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TableScan Turbo TableScan Turbo

01-07-2010 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Zandry

There is a much easier way to add buddies, and it works during scan
Just select the player(s) you wan't to add and right click > Add Buddy
And yes, autoscan interval is the amount of time between scans. And I have added an option to the next version so autoscan will wait to start the next scan if the program is in focus

Well this leads me to another problem. I can only add buddies this way if I'm at the table bc it was one of the highest vpip or contained what tablescan deemed a "fish." Otherwise, I can't locate the players to rightclick on them.

Whenever I try to filter the tables by name the whole thing messes up; it will usually get at best through the "F's" and many times will only show the tables starting with "A." The scan seems to start over form the beginning, though I think sometimes it just stops as well.
Is there a way I can either fix this or a better way to locate all the tables where I'm currently sitting???
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-07-2010 , 01:07 PM
Well it seems to be completing the scan after a couple trials, so hopefully that continues. I'm not sure what was happening before, I think it was after I tried getting the "PLAYER DETAILS"
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:44 PM
NM, you can just leave the buddylist open and it appears to work fine
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Respawn
I strongly support the idea of adding a "PFR divided by VPIP" stat.
This would be very good to use for player scoring and fish definitions.
Right now you can't do anything like it because if you say something like "in full ring, VPIP over 24 is a fish", then a player with a VPIP of 25 and PFR of 6 surely is a fish, but a VPIP 24 and PFR 17 player likely is a successful LAG player you won't like as much as the other guy.

It's the gap between VPIP and PFR that makes him a fish in that case.

It gets more complicated when you have a category like "VPIP between 24 and 32". You can't just make make a rule saying (for instance) Player Type A with "VPIP 24-32, PFR 12-100" is better than Player Type B with "VPIP 24-32, PFR 0-12" because a 31/13 certainly is a much worse player than a 24/16, yet they both will be considered a "Type A" player.

With the "PFR divided by VPIP" you can accomplish complex scoring with MUCH fewer rules than you would need to accomplish the same right now. I'm not even sure you could achieve the same level of detailed scoring.
So please, add this.

(You could also do it as a percentage like "PFR/VPIP %". It might be more comfortable to enter 73 instead of 0.73 but that's a matter of taste, I suppose)

Yeh this is exactly what I meant. Its so hard making scoring systems that do the same thing that PFR/VPIP would do.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-07-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by gball
The application gets stuck (doesn't respond anymore, and the scan doesn't complete) always after some random number of scans. PartyPoker + HEM. Also would be nice if it would join the wait list even though the table is not full at the time I hit space, because when I open & join multiple tables at once, by the time they open, the one spot is sometimes filled, and I end up with full table without me being on the waitlist. SpadeEye has this feature btw.
If you can add me on AIM/MSN/ICQ/Skype and let me know more about the freezing I would appreciate it. For the joining waitlist, you're saying it should click join waitlist in the party lobby even if the table is not full at the time and that will work?

I think what he is really getting at (either way, it's what I'm getting at)
is that the OPEN TABLE command doesn't work nearly as efficiently as the JOIN WAITLIST one.
He wouldn't be having the problem if the table just opened up quickly in the first place; this should be towards the top of the fix-it list IMO.

Sorry about so many posts too, I'm just really excited and trying to immerse myself in the program and I'm also not very tech savvy for someone who spends so much time on his comp
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-08-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Respawn
You should add a "steal" stat. Useful (necessary) for scoring and fish definitions.
Like attempt to steal? I have been thinking about adding that

Originally Posted by Respawn
I strongly support the idea of adding a "PFR divided by VPIP" stat.
This would be very good to use for player scoring and fish definitions.
Right now you can't do anything like it because if you say something like "in full ring, VPIP over 24 is a fish", then a player with a VPIP of 25 and PFR of 6 surely is a fish, but a VPIP 24 and PFR 17 player likely is a successful LAG player you won't like as much as the other guy.

It's the gap between VPIP and PFR that makes him a fish in that case.

It gets more complicated when you have a category like "VPIP between 24 and 32". You can't just make make a rule saying (for instance) Player Type A with "VPIP 24-32, PFR 12-100" is better than Player Type B with "VPIP 24-32, PFR 0-12" because a 31/13 certainly is a much worse player than a 24/16, yet they both will be considered a "Type A" player.

With the "PFR divided by VPIP" you can accomplish complex scoring with MUCH fewer rules than you would need to accomplish the same right now. I'm not even sure you could achieve the same level of detailed scoring.
So please, add this.

(You could also do it as a percentage like "PFR/VPIP %". It might be more comfortable to enter 73 instead of 0.73 but that's a matter of taste, I suppose)
Originally Posted by luke4130
Yeh this is exactly what I meant. Its so hard making scoring systems that do the same thing that PFR/VPIP would do.
Ok, I will consider adding PFR/VPIP % to the scoring/fish definitions, but I don't think I want to add it as a column to the player list

Originally Posted by Johnes Benjamin
Well this leads me to another problem. I can only add buddies this way if I'm at the table bc it was one of the highest vpip or contained what tablescan deemed a "fish." Otherwise, I can't locate the players to rightclick on them.

