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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

10-27-2009 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
That was typo intended for Misz Jackson, who had the quote above yours w/o a reply.

I replied to your email, and should be available soon, after I finish dinner, etc.
Ok cool, thanks again for all the help. It was so disheartening to see it not connect again after rebooting my computer. I'm afraid to try and fix it myself as I figure you can prolly see what happened in like 30 secs.

Take your time with dinner and stuff, no rush.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-27-2009 , 09:16 PM
When I open HEM, "start auto import" is clicked but it's not importing and the tablemanager isn't launched. clicking "stop" just makes it say "stopping,.." and nothing happens
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-27-2009 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
When I open HEM, "start auto import" is clicked but it's not importing and the tablemanager isn't launched. clicking "stop" just makes it say "stopping,.." and nothing happens
Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure UAC is disabled or else you must set \holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the executables and select "Run as admin" from the compatibility tab. Windows 7 you MUST set all the executables to always run as admin.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 12:17 AM
thanks fozzy, your solution worked well for my HEM/postgres not connecting
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 02:36 AM

I did some different things when compiling the scanner in this version which will hopefully help with the people with scanner licensing issues although to be honest I’m still not exactly sure why this is affecting some people. Not a whole lot more is planned for 1.09 – just want to follow up on the scanner issue a bit more

* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) Cake hands with the text "Pro Table" at top were failing to import. This is fixed
* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) Cake hands where stack sizes used a 1.000 notation to equal $1000 and 60,00 notation when a player won $60 now import ok
* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) Cake hands where stack sizes switch between various decimal notation should now import ok
* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) Cake hands where time format looks like 20.01.28 now import correctly
* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) Fixed Cake issue where multiple hands would be corruped in the hand history and saved under the same hand # and this could potentially cause a crash within the HmImport app.
* (1.09 Beta 42 NEW) Party Poker Double or Nothing tourneys will register the winners once the 6th place man is knocked out (or 4th place in a 6 man)
* (1.09 Beta 42 NEW) Correctly identifies Stars 4 man hands
* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) Fixed issue with ipoker GBP hands in certain locales
* (1.09 Beta 42 BUG) HM was calling the Stars 2000 chip HU tourneys 3 man tourneys in the tourney data view
* (1.09 Beta 42 NEW) Added support for FTP run it twice. Only the first runs cards are recorded but the win amounts will be correct
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Fix for centrebet support
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Fix for noble poker
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Fix for boyle poker
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Fix for uncover poker
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Fix for betfriends
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Fix for blue square
* (1.09 Beta 42 SCANNER) Added Gamebookers support (party skin)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:49 AM
Hey Guys

Hoping you could help

I am trying to purge a session so it removes all stats and hand histories for that session only I understood i can do this and when i goto options > purge hands I put in the required information and click on purge hands

It comes up with 0 hands purged and that I need to reclaim space and to do a databse vacuum via the options menu or pg admin.

I fire up pg admin complete the vacuum as per the instructions on the HEM FAQ and attempt to purge but it comes up with the same error

Any suggestions

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 10:23 AM
My HEM imports perfectly fine for FTP. However, my PLO cashgame play at Pokerstars does not import correctly into HEM. Nothing shows up anywhere. For tournaments, it seems to work fine. Is there any fix for this? It appears to import the files (because they are erased from my hand history folder on my computer after importing) but no stats or graphs show up in HEM.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 10:51 AM
Im with difficulty to find the hands that i play to import them to wiz....can anyone help me?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 11:46 AM

i know my questions are dumb and very searchable, i'm sorry for that

(a) I have a new computer. I want to get HEM on it, can I use use my old key or will I have to buy HEM again ?
(b) postgre/w7x64 any issues extraordinary tweaking needed to get it to work properly?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by AussieBrent
Hey Guys

Hoping you could help

I am trying to purge a session so it removes all stats and hand histories for that session only I understood i can do this and when i goto options > purge hands I put in the required information and click on purge hands
how to purge -

Did you select stakes to purge from? And select your own alias? If it finds 0 hands, there are no other hands to purge.

