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[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? [Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play?

03-27-2012 , 01:07 PM
ah yea that's pretty nice. one day I will eat locally-grown food too!
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
Haha, much love my man. It's so ****ing expensive. I hear you on that. I'm fortunate to have some organic chickens near my house as well as a few farms.
How do organic chickens compare to man-made chickens?
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
Who said you had to cook 100%, mix it up with a raw vegan meal 2x a week.

Veggies & Hummus = +EV
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Tim Brice
My wife and I eat on $400 a month. That seems high for a college kid. When I was in college, I bet I bought about $150 worth of groceries a month.

I think as others have said you have a major lifestyle leak. If you are spending $600 a month going out, then I would imagine most of that is at bars with your friends.

It sounds like to me that you have case of wanting to keep up with the Joneses. Fancy apartment, cool subscriptions, spring break vacations, going out to the bars, etc. If I were you, I would try to break that now. Because while you are losing money now, it is really going to cost you when you get out of school and you have a big home, fancy cars, etc that you really can't afford but you got to keep up.

Honestly, I bet credit card companies are drooling over you. You fit their ideal clientele.

So your answer to your cash flow problem is poker. It may workout for you, but how much can you really commit to that right now? I am assuming you have your normal academic time, plus your hanging out time, etc. How much time do you really spend studying poker?

You seem like an intelligent guy and you have a good start to life with the business. Don't blow it. Cut back on your expenses. Quit going out so much. Finish school, get a job (you will be an excellent candidate with your prior entrepreneurship experience), and then enjoy some of life's finer things. Or save money now and travel for a year after you graduate.
I don't have any long lasting credit card debt. I always pay in advance, before the due date.

I think I've missed one payment (on my business credit card) and that was because I literally just forgot about it (I always have a balance lower than my bank balances)

Also my goal in life is to never have a 9-5 job :P have had too strong of a taste of passive income/alternative unorthodox income sources

How do you guys eat on only $400? Like what are some examples of meals you eat? Thanks
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:25 PM
Is your car unreasonably luxurious? You could sell your car, buy a used one for under $5000, save on insurance and get more money added to your bankroll so you don't feel pressured if you have a downswing.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:26 PM
Also, the car I drive is 100% paid in full. I've had a total of 0% interest expense on anything in my entire life. And going out on vacation and things like that are what make life enjoyable, so I'm going to do them
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jerok
Is your car unreasonably luxurious? You could sell your car, buy a used one for under $5000, save on insurance and get more money added to your bankroll so you don't feel pressured if you have a downswing.
I drive an old luxury car. It's not worth selling. I did a number of replacements on it that would just be pure spew if I sold it now. Paid cash for it. Maintenance is surprisingly minimal.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by WealthyDegenerate
I don't have any long lasting credit card debt. I always pay in advance, before the due date.

I think I've missed one payment (on my business credit card) and that was because I literally just forgot about it (I always have a balance lower than my bank balances)

Also my goal in life is to never have a 9-5 job :P have had too strong of a taste of passive income/alternative unorthodox income sources

How do you guys eat on only $400? Like what are some examples of meals you eat? Thanks
Right. You are keeping up with your debt now but obviously you are concerned with your cash flow. If you have a terrible month at poker/business and need to pay either your rent or your credit card, what are you going to pay?

That is how it starts with most people. They start with honest intentions and only get the CC for rewards or emergencies. They miss a payment for a month or two because of a cash flow problem and before you know it, they have racked up a serious debt.

In addition, they keep want to go out with friends and go vacations, but they can't really afford them. But they make a minimum payment and a way they go while the interest continues to accumulate.

I am just stressing that you should be careful and not try to do everything that your friends do. You can fall into the trap. Vacations are fun, but you don't want to be paying for them for the rest of your life.

And if you don't want to have an orthodox job, what the hell are you doing in college anyway?

