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SEA28 180s Package 2 SEA28 180s Package 2

11-27-2011 , 03:13 PM
Hello guys, for this package,I'm looking to play 100 180sng at the 8$ level.

I don't know how to post my stats properly but my stats for 180s are around 1900 games with 4100 profit. you can check for urself on pokerprolabs or on sharkscope.

Reference: hw1982

Total: 800


Profits will be split 70/30 in investors favor after stakeback.

Send to Menahem777(Canada) on pokerstars.

Will start when i get 100% of funds it'lll usually take 2-3 days to finish but might take up to a week. Will create and upate a rail thread with all money finishes and games played and send back the share of each investor right after i finish the last games of the package.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 03:50 PM
I'll take 30% for now. will send later.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 03:56 PM
3% plz
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 04:10 PM
Ok hw, greg i received ur 3% usually i'll rather have 5% minimum but it's ok for this time.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 04:19 PM
Ok - you didn't mention a min so I figured there werent any
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 04:26 PM
Your right i should specify that in my next packages.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 05:19 PM
i've sent my 30%
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 05:26 PM
ty received 67% left
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-27-2011 , 07:56 PM
res 2% to make it an even 65% left - pending you provide some stats. I don't feel like searching myself
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 01:20 AM
OK 2% reserved, still havent found out how to show my stats properly
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 02:07 AM
wondering..will u take a piece of yourself if i take up 50% more?
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 02:31 AM
yeah i want to start this package already
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 02:36 AM
Menahem777 1,998 $1.77 $3 34% $3,543 PokerStars E180-180 SNG Only

Last edited by Syker12; 11-29-2011 at 02:36 AM. Reason: Copy and Pasting stats is not hard when your asking for investors money, glgl.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 02:38 AM
Thanks Syker! how did u do this?
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 04:16 AM
i sent you 400, for another 50%, so all together 80% for me. You will start the package by taking the rest yourself?
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 12:56 PM
I'll take at least 15% and if stuckinarut doesnt send his 2% today i'll take 17%.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 04:24 PM
I will send when I get home from work, you can hold me to that. Go ahead and start if you like
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-29-2011 , 06:52 PM
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-30-2011 , 09:55 AM
When is this starting?
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
When is this starting?
Yes, u need to let us know when is this starting so that we can track. Saw you had been playing but not sure whether its for this package or not.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-30-2011 , 01:00 PM
has been playing yet hasn't logged on for nearly 24 hours? bit sketchy imo
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:37 PM
i feel a little uneasy too..but lets give him a little time to come online. Its' just been a day after all
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
12-01-2011 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Hw1982
i feel a little uneasy too..but lets give him a little time to come online. Its' just been a day after all
I dont wanna be a smartass or anything or start a brawl.
But i considered buying action from this guy aswell, But than I realized he made a package before and for some reason he canceled that and secondly he has no refferals except for you. Only weird thing is why is he giving you as referal? and being the referal why do you buy so much of his action? you bought almost all of his action.. do you know him in real life? or from internets, or do both of you guys know more of this? i find it strange that you buy almost all of his action to be honest..

again im not pointing fingers or saying this is a scam or that you hw1982 is guilty of something, just trying to clearn things out maybe..
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
12-01-2011 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by UtregJoekie
I dont wanna be a smartass or anything or start a brawl.
But i considered buying action from this guy aswell, But than I realized he made a package before and for some reason he canceled that and secondly he has no refferals except for you. Only weird thing is why is he giving you as referal? and being the referal why do you buy so much of his action? you bought almost all of his action.. do you know him in real life? or from internets, or do both of you guys know more of this? i find it strange that you buy almost all of his action to be honest..

again im not pointing fingers or saying this is a scam or that you hw1982 is guilty of something, just trying to clearn things out maybe..
wow, surprised to see this. I don't know him at all. I was looking for someone to stake in SNG, and he appears to be good from his stats. I guess he gave me as a referral, because i bought all his action in the first package. He feels that he is making too little from playing 2.50 sngs, and i don't want him to continue unless he is motivated, so i agreed to discontinue the package and invest in a higher buyin package. Afterall, he did well in the games that he did complete for me.

I'm very new in this 2+2, and generally new to staking. Have been buying pieces here and there, trying to get a feel of things.

Hope our man comes online soon.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
12-01-2011 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Hw1982
wow, surprised to see this. I don't know him at all. I was looking for someone to stake in SNG, and he appears to be good from his stats. I guess he gave me as a referral, because i bought all his action in the first package. He feels that he is making too little from playing 2.50 sngs, and i don't want him to continue unless he is motivated, so i agreed to discontinue the package and invest in a higher buyin package. Afterall, he did well in the games that he did complete for me.

I'm very new in this 2+2, and generally new to staking. Have been buying pieces here and there, trying to get a feel of things.

Hope our man comes online soon.
That's why i said im not pointing fingers or anything like that man dont get me wrong.. Alright good to hear he's a good horse, and hopefully for you guys he comes back online and starts playing and make you guys some profit.
SEA28 180s Package 2 Quote
