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Table Optimizer Table Optimizer

11-21-2015 , 03:41 AM
You will have to wait up to 12 hours.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 01:30 PM
I received the license code to my email. I downloaded it. It shows as a dat file.

I then right clicked on tableoptimizer to open file location.

It shows


I then copied license to it. Its only 1kb though?

Then started it and didn't work...
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 01:34 PM
It has message tableoptimizer has expired. I had restarted stars and then opened tableoptimizer and same issue.

I did downloaded the tableoptimizer file twice though because i had thought first time it didn't work though that should not been an issue?

I just copied the original file and dragged it to the backup folder that has the logs, nhlhk.dll etc...
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 03:26 PM
What is the exact error message?
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11-21-2015 , 04:43 PM
your trial has expired and your license.dat file wasn't found in c:/users/myname/desktop
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 04:45 PM
Im guessing i copied it to the wrong folder? In the tableoptimizer site, i see the file that is copied to the folder but i also saw a backup folder there on the website.

But for me... i copied it in the backup folder. Could that be the reason? If so, how do you get to the folder that is shown in the directions? Basically i got there by right clicking TO and clicking open file location.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 05:37 PM
You need to copy license.dat to the folder that shows up in error messages. In your case it will be c:/users/myname/desktop
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 06:13 PM
How do i get to that folder?
Table Optimizer Quote
11-21-2015 , 06:33 PM
Another thing that has me confused. But is there a reason why it seems the table optimizer files are all over my desktop? I see TO icon, TO update icon, then i see readme, ntlhk.dll, update.dat, options, options.ini..... and logs. All of these are scattered throughout my desktop icons.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-22-2015 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Another thing that has me confused. But is there a reason why it seems the table optimizer files are all over my desktop? I see TO icon, TO update icon, then i see readme, ntlhk.dll, update.dat, options, options.ini..... and logs. All of these are scattered throughout my desktop icons.

They should be in a folder. When you've extracted the archive you've clicked the wrong button.

Not sure if you can just make a folder and move the files there, might mess something up now you've started using it. To get it working just now all you need to do is put your license file on your desktop.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-24-2015 , 12:21 AM
Im looking for a way to make work the soft without Kaspersky deleting the file whk.dll Each time, Kaspersky delete the file and my hotkeys doesnt work anymore. I went in the settings to put TO and the specific file as trusted. But Kaspersky deletes the file everytime.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-24-2015 , 04:30 AM
Table Optimizer is infected with Gen:Variant.Kazy.770727 / BitDefender finds it in whk.dll and on the webpage aswell when you want to download it so I suggest stop using it as its quite dangerous.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-24-2015 , 07:11 AM
It's a false positive...
Table Optimizer Quote
11-25-2015 , 06:33 AM
Hi guys, looking to purchase TO after trial; however, I don't have Skrill or Neteller. Would it be possible to ship the $30 to you on Stars?
Table Optimizer Quote
11-25-2015 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Corpsey
Hi guys, looking to purchase TO after trial; however, I don't have Skrill or Neteller. Would it be possible to ship the $30 to you on Stars?
Same here.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-26-2015 , 03:52 AM
PM sent.
Table Optimizer Quote
12-02-2015 , 11:06 PM
Where I can see what have the last update?
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 12:06 AM
So TO has a little bug that bugs me:

If i remove the titlebars while playing i get some graphic artifacts below the tables. Is there any way to remove this?
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by Padrinobta
Where I can see what have the last update?
If you click on a "Update" button in TO it will check for new version and show you a windows with list of changes.

Originally Posted by siebenacht
So TO has a little bug that bugs me:

If i remove the titlebars while playing i get some graphic artifacts below the tables. Is there any way to remove this?
I can't recreate that. What's your windows version? Does this artifact disappear when you manually resize the table?
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by czyngischan
I can't recreate that. What's your windows version? Does this artifact disappear when you manually resize the table?
Im using windows 7 on a parallels vm on mac os x. Yup, manual resizing seems to help.
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 03:00 PM
So tableoptimizer suddenly got deleted off my computer it seems. I have no idea why.