I will try to post some food later, got to run to a training class right now.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by WealthyDegenerate
How do you guys eat on only $400? Like what are some examples of meals you eat? Thanks
Adjust for your size but for 2 people, my girlfriend and I spend about 600 total on groceries per month. This is a mix of organic and regular. I think some vegies/fruits are ok to by regular while others should be organic if possible. See enf of post for a list of veigies and fruits that you should buy organic.

Here is a few days of meals for me (this is spending about 75$ per week per person-round this up to 100 per week if you want since I am 145-150lbs)

Day 1

Breakfast- 3 eggs scrambled with kale, tomato, sweet peppers, carrots

Lunch- 12 pieces of frozen shrimp made on skillet with black pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic, pinch of salt
Salad with spinich, tomato, sweet peppers, carrots, kale

Dinner-salmon with lemon and various herbs (broiled ~15 minutes)

1/2 avocado

Sauted mustard greens, broccoli, spinich

Day 2
Breakfast- 3 eggs scrambled with spinach

Lunch- Salad with a few handfuls of mixed greens, almonds, 1/4 cucumber, 3 small sweet peppers,a spoonful bannana peppers, 1 tomato, half a palm of almonds

Dinner-left over piece of salmon (palm size),
Half an avocado

Post workout meal- 2 eggs with a baked sweet potato

Day 3
Breakfast- 3 eggs with vegies

Lunch-grilled chicken and salad

Dinner- undecided

3.Sweet Bell Pepper
10. Grapes - Imported
11. Carrot
12. Pear
13. Collard Greens
14. Spinach
15. Potato
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by WealthyDegenerate
Recently my finances have been a bit messed up. I've never been in this situation before. I'm young and still learning, so please bear with me. I am looking for older, wiser people to help me make sense of my situation. I am now relying on poker to make a bit of extra money on the side. If you are a professional poker player, I am seeking your guidance right now.

My Current Financial Situation

Right now I have obligations and a lifestyle that require me to spend at least about $2500-3000+ every month. This is a bit high considering that I am currently under 21 years old. Please allow me to elaborate.

I attend University (on full scholarship), and I pay for all of my own life expenses. I receive little support from my parents, and currently am very fortunate to have $0 of long term debt. I pay for base expenses like food, gas, car insurance, rent, utilities, and text books (and poker books too, haha!). I do admittedly however, make plenty of "want" purchases like choosing to live in an expensive apartment complex, dining out frequently, and owning a high maintenance vehicle. I pay more than half of my roommate's rent (he is my best friend and has never asked anything of me financially, but he can't afford to live here otherwise. His rent is the difference I would have paid for a one bedroom as opposed to two). I believe that if I had cut back my hardest and hadn't signed a 12 month off-campus apartment lease half a year ago, I could have feasibly cut my expenses to less than $1,500 a month, and lived very comfortably considering that I have no tuition expenses. However, it is what it is. I am locked into the situation and these expenses are going to hit me until the end of this upcoming summer whether I or my wallet like it or not.

I have semi-passive cash flow coming in from a business I started a couple years back. However, the revenue from said business is seriously dropping off these days and I'm not sure I can rely on it in the long term. This concern caused me to look into new ways of making money, including poker. I've invested hundreds of hours into this "venture", and my results are minimal live and horrendous online. However, I've recently come to a breakthrough in my live play in the last month or so and believe I am finally a winning 2/5 player, though I have much room to improve. I am currently looking to put in a lot of hours to establish a good sample size.

Cash flow: +$2000/month (from business)


Rent: $1055/month (Would normally be about 700 a month. My roommate is a hard worker both in school and his personal life, he's not just freeloading)
Groceries: $400/month
Car Insurance: $120/month
Internet: $60/month
Various subscriptions (netflix, spotify, etc): $60/month (Luckily my parents do pay for my phone bill! Thanks mom and dad.)
Dining out (this covers a lot of my meals, thus lowering grocery expenses): $600
Electricity: $90/month (I expect this to rise this summer!)
Other Utilities: $50/month
Gas: $200/month (This one is inflated because of poker, I have to drive 80 miles to get to the nearest legal card room).

