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BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well.

10-04-2013 , 03:01 PM
How the eff do you get out of tickets?
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-04-2013 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
How the eff do you get out of tickets?
<<<Smooth operator.

1.) Female deputy sheriff in TN. Made small talk, showed my federal ID, and she even told me about the speed trap a few miles up the road in the next county.

2.) A couple of the stops were false DUI stops. Got incorrectly profiled for whatever reason, and was pulled over when I had not been drinking.

3.) One stop was I think they were looking for another vehicle, and they gave me a warning for a tag light being out. (Tag light was not out.) Not sure why they needed to surround me with 4 cruisers for the warning. lol

4.) One was a speeding ticket in Ohio. I haz the confused and was struggling to find my registration while explaining I was lost. Officer ran me, I came up clean and he just gave me a warning.

5.) Another was just another weird stop where I am not sure what they were looking for - finally gave me a warning for following closely, but again it didn't seem like why they pulled me over.

Since 1997 I have driven over 400,000 miles and I have 1 ticket for speeding - it was a tarp! My DOL badge has kept me out of at least 5 speeding tickets.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-04-2013 , 04:35 PM
if you sound it out, furloughed is fur-low-d

so do you prefer it shaven or some fur down low?
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-04-2013 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by miamicheats
if you sound it out, furloughed is fur-low-d

so do you prefer it shaven or some fur down low?
Shaven is fine but I actually prefer a landing strip so I don't feel as creepy.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-04-2013 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Shaven is fine but I actually prefer a landing strip so I don't feel as creepy.
I feel creepy just having read that.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 01:38 AM
you sit down at a table where you know nobody. first hand it folds to you in the co and you raise to 4bbs with jj it folds to bb who is mid 30s in a tshirt and jeans who raises you to 15bbs. you are both 100bbs deep what is your plan for the hand.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
--Holes: at least 2 of 3 need to be open for business by the 3rd date.
What's the no-holes-barred deadline?
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
you sit down at a table where you know nobody. first hand it folds to you in the co and you raise to 4bbs with jj it folds to bb who is mid 30s in a tshirt and jeans who raises you to 15bbs. you are both 100bbs deep what is your plan for the hand.
I almost never call there.

Against a mid 30s in jeans and t-shirt I usually assign a more passive style, so I will tend to weight their range as QQ+. If that is the vibe I get, I would usually fold pre as we can't set mine profitably.

If villain seems actually competent I could assign a wider range to them based on my raise from the CO and the villain thinking I could be stealing, in which I could potentially call, rely on position, and keep his range wide.

I never 4bet there against an unknown.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by BiteMeFish
What's the no-holes-barred deadline?
Villain dependent line. Generally 2 months or the first night she passes out from an evening of drinking blackberry wine.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:52 PM
Curious, have you ever had both lower holes open for business while top was not? It seems super unlikely to me.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Curious, have you ever had both lower holes open for business while top was not? It seems super unlikely to me.
Have not.
However, I have had the upstairs window and the backdoor open when the front was closed.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:55 PM
I am taking my 2nd grader to a classmates birthday party later today... The invitation has a particular show/toyline picture on it. Should we stick to that toyline for the gift or just buy whatever?

(FWIW- last time this came up, I ignored the party theme... and ohh man was that kid disappointed)
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Have not.
However, I have had the upstairs window and the backdoor open when the front was closed.
Standard in some cultures that highly value "virginity." Those don't count, you see. Sometimes found even post "virginity" as still seen as remaining somewhat chaste.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:57 PM
^oops - I meant to post that in chat... but screw it - why not ask Skip?
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by bip!
I am taking my 2nd grader to a classmates birthday party later today... The invitation has a particular show/toyline picture on it. Should we stick to that toyline for the gift or just buy whatever?

(FWIW- last time this came up, I ignored the party theme... and ohh man was that kid disappointed)
Stick to that toyline.
Little kids are gonna little kid and I hate to disappoint them if possible.

When my nieces are nephews are real little (under 6) I generally buy whatever for Christmas unless a real specific request is made and I always hit home runs.

