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very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action)

02-17-2011 , 11:29 AM
ok guys with a big ftops weekend, i decided this would be the best way to setup and structure the package

The following package will cover all of my MTT play for Saturday/Sunday The only games that won't be included are 36/180s and Satellites to the FTOPS Main Event/NAPT LA that I will play on my own sparingly if table space allows me to.

Since a lot of what I do is going to be dependent on screen space, I am doing something that no one has done yet. In addition to the bankroll, I am going to add a discretionary value of $3,000 to the package. With this $3000 it will allow me to play and fill in with tournaments that I might not have seen, or thought I wouldn't be able to play. Each time I make a package, I forget some good tournaments. On a weekend like this I want to play a lot to reduce the variance as field sizes will be huge and buyins will be massive. With this $3000 fund, I'll be looking to add $11-$109 FOs, $3r-$55r. I'll add stuff like the $11, $16.50 turbos. I won't be adding anything tough as that's not the point of the extra $3000. I will post all tournaments added before I play them in the rail thread so it will be easy to keep track. any of the buyins not used will be refunded with markup. It's unlikely that I will use the full $3000 also, but with this many MTTs I figured a better safe than worry approach was best



11.30am: $82 hyper
12pm: $82 hyper
12.15pm: $109 2x turbo ($209)
12.30pm: $54 ko turbo
1pm: $109
1pm: $320
1.15pm: $55 2x turbo ($105)
1.30pm: $44 turbo
2pm: $509 ($109r)
2.15pm: $22c ($62)
3pm: $55 Daily Ninety Grand
3.30pm: $55r ($255)
4pm: $11r ($51)
4pm: $162
4.30pm: $109c turbo ($309)
5pm: $55
5.30pm: $55c ($155)
5.45pm: $33q ($123)
5.45: $215 6max
6pm: $109q ($409)
6.15pm: $55
6.30pm: $33r ($153)
6.30pm: $44 turbo
7pm: $109
7.30pm: $55r big ante turbo ($255)
7.45pm: $215 weekly turbo
8pm: $109r ($509)
8.30pm: $109
8.30pm: $55 6max
9pm: $162
9.30pm: $82 hyper
9.30pm: $55 nightly seventy grand
10pm: $215 2x turbo ($415)
10.30pm: $109 turbo

= $5692


11am: $75ko
12pm: $109
1pm: $75 6max
1.30pm: $55c ($155)
2pm: $2100 6max FTOPS
2pm: $22r ($102)
2.15pm: $75 superstack
2.45pm: $55 rush turbo
3pm: $322 6max
4pm: $109r rush FTOPS ($709)
4pm: $75
4.30pm: $33r ($153)
6pm: $109 rush
6.35pm: $53 ko super turbo
7pm: $75
7.15pm: $109 cashout turbo
7.30pm: $22r 6max ($102)
7.30pm: $109c ($309)
8pm: $163
8.30pm: $33r ($153)
9pm: $256 super turbo
11.30pm: $55r turbo ($255)

= $5589


11.30am: $82 hyper
12pm: $82 hyper
12.15pm: $109 2x turbo ($209)
12.30pm: $54 ko turbo
1pm: $109
1pm: $215 sunday warmup
1.15pm: $55 2x turbo ($105)
1.30pm: $44 turbo
2pm: $509 ($109r)
2.15pm: $22c ($62)
3pm: $55 Daily Ninety Grand
3.30pm: $11 250k guaranteed
3.30pm: $55r ($255)
4pm: $11r ($51)
4.30pm: $109c turbo ($309)
4.30pm: $215 sunday million
5pm: $55
5pm: $162 6max
5.30pm: $55c ($155)
5.30pm: $530 sunday 500
5.45pm: $33q ($123)
6pm: $109q ($409)
6.15pm: $55
6.30pm: $33r ($153)
6.30pm: sunday 2nd chance 215
6.30pm: $44 turbo
7pm: $109
7.30pm: $55r big ante turbo ($255)
8pm: $109r ($509)
8.30pm: $109
8.30pm: $55 6max
9pm: $162 nightly hundred grand
9.30pm: $82 hyper
9.30pm: $215 hyper
10pm: $215 2x turbo ($415)
10.30pm: $109 turbo

