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StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need.

06-03-2010 , 04:55 PM
I'll try disabling aero with pstars open to see if that helps. Is it the translucency that causes the problem?

I see about the highlighter thing. I'm still a clicker, I just wanted a visual cue on which tables needed attention. It still works reasonably well though, it gets to everything eventually.

One more question, "uncheck auto post, sit out next blind". Now everybody knows stars really needs to change it to "sit out next big blind" but that may never happen. I'm not very familiar at all with AHK, but would it be possible to determine if you are currently on the BB at a table and to wait until the next hand before checking "sit out next blind"? I don't know if it already does this or not yet.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-07-2010 , 05:10 PM
i think TN has to import hand histories to tell which seat you are in at the table, so i don't think it is possible for AHK to do that
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-08-2010 , 11:08 PM
Does the "Click Timebank" feature work on Limit Tables?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-08-2010 , 11:16 PM
Thanks for all your work on this Max1mums. I made a set of custom pot/call images to match a modded theme and it works great.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-16-2010 , 02:33 AM
Unfortunately, the timebank clicker still doesn't work for me.

I've got the most recent AutoHotkey, using StarsCash v1.45, on XP, with Hyper Simple theme on 6max limit 5 card draw tables. It worked once in the ten times I've tried it.

I've tried 1, 2 and 3 second delay for pressing the Time button. I've tried it without any other AHK's or any other programs running. Hyper Simple theme is selected and Click Timebank Automatically is checked.

I'm using an "almost" black background instead of the standard blue background. Could this be an issue?

Not sure what else I can do to get this feature to work.

Otherwise a great script, btw.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-16-2010 , 11:12 AM
Clemenza, everything is still working fine for me on fixed limit tables (hold'em and 5draw). Try using post 371 StarsCash version, timebank function support for 6max tables was added there. Background color shouldn't really matter in this case because Timebank function is searching for certain i'mback button color (that's why it will work with default i'mback button only), but you can try changing background just for testing purposes.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-16-2010 , 02:40 PM
It works! Using the script in post #371, the timebank clicker works fine now. Not sure why, because that script also says it's version 1.45, but whatever.

You are a true asset to this community!
Donation sent.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-17-2010 , 04:55 PM
does the autotimebank clicker also work for all my tables in a stack?
great tool! keep it up
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-17-2010 , 07:24 PM
lolmorelag, yes, all functions work for stacked tables.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-20-2010 , 10:26 PM
Hi Max1mums, thanks a lot for this great script

Was wondering if it would ever be possible to add bet pot functions without disabling desktop composition

I have another program that I use sometimes that requires desktop composition, so disabling it isn't an option

Right now, I use tableninja solely for bet pot since it's able to work with it

Would def be happy to donate to thank you for your efforts in fixing this problem

Keep up the great work man
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-20-2010 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by SHIP72
I have another program that I use sometimes that requires desktop composition, so disabling it isn't an option
Max1mums if you could explain the reason why desktop composition needs to be disabled, I would def appreciate the knowledge/insight i'm just curious and disabling it does make me a little.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-20-2010 , 11:21 PM
I have turned on debug on both the latest version, and the xbb version, and in both, it says its at the Turn every time its my action. I am on Windows 7 64bit, using the Hypersimple theme, and the Simplified deck theme, running the script as Administrator. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

As far as I can tell all other actions are working correctly, it just never knows what street I am actually on.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 04:12 AM
Ok, here is StarsCashxbb version with aero support, all functions should work without any problems but BetPot function is working a bit slow on my comp (which is rather old)
The problem is ImageSearch function (used to read Pot and Call amount from screen) which works rather slow with aero on, it can be replaced with OCR function but i faced reading call button problem while using it.
xbb version is not finished yet so BetPot settings have to be set manually at the script beginning (BetPot settings section)

Last edited by Max1mums; 06-21-2010 at 04:18 AM.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 04:17 AM
whodat, that probably means that there are more than 5 white pixels on your background at the supposed turn card location. Try using last version i posted, you can try increasing PixelAmount (number of white pixels on the screen which will indicate that card is there) or using altstreetdetection:=1 (this method doesn't depend on white pixels) at the script beginning.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:09 AM
Just downloaded the new version. I tried the altstreetdetection method first, and that was causing the same problems as before. Switched back to the pixel based method and everything seems to be working fine now. Thank you.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 03:27 PM
Here is StarsCash version with BetPot function using OCR (should work really fast with aero on). OCR function will work on Hypersimple theme only, set OCR:=0 at the script beginning to switch to the default BetPot using Imagesearch function
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 03:39 PM
I have been trying the new script for the last 10 minutes and with any of the detection systems, including the new OCR, it says I am on preflop for all streets of action.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 03:47 PM
With aero on or off?
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 03:51 PM
I have PokerStars setup to run with visual themes off. I am not sure though if this is the same thing as turning Aero off.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:03 PM
Here is fixed version
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:16 PM
Works very well, thank you.

I did notice one thing though. I used to be able to hit my Fold button before the action was on me and it would check the Fold checkbox. This doesn't seem to be happening with the new version. It isn't a big deal though, just something I noticed.

Thank you again for the excellent script.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:54 PM
Ok, fixed clicking check/fold,fold,check/call checkboxes
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-21-2010 , 06:12 PM
Working perfectly.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:05 PM
Is there a way to see the timebank left on all tables at once ? On the new ones I have 30sec obviously but on others that a play for a long period of time sometimes the seconds in time bank are down, even to 0 so I'd like to know which ones I should close and get new tables without pressing "info" on every table opened.
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:53 PM
This will close such table automatically
#SingleInstance, Force
Settitlematchmode, 2


winget,list,list,Logged In ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
loop %list%
 if instr(text,"Time bank balance is 0 seconds")
  winclose,ahk_id %id%
  winwait, Table ahk_class #32770,,1
  if !errorlevel
   ControlFocus,Button1, Table ahk_class #32770
   Sleep, -1
   ControlClick,Button1, Table ahk_class #32770
StarsCash - free script for PokerStars containing all functions cash player may need. Quote