If you want to delete a single session of your own hands, from the general reports, go to the sessions tab, right-click a session and choose > update all filters to session date and time range

Go to the Hands Tab and choose [x] All to load all the hands from the filtered session

right-click > delete all hands in list

It comes up with 0 hands purged and that I need to reclaim space and to do a databse vacuum via the options menu or pg admin.
If it didnt purge any hands, you dont need to vacuum.

Originally Posted by Karls_Hungus
My HEM imports perfectly fine for FTP. However, my PLO cashgame play at Pokerstars does not import correctly into HEM. Nothing shows up anywhere. For tournaments, it seems to work fine. Is there any fix for this? It appears to import the files (because they are erased from my hand history folder on my computer after importing) but no stats or graphs show up in HEM.

They import and the HUD works? Is the game type selector set on holdem only?

Originally Posted by vadiupoker
Im with difficulty to find the hands that i play to import them to wiz....can anyone help me?
Your \HMArchive is likely not in your \Holdem Manager directory. We normally suggest you use C:\HMArchive, but you may have put it anywhere.

To verify the location: Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder: ___________________

Originally Posted by aggo

i know my questions are dumb and very searchable, i'm sorry for that

(a) I have a new computer. I want to get HEM on it, can I use use my old key or will I have to buy HEM again ?
(b) postgre/w7x64 any issues extraordinary tweaking needed to get it to work properly?

*You can use the same code for 2 PC's, just choose the PC#2 slot when registering.
*Please try using our registration system to register your current/new license. Then you will be able to retrieve or reset your own license, as needed.
*If you have any problems with either of the above, please email your details to


Not as long as you install the latest beta -

Install PostgreSQL 8.4, with your firewall uninstalled or turned off if windows firewall -

Under Windows 7 you must set \holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe to be started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the executable's and select "Run as admin" from the compatibility tab. You can also disable UAC if you want, but you must do the steps above.

Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, do the equivalent or uninstall it temporarily -

Make sure your video card drivers and windows auto updates are fully updated.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 02:23 PM
Anyone else having problems with tablescanner getting table names wrong?

In the screen below I am playing on table "mensa" which tablescanner recognises by bolding that table on the list but none of the players are correct on the player list. Instead, all the players at my table are shown as playing on table "mirach".

I am using the serverside scanner and have tried clearing the player cache but it makes no difference.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:22 PM
You should post any TS issues in their forum so the TS Support guys can assist you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
You should post any TS issues in their forum so the TS Support guys can assist you.
Will do if it happens again, it seemed to sort itself out after I clicked onto the cash games tab and then back onto table scanner.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:53 PM
Quick question - I'm about to move to a machine with Win7 and have therefore exported all my HM hands on the current one to avoid having to backup/restore the database (as I did try that once and am not eager to do so again... ).

But what about observed hands? I don't store the full hhs of these, but just the stats (using the "Do not insert any Observed Hand Histories"-option) - do I have to do something else to export/import these stats to the new db?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 05:10 PM
Probably a false positive, but I thought I'd report it:

F-secure detected:

C:\Users\X\AppData\Local\Xenocode\ApplianceCaches\ HoldemManager.exe_v7BC20518\Native\STUBEXE\@PROGRA MFILES@\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\DBControlPanel.exe

Name : Backdoor:W32/PoisonIvy
Detection Names : Gen:Trojan.Heur.PT
Category: Malware
Type: Backdoor
Platform: W32

I'm running HM 1.09 Beta 42 and Windows 7.

Is it safe to ignore? Anyone else's anti-virus software going off?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
Quick question - I'm about to move to a machine with Win7 and have therefore exported all my HM hands on the current one to avoid having to backup/restore the database (as I did try that once and am not eager to do so again... ).

But what about observed hands? I don't store the full hhs of these, but just the stats (using the "Do not insert any Observed Hand Histories"-option) - do I have to do something else to export/import these stats to the new db?
I think you will want to be sure and import any of your archived/original hands from the \HMArchive folder and any other old hands. Then you can purge them again later, from the new DB, if necessary.

Here are my overly wordy cliff-notes for backing up and installing clean.

