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Official IPoker Thread Official IPoker Thread

08-15-2012 , 10:32 AM
ya nutter even has the nerve to seat hop if he doesn't have the jesus seat if you sit in a game with him and another reg sitting out
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 10:42 AM
any way to get the action buttons to be a little bit more towards the right like on pokerstars as opposed to right in the middle at the bottom? my hud is pretty big and blocks them which makes William Hill almost unplayable for me... would a table MOD help here, or other ideas?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 10:45 AM
What's "the jesus seat"?
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08-15-2012 , 10:50 AM
sitting to the direct left of the fish (or in this case the only open seat)
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Idrinkcoke
any way to get the action buttons to be a little bit more towards the right like on pokerstars as opposed to right in the middle at the bottom? my hud is pretty big and blocks them which makes William Hill almost unplayable for me... would a table MOD help here, or other ideas?
just make the chat box visible and that should do it.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:26 AM
dont understand why rutters winrate is so small since he is such a hardcore bumhunter. he must be an unbelievably mediocre midstakes player. you'd think he would use all his winnings to buy a good coach and improve to maximise his winrate for the hours he puts in
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:46 AM
it takes so many clicks to sit in/out on all his tables to avoid getting booted that he's effectively 20 tabling even if he has like 3 active tables
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 12:40 PM
I had another conversation with support about it today. They said that since they aren't heads up tables they aren't violating TOS. I askedthem to reconsider and explained that it's a daily problem and is literally ruining the games. They said they would look into it. I'm obviously not gonna hold my breath but I encourage others to contact support about it so they might understand how damaging their actions really are.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 02:31 PM
Does anyone think games are more likely to run with someone sitting out at the table?

If ipoker changes the rule then all of the people sitting out will just open their own 4m table and wait alone. That will make the 4m lobby look like the hu lobby. Instead of maybe 10 tables at each limit there will be 50. Nutter is annoying, but he barely beats the games and new rule might actually cause action to decrease.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 02:37 PM
No. Let's say they forced you to sit out on all tables or no tables. Rutter wouldn't be at any 4max tables because he won't play anyone but fish. The lobby would consist of full tables with people playing and a few tables with one person sitting in (who are willing to play if someone sits them)... That's the way 6max lobbies were 4 years ago.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 02:40 PM
I think people would just open a ton of 4m tables and sit alone. If someone sat who they didnt want to play they would button them, leave, and open a new table. It would look just like the HU lobby.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 03:53 PM
I can really only think of a couple of players that actually starts tables. Most will grim and leave. Theres this one guy, his sn starts with a P (i have the worst memory and on my mac OS atm), that guy starts tables all the time. Pezendos or something?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 04:02 PM
yea there aren't enough players who sit at empty tables, i really don't think that wold be an issue. Either way instead of rewarding bottom feeders who sit around all day grimming and seat hopping it will reward people who start games.

It's also worth noting if a fish opens the lobby and sees a bunch of tables with one person sitting alone and one or two with people playing hu/3 handed he's much more likely to play than if he sees a bunch of tables with 3 people sitting out who will only sit in if he joins.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by PenelopeCruz
yea there aren't enough players who sit at empty tables, i really don't think that wold be an issue. Either way instead of rewarding bottom feeders who sit around all day grimming and seat hopping it will reward people who start games.

It's also worth noting if a fish opens the lobby and sees a bunch of tables with one person sitting alone and one or two with people playing hu/3 handed he's much more likely to play than if he sees a bunch of tables with 3 people sitting out who will only sit in if he joins.
basically this. honestly the worst are the ones who sit out when the fish sits out. the grimming doesnt bother me nearly as much as that. fish are just bad card player, not ******s.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 05:58 PM
Midstakes at Ipoker is really at a low point now, especially if you don't want to play shallow tables...After most of the summer off I've just been playing Zoom lately and its pretty refreshing to be able to play without all the sit out shenanigans that make me want to kill myself..

Fwiw I wrote this template email a while back and going to fire it off again in case anyone feels the same and wants to do likewise..


Dear xxx,

There is a worrying trend on your site which I feel needs urgently addressing for the sake of fairness and the good spirit of the games. I am not sure if you are aware, but there are a number of players (for example “NutterRutter”) who have adopted a strategy of “table camping” ie persistently sitting out at a large number of tables with no intention of playing. They simply block seats for hours on end, instantly rejoining when their 7:30 minutes expire and they are forcibly removed from the table. They take position on the empty seat and sit for as long as it takes until a weaker player or “fish” takes that seat, sometimes hours on end. They will often keep sitting out even if the table fills with players they refuse to play against, just so a weaker player cannot take that seat, and instead has to fall into one of their traps on another table.

As I’m sure you can appreciate, it is in no way fair that they play 100% of their hands with direct position on a fish because they’re prepared to take the moral low ground and repeatedly sit out/ table block all day. I have reported this behaviour a few times but nothing can realistically be done unless there is a change in the software. The players in question have even gloated that if they are given warnings/bans they can easily open an account on a new skin and continue as normal.

These players do nothing to help start games, and are fully responsible for them instantly breaking when a fish busts by refusing to play a single hand afterwards. I fully believe their actions, (and the subsequent actions of others who feel if one player is acting so scummily they have no choice to compete but to do the same) are one of the prime reasons that games are dying and the whole ecosystem is suffering. No one likes to feel hunted and even huge fish are put off when their opponents exhibit such predatory behaviour. They want to feel like they're gambling with others who want to do the same, not being systematically exploited by people who refuse to play with anyone else but them. Renowned player “Art59…” admitted as much in the chat when he had a number of Chinese players following him to every table...

Of course nobody is saying that anyone should be forced to play in a game they don't want to. They have the right to decline action from anyone they want. But they absolutely should not be allowed to seat block and table camp in games that are already running, with no intention of playing.