The easiest way I see of cutting my expenses is to dine out less. The other stuff I can't do too much about. I'll be moving to a house with a bunch of friends in about 5 months and my rent expense will only be $500-600 at most. This is a temporary situation that I have to trudge through.

So that equals roughly $2600/month and doesn't include any random expenses like oil changes, going out with my friends on vacation for Spring Break, etc. I'm young and I want to experience life, so I'm going to have to spend money. I have a variety of random obligations like periodically sending money to support my grandparents as well.

Here is a breakdown of my liferoll and bankroll:

---I have about $50k invested that isn't liquid (I shouldn't have access to this money in the near future). This is mentioned so responders can understand that I am not necessarily under-rolled for 2/5 when you look at the big picture.

---About $3,500 liquid in the bank after I pay off my credit cards and the rent this upcoming month (April). Don't worry, I always pay on time!

---About $4,000 cash once my roommate gets me next month's rent. The last session affected this figure a lot. I had in excess of $5k before.

So to be realistic I only have access to $7,500 right now. I don't feel very comfortable with this because it's all I have to work with and I also have bills to pay. On the bright side, I do have that $2,000/mo cash flow as I stated earlier.

The last five 2/5 sessions I played looked roughly like this:

1: +$1000 (Slightly positive variance)
2: +$1000 (Good play, with terrible opponents.)
3: +$1000 (Good play, with terrible opponents.)
4: +1000 (Positive variance in this session. I played a big pot badly on the flop and turn, and was rewarded for making a good read on the river.)
5: -$1500 (Variance, resulting a bit of tilt, and a tougher, less profitable game)

Now with that extremely limited sample size, my hourly win-rate was sitting at a bloated $132/hr. (I understand that such figures are not likely sustainable, especially for a relatively inexperienced player like me). With some bad variance hitting me last time my hourly dropped to $68. I also lost a good 15-20% of the money I have access to.

The positive side of this bad session (both in terms of variance, and play) was that I once again learned that I needed to be more conservative with my bankroll and finances in general.

What should I be doing to limit my risk of ruin and decrease variance? A few more losing sessions like the last one and I'd be really worrying about my situation. On the plus side, having such a limited life-roll really forces me to think of ways to make money! If I have to, I'll get a real job this summer to keep things afloat.

So far I've thought of the following:

---Table select and find the softest game possible

---Tighten my range

---Work hard to increase my edge

---Play a short buyin ($300) 60BB (Most of the time I start out with a short buyin and build my stack to $1000-2000 before cashing out).

---Table change and reduce my stack size after winning big pots (Basically, cash out when I am risking too much.)

As you can see, the problem with some of these solutions is that they theoretically lower my winrate. Playing shorter stacks decreases my edge and caps the pot against weaker opponents playing deep, and over-tightening my range would make me more predictable and cause me to play less hands per hour. I'm having difficulty figuring out where the balance is.

I will gladly accept any advice regarding my financial situation as a whole from some of you who are older and wiser in terms of poker and life in general. Thanks in advance for your help and consideration!
First you need to ask yourself what your expected hourly would be in these games. Are there smaller stakes incase you need to move down? If you're playing in a capped 2/5 games I would say the crushers are making $45-55/hour over a decent sample (1000+hrs). If you have a 1/2 game as well to select from you can probably still earn $20+/hr if you're crushing. I'm assuming by your post that you aren't a crusher. You seem intelligent, but you also need to reduce your overhead. Spending $1000 on food/month (groceries and eating out) is absurd. I spend about $10 a day on food, but I do eat at home and only dine out 1-3 times/month. Even if you could cut your number in half that would greatly increase your chances of survival.

