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08-04-2011 , 01:00 PM
HM1 import speeds are 0.5h per second.

Ive done a full vacuum twice but that hasnt improved anything.

This has happened before and Fozzy deleted a certain file somewhere and the import times reverted back to normal.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-04-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerpingu
Is there a way to filter my stats, results and winnings for only the ante tables? Cant find it anywhere.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to filter for only ante games at this time. I have made sure that it is on the feature request list for HM2.

Originally Posted by smooth52

Tried to register My HM2 today around 4:00 AM and got the message could not connect to the server. Any idea when it will be up?
I don't think we were having reg issues at that time. It may be a proxy issue with your computer.

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer 9 (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

1) Open your Internet Explorer and go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections and click on "LAN-Settings" at the bottom.
2) Uncheck every box in the small new menu and click ok.
3) Try to register HM again.

If that doesn't work try to enable the [x] Auto-Detect option and try again.

If you continue to have registration issues, please send your Reg.log file from the C:\Program FIles\Holdem Manager 2 folder. If your Windows is hiding known file extensions the file will simply be called 'reg'. Email this log file to

Originally Posted by Enervate
HM1 import speeds are 0.5h per second.

Ive done a full vacuum twice but that hasnt improved anything.

This has happened before and Fozzy deleted a certain file somewhere and the import times reverted back to normal.

I am not aware of any file I can delete to make it import faster. Vacuuming won't always necessarily make your hands import faster. As a DB gets bigger it will naturally become slower. Regular maintenance will help to minimize this but you can't stop it or reverse it.

How big is your DB? Desktop or laptop? What are your PC specs? What type/speed of hard drive?

Are you importing bulk mined hands manually via Import From Folder/File? Do you regularly purge hands? If you create a new database for testing does it import faster?

If you want to answer those questions via email I can try to help you via email/teamviewer again.

There are two types of purges (delete)

-options--> settings--> purge hands (will delete handhistory, hand from graph, $Won from sessions, etc. everything, so hand won't be used anymore for stats)
-options--> settings--> observed HH configuration--> purge hands--> will delete the handhistory and therefore the ability to replay the hand, but the hand will still be used for the graph, $Won from sessions and for the HUD.

1 - Options > Database Management... > Connect > Optimize

2 - Select the Database from the Optimization window

3 - I recommend you use the [x] Quick option once a week, or every 10k - 30k hands

4 - Optimize > Yes

Wait for it to finish and change the greyed out Exit button back to a selectable option.

Once a month, or every 50 - 100k hands, you should run a [x] Standard or [x] Full option, instead of the Quick Optimization.

Next we need to Stop the PostgreSQL service so the Defragmenter can Defrag the Database.

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL 8,4 > Stop Server

Open Smart Defrag -

Select both drive letter checkboxes > Analyze

Pick suggested Defrag process > Start Defrag

After Smart Defrag finishes you should restart your computer.

If you need to use HM before you restart your PC, then you need to Start Server.

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL 8,4 > Start Server

*If your Database is on a SSD (Solid-State Drive) you do NOT want to do a defragment.

**If you have a SSD and install the Smart Defrag software you want to open the Auto Defrag tab and disable the [ ] Enable Auto Defrag. On the Schedule tab you should turn off the [ ] Enable Schedule. On the Options tab you should enable the [x] Do not display flash drivers and solid-state drivers. That will make sure your SSD is never defragmented, on purpose, or by accident.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-04-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Patvs
Please update to the latest version -
The summaries also should have been moved to the archive folder, C:HMArchive.
Thanx, updated

I reimported these summaries from the Archive folder and it didn't fix the problem, so I reviewed them again and noticed that the 16 missing summaries are just incompleted (many players are described as "still playing" in them). It's the only day I had issues with it, next day it worked properly again. Why could it be?

I needed to restart the PC during my session and then turned HEM and auto-import back on. Could it affect these summaries as well?

Thank you for your patience
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 01:28 AM
Heads up, HEM is telling me I'm not activated and asking me to reactivate, then saying "There were errors during activation. You can retry activating online or " blah blah. details: unable to connect to remote server.

Program should be fine, quit and relaunched used it a couple of times already today.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 06:32 AM
hi! i bought the hm yesterday i hoped ill get the hm2 beta but no...need to wait for it. now the site is down and i worry abit. someone knows how can i get a beta liscence asap? tyvm
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by stusmokes
hi! i bought the hm yesterday i hoped ill get the hm2 beta but no...need to wait for it. now the site is down and i worry abit. someone knows how can i get a beta liscence asap? tyvm
About the same here. I'm a long time user and I'm supposed to login and click on a link "on the top of the page", but the damn link is never there ?!?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 01:38 PM
Hey when i try to open HEM the following pops up
"The following error occurred when trying to open the database.Failed to establish a connection to

I read this

When i tried to restart PostgreSQL i pressed stop server it says The postgreSQL server 8.4 service is not started.
When i press start server it says The requested service has already been started.

