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3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! 3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks!

01-07-2013 , 09:20 PM
Fist-pump snap-call.

When you decided to check-raise the turn, you should have been PRAYING this Villain would reshove.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-07-2013 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by spikeraw22
In order for this to be close you have to limit him to sets.

I'll include 22 and 55 for the hell of it, but I would be surprised if he had that.

That's 8 combos. 8. If we did nothing but count 2p we'd have odds to call.

We beat 12.
We tie 4.
We lose to 8.

Is he really playing 3,4?
There's got to be some chance he's playing a draw.
We're ahead and we don't even need to be to call. Go ahead and get it in.
I agree with you FWIW on this.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-07-2013 , 09:27 PM
Oh it's worth a lot. I put hits out on posters who cross me.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Fist-pump snap-call.

When you decided to check-raise the turn, you should have been PRAYING this Villain would reshove.
haha, when i check-raised and villain shoved, i tanked....villain called the clock on me and he was smiling (he seemed just too happy with his hand)
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 05:37 AM
why did you even tank raise if you have to tank now?
anyways, results?
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:18 AM
This hand is a debacle due to a faulty start, bad position and on and on.

As played you must call shove. You committed yourself without good reason really with this line and sizing. We should have decided this before check raising though. No planning, just playing. Bad formula.

By the way, he gives a decent sizing tell IMo by betting 45 on flop, then heavy on turn + a snap shove. I would weigh his hand a little tilted towards AAA because of the sizing AND because of the attempt to be weak on flop until he got resistance, then he unleashes a storm which represents a huge hand when you combine the two elements. If he bet big on flop then i would say it could be flopped two pair or AK, but betting small THEN betting big is bad news for us.

If villain is so bluffy, then why shut the bluff down by check raising? Let him keep bluffing. That would be the plan.

Last edited by AintNoLimit; 01-08-2013 at 06:28 AM.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:20 AM
[QUOTE=vegez;36537175[B]]i check raised the turn to see where I am at[/B] and to get value from AK AQ AJ and make flush draws pay (if Button has a fd and I bet anything within reason I know he is calling unless I shoved allin on the turn)


After putting in about 500 to see where you were at, what was the plan once you found out where u were at?

You could probably clean up several leaks all at once within this one hand. I would spend some serious time analyzing this hand if i were you. You can learn a great deal from it if you put the time in.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 12:07 PM
Barring the terrible play PF, I check/call turn to induce bluffs and check river to induce more bluffs
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 01:29 PM
hate the limp in CO pre with A10o, hate the overcall even more. Raise or fold pre. Against said villain, I think this is the situation you wanted so we have to call it off. You said he is loose: is that loose in he plays a wide range in and OOP, or loose-donk that he stacks off 240 BB with one pair hands. If i dont think he stacks off with 1 pair hands, then I puke fold. We havent really narrowed his range much so he can be shoving with sets, wheels and worse 2pair, AQ, AK type hands. Realistically, I think we have to call it off d/t our c/r sizing ott and his wide-range. If you are going to play so weak-passive OOP next time, do it with AA instead of A10o(or you will just be burning money to an agg donk).
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 02:31 PM
Late to the party, replying after only reading the OP not the discussion.

PF limping is OK, iso-ing is good too. I would ISO more than limp behind vs. a weak field, to $30 to buy the button and initiative.

Flop is a c/c.

Turn is either a c/c or a small c/r to induce. Against bad-agressive guys like this villain, you want them to drive the action. I am OK committing here, so the only question in my mind is will this guy be induced by say a min-c/r. If I think he will then that's optimal. If not, then I just c/c 3 streets, possibly c/r river depending on sizing/river card.

As played, I would call. I think he could have AK-AJ and overvaluing them here as well as worse 2pr, so I don't think folding is an option.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-08-2013 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by vegez
i check raised the turn to see where I am at and to get value from AK AQ AJ and make flush draws pay (if Button has a fd and I bet anything within reason I know he is calling unless I shoved allin on the turn)

Also, when villain shoves allin on the turn, I am thinking he might actually have flopped the wheel because earlier in the session he raised $30 pf with 4-5, flop came K36 rainbow, someone else bet flop and he flatted, turn is 2, someone else bet turn and he min raised, river came 4, villain checked and other guy bet and villain checkraised him allin and the guy tank folded probably wondering how a 5 is in villain's range on this 4 card straight board, i know thats only one hand i observed where villain had the goods, but I have seen villain also allin on the flop or turn with complete air just to win pots and get others to fold, my gut feeling was that villain is making a move because he seems to be the kind of player to try to intimidate and push people around by betting big or going allin

i guess the question becomes now, if i think villain most likely has the wheel or a small set, mathematically, can I still call for my full house outs?
Don't raise 'to see where you are at' especially against an aggressive player. That's s HUGE leak. It tells me that your poker basics are off if you are thinking this way, so I honestly would suggest rethinking your poker fundamentals as you have made a few basic errors in this hand IMO that are likely pervasive in other hands that you play.
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
01-10-2013 , 03:23 AM
i realize the mistake i made was raising the turn without thinking what if he shoves, plus a check call line on the turn and river would probably extract more money assuming villain is donking all 3 streets

as played, i mucked to villains shove ( i felt it was a higher chance I would see 3,4 or a baby set versus a big ace or random 2p) and villain threw his hand face up on table saying "i wish you called"

of course i didn't show him or tell anyone what i mucked....just got up and left the table pissed off at myself for folding
3-5 NL, A-10os cutoff, i call raise pf, turn top 2, i check raise and get shoved! deep stacks! Quote