= $6288


11am: $75ko
12pm: $109
1pm: $75 6max
1.30pm: $55c ($155)
2pm: $$256 KO FTOPS
2.15pm: $75 superstack
2.45pm: $55 rush turbo
3pm: $163
4pm: $163r ($763)
5pm: $640 FTOPS Main event ($3840)
6pm: $109 multientry turbo ($436)
6.35pm: $53 ko super turbo
7pm: $75
7.05: $216 sunday mulliagn
7.15pm: $109 cashout turbo
7.30pm: $22r 6max ($102)
7.30pm: $109c (309)
8pm: $163
8.30pm: $33r ($153)
9pm: $109r turbo ($509)
11.30pm: $55r turbo ($255)


then theres another 3k to be used at my discretion for MTTs i mightve missed. the schedule isnt perfect. dont know if FTP has a 109 rush or a 256 super turbo on saturday. any adjustments will be recorded in rail thread and noted. again the extra 3k will be used to add in good valued $3r-$55r MTTs, good freezeouts like the FTP 26fos, stars $5-$27 turbos, and anything else that screenspace might allow.

so the total buyins are

3000 + 7946 + 6288 + 5589 + 5692 = 28515

I will be charging a 1.25197265 markup to make it an even $35700 or $357 a share.

I have nearly 120 tournaments listed, and I imagine i'll be playing a lot more. This is probably the biggest package I've ever put up, and that's because this is one of the biggest weekends in online poker. I have plans with friends Friday, so I'll even have a day off before the long grind. This is very expensive and it's quite obvious why I can't afford it myself. I've included tough and soft tournaments alike, I will also be throwing in other stuff not listed. While I'm playing the big stuff, I'm also trying to drive down our average buyin.

I realize the size of 1% is very large. Note that it would be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to not get a chunk of your investment back. there will likely be thousands in refunds from unused rebuys/addons. In addition with this many tournaments I'm bound to cash one and get a sweat somewhere. I've been playing very well last few months and my results have shown that. I tried to add as many tournaments as possible without sacrificing EV. I know how many tables I can play and I won't add something if it will take me out of my comfort level

Two weeks ago in my sunday package I got 2nd in the late 100r for $22k. In january I placed 17th at PCA for $87500 and paid my marketplace investors in <1 week without issues.

here are my stats

pokerstars: thelipofund (united states)
ftp: wishigotfpps (t) frog

TheLipoFund Click for details 9,507 $22.7 $66 42% $215,797 Tilt 96 PokerStars Sch. Only x

TheLipoFund Click for details 46,401 $6.05 $25 22% $280,753 Tilt 85 PokerStars

WISHIGOTFPPS 5,360 -$7.01 $54 18% -$37,571 Tilt 75 FullTilt

as far as referneces go. i was backed/mentored/coached by M@D@M@D@D@NE for close to 2 years. im close friends with a lot of HSMTTers, and i try to stay active in strategy discussions with the best in the game. im living with rat sauce 89 and renrad01 (who is now #1 in flroida and binking something every night) and weve done a lot to work on our games in the past few weeks to challenge each other and step up to another level. i imagine ive probably done more action selling in the marketplace than any other person by now without any issues

a lot of ppl have asked me to reserve action. im sure this is larger than youve all anticipated (myself included) so ill just leave this up and let whoever take what they want. if you asked me for a reserve ill make sure you dont miss out. but with the size of this package I imagine i'll have more 1% buyers than 10% buyers

im going to make it a 1% min purchase. if i dont generate enough interest ill open it up to half %s. in addition. for each % you have of me in this, ill give you that % in the next turbo takedown i play. im not 100% sure ill be playing this month, but if i dont itll carry over into march

very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:34 AM
1% veryveryniceguy ftp gl sir

Last edited by OMGClayDol; 02-17-2011 at 11:34 AM. Reason: first
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:36 AM
3% champ134 on FT
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:40 AM
i wish 0.5% was possible
this is one sick package
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:46 AM
15% - coming tonight on stars from berkenator
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 11:50 AM
19% gone

41% left
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:05 PM
5% plz. Coming from pokerbrat13 on stars.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:08 PM
36% left

gotta be sure to save some for staker, ezra, mel, and charder, jcamby but other than that its wide open!