Before you uninstall HM:

I want to re-install Holdem Manger without losing all of my settings and preferences. Can this be done? -

You want to make sure you backup your Processed/Archived hand histories, your entire \config folder, and your exportednotes file. I usually just copy my entire \Holdem Manager directory.

Make sure you export your tournament summaries: Tourney > Results > Dataview > All Hands > Right-Click > Export Tourney Results and Summaries.

I would also make sure you manually export the database to hand history text files:

HM > Options > Database Management > Connect > Export Hands

How do I export or import hands into and from Holdem Manager? -

Make sure you copy that folder as well as the other stuff I mentioned.

This helps to insure that if anything goes wrong with the backup/restore, you can manually import the exported files to rebuild.

Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure UAC is disabled or else you must set \holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the executables and select "Run as admin" from the popup menu. Windows 7 you MUST set all the executables to always run as admin.

Turn off Windows Firewall for installing HM and PostgreSQL. You must also add exceptions to the Windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, uninstall it completely before installing HM/SQL -

* Install the complete setup of HM:
* Download the latest patch HM:

* Install PostgreSQL 8.4, with your firewall uninstalled or turned off if windows firewall -

Start Holdem Manager and connect/create a new UTF DB.

Search the FAQ for the setup guide for your poker site:

Originally Posted by joco
Probably a false positive, but I thought I'd report it:

F-secure detected:

C:\Users\X\AppData\Local\Xenocode\ApplianceCaches\ HoldemManager.exe_v7BC20518\Native\STUBEXE\@PROGRA MFILES@\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\DBControlPanel.exe

Name : Backdoor:W32/PoisonIvy
Detection Names : Gen:Trojan.Heur.PT
Category: Malware
Type: Backdoor
Platform: W32

I'm running HM 1.09 Beta 42 and Windows 7.

Is it safe to ignore? Anyone else's anti-virus software going off?
Yes, it is a false positive. This should take care of it.

Close HEM and your anti-virus and delete any \xenocode\appliance cache folders and any other possible false positive files.

1. Enable "Show hidden files and folders" under Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View
2. Go to C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Xenocode\Appl iance Cache and delete every folder you can find in there

If you are on XP, that location is C:\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%\Local\Application Data\xenocode\appliance cache

Empty your recycle bin.


Please update to the latest beta -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 05:46 PM
I just started to use panels for full-ring games on Full Tilt. I have the panels in slightly different location for each seat due to the layout of the table. Every time that I close a table and open a new one the panels are all out of whack. It seems like HEM is putting each panel in the same location for each seat, rather than the way that I set up the previous table.

I hope that made sense. I am sure that I am doing something incorrectly, but I am not sure what.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by craphoot
I just started to use panels for full-ring games on Full Tilt. I have the panels in slightly different location for each seat due to the layout of the table. Every time that I close a table and open a new one the panels are all out of whack. It seems like HEM is putting each panel in the same location for each seat, rather than the way that I set up the previous table.

I hope that made sense. I am sure that I am doing something incorrectly, but I am not sure what.
What site is this for? Make sure you set your preferred seating option in the poker client, and match it in HEM, and then follow these steps.

1) Close HM and the Table Manager.
2) Delete your existing position files, so HM will rebuild them to default.
3) Delete > \Holdem Manager\Config\pospref.txt and pospref2.txt.
4) Start HM< Auto Import, Open the Table Manager, and open 1 cash table.
5) Use Ctrl Right-Click Drag to move the panels Move the main/first panel for each player first. This is the panel with the Note Icon (astersik).
6) Once the main panel is in the proper position, you can position any hud sub-panels for each player.
7) Once they are set, go to Table Manager > File > Save Positions.
8) Close that table, open a new one, and sit to play.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I think you will want to be sure and import any of your archived/original hands from the \HMArchive folder and any other old hands. Then you can purge them again later, from the new DB, if necessary.
Most of them are from Ladbrokes which use one of those single database-files for all hhs, so they were never moved to the archive. In addition, I previously had to regularly delete the database file since HM didn't import correctly if it got too big and, well... while I should've moved them someplace instead of just deleting them, backup isn't very fun or exciting is it?

