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Script: Mark Current Hand Script: Mark Current Hand

03-30-2013 , 09:47 AM
dun dun dunnnnnn!
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
04-01-2013 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by SCOOOOP23

Download the .zip file and unzip it

Place the "markhand" folder under C:\


Open the folder and right click the markhand.exe and select properties then click the compatibility tab and tick the "run this program as administrator" box and click apply / ok

Load the program and fill in all the options..

Your postgres .bin folder might be in a different place so make sure you point the program to the right folder.

Pokerstars HH Folder: Make sure you select your user name and not just the HH folder

Postgres user name: postgres

Postgres Database: "What ever your database is called"

Click ok when you filled out all the options and it will create a markhand.ini file which will save all your settings so you dont have to fill out the settings again, so make sure you dont move or delete the .ini file.

Start marking hands with what ever hotkey you selected and when you have finished your session click the process .sql hotkey and a command prompt will pop up and it will ask you for your postgres password which is "postgrespass", enter password and hit enter and it will mark all the hands in HM.

In HM2 click the Reports tab, in there click More Reports and select "By HandMarking - Tournament" and your marked hands will be there. ( HM1 I dont know where the option is because I dont use it )

Also instead of having to keep going to C:\markhand folder to load the program just go in the folder and right click the MarkHands.exe and select send to>>>> desktop (create shortcut)

Should work if you follow them instructions it does for me.
This is exactly what I've done, mine looks identical to yours and the paths are correct.

But I just get this when I click the process .sql hotkey...

Originally Posted by Potamito
Apparently its running, but for some reasons im getting issues with the handnumber.txt file...

Do i have to creat it or what? path?
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
04-10-2013 , 09:30 AM
No help for daddyrnac or myself? Just got HEM2 and its the same thing, cheers.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
04-29-2013 , 04:53 PM
Help with the above plz!!!!
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-20-2013 , 01:47 PM
Tried Scoooop's solution,
for me it shows the following error:

Does anyone know how to solve that?
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-20-2013 , 03:32 PM
LeaksSuck, you use HM2 setting for non HM2 database (postgres) probably.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-21-2013 , 03:18 PM
Yeah, entered the wrong name, thanks for the hint.
Tried it again with the correct database name, now there are new errors:

First error said that the database does not exist, though I wrote the name correctly (it's long though, "HEM 1 DB for postgres 9.0", maybe problem came from that?).
Checked name again, tried it again two times, got the same error message for the second try.

For third try I got a different error message:

Translates to: "The command C:\... is either written incorrectly or couldn't be found".

Versions: HEM1; postgreSQL 9.0
Folders set correctly, HEM1 box checked, username and database name set correctly.

Last edited by LeaksSuck; 05-21-2013 at 03:25 PM.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-21-2013 , 03:52 PM
LeaksSuck, the problem is with the DB name obviously, the script should work fine as i can see from the screenshots. Is it possible to rename DB, remove spaces and dot? Do you use the latest version posted Postgres path lacks \bin\ on the 2nd screenshot.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-23-2013 , 09:52 AM
I tried both the version in your link and the latest one SCOOOP posted.
Renamed the database now to HEM1DB, still tells me this database does not exist.

Error message:

Database does exist and name is correct:

Settings are correct:

Script is in C:\markhand\
Username "postgres" is also correct.

Maybe it doesn't work with postgresql 9.0 but needs 8.x?

Thanks for taking the time to help me
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-23-2013 , 10:54 AM
LeaksSuck, it works for any version, is HEM1DB in the C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\base folder for sure? Is postgres service (9.0) running? It was working fine on the very first screenshot you posted - for the database "postgres" so i think you misconfigured something there.

Last edited by Max1mums; 05-23-2013 at 11:22 AM.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:59 PM
There's a folder named with the OID of HEM1DB in "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\base". Some other folders with different numbers. Should there be anything else?
A ton of postgres services are running, also some from the old 8.3 version which I actually uninstalled via system -> software -> uninstall, but folder is still there.