From 6 and up though I always try to at least get a range of what they would want.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:59 PM
... fits right in with backdoor angels convo... lol
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Standard in some cultures that highly value "virginity." Those don't count, you see. Sometimes found even post "virginity" as still seen as remaining somewhat chaste.
Yeah, that was the most recent situation.

One in college was because she was quite concerned about getting pregnant. I was like...OKAYYYYYYY!!!!
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-05-2013 , 03:01 PM
Just decided I am going to come here for all life advice... trivial or monumental. Please keep the thread open indefinitely
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-06-2013 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
OMG it's so good.
Watching it right now.

13 Assassins that is.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-15-2013 , 02:42 AM
As requested, cliffs from my first practice with my 6th grade girls team.

1.) Had a parent meeting before the practice and did a uniform fitting. I did my best to excuse myself from that experience. Mothers kept asking my opinion, but I successfully deferred to others each time. One mother involved trapped me in a conversation last year in my role of director, where she was complaining about how a jersey draped across her daughter's buttocks. I told her I was not certain I could legally even have that conversation.

2.) Only 7 girls showed for the first practice. For a girls team, not bad as they seem to have eleventy different activities at any one time.

3.) Talent level - no clue how to rate it. No one can consistently make a lay up. All can make a lay up now and then.

4.) The girls make girly noises. A lot. Every time they shriek I have the urge to take a drink. This season will not be good for my liver.

5.) They actually listen fairly well and actually seem to want to try and do what I want. I usually have to kind of "break" my boys' teams in the first few practices. In this case I think I may have to do more building of confidence early on.

6.) I was congratulating the girls for almost making shots. Like really congratulating. I am faking all of that and deep down I am forcing down the usual irritation I have when my teaching is not getting through. I promised myself a drink every time I held back biting sarcasm or a burst of shouting. I will not be sober much this season.

7.) Apparently they like me. I am called "nice" during a water break. I haz the confused. My boys' teams generally hate me for the first two weeks.

8.) I am figuring out how to coach without ever touching anyone for any reason. It has to be noticeable to the parents by now. I generally teach boys to block out by showing them how to drive a hand through their opponent's chest, and then drop their butt to create a low base and eliminate their opponent's leverage. Not doing any of that with girls. Ever.

9.) Dribbling. Lots of effort and energy. Oh. And squealing. Lots of squealing. I promise myself more drinks. Better be the cheap stuff while I am furloughed.

10.) Practice ends. They cheer. And squeal. Lots. Oh whiskey where art thou?

All in all...very different. Not sure I "like" it, but different. I am trying to implement my aggressive style of idea how that will go. Pretty sure squealing will be involved. And drinking. Lots of drinking.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-15-2013 , 03:34 AM
Wow sounds brutal. did you have to cut that one kid from the boys team?
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-15-2013 , 03:51 AM
Sadly, we did.I wasn't happy about it, as I felt we kept 3 players weaker than him. However, even though I am the director, I cannot trump the decision of the coaches of a team unless the player they want to cut is rated in my top 7 of the evaluations. This kid fell at 9.
He landed on an unofficial second team and is in a decent spot for him. I will speak to him directly sometime at a gym to know that he did have someone who rated him as good enough to be on the team.

In fairness, he was mediocre on his first night of tryouts, and that image coupled with his mom's reputation soured the other coaches on him. Tough spot for the kid.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-15-2013 , 03:56 AM
Seems to me that one of the coaches who didn't want him should have talked to him.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-15-2013 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Seems to me that one of the coaches who didn't want him should have talked to him.
They would if approached but I have a relationship with him from coaching his older brother. One of my roles is to encourage the kids who have been cut to tryout again, particularly if we think they could make a difference in the future. These coaches are great guys, but this is one of the things I am really good at and I have managed to keep a lots of kids motivated over the years.

We had to cut 20-25 boys so I don't expect my coaches to hold a lot of conversations with the ones we let go.
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
10-15-2013 , 09:14 AM
wow that practice sounds awful. i could never coach a girls team
BigSkip's 5,000th post...and there was much rejoicing. And maybe a well. Quote