Not a big deal though (or I would've taken more care with them in the first place) - I've now mostly switched sites and will be playing so rarely on Ladbrokes that the data from the observed hands won't matter much.

Thanks for the cliffs I was going to go through and hunt for one of your previous posts where you listed that one, so it saved me a bit of searching
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by vadiupoker
Im with difficulty to find the hands that i play to import them to wiz....can anyone help me?
Your \HMArchive is likely not in your \Holdem Manager directory. We normally suggest you use C:\HMArchive, but you may have put it anywhere.

To verify the location: Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder:
Ive done this, but there is still any HH in that folder....

My hud is doing fine, what means that the HH is saving some where
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by vadiupoker
Ive done this, but there is still any HH in that folder....

My hud is doing fine, what means that the HH is saving some where
Find your \holdem manager\config\holdemmanager.config file and open it with notepad.

Scroll down to ~ line 35:

HTML Code:
<setting name="AutoImportFolderList">C:\Users\fozzy\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory,True,True,A:\HMArchive
B:\Holdem Manager\Importing\HEM Data,True,True,A:\HMArchive
A:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory,True,True,A:\HMArchive
C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory,True,True,A:\HMArchive
C:\Users\fozzy\AppData\Local\Cake Poker\Hand Histories,True,True,A:\HMArchive
<setting name="LastArchiveFolder">A:\HMArchive</setting>
All of my hands get archived to A:\HMArchive
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 08:24 PM
I really want to use this software but I hate pc's and i cant figure out how to get it to work. so frustrated right now.

Is there anything else like this thats easier to install?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Close HEM and your anti-virus and delete any \xenocode\appliance cache folders and any other possible false positive files.

1. Enable "Show hidden files and folders" under Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View
2. Go to C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Xenocode\Appl iance Cache and delete every folder you can find in there

If you are on XP, that location is C:\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%\Local\Application Data\xenocode\appliance cache

Empty your recycle bin.


Please update to the latest beta -
I have Webroot Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware and it was giving me a "Generic A / Malware" type virus popup. I followed the above steps and both HEM and webroot are working fine now.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-28-2009 , 09:15 PM
ok...on the initialize database section installing the PostgreSQL i keep getting a message saying "The specified database is not empty....blah blah blah.

I have no clue what to do.
Please help....

I have vista and disabled the UAC.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-29-2009 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by iKetchup
ok...on the initialize database section installing the PostgreSQL i keep getting a message saying "The specified database is not empty....blah blah blah.

I have no clue what to do.
Please help....

I have vista and disabled the UAC.
It means you previously had or still have postgresql installed. PT3 trial?

If it is still installed:

PT3's default name/password is - postgres/dbpass
HM's default name/password is - postgres/postgrespass

svcpass is another possibility

Go to your command function (for Vista users, type cmd in search) and type net user. This will show you which user groups are on your pc.

Net user will tell you what the user is on your machine.

If you still can't get connected thru HM you can either try to remove the password requirement entirely.

If that doesnt help, or it was already uninstalled, you may simply need to delete the leftover \postgresql\8.x\data folder. That isnt removed when you uninstall sql.

If you just want to reinstall it clean to be sure:

Please update to the latest beta -

Under Vista and Windows 7 make sure UAC is disabled or else you must set \holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right click the executables and select "Run as admin" from the popup menu. Windows 7 you MUST set all the executables to always run as admin.

Turn off Windows Firewall for installing HM and PostgreSQL. Once you get those installed you can add exceptions to the firewall. If you have a 3rd party firewall, uninstall it completely before installing HM/SQL -

For reinstalling SQL to a new/empty DB, please follow these steps:

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) manually delete or rename the Program Files\Postgresql folders
3) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator
[PHP]net user postgres /delete [/PHP]
4) reboot.
5) Install PostgreSQL 8.4, with your firewall uninstalled or turned off if windows firewall -

if you are still having problems and need assistance Please email me at with a link to this thread, so we can schedule a Teamviewer session. Download the Teamviewer Quick Support Module - Please let me know what time zone you are in and what time/days are convenient for you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
