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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

07-20-2008 , 01:18 AM
I've mentioned it before but there's still something wrong in the "holecards" report when sorting by cards. TT appears at the top then goes through T9, T8, T7 etc then QQ, then KK then JJ.

It doesn't make any sense
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by societymax
wtf does it mean when it says "1 of 9 parts of large file have been processed" after i select auto-import. it appears to be an incredibly long process that needs to be performed every time prior to importing hands, even if it's just 5 or 10 HHs. wtf i dont get it, this is way slower than PT2.
I don't get how you fix this? same thing is happening to me.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 02:37 AM
Just a minor thing in the hh viewer. When you click at the last pot in the "show avg pot" at the tables , and lets say you talk with some buddy at AIM w/e , and you post the txt version , it says at the end , even if villain mucked turn ; Hero shows x x. Could it be changed to " hero mucked " w/o sd , and obv shows with sd.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 03:13 AM
roy, is set% suppose to disappear from the report page?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 03:37 AM
roy, is set% suppose to disappear from the report page?
it is under Flop stats in the latest 1.06.01d release

wtf does it mean when it says "1 of 9 parts of large file have been processed" after i select auto-import. it appears to be an incredibly long process that needs to be performed every time prior to importing hands, even if it's just 5 or 10 HHs. wtf i dont get it, this is way slower than PT2.
It means you have huge files in your auto import list. Auto import is for automatically importing live hands from sites - make sure you setup auto archive as well. Sounds like you need to move all of the hands in your current auto import list and probably delete some of the entries.

I've mentioned it before but there's still something wrong in the "holecards" report when sorting by cards. TT appears at the top then goes through T9, T8, T7 etc then QQ, then KK then JJ.

It doesn't make any sense
Fixed in 1.06.01d

Edit: Oh, also is 1.06.01b 100% bug free and ready? I can wait with 1.05.09 until it is if there is any doubt whatsoever. I can't afford to have a mistake on there. PM me or answer here - whatever. Thanks
Couple little quirks some people are having that we're still ironing out but 1.06.01d is running well I think

Two lazy questions about the Hands tab. How can I just sort hands by AA KK QQ in the hands tab w/ it showing AA QQ KJ AK etc of every suit? I just want to see like AA QQ KK w/ total amount won and then also AKo and AKs KQo KQs etc total amount won. I don't want to see KcJs KsJs KsJc, just suited and unsuited for non paired hands.

Second how can I have it show total amount won with a Set, Full House, 1 Pair, 2 Pair, Flush, Straight and so on? Thanks, sorry if its been asked before.
Use Reports tab, Hole card report and Hand at Showdown report

Continue to have lag problems with new Table Manager versions, unbearable graphical lag. Rolling back to Table Manager 1.05.09a works great, any more recent releases lags like crazy with even 1 table. I have an ATi Radeon 1600pro fwiw.
Sorry about the issues - can you e-mail me at so we can try to figure this out. I'll have a few more questions for you

Is there an ETA on when I will be able to delete played hands from my db through HM?
It's REALLY hard to give estimates that are accurate but I'd guess in a couple of weeks since it is one of the top things on the list.

*The following error occurred when running this report: ERROR: XX002:
index "playerhandscashkeycolums_idx1 contains unexpected zero page at block 159424 *

Thks in advance..
Hi, it looks like your db has become partially corrupted

You can fix it by doing this:

1) Open pgadmin from your start menu in windows under postgresql
2) Double click on the server name and enter your postgresql password (default is postgrespass)
3) Click on Databases and select the current database
4) Click on the Icon at the top that has the SQL and pencil
5) Type “DROP INDEX playerhandscashkeycolumns_idx1” without the quotes and press F5 to run it. It should finish quickly
6) Type

"CREATE INDEX playerhandscashkeycolumns_idx1
ON playerhandscashkeycolumns
USING btree
(player_id, handtimestamp);"

without the quotes and press F5 to run it.

It should work after this

Thanks for everyone filling in answers to common questions. If you have any type of serious issue e-mail or go to the HM forums and post there


Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by thejumpoff
HEM is probably coming to the mac.
Roy from the Poker Tracker to the Mac Thread several posts regarding HM

I hope this dream becomes reality someday!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by JackAll
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Originally Posted by JackAll
I am starting datamining on a new site. Is it suggested to put these hands into a seperate DB?
You can't use multiple DB's yet.
I didnt mean using the two simultaneously.

