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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

01-26-2020 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
River (837) is a 6. BB checked dark (which i think caps just range?) so it’s on me. How much do we bet?
I don't play 2/5/T but I'd I'd go $500 into this $800+ pot. Let me ask you, how are overbets viewed? Is the fish bad enough to think an overbet looks bluffy from you and hero call? If so this is a good spot to rip it in.

Were you playing the 2/3/6 game yesterday arvo? What do you think of the format? I'm giving it a shot as a move up from 2/3.
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01-26-2020 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Bet sizing question that I lost sleep about last night.

2/5/10 - I have 3k and cover table. Second last hand of the night. Utg limps and I overlimp utg+1 with 99, utg+2 limps, 1 other limp, Ok pro on button goes 60, bb flats, I call and two other calls.

(I know I can raise pre with 99 here and I normally do in this spot, but honestly I was tired and ready to go, to some degree locking up a win and was happy not to get 3 bet and have to play a big pot out of position - cut off, hijack and button were all very good players)

Flop ($312) is the glorious 953r. It checks around.

Turn is another 3, checks to me and I bet $175. Utg +2 flats and bb flats.

Utg +2 (1400) is really bad loose passive fish who never raises pre without AA and only raises post with monsters. So he can have an overpair and a 9 and maybe something like 86 or 42. He’d raise a set on turn and probably raise a 3, but not always.
BB (800) is young reg who it seems is a decent, winning 2/3 reg who I’ve never played at 2/5/10 before. I figure he’d have led turn or check raised by now if he had 33 or 55. He might have A3 suited or something and he might have flatted JJ or 1010 pre.

River (837) is a 6. BB checked dark (which i think caps just range?) so it’s on me. How much do we bet?
Not raising pre is defendable, but it's not defendable for the reasons that you gave. It's not a big leak by any means, but you've essentially called your self out for playing sub optimally. If you're there to play, play. If you're not, pick up and say 'have a good night'

As for the hand, river is a bet of either $125 for a crying call from all sorts of stupid ****, or something like $775. The former gets called by their entire pair+ range, and maybe gets raised by 3x, the latter gets called if you have any sense of history with the villain for over betting, and for all 3x who thinks you're just trying to get cute.
Anything inbetween is just wasting money imo.
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01-26-2020 , 01:16 AM

I like your argument for betting bigger but I'd rather same bet than make it $125. I don't think the extra $50 ever gets more folds and it just looks so weak/fishy that might be a smidge more likely to induce a light raise.

Again though I generally play 2/3 so w/e.
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01-26-2020 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
I don't play 2/5/T but I'd I'd go $500 into this $800+ pot. Let me ask you, how are overbets viewed? Is the fish bad enough to think an overbet looks bluffy from you and hero call? If so this is a good spot to rip it in.

Were you playing the 2/3/6 game yesterday arvo? What do you think of the format? I'm giving it a shot as a move up from 2/3.

I played 2/3/6 for about 30 mins til my seat came up. The table near the sign in area

I think it’s a great format. Generally the richer 2/3 players and the losing 2/5/10 guys who realise the 2/5/10 is tougher. I’m very happy to play it when 2/5/10 is too reggy

Very happy to have a chat one day if you’d like to meet irl
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01-26-2020 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Not raising pre is defendable, but it's not defendable for the reasons that you gave. It's not a big leak by any means, but you've essentially called your self out for playing sub optimally. If you're there to play, play. If you're not, pick up and say 'have a good night'

As for the hand, river is a bet of either $125 for a crying call from all sorts of stupid ****, or something like $775. The former gets called by their entire pair+ range, and maybe gets raised by 3x, the latter gets called if you have any sense of history with the villain for over betting, and for all 3x who thinks you're just trying to get cute.

Anything inbetween is just wasting money imo.

The first para is all unnecessary ra ra tpt stuff. It might be true but I’ve already said that and you’re just dick waving.

I don’t disagree with the second para tbh, albeit I think anyone calling 125 is prob calling 250.

I bet 300 and they both called but I realised I didn’t think it through nearly enough in game and I think I cost myself money still. Amazingly, the guy to my left told me he had K9o!
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01-26-2020 , 02:19 AM
I mean, Im sorry if it came off as dick waving, but I'm not sure if it changes the underlying truth.
Just trying to help.

Either way, it's not 2p2 ra ra, it's just trying to help each other play as well as we can.
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01-26-2020 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I played 2/3/6 for about 30 mins til my seat came up. The table near the sign in area

I think it’s a great format. Generally the richer 2/3 players and the losing 2/5/10 guys who realise the 2/5/10 is tougher. I’m very happy to play it when 2/5/10 is too reggy

Very happy to have a chat one day if you’d like to meet irl
Possible we met? I bailed about 4.30pm from table 9.

Yeah I like it so far. It's different from 2/3, like you have to cut down limping a lot especially EP open limps, but honestly doesn't seem particularly tough. That said I haven't set the table on fire yet so I may not be a winner at the game.

