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StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need.

10-08-2010 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by pokerash
Thank you so much. Will try it out and let u know.
The highlighting works fine now. Thank you very much.

Is it normal for the bet population to take a few seconds to happen?

e.g. I have activate table under mouse checked and say i am focussed on a browser then hover over a table, it takes about 3-4 seconds to input the betvalue

Last edited by pokerash; 10-08-2010 at 10:06 PM.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-08-2010 , 11:04 PM
3-4 seconds is a bit too much but it can take some time with aero on indeed, try running the script with aero off.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-09-2010 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
3-4 seconds is a bit too much but it can take some time with aero on indeed, try running the script with aero off.
thanks will try it out
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-09-2010 , 11:54 AM
Hie Max1mums...

Can you please post the script on I cant seem to get the file on the other link. Cheers.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-09-2010 , 11:55 AM
Sorry... False alarm. It seems not to work on firefox but on ie. the link works perfectly. cheers.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-09-2010 , 12:29 PM
I can't make it auto place bets in the box on heads up SNGs. It just puts 0 in the box every time.

Is this feature supported on HU SNGs?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-11-2010 , 07:26 AM
Hi, Max
I'm trying to use modded timebank button below.
I want to amend below part in the function clicktime().
How can I detect my new timebank button?
Should I change timex, timey, timex1, timey1 and if so, how?


if (instr(col1,"13484978")) or (instr(col1,"1000084")) or (instr(col1,"16777215")) or (instr(col2,"13484978")) or (instr(col2,"1000084")) or (instr(col2,"16777215"))
if !InStr(tablequeuetimebank,id)
if InStr(tablequeuetimebank,id)

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-11-2010 , 10:37 AM
RobTheDuck, i haven't tested it in HU sngs but it shouldn't be 0 anyway i think.
UrSoUnusual, you can use this script to get coordinates
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-11-2010 , 01:35 PM
Thank you so much, Max.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-17-2010 , 05:28 PM
i search the latest xbb version.
want a fix preflop raise size and postflop betting rounded by integer.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-17-2010 , 07:01 PM
wuusaa, here is the latest version
Edit the script: set openraise (or openraise 50bb for 50bb tables) to whatever you want, set roundinteger:=1 at the script beginning.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-19-2010 , 06:26 AM
Everything works fine, thank you very much for this script.
Except the BetPot function, I can't get it work.

I activated "Auto put bet into bet box" but nothing happend.
And what means the "Open" Options?

Thank you very much for your help.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-19-2010 , 09:59 PM
not to rush things, but the new stars software update somehow screws up the auto buy in feature of starscash

looking forward to the next starscash update

thanks in advance
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 12:19 AM
Just downloaded this and I am somewhat new to ahk so bear with me if I miss the obvious.

I am confused by the tab for "table moving". Is that supposed to let me move a table that has action on it to a specified area of the screen (like stack and tile)?

I have been unable to get it to do anything; I set the coordinates to place the table in the top right but nothing happens.


StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 06:59 AM
newhere, try running the script as admin if you are under Vista/W7.
sharkbaitOHH, i don't see any changes, everything is still working fine for me, could you give more details on your issue?
rarerabbit, function from "table moving" tab will move new unseated table to the specified location.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
newhere, try running the script as admin if you are under Vista/W7.
I'm under W7 and run the script as admin, but BetPot doesn't work.
Somethimes when I put the amount manually in the box, it switches to 0.00$.
Don't know whats wrong...
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 09:31 AM
Check if correct table theme is selected on the General tab, check if starspics folder is in the same folder as ahk file, it can also happen cause of moded layout.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
check if starspics folder is in the same folder as ahk file
It was, but it was empty... No idea why, but know it's working! Thank you very much!
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 01:21 PM
Another question I can't find an answer for even with Google.

I have a Logitech MX610 wireless mouse that has two extra buttons on the left side that I would like to make use of with StarsCash. I went into the mouse control software and the buttons are unassigned to anything.
My problem is the control software does not list any coding symbols that I would use with the ahk script. I also went to the Logitech website and came up with nothing.

Any idea what I enter into the StarsCash GUI to make use of these two buttons?

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 01:59 PM
rarerabbit, try xbutton1 and xbutton2 (not that they are binded to Pot hotkeys by default), you can also try assigning back and forward via logitech soft to them.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
rarerabbit, try xbutton1 and xbutton2 (not that they are binded to Pot hotkeys by default), you can also try assigning back and forward via logitech soft to them.
Another question; in the logitech software the middle button is set as a zoom function (I think it only works with webpages) I am probably one of the few people that use that as I have some eye problems.
Does that exclude me from using the mbutton for any of the betpot functions or will that coexist?

Thanks so much.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-20-2010 , 02:54 PM
rarerabbit, i think you should still be able to use it in the script with "mbutton".
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-21-2010 , 05:09 AM
fyi the stars update a week ago fixed this..

Fixed Highlight Bet Amount bug
In the past, when “Highlight bet amount” was enabled in the Advanced Multi-Table Options menu, and a table re-gained focus, any previously manually-entered amount got deleted. This issue has been resolved.
You can safely use highlight bet amount again. Before, with starscash, the bet amount would get erased frequently.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-21-2010 , 02:04 PM
On the "table moving" tab I have set the grid location where newly opened tables go. I am unclear on on what the other settings on that tab do;
"Move table back automatically" and "Move table back manually"

I realize the "manual" is to insert a hotkey; but there is no space to specify a grid location to move tables to. Again, I have probably tinkered so long that I'm tired and missing the obvious.

StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
10-21-2010 , 02:31 PM
This function, if enabled, will move new unseated table to the specified location, that table can be moved back to its starting location via hotkey or automatically once you are seated. This function was requested by some user, the point is to prevent new table from getting lost under other tables until you get seated.
There aren't any SaT alike functions in StarsCash.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
