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PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool

11-17-2010 , 11:05 PM
There aren't really any good solutions. Use the default, not cause a redraw, but have less space for tables. Use the size you want and manually press F5 when a redraw needs to be kicked. Check Send F5 for the group and that should get most cases, but might not get all and might do it when not need, then press it manually when needed. Or talk to PokerStars about it and hope they actually fix the bug instead telling you Send F5 is a solution.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-17-2010 , 11:32 PM
ok. All I really want is to stack tables at poker stars and resize them to about 1000 wide. I've messed with this program but no luck. Can someone advise me as to how to do this? Basically when I open a sng I want it to resize and stack them in the upper left corner of my screen.

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-18-2010 , 02:40 AM
ok, I might just be ******ed... but whenever I try to add a new group (a different number of tables, slots etc) and I click on the stuff I need to check off in the Title RegEx, the boxes which say what expressions you want for each of the sites, etc. it tells me "This regular expression is already used by "6 Tables" (the name of my first and only group that works perfectly. Using the same expression in two groups can cause unpredictable results.

What am I doing wrong that I can't create a new group like this? Thanks
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-18-2010 , 10:15 AM
If two groups are using the same expression, there is no way to guarantee which group a window will go in. You want to make a separate configuration for this new layout. It doesn't make sense to have "6 Tables" and "9 Tables" in the same configuration because you either want to be using the 6 or the 9, not both. You can quickly switch between configuration with the recent file menu.

I just realized there is an issue with the logic to preventing repeated expressions. The following should be allowed, but currently is prevented.
GroupA use ClassExpression1 and TitleExpression1
GroupB use ClassExpression1 and TitleExpression2
I will update when I have a solution to this bug.

Last edited by TheIrishThug; 11-18-2010 at 10:32 AM.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-18-2010 , 01:47 PM
First of all let me say thanks for this great program. I have found it very useful. I have a small issue and I'm not sure if it is a bug or not.

I'm running PlaceMint v3.0 Beta 2 on Vista SP2. When I attempt to shutdown the machine and PlaceMint is still running I get a csc.exe error. When the machine is restarted and PlaceMint opened it gives the following error message:

"The default application settings are being used. Attempt to read xml file that was incorrectly formatted"

The program seems to "forget" where the regex and slot template lists are stored (in my case both in the program folder). It is necessary to select the files again and save the configuration.

It's not a big issue but I sometimes forget that the program is still running when I shutdown the machine.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-18-2010 , 02:50 PM
The application settings are saved when the program closes. It sounds like when you shutdown while PlaceMint is running, it crashes and doesn't close properly, thus not saving the settings.

Can you please post the error information you get when trying to shutdown? As much detail as you can to help me know what the issue is.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-19-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
The application settings are saved when the program closes. It sounds like when you shutdown while PlaceMint is running, it crashes and doesn't close properly, thus not saving the settings.

Can you please post the error information you get when trying to shutdown? As much detail as you can to help me know what the issue is.
The error message is from csc.exe:

"This application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click OK to terminate this application."

The popup stays on screen for approx 5 seconds then disapperars and the machine shuts down. I can find no trace of it in the Event Viewer.

I don't know if it's relevant but I have added my own RegEx to identify Boss network tables that I play on. The RegEx is:

and it works for me.

Hopefully this is of some use to you.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-19-2010 , 02:22 PM
The internet seems to think that error comes from a corrupted file. Try re-downloading PlaceMint and see if that fixes it. Another option would be to run a hard drive diagnostic program to see if something in the file system needs to be repaired.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-20-2010 , 03:37 PM
Here's my problem, hopefully someone can help. I've spent hours on it and can't come up with a solution.

I play 45man SNG's on Stars. I want to stack 25 in the top left corner. When a tournament gets to $600bb i want it to pop out to 1 of the remaining 5 open slots. I have all 6 slots equally sized (pokerstars 6 tiled tables). It works perfect except for 1 problem. Say a tournament gets to $600bb, it pops out from the main stack and goes to its own slot with a Max of 1 set for that slot. Another tournament gets to $600bb in the main stack and it pops to another open slot. Perfect so far. Now the problem...

when one of those tables gets to $800bb, it remains in its own slot still which i want, however when a table in the main stack now gets to $600bb, it goes into that spot contained by the $800bb.

How can i solve this? I"m looking for 1 main stack, and as soon as another table gets to $600bb i want it to pop to its own slot, and remain there alone til i bust. Assume I never have more than 5 tournaments at one time reaching that $600bb to make it easier, but even if i did, i wouldnt mind it staying in the main stack until i eventually busted in one of the others, which wouldnt be long.