Keep in mind that winning players do go on periods of break-even runs. I've been doing it full time now for a little over 3 years and have had multiple break-even run of about 3-4 months. I also would set aside living expenses first before you consider the size of your roll. In your case I think you could be comfortable if you had say $15k liquid. That's with your side income of say 2k/month. Over my sample the biggest swing Ive taken was a -10k month and it does hurt. Fortunately I'm well over rolled for the games I play to stay in action, but on such a short roll you can't handle big or even average swings.

If you're going to give it a shot I'd only do so if there were a smaller stake to drop to if you had to. Don't play poker with scared money because you will be making costly errors.

I really do wish you the best and you should lean on the very nitty side of bankroll management in order to successfully manage your business.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by WealthyDegenerate
Trust me, I am aware of those expenses. I have a bunch of miscellaneous expenses that I only briefly mentioned in the OP.

I plan to counteract them by making extra income on the side from poker, and a lucrative job in the summer if that doesn't work out. The job I'm thinking of could possibly pay 6 figures over the course of a year but most likely will pay about $80k. With that considered I don't really see cutting back to the bone as really necessary

Also my expenses per month should drop by literally $1000 or so by september because i'll be moving and my situation will be different. Won't have to pay for someone else's stuff and my share of the rent will be like $500 or lower
Thanks for this intel.

Telling you this from experience - having a good job and paycheck is, to me, far more rewarding than grinding poker ever would be. With your skillset, I do think you can be more successful and happier in the real world than you would be playing poker full time.

Also, I think you should get the job first before you set up a high level of expenses. It's ok to plan for the life you want but, for now, live the life you can afford.

Meal examples:

Taco salad - make 2 lbs of meat, buy a bulk bag of salad. Add sauce/other veggies/whatever you want. Get a can of beans if desired, too. Presto, 4 meals for under $5 each.

I like to cook up a chicken breast in seasonings and add asparagus towards the end. Should be a $3 meal.

Also pasta is just insanely cheap but very starchy. Have to watch the portions. Can do pasta + sauce for $1 though.

I used to fry up a potato and a 1/2 an onion in some olive oil. Add seasonings as desired. Another $1-$2 meal per portion.

There's always sandwiches, too. Heck the $5 footlong from Subway really isn't a terrible deal, especially if you eat 1/2 now / 1/2 later and eat some fruit/veggies with it from your home. Turn it into a $3 meal by having 1/2 a sub and an orange or something like that. Just make sure to get a healthy one.

Miscellaneous tips:

Buy no drinks. Just drink tap water. Buy a brita pitcher if desired to filter it. I will admit I can't give up coffee but I just brew it at home. Starbucks is a huge leak.

Learn to do a little kitchen prep. Don't buy the pre cut apple slices. Just eat an apple (or learn how to cut one up). Don't buy the thing of chopped up onion. Learn how to use a knife to do that quickly.

Season your food. Using a little salt/pepper/garlic/onion/whatever fits your dish makes life so + EV

Look online for recipes. You can find anything online.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
Thanks for this intel.

Telling you this from experience - having a good job and paycheck is, to me, far more rewarding than grinding poker ever would be. With your skillset, I do think you can be more successful and happier in the real world than you would be playing poker full time.

Also, I think you should get the job first before you set up a high level of expenses. It's ok to plan for the life you want but, for now, live the life you can afford.

Meal examples:

Taco salad - make 2 lbs of meat, buy a bulk bag of salad. Add sauce/other veggies/whatever you want. Get a can of beans if desired, too. Presto, 4 meals for under $5 each.

I like to cook up a chicken breast in seasonings and add asparagus towards the end. Should be a $3 meal.

Also pasta is just insanely cheap but very starchy. Have to watch the portions. Can do pasta + sauce for $1 though.

I used to fry up a potato and a 1/2 an onion in some olive oil. Add seasonings as desired. Another $1-$2 meal per portion.

