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very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action)

02-19-2011 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
1% veryveryniceguy
3% thechamp134
.5% sama_come_on
.5% humanchamp
15% berkenator
5% pokerbrat
1% rico316
1% lew189
1% E5150
5% jcamby33
1% gosfacekilla
2% tnoyes
5% chipchucker5
1% whiterabbito
2% stoweski
10% charder 30
5% mel

looks like 59% sold

you can take what you want up to 11% ezra, but would prefer to only sell 65% but up to you. fritzy if anyone cancels their action ill sell it to you. broken_jia if someone doesnt send ill let you know tomorrow and we can get your .5% in there
Hey don't see my name on the list. Sent via Triple5soul_ on FTP a day or two ago. Would still like my 1% but please send back if not possible.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by OTL
Just sent $357 on ftp. GL!
Also tried to book here, fyi, in case there was any confusion.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:34 AM
Hey bro, I'll send it within 9 hours, My internet at home got broke for some fked up reason :s so im driving to my moms house to transfer it. Feeling quite fked up if I dont make it, Please let me know a deadline before it has to be shipped. Really sorry for this, But the gods aint with me on this one, the internet stopped working out of nowhere im in a damn internetcafe right now lmao..
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 06:00 AM
Hey Lipo, can I buy 5% or you already sold this to someone ? I asked you pre-reserving.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 10:34 AM
1% veryveryniceguy
3% thechamp134
.5% sama_come_on
.5% humanchamp
15% berkenator
5% pokerbrat
1% rico316
1% lew189
1% E5150
5% jcamby33
1% OTL
2% tnoyes
5% chipchucker5
1% whiterabbito
2% stoweski
10% charder 30
5% mel
6% ezra

65% sold. staker i will talk to you via PM today. i tried to save you some and ill make sure you get some
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 10:55 AM
178,50 Just send from HumanChamp FTP

Ship it!, Good luck to you and all of us!

P.S Please let me know if you received it so I can feel comfortable
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 11:11 AM
i did youre fine
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-19-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
i did youre fine
Alright thanks for letting me know bro, again good luck
And sorry that this took so long, But my goddamn internet at home wont work. Looking forward to your railing topic since im not able to install FTP neither PS at this location.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-21-2011 , 05:19 PM
plz reserve me 5-10 percent on any future packages (depending on how big they are will be how much % I want obv) if you can. Thanks and gg!
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