I then tried to logon using local system account.I applied the local system account and restarted my laptop but im still getting the error.But when i went to change it back to logon as this account i entered the username but it says i have the wrong password.Any ideas on how to get this password?
I also went and changes windows firewall and defender like it says in the link above and im still getting the error.

EDIT:Forgot to say when i go to control panel and to administrative tools then into services and press start on postgreSQL server 8.4 it says :Windows could not start postgreSQL server 8.4 on local computer.
Error 1053:The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Last edited by gregt18; 08-05-2011 at 02:02 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by gsiciliano
About the same here. I'm a long time user and I'm supposed to login and click on a link "on the top of the page", but the damn link is never there ?!?
I tried signing in on another computer but I still don't see the link ..
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by PAROOVKA
Thanx, updated

I reimported these summaries from the Archive folder and it didn't fix the problem, so I reviewed them again and noticed that the 16 missing summaries are just incompleted (many players are described as "still playing" in them). It's the only day I had issues with it, next day it worked properly again. Why could it be?

I needed to restart the PC during my session and then turned HEM and auto-import back on. Could it affect these summaries as well?

Thank you for your patience
You will likely need to edit/finish those games manually or try asking stars support to resend the original hands/summaries. Restarting the PC while in the middle of tourneys could certainly cause it.

Originally Posted by WutRUTryin2Hit
Heads up, HEM is telling me I'm not activated and asking me to reactivate, then saying "There were errors during activation. You can retry activating online or " blah blah. details: unable to connect to remote server.

Program should be fine, quit and relaunched used it a couple of times already today.
We had a temporary issue with our server which is now resolved and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have not already done so please try running Holdem Manager again. If you continue to have registration issues, please send your updated Reg.log file from the C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Logs folder. If your Windows is hiding known file extensions the file will simply be called 'reg'.

Originally Posted by stusmokes
hi! i bought the hm yesterday i hoped ill get the hm2 beta but no...need to wait for it. now the site is down and i worry abit. someone knows how can i get a beta liscence asap? tyvm
Originally Posted by gsiciliano
About the same here. I'm a long time user and I'm supposed to login and click on a link "on the top of the page", but the damn link is never there ?!?
You need to sign into your account and upload your HM1 code before you can opt in to the HM2 beta.

Originally Posted by gregt18
Hey when i try to open HEM the following pops up
"The following error occurred when trying to open the database.Failed to establish a connection to

I read this

When i tried to restart PostgreSQL i pressed stop server it says The postgreSQL server 8.4 service is not started.
When i press start server it says The requested service has already been started.

I then tried to logon using local system account.I applied the local system account and restarted my laptop but im still getting the error.But when i went to change it back to logon as this account i entered the username but it says i have the wrong password.Any ideas on how to get this password?
I also went and changes windows firewall and defender like it says in the link above and im still getting the error.

EDIT:Forgot to say when i go to control panel and to administrative tools then into services and press start on postgreSQL server 8.4 it says :Windows could not start postgreSQL server 8.4 on local computer.
Error 1053:The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
PT3's default name/password is - postgres/dbpass
HM's default name/password is - postgres/postgrespass

Start HM > Options > Database Management > Password:

If that doesnt help:

1. Go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.x\data, move the the pg_hba file to your Desktop and open it with notepad.
2. Scroll to the bottom and change all md5 to trust. Save and close the file
3. Move the file back to the data folder
4. Restart the PostgreSQL service: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

HM will accept any password now.

Here are the steps I use to fix those sql connection issues. Many of them you may have tried already but they should lead you to a solution or help to reinstall sql fresh.

This is usually a firewall or windows update issue.

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Many of those free Norton, Mcaffee, Comodo, Zonealarm, etc, 'internet security' bundles will not work well with holdem manager.

Please do the following steps, so we can get your computer to a state that we know will work with Holdem Manager:

1) Uninstall any 3rd party security software bundles.
2) Reboot your computer
3) Please install the latest version:
4) Enable Windows Firewall's recommended settings through your Control Panel, turn off Windows Defender, and add firewall exceptions for HM and SQL -
5) Install Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus/malware protection and update it -

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer 9 (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

The secondary logon service is a standard windows service which is available on every windows computer. In the latest versions it is not started automatically. You need to start it via control panel > administrative tools > services > secondary logon > right-click > start AND right-click > properties > startup type: automatic.

