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***Official Full Tilt Regs Thread*** ***Official Full Tilt Regs Thread***

11-07-2008 , 01:07 PM
Hey DoubleFly, seems like it is just bad luck. Why don't you keep playing? It would suck when you run good again and you are only playing NL400.
11-07-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by novel20
Hey DoubleFly, seems like it is just bad luck. Why don't you keep playing? It would suck when you run good again and you are only playing NL400.
You're one of the 5/10 regs, right? :-)

Actually I would, but I made the mistake of requesting a big check earlier this week, because I was not expecting to play 5/10 this soon, and I usually don't like having more than 10K online. But 2/4 was full of regs again, so I thought I would do something new. So now I'm in the dumb position of having to rebuild because I can only redeposit 600/day, 1500/week. Weird how you can withdraw in 5K chunks, but only deposit in 600 clips. Ugh. Anyway, I think I played okay (much better in the smaller pots), and it's not like I was ever great at 2/4 to begin with. I now have a decent feel for the 5/10 game tho. I keep hearing Michael Caine's voice from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels saying, "know yooour limitations, Doublefly"

Just out of curiosity, what's your average balance on FT to play 2/4 and 5/10? I usually have like 7-8K to 6 table 2/4, which from experience I usually don't run into trouble with. My bankroll is much larger, but I don't like keeping more money online than I need to. I think I've been reading too many cheating / rigged / banned threads. But obviously I'll start keeping more now.
11-07-2008 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
Weird how you can withdraw in 5K chunks, but only deposit in 600 clips. Ugh.
fairly certain you can up that them.
11-07-2008 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
fairly certain you can up that them.
I did this morning. I keep thinking they'll come back w 1000. Whoopee! :-(
11-07-2008 , 03:09 PM
mmmm, keep trying....theres no way large hi stakes fish are depositing 1k at a time, and i dont see all of them getting money via transfers
11-07-2008 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
mmmm, keep trying....theres no way large hi stakes fish are depositing 1k at a time, and i dont see all of them getting money via transfers
you can deposit and withdrawal using wire transfer.
11-07-2008 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Black Mamba
you can deposit and withdrawal using wire transfer.
DoubleFly is DoubleLazy. :-). Also, having to explain to my banker why I need to transfer a large sum to one of the money-lndring countries (Costa Rica, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, etc) isn't really something I want to get involved with. I think the last time I deposited using a credit card, I got cash back because they thought FT was a store. Not sure what it is now, since they keep switching entities.

Last edited by DoubleFly; 11-07-2008 at 04:47 PM.
11-07-2008 , 10:05 PM
I keep 30K online, 10K for me would be a disaster for 2/4. A 10BI downswing is completely standard for most players and playing 2/4 with 6K is trouble imo. I play 16 tables so after a 10BI downswing I wouldnt even be able to buy into all my tables, let alone use auto top off.
11-08-2008 , 05:00 AM
Yeah, I try to keep it at 12-20k online but you need to run good with 12k. The depression sets in if you lose a few buy-ins and your account starts to slip below 5 figs
11-08-2008 , 11:57 AM
wtf i'm shocked u guys play with such low bankrolls, my bankroll is by far the lowest it's ever been online and that's 25k on stars and 8k on ftp and it's only cause I tilt cashed out 20k.

I usually have like 40-60k on stars which might be too much but I def would normally never have less than 30k. Then again I play 24 tables and play 5/10 and 3/6 as well as 2/4 but even if I only played 2/4 and only like 8 tables I still would never have under 20k.
11-08-2008 , 12:32 PM
yea i learned that the hard way. i usually cash down to like 20k which is usually fine since theres not many tables of 3/6+ and i play 2/4 most of the time anyway. then i dropped a bunch last month and in the middle of a session couldnt reload and was like ummmmmmm wtf.

that plus being in the middle of my worst downswing ever was so tilting/depressing
11-08-2008 , 12:33 PM
also on a 60k BE this is ****innnnnng gayyyyy
11-08-2008 , 01:11 PM
It's been a while since I've had a stats class, but is this correct...
If the "ideal BR" for 4 tables is x, then the ideal BR for 16 tables is 2x? Basically that the ideal BR is a function of the sqrt of the number of tables? Maybe first you need to subtract out your initial buy-ins before you take the sqrt.
If no, let me know what it is and feel free to mock me. I used to be a math major, but that was a loooong time ago, when they were still using stone tablets. :-)
FT upped me to 2K day / 4K week, so now I feel like I don't need to keep that much online. But I'll need to jack up my balance if I'm going to play 5/10.
This week, the games have been as tough as I remember.
11-08-2008 , 01:32 PM
"ideal bankroll" is a personal prefrence. for 2/4, some ppl are comfortable with 10k, some are comfortable with 20k, some with 50k.....and some with $400.
11-08-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
"ideal bankroll" is a personal prefrence. for 2/4, some ppl are comfortable with 10k, some are comfortable with 20k, some with 50k.....and some with $400.