Any suggestions? I feel like i've tried everything.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-20-2010 , 03:43 PM
I'd guess the expression you are using to make window pop off the stack to it's own slot only matches $600bb tables. Once the table hits $800bb, it is not longer matched and PlaceMint stops following it. This leaves the slot free even though the window for that table has not moved.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-20-2010 , 04:16 PM
Thanks. Thats exactly right. I think I have figured it out. I'll repost if I can give more insight. Thanks
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-20-2010 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
The internet seems to think that error comes from a corrupted file. Try re-downloading PlaceMint and see if that fixes it. Another option would be to run a hard drive diagnostic program to see if something in the file system needs to be repaired.
As I said it is not a huge issue for me. Thanks for your help.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-20-2010 , 11:46 PM
I just got placemint set up with my first group, 4 "tiled table" sized windows with FTP. I would like to be able to add (or switch between?) a 4/6/9/12 table windows, sometimes I play 4 and sometimes I play 12, I don't want really tiny windows for when I am playing 4 . Is this something that can be done? When I try to add a 2nd window group, it says I can't add the same expressions as they would cause unpredictable results. Thanks!
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-21-2010 , 12:01 AM

I noticed in the latest release notes that there is a new feature send window to bottom. I am using Placemint beta 2 but cannot seem to find this feature anywhere. Where should I be looking?

Am I right in assuming that windows will be placed at the bottom in a slot automatically as they appear or is this a hotkey function?

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-21-2010 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by czGLoRy
I just got placemint set up with my first group, 4 "tiled table" sized windows with FTP. I would like to be able to add (or switch between?) a 4/6/9/12 table windows, sometimes I play 4 and sometimes I play 12, I don't want really tiny windows for when I am playing 4 . Is this something that can be done? When I try to add a 2nd window group, it says I can't add the same expressions as they would cause unpredictable results. Thanks!
You want to make multiple configurations, not groups.

Originally Posted by pokerash

I noticed in the latest release notes that there is a new feature send window to bottom. I am using Placemint beta 2 but cannot seem to find this feature anywhere. Where should I be looking?

Am I right in assuming that windows will be placed at the bottom in a slot automatically as they appear or is this a hotkey function?

It is a hotkey function. You can assign a hotkey in the same way you do for all other group hotkeys. It can also be accessed by right clicking in the tree window. It should be noted that the current implementation send the window to the bottom of all windows, not just windows in the stack.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:09 AM
[QUOTE=TheIrishThug;23004961]You want to make multiple configurations, not groups.

Having problems making multiple configs? yes im aware i must be overlooking something so obvious Managed 2 get 2 configs working whilst losing 3 and overwriting a couple and a few that are in the files but dont work anymore cos i really didnt want to ask this dumb question! using 3.0 beta2

Also is this thread the only place with updated Regex codes after the last update on sourceforge? edit thought u might have a website or something put a few porn links to get the 2p2ers going, be nice to see u make good money from it. FT donations?

Appreciate the work uv put into this has made playing alot easier thanks

Last edited by killtime; 11-21-2010 at 10:19 AM.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-21-2010 , 10:22 AM
how do I set this up I play on PS and FTP sometimes 1 game on PS 3 on FTP 2 PS 2 FTP 1ps 1 FTP a lot of combinations.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-21-2010 , 11:33 AM
Yes, this is the only place for updated regexes. I've been holding back on putting up a new one since I was working towards v3.0, which changes the file format. Once things are a little more stable and I have some more free time, I'll post another one.

Thanks for deciding to dontate, I'll PM you my FTP screen name.

You can have one window group with multiple regexes. So make your layout of however many tables you might play and check the box for both FTP and PS. PlaceMint will put both into slots and you can arrange them how you like.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-23-2010 , 03:30 AM
I'm still using the stable 2.1 and I use it to move & resize my tables. When I change the position of a table, it snaps directly back to the location I wanted, but when I resize a table it doesn't snap back - only when I also move it, it snaps back & resizes. Is there a way to make an auto-resize work?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-23-2010 , 01:07 PM
I tested and was able to reproduce the bug you described in v2.1 and v3.0b2. I will look into and fix the bug.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-23-2010 , 09:30 PM
Shipped, Remove selected group>Add new group>create a new config>save as. Is this the right way to make a new config without losing or overwriting the others?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-23-2010 , 09:35 PM
Not sure if it is just me, but I'm trying to set up placemint for the first time using Win7 + Pokerstars and anytime I try and go to follow any support / first time config links I get:

"placemint has a problem

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(Can't contact the database server: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 (sfa-mysql))"

Last edited by SootedandLooted; 11-23-2010 at 09:51 PM.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-24-2010 , 12:55 AM
I received the donation, thank you. The save as is the key. No changes are made to your configuration unless you click save. And similarly, save as will save the changes to a new file of your choosing.

I don't know where you are getting that message from, but it isn't PlaceMint. I don't know who Geeknet is and PlaceMint does not use any databases or send any communication packets over any network connection.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-24-2010 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
I tested and was able to reproduce the bug you described in v2.1 and v3.0b2. I will look into and fix the bug.
Thanks for your quick response, looking forward to a fix.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
11-24-2010 , 07:54 PM
I have downloaded Placemint and configured it and everything (which took me quite a while because Im not good with the techy stuff). And the program works great, but only for cash games and not STT which is the only thing I play lol.

So Im thinking there is something I should change with the expression but I have no idea how. Can anyone help me out here?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