I am aware that Ipoker are notoriously deaf to any player feedback and often extremely slow in implementing any changes, but I see no reason why they wouldn’t be open to the idea of making a small adjustment to the software to eradicate this problem. Basically, if you're sitting out at one table, you have to sit out at all other tables. (When the next bb comes round.) People who genuinely need to sit out to go to the toilet or answer the door can do so still - The only people this hurts is the table campers.

This is not forcing them to play any games they don't want to, they can always leave the table, but they no longer have the choice to sit at tables while refusing to play, blocking seats and preying on potential fish at the expense of the table starters. In fact they CAN still do this, but not while simultaneously playing in another game - as soon as they sit in to play their first fish on one table, their options are to sit out (table camp at all tables) or sit and play with the fish whilst fairly looking for free seats in running games like everyone else does.

This would drastically improve the playing environment at Ipoker and I can't see that it would have any drawbacks. There has been a great deal of support for this change in the forums and everyone I have spoken to agrees that it would be widely beneficial.

Please ensure that this letter is passed on to the relevant people at IPoker. Hopefully they fully appreciate the scale of the problem and have the foresight to realise that it’s in their best interests, as well as the honest players’, to eradicate it once and for all.

Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 06:11 PM
honestly, all poker sites care about are new deposits. any type of "professional" poker player doesnt really help the poker economy, as most pros for the most part withdraw, taking money out of the pool. Ive still never slowrolled anyone in my life, and i constantly forget to do it to dicks like this lol
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by BEAR JEW
honestly, all poker sites care about are new deposits. any type of "professional" poker player doesnt really help the poker economy, as most pros for the most part withdraw, taking money out of the pool. Ive still never slowrolled anyone in my life, and i constantly forget to do it to dicks like this lol
Yes and they're clearly not getting as many deposits any more which is exactly my point;

Note the 6 month trend.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-15-2012 , 08:40 PM
It seems to me that Nutter isnt doing anything wrong whatsoever, and the ppl here that have a problem with the 4 max tables should point the finger at the sites instead for creating an environment that creates that tybe of behaviour. If Nutter had the skills of an average bumhunter he would possibly have made the most money in poker, ever. Even doing what he is doing he´s just a breakeven player, so what do you want from him really, to become a losing player so he doesnt violate some unspoken unagreed upon midstakes law?

Voice ur opinions in this thread instead and direct the sites to it, dont bash any individual player for doing what he has to do:

PS. I think the 4 max tables have destroyed Ipoker and should be removed, but thats just my personal opinion and doesnt bother me tremendously since I´m willing to sit out on them for hours on end. Eventually if it doesnt violate the sites TOC I might get someone to write a script for that, which I suspect Nutter already has. Poker is a tough f-in game these days.

Last edited by boywonder; 08-15-2012 at 08:53 PM.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 07:35 AM
In my opinion their VIP service is great.

As for grimming/Camping. I dont think there is an easy solution for the sites to implement. I think it would help them if we defined what it is we want clearly.

Should be illegal and implemented in the software so it can not happen. Like 2 people playing HU should always be an even number. I believe this is partly already in the software. But it should also be enforced if somebody wants to quit if he has chips. So a software change should take care of this. I mean, this is the number one reason to why I dont sit down to regs who are waiting to start tables. I am sure others feel the same. I am sure a lot more tables would start if this was implemented.

1) Playing hands. Sitting out and getting booted due to time. There is nothing wrong with this. An other site even cracks down on this, which I consider clearly wrong.
2) Continuesly sitting down to sit out. This is what I consider true camping. I also think it is a good idea not to get personal and mention anybody. But rather make iPoker make a statement of what is allowed, and what is not. Afterall, if it is not breaking T&C, then these people are not technicly doing anything wrong. So we getting no where by making complaints about specific people.

I have been in contact with iPoker. They told me people would get booted after 7 min. And that they would be forced to play at least one hand. Now both of this is not true. I think everybody should tell iPoker it is not true, as to why it is needed for a change in the T&C.

I would think the best way to crack down on campers would be a manual way. To get a VIP host to see when it happens. iPoker might see the problem smaller than it is. I am sure they are aware of it. Make your suggestions in a clear and simple way. Otherwise we are likely not getting anywhere.

KISS - Keep It Stupid Simple:
1) Request automated solution for the grimming problem.
2) Request the site to change their T&C about campers, so it is not allowed.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 09:22 AM
Hey guys!

Anyone playing Winner poker ? i wonder why i cant find folder with HH to import to HM ? i mean i did auto detect no success than i go look manually still cant find it ? other skins have folder History but Winner doesnt ?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 09:29 AM
have you enabled "store hand histories locally" in the client and the played a couple of hands? The folder only gets created afterwards.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 09:38 AM
ty very much for reply! i didnt no , now i did...i guess i cant get hand history i already played before this ?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by BigPot4Me
ty very much for reply! i didnt no , now i did...i guess i cant get hand history i already played before this ?
You could email support and ask for your previous HH's (unless there are thousands of them already)

If it's only very few hands you could go to "My account" and click Cash Table History, and manually export every hand 1 by 1 by clicking "Update local information"
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by boywonder
It seems to me that Nutter isnt doing anything wrong whatsoever, and the ppl here that have a problem with the 4 max tables should point the finger at the sites instead for creating an environment that creates that tybe of behaviour
I pretty much said this exact same thing to my VIP guy, although I like the 4max tables and would prefer another solution besides removing them (though any solution would probably be a result).

They also really need to randomise the button, gets real old real fast playing the BB all day long.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
08-16-2012 , 01:18 PM
Any way to have a default seat so I don't always have to change it when it sits me down to the seat HEM recognizes? This is on William Hill.
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