Last edited by The Lipo Fund; 02-17-2011 at 12:20 PM.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:16 PM
1% will ship tomorrow after ftp RB
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:19 PM
1% please. lew189 on stars. shipping in 3 mins, please confirm. Thx.

Edit: $215 sent, will send other $142 in 24 hours (or sooner if stars will increase my transfer limit.)

Last edited by lew189; 02-17-2011 at 12:23 PM. Reason: Stars limits transfer amount
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:44 PM
res 1%

edit. sent 1% on ftp(processing)

Last edited by E5150; 02-17-2011 at 12:58 PM. Reason: pm sn
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:48 PM
Wish i'd have enough cash to buy 1%.
Anyhow nice setup man, And I know you kill those tables anyone that has the cash to buy %'s do not hesitate this is some real good solid investment imo.

If there's a possibility I could split 1% into 0,50 with someone else i'll take 0,50%
So people if there's anyone and Lipo agrees to take this than im more than welcome to buy %'s.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:11 PM
Ill take 5%. Will send from p0kerpr0 on tilt by tommorow at the latest.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:17 PM
Res 1%
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:44 PM
Book 2% please.
Will send today
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:50 PM
looks like 25% left

as far as half %s if you can find a friend or someone you trust i dont care. just pick one person to send it and ill send it back to that person. i already have 100+ transfers in and out of my account a week and ive had more errors than usual lately (im pretty irked stars changed locations to country only, it's really hard to verify some transfers now, probably the single biggest change that annoys me the most) so trying to cut back xfers and if the demand is there with the 1% minimum it doesnt make any sense for me to change it.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:53 PM
ill take 5%
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
looks like 25% left

as far as half %s if you can find a friend or someone you trust i dont care. just pick one person to send it and ill send it back to that person. i already have 100+ transfers in and out of my account a week and ive had more errors than usual lately (im pretty irked stars changed locations to country only, it's really hard to verify some transfers now, probably the single biggest change that annoys me the most) so trying to cut back xfers and if the demand is there with the 1% minimum it doesnt make any sense for me to change it.
Alright bro, I will let you know tonight I have a close friend that might do this with me but im waiting for him too wake up since he lives in different country, If he agree's I will ship 1%. And we keep the transactions between us

Is it possible you reserve 1% for me please?

Thanks for your time
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by saman_come_on
i wish 0.5% was possible
this is one sick package
So let us both do 0,50 % and make it 1.
Only thing is that either you need to trust me or I need to trust you.

Because he wants we send 1% from 1 account
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:34 PM
$1785 sent on stars. gl!
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:37 PM
i really like you for some reason amsterdam guy

you can send your .5% and ill deal with you by yourself . thanks for interest and persistence. saman can send the other .5%. no other half %s for new buyers. some old buyers can get in on a half % if youve bought from me a couple times. i know its a huge package
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
i really like you for some reason amsterdam guy

you can send your .5% and ill deal with you by yourself . thanks for interest and persistence. saman can send the other .5%. no other half %s for new buyers. some old buyers can get in on a half % if youve bought from me a couple times. i know its a huge package
Thanks alot bro appreciate it so much I will ship it within 2 hours when i am at home alright?
but im glad im here on your sexy sunday list hehe!
Good luck to you, and all of us!

Last edited by HumanChamp; 02-17-2011 at 03:48 PM.
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
i really like you for some reason amsterdam guy

you can send your .5% and ill deal with you by yourself . thanks for interest and persistence. saman can send the other .5%. no other half %s for new buyers. some old buyers can get in on a half % if youve bought from me a couple times. i know its a huge package

0.5% sent on FTP from "saman_come_on"

very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:47 PM
Sent 1785 on tilt for my 5%. GL bro huge weeekend. Lets EATTTTT!
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:52 PM
how much is left? ill take 1% if there is any left
very LARGE weekend package (comprehensive for saturday and sunday, includes ALL action) Quote