There's always sandwiches, too. Heck the $5 footlong from Subway really isn't a terrible deal, especially if you eat 1/2 now / 1/2 later and eat some fruit/veggies with it from your home. Turn it into a $3 meal by having 1/2 a sub and an orange or something like that. Just make sure to get a healthy one.

Miscellaneous tips:

Buy no drinks. Just drink tap water. Buy a brita pitcher if desired to filter it. I will admit I can't give up coffee but I just brew it at home. Starbucks is a huge leak.

Learn to do a little kitchen prep. Don't buy the pre cut apple slices. Just eat an apple (or learn how to cut one up). Don't buy the thing of chopped up onion. Learn how to use a knife to do that quickly.

Season your food. Using a little salt/pepper/garlic/onion/whatever fits your dish makes life so + EV

Look online for recipes. You can find anything online.

[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:20 PM
the 1K a month on food thing is really blowing my mind here, unless you are Michael Phelps or something I don't know how you could spend that much on food for a single person.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:56 PM
Come on guys, OP is obviously a 21 years old pimp, and this pimp has to maintain his pimpin' lifestyle.

Obviously a level...
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 03:30 PM
I agree with some of the other posts that are advising you to move down to 1/ can still take shots at 2/5 (7-10% of your sessions) but with an 8k combined life/bank roll, you should't be grinding 2/5... that being said, glglglglglglgl hope everything works out!
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 05:14 PM
Either you guys are not very smart poker players or you have something against eating at a casino. You can order plenty of healthy stuff off the menu. The fact that nobody has brought that up is just not thinking.

You wanna save some expenses on food op. Eat at the casino and pay for it with your stack.

Now your expenses are solved.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 05:19 PM
Paying for food with your stack is the same as paying for food in a store or restaurant.

Casino food is mostly crap food prepared by under qualified chefs that do not want to be there.

If you hate your body, then by all means, eat in a casino.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 05:26 PM
What about fruit, just simple toast. I have seen all sorts of stuff. Ice cream cereal eatin at the table.

In LA food is comped, but you go east to the indian casino's you have to pay for your own food. You can actually order from real restaurants in the casino(with real chefs).

I take it that nobody in this thread never eats fastfood. At least at the casino they have chef's. At fastfood place's they have a cook who makes 8 dollars an hour.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 05:38 PM
My thoughts for saving on the food expense. Use your comps for a meal when possible. I regularly play 1/2 at Cesar's AC and for every 2 sessions i put in (6-10hrs a session) I get atleast enough to cover a meal. Look into the comp rate and it should be way better playing 2/5 opposed to 1/2. I imagine every day you play poker you should be getting atleast enough comp points to cover a meal.

Make sure you go to places that use a 1:1 comp dollar ratio. I know over here other places (not owned by the casino but operate inside them) will take comp dollars as payment but a 2:1 ratio so a 10 dollar check will cost you 20 dollars in comps.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by WealthyDegenerate
I agree with the dining out. It's excessive right now, and not very good for my health. Instead of the frozen pizza you mentioned, I'm opting for healthier choices though.
yeah, lean cuisines are a good relatively healthy alternative, and if you actually know how to cook, then even better.

I disagree with the smartphone comment. A smartphone adds so much value to my life that I don't care if I'm $200-300 poorer for the rest of my life for having it. There are certain things I'd never be willing to give up unless I was about to hit the poverty line, and my phone is one of them.
a lot of people have smart phones that dont use them that often, some people actually get value out of them. id say 9/10 people who have smart phones do not need them, especially for the price. it is certainly possible you are the 1/10 (in fact, id bet most poker players are lol.)

