters.
06-30-2012 , 02:13 AM
Playing some of the worst poker in the last few days...

Head is not right.
06-30-2012 , 02:18 AM
Glad to hear that garick
06-30-2012 , 04:18 AM
Why does it seem like, every time I correctly fold a small pocket pair (say villain only has a $250 stack and opens to $30 so I can't set-mine), someone else calls and inevitably I flop a set?

So annoying...
06-30-2012 , 04:23 AM
At least you didn't flop quad when a tight villain opens from UTG to $30 with $280 stack and I folded from +1.

It would have netted me $500 for monte carlo + the pot.

Being right can be so wrong sometime...
06-30-2012 , 04:51 AM
Acceptable session tonight +700 but it was weird, this was the 3rd hand:

Hero is MP with AQ
Effective stacks are 750 (1k buyin 2 fridays of the month, I'm at max)

UTG limps
UTG+1 limps
Hero raises to 30
MP1 cold calls
Limpers call

Pot is 120
Flop is Q73
Checks to Hero who bets 75
Folds to UTG who ch/r to 225
Folds to Hero who ships
UTG Snap calls with J8 and my hand obviously doesn't hold up

Then the last hand before the game breaks as everybody is racking up to go home

Straddled pot, Effective stacks are 750
Hero is BB with KK
Table is 6 handed

3 Limpers to Hero
Hero Raises to 60
Straddle calls, UTG+1 calls

Pot is ~200
Flop is J87
Hero bets 125
Straddle tank ships
UTG folds

I ask him how much he has left and he is cool as a cucumber and I've never seen him ship here like this so everything is telling me he wants me to fold so I call

Hero calls

Turn is 3

River is 2

Villain is shaking his head and asks me what I called him with so I flip over my hand and he says "its good" and gets up and leaves. I wish I would have been a dick and forced him to show but it was the last hand of the night and I was not pleased when the club hit.
06-30-2012 , 05:59 AM
Cbet is way too small on that board

Probably had 89 or 10j

Last edited by Bluegrassplayer; 06-30-2012 at 06:05 AM.
06-30-2012 , 07:26 AM
My two hands vs the fish last night:

Fish opens UTG to $10 (range is any two cards). UTG+1 calls $10. I'm UTG+2 with KJ and 3-bet to $40 to isolate. $500 effective. Folds to UTG who ldo calls. UTG+1 folds. Perfect.

Flop 943 (pot $97)

Fish checks. I bet $60. He calls.

Turn J (pot $217) weeeeeeeee

Fish checks. I bet $115. He calls.

River T (pot $447)

Fish checks. I go all-in for $285. He calls with T8o and MHIG. Pot $1017.

Later vs same villain, at a different table (moved from must move to main). Fish has $708. I cover.

I open A2 from UTG+1 to $20. Fish raises to $65 in CO. Everyone else folds, I call $45.

Flop AT6 (pot $137)

I check. He bets $85. I call.

Turn 3 (pot $307)

I check. He bets $200. I call.

River Q (pot $707)

I check. He goes all-in for $358. I call. He mucks, lol. Pot $1423.
06-30-2012 , 07:58 AM
First hand is beautiful, second hand is just wow. Especially pre
06-30-2012 , 08:12 AM
Yeah this fish literally played 100% of his hands and raised about 85% of them. It created a weird dynamic where I wanted to play as many pots as possible vs him, because it's a race to get his money before someone else does.

I wanted to play A2s, even from EP, but I didn't want to open-limp, because the fish was going to raise anyway if I limped, so I just opened myself. When he made it $65 his range was still super-wide, so I called to try to bust him. Once I flopped top pair no kicker on a dry board, it was simply a matter of checking and letting him bet his entire range for me. I figure I'm going to be beat sometimes, and it's obv a high-variance spot, but I had to call him down. I wasn't thrilled with the Queen on the river, but I'm never folding at that point.
06-30-2012 , 08:25 AM
Sorry for the easy pahwm, hope everyone chimes a nice response to make the thread good for beginners
