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Poker Copilot Poker Copilot

08-31-2009 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Not Lolo
Is there a way to make the mucked card window larger?
Is there a way to make the font larger to make the muck cards more readable?
09-09-2009 , 01:17 PM
Poker CoPilot Question:

When I'm playing 6max tables and have opponents sitting out, CoPilot imports the hands for all players including the ones sitting out. This skews the stats for those players (lowering their VPIP and PFR).

Is there any way to fix this problem?
09-09-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gary212121
Poker CoPilot Question:

When I'm playing 6max tables and have opponents sitting out, CoPilot imports the hands for all players including the ones sitting out. This skews the stats for those players (lowering their VPIP and PFR).

Is there any way to fix this problem?
09-09-2009 , 07:54 PM
2 feature requests:

1. display mucked cards and board cards from last hand over the table while dealing the next hand

2. datamining! How much money am I winning when I 3-bet OOP?

Thanks! Great Software
09-09-2009 , 08:05 PM
Anyone know how long it takes to get a response from support?
09-10-2009 , 03:00 PM
Anyone else been double charged?

I cant get a hold of this guy.
09-10-2009 , 03:28 PM
havent been double charged but steve is usually on top of his stuff so im sure the issue will get resolved real soon
09-10-2009 , 03:33 PM
Just got a email its all good.
09-15-2009 , 10:59 PM
I think someone mentioned this already, and i might be totally mistaken, but we as players already know that certain stats are %... can we remove the % sign or at least have the option to do so? I dont know everything about programming but I'm thinking this is like a 5 minute modification
09-16-2009 , 09:51 AM
Apologies for hijacking this thread... but was wondering if anyone has any experience multi-tabling 15-20 tables (Poker Stars) on a 13inch macbook Pro.... is it bearable?

09-16-2009 , 09:54 AM
i've multitabled on a 17in macbook pro. i think it's fine. i stack though.
09-17-2009 , 04:04 PM
Positional stats in the HUD please!
09-27-2009 , 02:48 PM
Just downloaded like 2 days ago...can you filter the hud to only display stats from hands with x players at the table?
09-27-2009 , 04:41 PM
Is it possible to not display the label for the stats in the HUD?
09-27-2009 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by joshuadalton
Is it possible to not display the label for the stats in the HUD?
yeh there should be a check box under HUD preferences
09-30-2009 , 09:06 PM
Is this compatible with Snow Leopard?
10-03-2009 , 01:08 PM
yes it is.
10-09-2009 , 03:30 AM
Hiya all

I did a quick search for this topic and couldn't find anything so apologies if it has been covered before.

I just found a little program on the apple site called poker copilot. It is essentially a very basic stripped down version of PT3. It has a HUD that works with FTP and Stars which is bloody handy.

If you are interested here is a link:


(p.s i am in no way affiliated with this... just thought it would be handy as i have been without a hud on my mac for so so long).
10-09-2009 , 10:45 AM
Original 2+2 thread from the developer:
10-11-2009 , 04:43 PM
does the latest version of this program have all-in ev?
10-11-2009 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by fxstone11
does the latest version of this program have all-in ev?
Definitely not.

AIEV is something very hard to add as an afterthought.

Take a huge hand sample and try to plot the AIEV graph under both PT3 and HEM. You'll have huge differences (I'm pretty sure HEM is much more closer to the truth than PT3... Besides that I prefer PT3 but that's just an opinion).

Computing correct AIEV in multi-ways pot is not a trivial coding task.
10-12-2009 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by contravariance
Definitely not.

AIEV is something very hard to add as an afterthought.

Take a huge hand sample and try to plot the AIEV graph under both PT3 and HEM. You'll have huge differences (I'm pretty sure HEM is much more closer to the truth than PT3... Besides that I prefer PT3 but that's just an opinion).

Computing correct AIEV in multi-ways pot is not a trivial coding task.
that's too bad. it's the only thing preventing me from spending the extra $50 to buy PCP 2.
10-13-2009 , 04:47 PM
Sorry if this question has already been answered. Will Absolute Poker/Ultimatebet ever be supported?
10-17-2009 , 01:19 AM
sigh..of course after i buy the mined hands I realize that Pokercopilot doesn't allow for any hands to be imported that you aren't at the table with.
Sigh..oh well guess I saved $60 bucks and will just finish out the last 2 days of my trial.

******ed that it doesn't have this basic function when every other program does.
10-19-2009 , 10:37 PM
Agreed. This is the reason that I have not purchased PCP yet.

Originally Posted by Rapture
sigh..of course after i buy the mined hands I realize that Pokercopilot doesn't allow for any hands to be imported that you aren't at the table with.
Sigh..oh well guess I saved $60 bucks and will just finish out the last 2 days of my trial.

******ed that it doesn't have this basic function when every other program does.
