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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

01-31-2020 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
If anyone is paying attention to you, he will think it is strange that you do not shove otf. So you will be turning your hand face up unless you plan on checking some Ax hands too.
Great reason to x/c some aces here. Especially because the board is not very drawy.

Anyways, even if it looks like you have QQ if he thinks you'll fold that's great if we're x/c. If he thinks we'll call and doesn't want to put more money in it's not like he would've called a bet on the flop anyways.
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02-01-2020 , 12:18 AM
Limp-reraise suited Ace-wheel combos, anyone?
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02-01-2020 , 12:20 AM
But if we are worried about balance, we shouldn't be limp-reraising anything at all, because the limp-reraise is so difficult for mere mortals to balance. Contrariwise, to limp-reraise at all is to intentionally throw balance out the window for the sake of exploitation.
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02-01-2020 , 08:58 AM
Eff stacks 1550. 2/5/10

Very good, aggro young LAG with 2600 opens to 35 from cut off. Loose passive older Asian guy on Button calls and I go to 180 with QQ from SB.

My image is very nitty as if I’ve been totally cared dead.

Flop (410) is 678r I bet 130 and he calls.

Turn (670) is a 4 .i check he bets 250 and I call.

River (1170) is a 5, completing the straight.

Thoughts on river decision and also flop and turn?

Last edited by feel wrath; 02-01-2020 at 09:10 AM.
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02-01-2020 , 09:45 AM
Who called the reraise? The loose passive guy or the lag?
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02-01-2020 , 01:26 PM
Bart Hanson advocates jamming in spots like this, to push the villain off a chop.

It would suck if they had a 9, though.
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02-01-2020 , 04:43 PM
2/5, 9 handed, $700 effective. Hero has been card dead and hasn't played a hand in close to an hour. HJ is a LAG. BTN is a semi-pro who is pretty LAG. BTN is new to the table, and has played two hands, and doesn't know a whole lot about hero - in other words he hasn't seen hero fold for the last hour.


Loose passive fish limps UTG, HJ raises $25, hero 3 bets CO $80 with A 2, BTN 4 bets to $215, and action is folded back around to hero. Hero?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-01-2020 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
2/5, 9 handed, $700 effective. Hero has been card dead and hasn't played a hand in close to an hour. HJ is a LAG. BTN is a semi-pro who is pretty LAG. BTN is new to the table, and has played two hands, and doesn't know a whole lot about hero - in other words he hasn't seen hero fold for the last hour.


Loose passive fish limps UTG, HJ raises $25, hero 3 bets CO $80 with A 2, BTN 4 bets to $215, and action is folded back around to hero. Hero?

Cold 4 bets are rarely bluffs live. Even if V is bluffing, hands that a competent player would bluff with crush you.

Just fold
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02-01-2020 , 05:00 PM
Shove or fold obviously. Against an unknown I have zero bluffs in response to a cold 4bet.
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02-01-2020 , 06:32 PM
I'm probably just being results oriented...I folded and he showed KTs. I was trying to avoid doing this, but going forward, I think I'm just gonna get a seat change button immediately if a good player sits to my left.
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02-01-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
2/5, 9 handed, $700 effective. Hero has been card dead and hasn't played a hand in close to an hour. HJ is a LAG. BTN is a semi-pro who is pretty LAG. BTN is new to the table, and has played two hands, and doesn't know a whole lot about hero - in other words he hasn't seen hero fold for the last hour.


Loose passive fish limps UTG, HJ raises $25, hero 3 bets CO $80 with ANot Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions: 2Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions:, BTN 4 bets to $215, and action is folded back around to hero. Hero?
BTN doesn't know much about you or HJ. He doesn't know HJ is LAG yet (like you said, two hands) so he has no reason to disrespect your 3-bet range. Let this one go.
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02-01-2020 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
I'm probably just being results oriented...I folded and he showed KTs. I was trying to avoid doing this, but going forward, I think I'm just gonna get a seat change button immediately if a good player sits to my left.
That's a pretty light 4-bet, bordering on maniac. Get to the left or other side of the table from this guy.
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02-01-2020 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
That's a pretty light 4-bet, bordering on maniac. Get to the left or other side of the table from this guy.
Right, but I don't hate it. I mean CO vs HJ is going to be a pretty wide range, on average, and 4 bets have a lot of FE, so it's not a bad spot to have a very wide range. Obviously KTs is out of line, but you also can't choose your hole cards.
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02-01-2020 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
I'm probably just being results oriented...I folded and he showed KTs. I was trying to avoid doing this, but going forward, I think I'm just gonna get a seat change button immediately if a good player sits to my left.