About the limp/fold analogy. Your point is valid, and those little things DO add up. Especially the meals, they add up quick. But all these limp folds excluding the dining out add up to what... less than $1-2k a year? It's simply not an amount I am willing to sacrifice things for or stress over.
First, 1-2k is a lot. Remember, its cumulative. If you save 1-2k every year from ages 18-25, you are 14k richer for the rest of your life. its amazing how much money we waste in our lives on meaningless ****. Buying ourselves a soda from 7-11 for 2.00 when we could have water for free, or buy a 2 liter pepsi from the store for less than a cold 20 oz. Drinks at the bar for like 6 bucks a pop when you could drink with your friends for 6 bucks a 6 pack. HBO...what a ripoff, heck I dont understand why ANYONE has cable that doesnt watch sports. You can pay $8 a month for netflix or hulu+ and stream straight to your TV. I only have cable TV because I cant live without baseball and football (thats my poverty line thing lol). like i mentioned, smart phones and dining obviously. cigarettes and drugs are ridiculously expensive. Buying movies?? My GF buys movies, wtf? she has hundreds of them, as part of her "collection". Great job, you collect something useless, and its cost you thousands and thousands of dollars.

[quote[Guys, I think you aren't getting that at one point in my life, I was making some incredible money considering the amount I worked, and the age at which I achieved it. I've become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. I plan on restoring that element of my life in the near future, and experiencing even greater success in the next 5-10 years. I work harder and smarter than most people and I expect to win.[/quote]

I doubt i do as well as you, but I do pretty well for myself. And despite not doing as well for myself, I am not running into any type of financial trouble right now. I get it, you are young and expect things to always work out for you, but thats not always what happenes.

Its always a lot smarter to use your money on your future. If you invest in your future instead of your present "lifestyle", you will always be able to maintain the lifestyle you are accustomed to. The very wealthy are also the very thrifty. you may not understand why the multi millionaires clip coupons and compare prices at the grocery store, but i can assue you they do. because their understanding of marginal cost is what made them their money in the first place.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-27-2012 , 09:47 PM
FWIW, i'm a 2/5nl grinder, play 5 days a week.

#1, spending $1K per month on food is insane, seriously, as a college kid you should be able to get by on $400/month easy for food.

#2, get yourself a fat ugly girlfriend that will feed you and house you, great way to save money (i'm being serious)

#3, I'm actually worried about your poker, you said its a 3hr drive to and from the casino, or 3hr drive total (90 minutes there 90 minutes back). As a college kid time is your most precious commodity, if the casino is longer than an hour away then I actually don't recommend you supplementing your income with poker as I can't see how that won't interfere with your studies. STUDIES ARE THE PRIORITY!!!!

#4, What is your poker schedule? Are you playing strictly weekends and or over the summer? Are you trying to play during the week during school?

#5, Are you a winning player? I get the sense you don't have a lot of hours vested in live play?

#6, Only way this is going to work is if you play 2/5nl, trying to make a living at 1/2nl especially if you have time constraints is like masterbating via one stroke per minute, just a waste of time and energy and very frustrating

#7, You need to get your bankroll/liferoll up to $20K ASAP. $20K imo is the level where you are out of the danger zone and can handle the worse that variance has to throw your way. Anything under $12K is susceptible to variance and you want some padding to absorb what life has to throw at you.

#8, Summer is coming up, perhaps put poker on the back burner (playing once a week or so) until summer hits and you have some free time, then focus on poker and getting your roll up to $20K+

#9, Back to the fat ugly girlfriend, seriously, she could save you a lot of money, and fat girls give great *$&#*@#*
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:16 AM
My school schedule is super easy right now and I only take 12 hours. I will probably get between a 3.25 and 3.75 this semester without studying for more than one hour a day, and I do attend a REAL state college. It's top 5 in my state for sure. I'm just taking extremely easy classes right now.

I have a 50k backup roll guys. That's why I'm being so aggressive with my current roll. Is anyone remembering this? I have $50k of my own money just sitting there, I'd just rather not touch it right now. It is currently invested in real estate. I am nowhere near close to becoming a degenerate credit line user who spends money he doesn't have. I've never missed a payment in my life.