First try to reboot.

If no help, try this:

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service

*If UAC is enabled you have to Right-Click > Run As Administrator when you Start/Stop the service.

If that doesnt help delete the \postgresql\8.x\data\ file, if you see it.

Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, do the equivalent or uninstall it temporarily -

Please try following these FAQs, step by step:

2) reinstall the same version of postgresql, using the same \data folder -

If that doesn't help you will probably have to reinstall PostgreSQL completely and reimport your hands using these instructions

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) Use our combo installer to reinstall PostgreSQL. Make sure you un-check Holdem Manager during installation.

If that installer fails to install PostgreSQL, please reinstall PostgreSQL using the following instructions:

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

[php]net user postgres /delete [/php]

4) reboot.
5) Install PostgreSQL 8.3.9 from this link -

Install it to a new path such as C:\PostgreSQL\8.3 instead of the default installation path.

Originally Posted by HipsterDufes
I tried signing in on another computer but I still don't see the link ..
You need to sign into your account and upload your HM1 code before you can opt in to the HM2 beta.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 07:54 PM
Fozzy its not the password for the database im missing its the password logon using the local system account.
IF you go down to were it says logon using local system account on this link
I reset it like it says and tried to open HEM again but i was still getting the error.So i went to switch it back to logon as this account like it says in point 7 and i have the username but not the password.
Also when i try this
Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service

*If UAC is enabled you have to Right-Click > Run As Administrator when you Start/Stop the service.

When i press stop server it says server has not started.And when i press start server it says server is starting then it says server could not be started the service did not report any errors.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:59 PM
Hi when i try to use holdem manager i get the following error

"The following error occured when trying to open the database: Unable to read data from transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-05-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
You need to sign into your account and upload your HM1 code before you can opt in to the HM2 beta.
My code is already uploaded .. but I don't see a 'LICENSE KEYS' section in my account . All I see is :

Edit Profile | Change Password | Newsletter Opt-In | Upload License Code
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 01:07 AM
My hud on carbon is working perfectly except for 10/20 lhe. Nothing shows up. Anything I can do to fix this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by olliepower
What do you mean "see". Is it not connecting?

This is usually a firewall or windows update issue and the following guide will help you to fix this problem.

Go to Start > Programs (or all programs) > PostgreSQL 8.x > choose Stop Service

Start > Programs (or all programs) > PostgreSQL 8.x and choose Start Service. This may take some time and a black dos window may appear while it�s starting. If it fails to start delete the C:\Program Files\postgresql\8.x\data\ file, if you see it. Do not delete any other files

Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, do the equivalent or uninstall it temporarily � - Windows Firewall / Defender Problems

If none of those worked Please reboot and try following these FAQs, step by step:
I have PostgreSQL 9.x. I opened it and tried the Start Service option but most of the options in the Tools menu are greyed out, including that one. I can't really do anything once I enter PostgreSQL and when I entered the password to connect to a server I got an error message saying 'Server doesn't listen'.

Is it necessary to have 8.x in order for it to work effectively with HEM?

Regarding the other advice I got from someone, I tried searching for dbcontrolpanel.exe and the search can't locate it. For some reason I don't have that file on my PC.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by gregt18
Fozzy its not the password for the database im missing its the password logon using the local system account.
IF you go down to were it says logon using local system account on this link
I reset it like it says and tried to open HEM again but i was still getting the error.So i went to switch it back to logon as this account like it says in point 7 and i have the username but not the password.
Also when i try this
Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service

*If UAC is enabled you have to Right-Click > Run As Administrator when you Start/Stop the service.

When i press stop server it says server has not started.And when i press start server it says server is starting then it says server could not be started the service did not report any errors.
I am sorry, I am not sure how to solve this easily. The only thing I could suggest with my knowledge would be to reinstall the same version of postgresql using your existing database. That should reset all of those settings properly.

Please update to the latest beta -

For reinstalling SQL to the same DB, follow these steps:

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) If you are moving the DB to a different drive/partition, manually cut or copy the \Postgresql\8.x\data directory to it's new location.
3) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator
[PHP]net user postgres /delete [/PHP]
4) reboot.
5) Install the same version of PostgreSQL as your current DB using these instructions -
6) If you have moved/installed your DB to a non-default location, please make sure to change the 'Data Directory' path during the installation.