I think the bigger learning opportunity is to ask yourself what this means about your 3 betting range
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02-01-2020 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I think the bigger learning opportunity is to ask yourself what this means about your 3 betting range
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-01-2020 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I think the bigger learning opportunity is to ask yourself what this means about your 3 betting range

Sixseven:The point is that villain may very well have been exploiting your 3 bet range. Hint:its a good chance its too wide.

Sent fra min SM-G975F via Tapatalk
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02-01-2020 , 07:31 PM
So I'm being exploited by someone who played with me for about an hour a few months ago, and then for five minutes before this hand?
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02-01-2020 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
So I'm being exploited by someone who played with me for about an hour a few months ago, and then for five minutes before this hand?
I dont know that for sure. I am just saying its a good idea for you to look into your 3 bet range and frequenzies from different positions.

Like if you find that your C-bets gets bluffraised alot, its a good chance youre C betting too much.

Sent fra min SM-G975F via Tapatalk
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02-01-2020 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
I dont know that for sure. I am just saying its a good idea for you to look into your 3 bet range and frequenzies from different positions.

Like if you find that your C-bets gets bluffraised alot, its a good chance youre C betting too much.

Sent fra min SM-G975F via Tapatalk

Correct. And/or your table image.

Nobody is 4 betting the first 3 bet from a new villain of an EP raise without some kind of reasoning.
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02-01-2020 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Right, but I don't hate it. I mean CO vs HJ is going to be a pretty wide range, on average, and 4 bets have a lot of FE, so it's not a bad spot to have a very wide range. Obviously KTs is out of line, but you also can't choose your hole cards.

You’re not wrong, but are these players aware of that? Are these players playing to combat that?

Anecdotally, like 50-75% of my 2/5 player pool is playing their own hand preflop.
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02-02-2020 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Loose passive fish limps UTG, HJ raises $25, hero 3 bets CO $80 with A 2, BTN 4 bets to $215, and action is folded back around to hero. Hero?
the 3bet sizing is pretty smol but I'm not hating it. I'm not loving it either. I think with $500 effective a 3bet to $80 makes a lot more sense, $700 effective I like more of a $115 sizing with the limper in there too. the thing is because we 3bet small we're allowing for BTN to 4bet/fold which introduces the potential of a 4bet bluff. this is also a semi-transparent dynamic of a fish limp, a reg iso, and then a 3bet recognizing a reg iso. if BTN and HJ have history with each other BTN could also recognize you might have history with HJ and know that he's iso-raising very wide, so that your 3bet range is going to be wide as well.

it's an interesting hand history. it's basically a case of fish gets eaten by tiny shark gets eaten by little shark gets eaten by big shark. the more time you spend in casino poker the more these situations will become kind of obvious to you. it's still a sick play by BTN and a fold here with A2s but I actually really like this play with the KTs.
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02-02-2020 , 03:38 PM
@Feel Wrath It had nothing to do with any of that; he just got lucky/was right in his thinking that CO is going to be pretty wide and fold a lot to a 4 bet.

@Johnny Yes, I think that is exactly what was going on here.
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02-02-2020 , 05:06 PM
If we do shove A2dd here, we need to consider what other hands we are doing it with as well.
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02-02-2020 , 07:46 PM
A2s can often be found in well-balanced polarized 3- or 4-betting ranges.

Whether we should be going polarized in LOLow-stakes live NL is open to debate.

Against the button's 4-bet it's an obvous fold.
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02-06-2020 , 04:41 PM
Is fold too exploitative with limited reads?

Hero has been at the table for 10 minutes. V seems like a loose passive rec based on his demeanor and seeing him open limp once before. . He’s a 60’s balding guy.

He limps +2, I $25 HJ JhJc and we go 4 to a flop.

833 two clubs.

Xx, I $60, folds back to +2 who makes it $130. I strongly consider all 3 options but opt to call and opt to try to get a read based on his turn action and sizing.

Pot: $360.

Turn Kx.

V takes two seconds and says “I’m all in” and rips ~$360.

I would be pretty surprised to see a flush draw from him, main question is how much worse he has for value.

Last edited by Badreg2017; 02-06-2020 at 04:48 PM.
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