Needless to add I've no clue about postgres ^^

Last edited by LeaksSuck; 05-23-2013 at 01:26 PM.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:02 PM
LeaksSuck, so it is about your postgres installations, "postgres" is on 9.0, "HEM1DB" is on 8.3 i guess, run Pgadmin, connect to PostgreSQL9.0, check bases.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-23-2013 , 03:45 PM
Did that already, HEM1DB is in both 8.3 and 9.0 for whatever reason.
However, HEM is configured to use the one with port 5433, which is postgres 9.0.

Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-23-2013 , 04:25 PM
LeaksSuck, change the postgres path in the script to 8.3 version path and check if it works or not.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
05-24-2013 , 03:38 AM
Doesn't work, same error.

This is really weird. My db works fine in HEM, name is correct and I tried both postgres versions.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
06-08-2013 , 12:38 PM
hello Max1mums,

I can't make this script work.

It didn't work for Zoom hands (I just changed line #284 to read : "game=PokerStars Zoom Hand #")

Then, the psql command returns a probable error which I can't identify :

Here's an example of the temp.txt produced :

insert into hand_markings (marking_id, gamenumber, site_id) select 1, gamenumber, pokersite_id from pokerhands Where gamenumber = 99738676629
 and (1, gamenumber) not in (select marking_id, gamenumber from hand_markings); update hand_markings set marking_id = 1 where gamenumber = 99738676629
insert into hand_markings (marking_id, gamenumber, site_id) select 1, gamenumber, pokersite_id from pokerhands Where gamenumber = 99738716521
 and (1, gamenumber) not in (select marking_id, gamenumber from hand_markings); update hand_markings set marking_id = 1 where gamenumber = 99738716521
Any idea what might be wrong ?

Last edited by; 06-08-2013 at 12:44 PM.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
06-10-2013 , 02:35 AM
After checking the content of the DB in pgAdminIII, I can see the queries execute properly from the script (I tried and execute them also directly in pgAdminIII).

The data is in the table as expected, but for whatever reason do not appear in HEM :
when I check the "Marked hands" checkbox, the hands which were marked from inside HEM do appear, but the hands marked from the script don't appear.

OK ! I updated to the latest HEM beta, and that fixed it !
Now all marked hands appear
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
06-10-2013 , 02:49 AM
I will now try to add some options to this great script :

- allow for other categories of marked hands (which HEM allows)
- the ability to mark hands for several categories at once

- maybe also find a way to mark recent hands from the GUI : after a new hand is dealt, you decide you now want to mark some of the last X hands, but don't want to do it via the HEM interface, which is not very easy to do while playing
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
06-19-2013 , 11:36 AM
it wold be great Michel
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
07-01-2013 , 05:31 PM
Everything worked perfectly with 1st attempt with HM1 but I recently switched to HM2 and now getting this error.

Maybe anyone had this error and knows how to fix this?
Thank You.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
07-01-2013 , 06:59 PM
FeelThePower, select HM2 in the script settings?
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
07-02-2013 , 05:36 AM
I feel bit stupid now


Thank You everything works perfectly
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
07-09-2013 , 07:07 PM
Been trying to get this to work for a while now but can't make it happen.
The script does save a gamefilenumber txt with the hand numbers in it, but it doesn't show up in my HEM DB under marked hands.

When pressing the process sl hotkey I get the following screen:

I'm using the version from post 228
Originally Posted by Max1mums
SCOOOOP23, try this version also
Setting are:
StarsHHPath=C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\PokerStars \HandHistory\xxxx

Any help would be much appreciated
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
07-09-2013 , 08:02 PM
run_better, read posts on the previous page.
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
07-11-2013 , 07:44 AM
thanks, i updated to the latest HEM beta version, I'll test it out tonight and let you know if it works
Script: Mark Current Hand Quote