Originally Posted by S.K
Hi when i try to use holdem manager i get the following error

"The following error occured when trying to open the database: Unable to read data from transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

This is usually a firewall or windows update issue.

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Many of those free Norton, Mcaffee, Comodo, Zonealarm, etc, 'internet security' bundles will not work well with holdem manager.

Please do the following steps, so we can get your computer to a state that we know will work with Holdem Manager:

1) Uninstall any 3rd party security software bundles.
2) Reboot your computer
3) Please install the latest version:
4) Enable Windows Firewall's recommended settings through your Control Panel, turn off Windows Defender, and add firewall exceptions for HM and SQL -
5) Install Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus/malware protection and update it -

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer 9 (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

The secondary logon service is a standard windows service which is available on every windows computer. In the latest versions it is not started automatically. You need to start it via control panel > administrative tools > services > secondary logon > right-click > start AND right-click > properties > startup type: automatic.

First try to reboot.

If no help, try this:

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service

*If UAC is enabled you have to Right-Click > Run As Administrator when you Start/Stop the service.

If that doesnt help delete the \postgresql\8.x\data\ file, if you see it.

Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, do the equivalent or uninstall it temporarily -

Please try following these FAQs, step by step:

2) reinstall the same version of postgresql, using the same \data folder -

If that doesn't help you will probably have to reinstall PostgreSQL completely and reimport your hands using these instructions

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) Use our combo installer to reinstall PostgreSQL. Make sure you un-check Holdem Manager during installation.

If that installer fails to install PostgreSQL, please reinstall PostgreSQL using the following instructions:

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

[php]net user postgres /delete [/php]

4) reboot.
5) Install PostgreSQL 8.3.9 from this link -

Install it to a new path such as C:\PostgreSQL\8.3 instead of the default installation path.

Originally Posted by HipsterDufes
My code is already uploaded .. but I don't see a 'LICENSE KEYS' section in my account . All I see is :

Edit Profile | Change Password | Newsletter Opt-In | Upload License Code
There are 3 long horizontal bars below those:

My Info
License Keys

Click on any of them to expand/close.

Originally Posted by listen_folks
My hud on carbon is working perfectly except for 10/20 lhe. Nothing shows up. Anything I can do to fix this?
Please reproduce the problem and send a screen shot of your desktop -

with the following:

1) The table manager
2) The tables (including one with no stats)
3) The ...handhistory\screenname folder.
4) The "\rvg software\holdem manager\importing\hud data" folder AND the \appdata\roaming\hem data folder. Please Zip these folders and email them, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to

Please make 3 and 4 the detailed view with the dates and file sizes etc.

Once we have the picture with the sample hands and files we should be able to fix it easily.

Originally Posted by theginger45
I have PostgreSQL 9.x. I opened it and tried the Start Service option but most of the options in the Tools menu are greyed out, including that one. I can't really do anything once I enter PostgreSQL and when I entered the password to connect to a server I got an error message saying 'Server doesn't listen'.

Is it necessary to have 8.x in order for it to work effectively with HEM?

Regarding the other advice I got from someone, I tried searching for dbcontrolpanel.exe and the search can't locate it. For some reason I don't have that file on my PC.
If HM is installed you should have a \rvg software\holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe file, unless your security software quarantined it as a threat.

If you are using a Norton security software please see this post -

And this FAQ - 360

Originally Posted by theginger45
I've had HEM on this computer for months, but recently it seems to be slowing down my PC. I've purged about 100k hands and am trying to vacuum but postgresql can't see my HEM database - I've vacuumed on other computers and know how to do it, but on this one I can't get postgresql to recognise HEM. Any thoughts?
It sounds like your database or postgresql installation has become damaged. Did you make a backup before you purged/vacuumed?

The 2 most common causes of this problem are 1) powering off your computer or having your computer lose power while the database is doing something and 2) an old drive with bad sectors on it.

Basically what happens is a small portion of a file gets slightly corrupt and then when you reboot and windows goes into that checkdsk procedure it finds the bad section and, thinking it is doing a good thing, removes it. Postgres then loads the table and a portion of it is gone so it doesn’t like that and blocks access to the entire table. Normally when this happens it is on a completely useless file that you’ll never even notice is now gone but quite often it will happen to an index in the DB which can easily be rebuilt but in your case it happened to one or more of the tables.

So, to protect against this

1 - Keep your hands histories in case you do need to reimport
2 - Use a power bar and avoid hard shutdowns (when you flick the power switch on the pc)
3 - If your drive is old consider replacing it with a new one. They are cheap and much faster now than even a few years ago.