I clicked on tableoptimizer update as that icon is on my desktop and it says t.o not found.

I then went to my download page and see TO there and click on it. I then click on to.exe and i get message this file cannot be found.

Also have an avast message that says suspcious item has been detected that shows infection as win32: evo-gen susp and action moved to chest.

It says i can

add the file to scan exllusion list
report the file as false positive.

Though any of those things doesn't fix this issue...

Do you know why im having these issues? The thing is a lot of the tableoptimizer files like update.dat, ntlhk.dll, readme, license.dat. options, options.ini are all on my desktop for some reason though this happened last time.

Does that mean i have to delete all these files then download tableoptimizer again from the site? However, since i already have tableoptimizer downloaded already and tried to open the file and got teh error, then wouldn't i have the same error if i download it off the site?

This is frustrating as i cant play at the moment without tableoptimizer.
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 03:27 PM
okay so i temporarily fixed this issue by opening the TO winrar file and then copying and pasting it into my desktop and thus the T.O icon is there. However when i open it, it immediately gets deleted and moved to the chest according to avast. That happens each time. Only way to use T.O now is to have avast turned off which is what i don't like.

I clicked on add the file to scan exclusion list but for some reason it doesn't work at all. When i click on it, nothing opens. But when i click on report the file as false positive a window does show up with stuff to fill in though i don't think that is related at all?

I'm confused why im having these issues with TO as when i used it before and with avast always on, never an issue.

Actually it still has issues. I can autoregister sngs with a problem. But the preflop size and post flop betting doesn't work at all...

Also doesn't show how much BB in the top left corner and shows 0 the entire time...

Last edited by PaulyJames200x; 12-03-2015 at 03:54 PM.
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Shokyu
Hi all!

I made a suggestion to TO support last week but in order to implement it it needs more requests first. What I asked for is a board hider HUD which would pop-up whenever Hero is allin. I've been using this in another software but it's kinda buggy for everybody but I can already see the advantage of using it during multitabling many tournaments. It takes away way too much focus and adds pointless tension to your game to watch every single runout but probably you all know what I'm talking about. As an addition I could also think of a feature in this HUD which would make it translucent on mouse over or by a click of a button in case you really wan to sweat for that great draw :P
If you would find this as an useful addition to TO please +1 my post or something so they can see the need for this. Thanks!
Table Optimizer Quote
12-03-2015 , 08:09 PM
so recently my cycling keys stopped working,I know stars has hotkeys for this but they are not working proper either.

also when i try to update TO my antivirus says TO is a trojan horse. then says whk.dll not found
Table Optimizer Quote
12-04-2015 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
okay so i temporarily fixed this issue by opening the TO winrar file and then copying and pasting it into my desktop and thus the T.O icon is there. However when i open it, it immediately gets deleted and moved to the chest according to avast. That happens each time. Only way to use T.O now is to have avast turned off which is what i don't like.

I clicked on add the file to scan exclusion list but for some reason it doesn't work at all. When i click on it, nothing opens. But when i click on report the file as false positive a window does show up with stuff to fill in though i don't think that is related at all?

I'm confused why im having these issues with TO as when i used it before and with avast always on, never an issue.

Actually it still has issues. I can autoregister sngs with a problem. But the preflop size and post flop betting doesn't work at all...

Also doesn't show how much BB in the top left corner and shows 0 the entire time...
Issues with preset bets and BB display are most likely caused by not using latest TO or Pokerstars version. When TO starts it shows you whether you're using compatible or incompatible version of Pokerstars software at the bottom of TO window.

This is what I recommend to do.
1. Delete all TO files except options.ini and license.dat.
2. Create a new folder on your desktop and call it TO.
3. Disable your antivirus software.
4. Download latest version of TO from the website.
5. Copy into TO folder you have created.
6. Right click on and select "Extract here".
7. Copy options.ini and license.dat into the same folder.
8. Add TO folder to the exclusion list in Avast.
9. Enable Avast.
Table Optimizer Quote