Good point about the job. I might be happier working the job I might get this summer than I would be playing poker. Especially because it could be extremely lucrative.

I am in college to get a degree/maybe go to law school eventually as a back up. I don't see myself working a normal job. But who knows, if I find the correct one, maybe I will! I am also in college for the experience of it.

My poker schedule: I do not have a specific schedule. But I have no classes on tuesday/thursday. I just went today (tuesday) and it was a pretty tough game. I was relying on a few specific big whales to pay for my visit, but one of the whales in question left the second I got to the casino. I also play Fridays/Saturdays. Generally not Sunday as often.

Also about the food comps--I do use food comps. They probably get me 3 free 1000cal+ meals per week. What I do is order chicken breast sandwiches so I don't get too fat. Or If I choose to dine at the buffet, it's one of 2 meals I eat that day so I don't over eat too much.

Also this upcoming month I'm scheduled for I think 3 free buffets in addition to what I normally get, and 2 free nights at a nearby hotel from the casino.

I would never have sex with an ugly fat girl, regardless of the amount of economic benefit she provided. In fact, I'm throwing down on a baller-ass hotel room at this party my fraternity is having this weekend to increase the chances of having sex with my attractive/not fat date.

Also, unfathomable $1000/mo food budget? First off, it's not $1000. It's like $900 or less. $100+ of the groceries are not food related. Also, dining out at any sit down restaurant costs an average of $15-30, probably skewed closer to 25. So if you eat out once a day at a restaurant, and get fast food once a day, that's already $30/day. This doesn't even include the other meal or two I'll eat from my fridge. I also slightly overestimated this expense as I do with most of my expenses. For example I said car insurance was $120 a month but upon inspecting my credit card statements, it's actually $108. I think in reality I eat a sit down restaurant once every 3 days, and I get fast food 1-2 times a day. (Which explains my 15% body fat). I bet my food expense is closer to $700 than it is to $1000.

I don't have that many hours logged in live poker. It's less than 400 total for sure. I can't imagine going 3-4 months breakeven though, how is that possible? The hand volume is so low and the variance is also relatively low to online play... if you're winning 30BB/100 (which is only $20 per hour at 1/2) it's kind of hard to imagine that you could play for a 90-120 day period and not come out on top.

[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-28-2012 , 07:21 AM

I sense that you may be too infatuated with poker. Please, for the love of god don't view college as a backup, it needs to be the priority. Poker will always be there, but college won't be and is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can't stress enough the importance of your degree...

Too bad you can't stomach the fat ugly girlfriend idea, they are super easy to acquire but perhaps you can look into a normal girlfriend that can feed you and bonus points if she can house you as well ...

Your bankroll: You said you have a $50K roll and have logged 400hrs of live play? Well, that is enough to get some degree of confidence that you may be a winning player live. Of course, more is always better... time will tell

You said

I don't have that many hours logged in live poker. It's less than 400 total for sure. I can't imagine going 3-4 months breakeven though, how is that possible? The hand volume is so low and the variance is also relatively low to online play... if you're winning 30BB/100 (which is only $20 per hour at 1/2) it's kind of hard to imagine that you could play for a 90-120 day period and not come out on top.
I once believed the same thing, I mean, live play is so soft how in the hell can you go breakeven for 2-3 months??? Well, it is possible. Given that you see so many fewer hands variance plays an even greater role. You can have a few great sessions in a row ruined by some set over set coolers or a few sessions where the donks suck out on you and hit their 4 outers. Combine those two scenarios and throw in a dash of tilt and you can easily blow through ten buy-ins. Then add the time pressure you are going to feel since your poker time will always be limited and that is how you end up with a 2-3 months of breakeven play or even down after 2-3 months.

Basically, you are being naive if you think you can't run breakeven or down for 2-3 months. Its poker, variance happens and you are human, you will be prone to the typical "run bad" that happens when negative variance combines with negative emotions (tilt, fatigue, etc)

Anyways, I wish you luck. Best advice I can give is for you to log your play and keep a journal. Take the time to record each session and note all the things responsible for good and bad play.