Whenever I try to filter the tables by name the whole thing messes up; it will usually get at best through the "F's" and many times will only show the tables starting with "A." The scan seems to start over form the beginning, though I think sometimes it just stops as well.
Is there a way I can either fix this or a better way to locate all the tables where I'm currently sitting???
Originally Posted by Johnes Benjamin
I think what he is really getting at (either way, it's what I'm getting at)
is that the OPEN TABLE command doesn't work nearly as efficiently as the JOIN WAITLIST one.
He wouldn't be having the problem if the table just opened up quickly in the first place; this should be towards the top of the fix-it list IMO.

Sorry about so many posts too, I'm just really excited and trying to immerse myself in the program and I'm also not very tech savvy for someone who spends so much time on his comp
If you have AIM/MSN/ICQ/Skype send me a message and I can try to answer your questions on there I don't really understand what you're saying here, sorting the tables in TST by name messes it up? Or in the poker lobby? Also, the tables you're currently sitting at are highlighted yellow, with bold text. You can make it sort them to the top or bottom in Configure > Advanced > Sorting. And I don't know what you mean about the open table not working as well as the join waitlist, I would think open table should work better, what site are you playing at?

AIM: ZandryTST
ICQ: 571846001
Skype: ZandryTST
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-09-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Zandry
Like attempt to steal? I have been thinking about adding that
Yeah, attempt to steal. Please add this. This is probably needed as a column for the player list though. Very useful for heads up in conjunction with "BB fold to steal".

Originally Posted by Zandry
Ok, I will consider adding PFR/VPIP % to the scoring/fish definitions, but I don't think I want to add it as a column to the player list
I agree. It is only needed for scoring and fish definitions. In the players list you can easily see their VPIP and PFR and interpret the values yourself.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-09-2010 , 01:58 PM
hi, like to add that don't work
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-10-2010 , 08:51 PM
When the wide layout I suggested a while back is coming (it is coming, right?), could you make it so that you can have different (independent) columns setups for the "players at selected table" list and the players list?
I would like to keep the players list simple and have the "players at selected table" list more detailed.
This will save space (screen width) and thus will make for a cleaner and clearer setup.

Originally Posted by Respawn
Zandry, could you please add a layout option that utilizes wide screen resolutions?
Something like this:

I would like to try putting TableScan below my poker tables and have it visible at all times

Last edited by Respawn; 01-10-2010 at 09:04 PM.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-10-2010 , 09:42 PM
how many days left until release of the new version?
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-11-2010 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by ruskin
Hi, not sure if this has been covered already but I've just downloaded the software and tried to add my database to the program.

I use Pokertracker 3 on Vista, and entered the default password for Pokertracker into the password field in the TableScan Turbo new database window. This didn't work so I tried to enter the database name manually.

I selected Pokertracker from the drop-down list and manually typed the name of my database "PokerTracker 3 Database" into the name field.

A box came up saying "Could not connect to database! Please make sure all database settings are correct."

I have gone back over and over again to see what I'm doing wrong and have checked all the database details through Pokertracker, but can't get this to work.

Any idea why?
I have the same problem. Is it possible to have the solution please? Thank you
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-11-2010 , 01:33 PM
just stopped working with newest hem for me. 110 beta7.

edit: as in it dosnt recognize any players, all tables are 0/6 known.
newest update had some database changes, but eyepoker works.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Respawn
Yeah, attempt to steal. Please add this. This is probably needed as a column for the player list though. Very useful for heads up in conjunction with "BB fold to steal".

I agree. It is only needed for scoring and fish definitions. In the players list you can easily see their VPIP and PFR and interpret the values yourself.
Originally Posted by Respawn
When the wide layout I suggested a while back is coming (it is coming, right?), could you make it so that you can have different (independent) columns setups for the "players at selected table" list and the players list?
I would like to keep the players list simple and have the "players at selected table" list more detailed.
This will save space (screen width) and thus will make for a cleaner and clearer setup.
Ok, I will add PFR/VPIP % to the next version for scoring and fish definitions, attempt to steal and the layout i think will have to wait till the version after that But I dont think you'll be disappointed with the next update As for allowing different column visibility in the "players at table" list, I may do that eventually but I will have to think about it a bit more, it'd actually be a decent amount of work to change it the way I have things set up currently, and I wonder if most people wouldn't find it confusing and prefer it the way it is now

Originally Posted by signuptoday
hi, like to add that don't work
Are you using the latest version 0.45h? It seems to be working fine for me, if you are and it's not working please send me a message on AIM/MSN/ICQ/Skype and I can look on teamviewer
AIM: ZandryTST
ICQ: 571846001
Skype: ZandryTST

