Originally Posted by Zeke Ferrari
Captain R once talked about learning whatever was the biggest game in the room so that as you learn, you can continue to move up.
I agree with this, but I hear M8trix has a regular 10/25 NL, which is probably as big as 80/160 LHE.
NL generally gives better WR/SD ratios, meaning you can win more per unit variance. It's also more universal (1/2-2/5 NL is all over the country, anything above 4/8 LHE is rare).
LHE is more subject to mathematical analysis and plays faster. Some specific advantages of LHE are that Bay 101 has a great LHE ladder, and SSLHE is 1000x more helpful than any other strategy forum.
I don't recommend playing O8 or stud unless you can find a ladder to climb.
If you do convert to NL, don't be a stranger.