This is why regular backups are a good idea. If your database becomes corrupt you can restore a backup and only have to import the most recent hands (that were played after the backup was created).

We have a backup and restore feature within Holdem Manager that makes it easy for you to backup all your settings, hand histories and files.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Patvs
Did you reimport the hands into a new database?
Open up a PokerStars handhistory file. Check file TIME they write to it. I think it's completely random if they write the time format from the PokerStars client.. or your local time... and sometimes they write BOTH.

Compare the time with the time in HoldemManager, to see if you really need to adjust the time.

And disable time synching via the internet in Windows. (windows--> control panel--> time and date)
After that, restart your computer.
Hi Patvs,

honestly I don't care that much about correcting the times from hands I've played already, but I would like a solution for future hands.

I just played a few hands and this is the format that PokerStars has been using for the TIME STAMP for at least the last 2 weeks:

2011/08/06 23:40:48 CCT [2011/08/06 11:40:48 ET]

My local time is CCT and EST is in the [Brackets]. HEM has marked the correct time.

This has worked before in tests and I'm beginning to think this is a Windows 7 issue so I'll try turning off auto-synchronization. I'll tell you if this works after a couple days.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 12:46 PM
For the times to adjust properly:

Windows should be in your local time.

Pokerstars lobby must be set to ET. Change the HM time import setting accordingly.

Restart pokerstars and HM for the changes to take effect.

You may also need to change your Windows Regional Settings. Go to the Control Panel and open the Regional and Language Options and select English (USA) as the "Current Format".

Last edited by fozzy71; 08-06-2011 at 12:47 PM. Reason: And then it should work for all newly auto imported hands, not manually imported from file/folder.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 01:10 PM
Fozzy im trying to re install postgreSQL but when i get to point 8 here

Im getting the error message no matter what password i enter,ive tried the ones they recommend and some other ones.And if i try to leave it blank for them to give me an automated one i get the error message.Any ideas?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 03:28 PM
I got the password working and postgreSQL re installed.But when i went to open holdem manager i got this error now "Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 03:35 PM
Can I somehow use this PT3 layout in HEM? All stats in one square at one place.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 04:20 PM
[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]
This is coming up now fozzy.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-06-2011 , 08:49 PM
I just switched over to Partypoker last night. the HUD worked in my first session but then started to move the names around so that they weren't lined up to their respective players that the stats represented. I would move them around to properly place them, but they would just eventually go back to being out of place.

Today, the HUD won't launch at all. Hands are being tracked and the database works properly, just no HUD.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-07-2011 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by LostMySelf
Can I somehow use this PT3 layout in HEM? All stats in one square at one place.

Is this a popup or a Hud? You can configure it as you like:

Originally Posted by gregt18
[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]
This is coming up now fozzy.
Seems like a firewall blocking the connection between Postgresql and Holdemmanager:

Originally Posted by loveminuszero
I just switched over to Partypoker last night. the HUD worked in my first session but then started to move the names around so that they weren't lined up to their respective players that the stats represented. I would move them around to properly place them, but they would just eventually go back to being out of place.

Today, the HUD won't launch at all. Hands are being tracked and the database works properly, just no HUD.
Is your Party client installed in english language?
Try a reboot of your computer and if its still not working:
* Please try updating to the latest version 1.11.07b

* Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure that holdemmanager.exe, hmhud.exe and dbcontrolpanel.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the holdemmanager.exe, dbcontrolpanel.exe and the hmhud.exe executable and select "Run as admin" from the popup menu under compatibilty.

* If that doesn't help, please check this and answer and post the questions't+Work

For the seating: does the table manager display the correct table size?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-07-2011 , 10:42 AM
Hello, Windows crashed and I am writing from the same machine via Ubuntu. I just want to save all my late hands. I searched for hand txt's and I found some in Pokerstars folder. Is this the only folder there are hands or is there another "holdem manager folder" that are saved hands? Just asking cause I don't want to erase by accident any hands.

Thank you very much!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
08-07-2011 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Voizzz
Hello, Windows crashed and I am writing from the same machine via Ubuntu. I just want to save all my late hands. I searched for hand txt's and I found some in Pokerstars folder. Is this the only folder there are hands or is there another "holdem manager folder" that are saved hands? Just asking cause I don't want to erase by accident any hands.

Thank you very much!
All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HMArchive is likely not in your \Holdem Manager directory. We normally suggest you use C:\HMArchive, but you may have put it anywhere.

To verify the location: Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder: ___________________

The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HMArchive\2009\07\31).
Holdem Manager Support Quote