Is it worth using separate databases if using one site in the morning and another in the afternoon?

Just wondering about this. Didn't get an answer.
Performance-wise I guess it might be best to use a seperate dababase for the site in my afternoon session and swich between that and morning session site/db.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 10:40 AM
some problems with HM 1.06.01.d

- PT2 exported cash game hands (everest and stars) can't be imported. The hands go straight into the [date]ImportErrors.txt file that becomes huge.
- I can now put stats over the window's top bar (like in 1.5 but not in the latest 1.06 version I tried). But now the stats are visible all the time, even with other windows over them. It makes playing with stacked or overlapping table totally impossible.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 11:00 AM
Can someone tell me how to revert to an older version? lag on the hud is v annoying
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Praetor
Can someone tell me how to revert to an older version? lag on the hud is v annoying
I got 1.05.09 from some old forum post... I tried to dig it up but I can't find it. I did still have the .zip though so I uploaded it for you, just extract to C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Hold em Manager and click "Yes" when prompted for overwrites.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 11:36 AM
Are Import Error numbers this high really normal? All the HH are from PS and when I look at the *ImportErrors.txt file , the HHs do look very much ok. Unfortunately there don't seem to be any diagnostics together with the errors.

(running latest version in trial as of now)

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 11:51 AM
Alright, so removing some unsupported games and freerolls/play money tables as well as all tourneys nets these stats.. Import to error ratio is still about the same, so that probably wasn't the problem if anyone was thinking that.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 01:15 PM
and the mystery is solved: rsync my handhistories to another (*ix) box and redownloading elsewhere i ran into the age old problem of unix vs. dos cr/lf's

running all textfiles through unix2dos made the import spew very very little errors. so, sorry for the confusion. roy, maybe add some robustness for that case?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by naru
and the mystery is solved: rsync my handhistories to another (*ix) box and redownloading elsewhere i ran into the age old problem of unix vs. dos cr/lf's

running all textfiles through unix2dos made the import spew very very little errors. so, sorry for the confusion. roy, maybe add some robustness for that case?

One of the latest updates took care of the \r\n vs \n different - 1.06.01 I think.

Thanks for looking into it

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Praetor
Can someone tell me how to revert to an older version? lag on the hud is v annoying

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by rvg72
One of the latest updates took care of the \r\n vs \n different - 1.06.01 I think.

Thanks for looking into it

I have been running 1.06.01 and have just upgraded to 1.06.01d - not aware that the full installer isn't always the newest version. I expect it will be fixed in this version.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 02:34 PM
HUD for ipoker mtt's isn't working, cash games are fine.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 03:00 PM
I've been running Holdem Manager on my Laptop since the release, now I want to install it on my desktop as well.

Whats the easiest way to move the database? Do I really need to just create a new database on my desktop and import all the HH's again, or is there a way to just copy the entire PosgreSQL database?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Melchiades
I've been running Holdem Manager on my Laptop since the release, now I want to install it on my desktop as well.

Whats the easiest way to move the database? Do I really need to just create a new database on my desktop and import all the HH's again, or is there a way to just copy the entire PosgreSQL database?
pg_dumpall to export all databases on the laptop, psql to rebuild them on the new desktop - it shouldn't take very long.

I posted links up in this thread iirc.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 03:37 PM
couple basic questions:

how many tables can holdem manager track on stars

does it include a hud

can you pay via transfer on stars
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by yop
- I can now put stats over the window's top bar (like in 1.5 but not in the latest 1.06 version I tried). But now the stats are visible all the time, even with other windows over them. It makes playing with stacked or overlapping table totally impossible.
ok, i prevented this annoyance by unchecking "force on top" but I thought this was fixing the steal focus issue
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 04:49 PM
I recently upgraded to HEM 1.06.01d and for some reason there are now acres of whitespace in my HUD layout if I have abbreviations selected. Here's a screenshot...

Anyone know how I can get rid of all this whitespace (aside from disabling abbreviations)?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 04:56 PM
Is there any way to get HEM to differentiate between normal NL games and cap NL games on FTP/

The HH's are different so it seems like it should be possible.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 05:03 PM
can hem track 20 tables on stars

some1 answer real quick please

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-20-2008 , 05:53 PM
Request for new stat:

Folded to flop c-bet in a multi-way pot
c-bet flop in a multi-way pot

Folded to flop c-bet in a HU pot
c-bet flop in a HU pot
Holdem Manager Support Quote