Originally Posted by pamoi765
I have the same problem. Is it possible to have the solution please? Thank you
In ruskin's case, he had set a non-default password which he had forgotten, and the solution we used was to set his postgresql permissions to "trust" so that it would accept any password. Here is a thread which discusses how to do this:

Originally Posted by e306
how many days left until release of the new version?
I know I've said this a few times and still haven't released it yet but I am working on it almost non-stop and I am really pressed to get it out within the next 2-3 days

Originally Posted by dannyr
just stopped working with newest hem for me. 110 beta7.

edit: as in it dosnt recognize any players, all tables are 0/6 known.
newest update had some database changes, but eyepoker works.
Yes, I am aware of this and I have fixed it in the next version, in the meantime there is a simple fix:
Go into pgAdmin > Databases > current database > Schemas > Public > Tables > Right click pokersites > View Data > View All Rows > Change "IPoker" to "iPoker" (Capital I to small i). > Save > Quit
This will not affect your HM or any other programs
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:55 PM
Can someone tell me whether it is safe to use this on FTP?

I have heard of people getting accounts closed because of using things like pokertableratings, and I really don' t want to have that happen.
Thanks for responses

Last edited by Johnes Benjamin; 01-11-2010 at 09:04 PM.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-11-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Johnes Benjamin
Can someone tell me whether it is safe to use this on FTP?

I have heard of people getting accounts closed because of using things like pokertableratings, and I really don' t want to have that happen.
Thanks for responses
Yes, it's safe FTP-Doug confirmed it in a FTP answers thread a few months ago, here is the thread, its question #30
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-11-2010 , 11:24 PM
question. Just fired it up and see no fish at all. Do you have to enable something when you start it for the first time? I mean I have over 100k hands in database and 0 fish on? i doubt it.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 01:50 PM
I have a quick question about using multiple databeses. If I have 50 hands on a player in one database and 1000 hands on the same player in another database, will the program use the database with the larger sample size to rank the player or will it somehow combine the two databses?

TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by JediOnTilt
question. Just fired it up and see no fish at all. Do you have to enable something when you start it for the first time? I mean I have over 100k hands in database and 0 fish on? i doubt it.
If you are using PT3 it might not be getting all the hands from your database if you haven't updated your cache in PT3 recently, you can try and disable the option "scan results from player cache only" in TableScan at Database > Manage Databases > Edit Database > Scan results from player cache only

Also, the VPIP needed for the default fish definitions is pretty high for 6max at least, you might want to lower it a little in configure > fish definitions

Originally Posted by R_Andersen
I have a quick question about using multiple databeses. If I have 50 hands on a player in one database and 1000 hands on the same player in another database, will the program use the database with the larger sample size to rank the player or will it somehow combine the two databses?

It will add the hands together from both databases, so the player should have 1050 hands in TableScan. Also it should be noted that it does not check for duplicate hands so if you have the same hands in two databases they will be counted twice
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 03:10 PM
Hey, i can't get TST to work for me.

Have used the Setup Wizard and found my db, but when i scan Stars tables it goes through them all but nothing comes up on TST. Any idea>? ( Yes i do have plenty of hands in the db)

TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Gerrard48LFC
Hey, i can't get TST to work for me.

Have used the Setup Wizard and found my db, but when i scan Stars tables it goes through them all but nothing comes up on TST. Any idea>? ( Yes i do have plenty of hands in the db)

Most likely your scan filters in TableScan and the Pokerstars lobby are not matching up, like for example you're trying to scan .50/1 in TableScan but you have filtered .25/.50 in PokerStars. If that's not the issue feel free to send me a message and I can look on teamviewer
AIM: ZandryTST
ICQ: 571846001
Skype: ZandryTST
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gerrard48LFC
Hey, i can't get TST to work for me.

Have used the Setup Wizard and found my db, but when i scan Stars tables it goes through them all but nothing comes up on TST. Any idea>? ( Yes i do have plenty of hands in the db)

Sort of works now. Deleted the db from TST and reconnected it and it runs though the stars tables and gets about 10 players details and then 5 minutes later all of the details had appeared on TST. At least it is useable now i guess.

If anyone knows whats up let me know please. Thanks.
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 07:00 PM
running the software now and it's doing the trick for me. thanks OP!!
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by milbs06
running the software now and it's doing the trick for me. thanks OP!!
EDIT: how hand hands (approx) does it take on a player to list them as a fish?
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 08:15 PM
I have a suggestion. To edit the filter options can you include how many shortstackers you want maximum at your table and if there are more then omit them from the results?

Regarding checking fish how does it do this? Just look at vpip from hands? Is there a certain amount of hands it needs before determining fish? (i.e. can some1 be labeled a fish if they have 1 hand with me and raised a pot and ended up leaving. Meaning they had vpip and pfr of 100 in 1 hand?)
TableScan Turbo Quote
01-12-2010 , 08:50 PM
Can you also add a hotkey to autojoin table selected on waitlist or if theres an opening to automatically open the game?
TableScan Turbo Quote