What do you look like? I'm a short bald low-range MAWG (Anglo not wog-style).
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01-26-2020 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
Possible we met? I bailed about 4.30pm from table 9.

Yeah I like it so far. It's different from 2/3, like you have to cut down limping a lot especially EP open limps, but honestly doesn't seem particularly tough. That said I haven't set the table on fire yet so I may not be a winner at the game.

What do you look like? I'm a short bald low-range MAWG (Anglo not wog-style).

I had a black polo and white shorts yesterday. Pommie accent, mid 40s
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01-26-2020 , 02:50 AM
Same age, same accent, so you must be a good guy. Could you have been at the same table as me? I have an atrocious memory for clothes and I think the candidates for you were a bit older than me.
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01-26-2020 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
Same age, same accent, so you must be a good guy. Could you have been at the same table as me? I have an atrocious memory for clothes and I think the candidates for you were a bit older than me.

No. I was at the other table.

Let’s take this to PM and work our a time to catch up
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01-26-2020 , 03:30 PM
I have been playing 2/5 regularly the past 7-8 months up from 1/3, not a lot of hours - maybe around 200. I'm definitely winning so far - probably not big - probably around 3-4 BB/hr.

The one thing that jumps out to me is how low variance my results have been - I usually buy in for around 700, and I would say 90+% of my results are between +700 and -700, basically within one buy-in. My best session was buy-in for 500, cash out for 2000. I think my worst losing session was like 800-900.

The thing is I can't really point to why I'm so low variance. I definitely raise preflop more than average, I'm definitely not laggy , but I see other players with what I would call similar characteristics to me, get into much bigger pots than me. I just somehow avoid them. My guess is I should put a few more weaker hands in my raise range or go for more semi-bluffs. IDK for sure, but what are the criteria for playing a low variance game?
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01-26-2020 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Wouldn't it be less profitable, because now even though they're calling with worse hands, they still win ~1/4 of the run outs?

And what's your calling range then in my scenario?
how can it be less profitable if they call with weaker hands? unless there's some master plan to float you to the river and bluff you off our AK high.

facing a 4bet it's based on your read You don't want to be stuck with AK vs a PP and Ax.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
No. I was at the other table.

Let’s take this to PM and work our a time to catch up
And debate the professionalism of declining to play 99 OOP in a 3! pot
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01-26-2020 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
And debate the professionalism of declining to play 99 OOP in a 3! pot

Maybe we all have more gg in us than we think?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-31-2020 , 03:30 AM
1/3 5-handed. Ss opens UTG $11, BTN calls, hero $40 JJ BB, V min-raises with $40 behind ($115 eff.). Hero? V has 4! jammed AKo for $90 prior to this but never min-4! like this. The min-raise feels like a monster but was I really 3! to fold at this stack depth?
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01-31-2020 , 07:39 AM
You only need about 30% equity vs his range to stick it in. It's probably a jam but I'd run some ranges just to double check. The spaz is high in short stacks.
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01-31-2020 , 08:26 AM
Limp reraise with QQ gets horrible flop.

Hero limps early pos with QQ playing around $300 in a 1/3 game. MP pretty tight non out of line grinder makes it $18, and huge sticky fish/whale on the button calls+ the BB. Back to hero who makes it $110 to go. Grinder folds quickly and fish calls without much hesitation.

So we have like $260 ish in the middle here and $190 ish behind.We get the not so funny A-K-6 flop with a flushdraw. Hero? Are we always shoving here mainly to avoid getting bluffed off our hand and if he have it he have it, or are we checking in an attempt getting to showdown without anymore money going in?
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01-31-2020 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Limp reraise with QQ gets horrible flop.

Hero limps early pos with QQ playing around $300 in a 1/3 game. MP pretty tight non out of line grinder makes it $18, and huge sticky fish/whale on the button calls+ the BB. Back to hero who makes it $110 to go. Grinder folds quickly and fish calls without much hesitation.

So we have like $260 ish in the middle here and $190 ish behind.We get the not so funny A-K-6 flop with a flushdraw. Hero? Are we always shoving here mainly to avoid getting bluffed off our hand and if he have it he have it, or are we checking in an attempt getting to showdown without anymore money going in?
You block lots of his gutshots that could call a jam. I'm not sure if even a whale would call a jam with worse on this flop.

Is he the type to bluff with no sdv when checked to? You can just x/call then. If he is pretty straight-forward postflop, I like a x and evaluate (likely fold).
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01-31-2020 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
You block lots of his gutshots that could call a jam. I'm not sure if even a whale would call a jam with worse on this flop.

Is he the type to bluff with no sdv when checked to? You can just x/call then. If he is pretty straight-forward postflop, I like a x and evaluate (likely fold).
Yeah, he is not afraid to move money into the pot if checked to/shown weakness. Its hard to gauge how often he will bet on this board that smacks my limp/reraise range though.