Btw, it warms my heart to see fish sitting with 200$ at the deep tables knowing they would have bought in for the min at regular ones. Props to famouslastwords today and all others in general for starting these tables. DEATH TO SHORTSTACKERS
11-08-2008 , 05:02 PM
Have you noticed that a bunch of the short stackers have been open shoving from the BTN or in blind battles w/ air lately? Like just raising all-in with ATC.
11-08-2008 , 11:45 PM
There are way more good shortstackers in 6max than FR. Armando used to play 6max, but switched over to FR in the past few weeks. Basically, one of the std moves is to shove any two cards when folded around to the small blind. Assuming the big blind doesn't adjust accordingly, it's +ev to do so. SB shoves any two, BB calls say 10%. Then 90% of the time, they pick up 1BB, the other 10%, they have around 40% equity in a 40BB pot. Obviously this works better when they have a stack shorter than the std 20BBs. Also works well when BB is a nit and doesn't call w/o a premium hand. So you need to be aware of their shoving range and adjust accordingly. They aggressive ones usually vary their shoves between 50-90% of their range.
11-09-2008 , 12:16 AM
Armando is EASILY the worst short stacker i've encountered. its a shame hes not playing 6m as much.
11-09-2008 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
wtf i'm shocked u guys play with such low bankrolls, my bankroll is by far the lowest it's ever been online and that's 25k on stars and 8k on ftp and it's only cause I tilt cashed out 20k.

I usually have like 40-60k on stars which might be too much but I def would normally never have less than 30k. Then again I play 24 tables and play 5/10 and 3/6 as well as 2/4 but even if I only played 2/4 and only like 8 tables I still would never have under 20k.
i've always been shocked at how little people keep online.

i need to be over rolled to maintain a calm state of mind i find.
11-09-2008 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by too eazy
i've always been shocked at how little people keep online.

i need to be over rolled to maintain a calm state of mind i find.
obv agreed. the reason people dont adhere to this is because they dont have the $ to do it.
11-09-2008 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by too eazy
i've always been shocked at how little people keep online.

i need to be over rolled to maintain a calm state of mind i find.
Your BR and the amt you keep online could be two different things. But since the legislation a few years ago, it's difficult to transfer funds back and forth. If there were no absolutely no transactions costs, I think it makes sense to keep working funds online and keep the rest of your BR somewhere safer (and earning interest). Then you can just redeposit whenever you need to. I'll be curious to see if I get charged any fees for my last Visa deposit.

Being overrolled is always good. I keep hearing how you should have 20BIs, but that seemed way too low. I think you need at least 30-40 (even more if you multi-table), because you can easily lose 10 just from a bad run.
11-09-2008 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by too eazy
Armando is EASILY the worst short stacker i've encountered. its a shame hes not playing 6m as much.
I never said he was one of the good ones. :-). But he does raise 90% from the SB the last time I looked. This makes him different from the usual FR sht stk regs.
11-09-2008 , 07:42 PM
just win a lot and you'll always be overolled, problem solved imo
11-09-2008 , 07:49 PM
Is one of you bastards xxseven7sxx?

Anyone got any thoughts on him? I don't have a huge sample on him but I've got him at 22/16/4 or the like. He takes these nuts/air lines against me all the damn time, but everytime I get it in its the nuts. I was thinking it just a case of being on the wrong side of variance, you know running myself into the top of his range repeatedly. But, I tableratingsed his ass and he's crushing 2/4 for 5+ ptbb/100 over an admittedly smallish sample size (60kish). Still, made me think maybe he just reads souls or something.

Anyway, if one of you is him, know that I am your bitch.
11-09-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by GrandMelon
just win a lot and you'll always be overolled, problem solved imo
yeah remember when you used to win?