For instance, I notice a DRAMATIC impact on my sessions when I forget to take a break every 2 hrs, so I have a timer and every 2hrs I take a ten minute break...

LAstly, if you remember, come back in a few months and give us an update on your progress
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-28-2012 , 03:20 PM
How long would it take you to get your hands on that 50k if you needed it? Real estate is a long term investment. I can't think of any real estate investing situation where you could just pull money out.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
03-28-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by WealthyDegenerate
My school schedule is super easy right now and I only take 12 hours. I will probably get between a 3.25 and 3.75 this semester without studying for more than one hour a day, and I do attend a REAL state college. It's top 5 in my state for sure. I'm just taking extremely easy classes right now.

I have a 50k backup roll guys. That's why I'm being so aggressive with my current roll. Is anyone remembering this? I have $50k of my own money just sitting there, I'd just rather not touch it right now. It is currently invested in real estate. I am nowhere near close to becoming a degenerate credit line user who spends money he doesn't have. I've never missed a payment in my life.

Good point about the job. I might be happier working the job I might get this summer than I would be playing poker. Especially because it could be extremely lucrative.

I am in college to get a degree/maybe go to law school eventually as a back up. I don't see myself working a normal job. But who knows, if I find the correct one, maybe I will! I am also in college for the experience of it.

My poker schedule: I do not have a specific schedule. But I have no classes on tuesday/thursday. I just went today (tuesday) and it was a pretty tough game. I was relying on a few specific big whales to pay for my visit, but one of the whales in question left the second I got to the casino. I also play Fridays/Saturdays. Generally not Sunday as often.

Also about the food comps--I do use food comps. They probably get me 3 free 1000cal+ meals per week. What I do is order chicken breast sandwiches so I don't get too fat. Or If I choose to dine at the buffet, it's one of 2 meals I eat that day so I don't over eat too much.

Also this upcoming month I'm scheduled for I think 3 free buffets in addition to what I normally get, and 2 free nights at a nearby hotel from the casino.

I would never have sex with an ugly fat girl, regardless of the amount of economic benefit she provided. In fact, I'm throwing down on a baller-ass hotel room at this party my fraternity is having this weekend to increase the chances of having sex with my attractive/not fat date.

Also, unfathomable $1000/mo food budget? First off, it's not $1000. It's like $900 or less. $100+ of the groceries are not food related. Also, dining out at any sit down restaurant costs an average of $15-30, probably skewed closer to 25. So if you eat out once a day at a restaurant, and get fast food once a day, that's already $30/day. This doesn't even include the other meal or two I'll eat from my fridge. I also slightly overestimated this expense as I do with most of my expenses. For example I said car insurance was $120 a month but upon inspecting my credit card statements, it's actually $108. I think in reality I eat a sit down restaurant once every 3 days, and I get fast food 1-2 times a day. (Which explains my 15% body fat). I bet my food expense is closer to $700 than it is to $1000.

I don't have that many hours logged in live poker. It's less than 400 total for sure. I can't imagine going 3-4 months breakeven though, how is that possible? The hand volume is so low and the variance is also relatively low to online play... if you're winning 30BB/100 (which is only $20 per hour at 1/2) it's kind of hard to imagine that you could play for a 90-120 day period and not come out on top.

What life of privilege have you come from that thinks you should eat out once a day? We out once a week if I was lucky when I was a kid. I can't remember the last time I ate out at a 'sit-down restaurant.' of course, i'm not dating, so i can see if you are out on a date, that's a real necessity.

Buy a George Foreman grill. Go to the store and buy lots of chicken and steak and grill it if you have to ... You will save a lot of money.
[Need Your Advice Please!] My Live Bankroll/Liferoll, and how to Reduce Variance in Live Play? Quote