My main argument if we want to shove the flop, is to prevent getting bluffed off the best hand on either the flop or later street. I am not so sure how solid that argument is though, this is a pretty rare spot for me to be in with this low of a SPR and such horrible flop for QQ.
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01-31-2020 , 11:55 AM
Either the villain is as scared of an A or K in your hand as you are of one in theirs, or they have outflopped you. WA/WB, and should be played as such.
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01-31-2020 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Yeah, he is not afraid to move money into the pot if checked to/shown weakness. Its hard to gauge how often he will bet on this board that smacks my limp/reraise range though.

My main argument if we want to shove the flop, is to prevent getting bluffed off the best hand on either the flop or later street. I am not so sure how solid that argument is though, this is a pretty rare spot for me to be in with this low of a SPR and such horrible flop for QQ.
I think that means you should x/c but hating life while doing it.

What hands does he overvalue pre? If he is the "any Ace" variety of whale maybe I can x/f. If he's the"any pp any suited connector" type of whale I x/c.
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01-31-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
I think that means you should x/c but hating life while doing it.

What hands does he overvalue pre? If he is the "any Ace" variety of whale maybe I can x/f. If he's the"any pp any suited connector" type of whale I x/c.
He is the latter for sure. He is in there with every PP from 22-1010, suited connectors, suited gappers and hands that he considers playable. The other day he called my $130 4 bet with 66 to give an example of how loose he is when it comes to calling. If he feels like seing a flop, he will come along regardless of implied odds,raisesize and whatnot.

He doesent have raggy aces in his range here, but stuff like AJ/AQ suited for sure.
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01-31-2020 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
1/3 5-handed. Ss opens UTG $11, BTN calls, hero $40 JJ BB, V min-raises with $40 behind ($115 eff.). Hero? V has 4! jammed AKo for $90 prior to this but never min-4! like this. The min-raise feels like a monster but was I really 3! to fold at this stack depth?
Yeah, super gross, imo. As stoopid as it sounds after putting in 1/3rd of our stack, just no one plays TT/AK like this (even smallish ones). I think it's a sigh fold, and perhaps even a silent thank you he simply didn't flat where obviously we cbet shove into the abyss.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 01-31-2020 at 12:56 PM.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-31-2020 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
He is the latter for sure. He is in there with every PP from 22-1010, suited connectors, suited gappers and hands that he considers playable. The other day he called my $130 4 bet with 66 to give an example of how loose he is when it comes to calling. If he feels like seing a flop, he will come along regardless of implied odds,raisesize and whatnot.

He doesent have raggy aces in his range here, but stuff like AJ/AQ suited for sure.
Given that he hasn't put in a single aggressive action pre, has all sorts of trash in his pre flat range, and seems to often bet when checked to I x/call with QQ here and won't lose much sleep over it.

He just doesn't have enough Ax or Kx in his range for me to roll over on a .8 spr flop.
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01-31-2020 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Limp reraise with QQ gets horrible flop.

Hero limps early pos with QQ playing around $300 in a 1/3 game. MP pretty tight non out of line grinder makes it $18, and huge sticky fish/whale on the button calls+ the BB. Back to hero who makes it $110 to go. Grinder folds quickly and fish calls without much hesitation.

So we have like $260 ish in the middle here and $190 ish behind.We get the not so funny A-K-6 flop with a flushdraw. Hero? Are we always shoving here mainly to avoid getting bluffed off our hand and if he have it he have it, or are we checking in an attempt getting to showdown without anymore money going in?
I'm obviously cool with the limp.

My initial sizing of the 3bet would be to offer poor 8:1 IO, so this would be something like $65. Although this would produce a HU pot of $150 with $235 (awkward, especially since QQ will see more than it's fair share of overcards). So I'd actually aim to setup a PSB shove on the flop, in which case I'm cool with going ~$100 +/- like we've done. Especially cool with larger sizing given the whale is in the pot.

Will this guy bluff if checked to? If so, I don't hate checking all streets (and I'm probably not folding), and I would prefer that if there was no flush draw. With the flush draw (and even broadway gutshot) I think shoving is fine too.

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-31-2020 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Limp reraise with QQ gets horrible flop.

Hero limps early pos with QQ playing around $300 in a 1/3 game. MP pretty tight non out of line grinder makes it $18, and huge sticky fish/whale on the button calls+ the BB. Back to hero who makes it $110 to go. Grinder folds quickly and fish calls without much hesitation.

So we have like $260 ish in the middle here and $190 ish behind.We get the not so funny A-K-6 flop with a flushdraw. Hero? Are we always shoving here mainly to avoid getting bluffed off our hand and if he have it he have it, or are we checking in an attempt getting to showdown without anymore money going in?
If anyone is paying attention to you, he will think it is strange that you do not shove otf. So you will be turning your hand face up unless you plan on checking some Ax hands too.
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