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kalterrell/terrellk11 **SCAM** - Super Sunday Including UBOC Main Event kalterrell/terrellk11 **SCAM** - Super Sunday Including UBOC Main Event

08-31-2010 , 09:29 PM
Received 728.88
08-31-2010 , 09:33 PM
you can ship back to exxplosive on ft (I'm the rock, city R)
08-31-2010 , 09:34 PM

Exxplosive: 5% - $303.70
xxd33pxx: 5% $303.70 (PAID - AP)
mobills: 10% $607.40 (PAID - FTP)
senzu: 5% $303.70 (PAID - Stars)
malli88: 5% 728.88$303.70 (PAID - FTP)
Thinky: 5% $303.70 (PAID - AP)
uncforte: 5% $303.70 (PAID - Stars)
TheLipoFund: 2% $121.48 (PAID - Stars)
shane: 2% $121.48 (PAID - Stars)
Zacharrr: 10% $607.40
Achrilles: 2% $121.48 (PAID - FTP)
WowLucky: 2% $121.48 (PAID - FTP)
TexDuke: 12% $728.88 (PAID - Stars)
08-31-2010 , 09:38 PM
rec'd, ty
08-31-2010 , 09:39 PM
I would snap call 195.50 a share which is exactly between 218 and 173. Seems like the fairest compromise to me.
08-31-2010 , 09:40 PM
received, thanks
08-31-2010 , 09:42 PM
Everyone but Zachar has been paid their share of AP winnings but I need his Stars ID to ship.
08-31-2010 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by terrellk11
Everyone but Zachar has been paid their share of AP winnings but I need his Stars ID to ship.
PM'ed his sn.
08-31-2010 , 09:50 PM

Exxplosive: 5% - $303.70 (PAID - FTP)
xxd33pxx: 5% $303.70 (PAID - AP)
mobills: 10% $607.40 (PAID - FTP)
senzu: 5% $303.70 (PAID - Stars)
malli88: 5% 728.88$303.70 (PAID - FTP)
Thinky: 5% $303.70 (PAID - AP)
uncforte: 5% $303.70 (PAID - Stars)
TheLipoFund: 2% $121.48 (PAID - Stars)
shane: 2% $121.48 (PAID - Stars)
Zacharrr: 10% $607.40 (PAID - Stars)
Achrilles: 2% $121.48 (PAID - FTP)
WowLucky: 2% $121.48 (PAID - FTP)
TexDuke: 12% $728.88 (PAID - Stars)

That settles the AP funds in their entirety.
08-31-2010 , 09:50 PM
08-31-2010 , 09:51 PM

now what do you propose terrell
08-31-2010 , 10:01 PM
I'm a little lazy and don't feel like doing the math but I'm pretty sure this could be obtained by Ken selling 80% of the 10.3K package at 1.25 MU which would yield 10,300. Of this 7,210 would go to the 70% owned by investors and the remaining 3090 could be used to pay off the 70% of the remaining 4400 in travel owed to investors.

This seems incredibly straight-forward to me and I'm kicking myself that I didn't crunch the numbers myself to begin with. If I'm making an error in math somewhere please let me know but this seems like a pretty good solution. Unfortunately, Ken has to give up 10% equity in himself in PCA but the investors get all of their money owed. Honestly, this seems like a pretty bad beat for Ken who played really well and had a huge score and is going to lose equity in himself but this seems like a pretty good starting point. Let me know what you guys think of this.

edit: I don't feel like digging through pages of posts but I'm pretty sure in one of the posts ken said he'd be willing to give up 10% equity.

Last edited by uncforte; 08-31-2010 at 10:03 PM. Reason: clarity
08-31-2010 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Exxplosive

now what do you propose terrell
A friend of mine who is a CPA is running some numbers for me to try and come up with a solution that might work. Give me a while to try and work this out.
08-31-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by terrellk11
A friend of mine who is a CPA is running some numbers for me to try and come up with a solution that might work. Give me a while to try and work this out.
can you or him take a look at my latest post please. Thanks so much and sorry you have to go through this. Best, uncforte
08-31-2010 , 10:07 PM
sure, as long as we're all trying to come a conclusion

again, just feel it needs to be reiterated, it sucks that this is the position we find ourselves in because I do think you're a great investment, and as long as we find a reasonable solution, there is no reason that your reputation is damaged
08-31-2010 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Exxplosive
sure, as long as we're all trying to come a conclusion

again, just feel it needs to be reiterated, it sucks that this is the position we find ourselves in because I do think you're a great investment, and as long as we find a reasonable solution, there is no reason that your reputation is damaged
While I appreciate your sentiment here, my reputation has nothing to do with my decisions as to what is the right thing to do. I try to do what I believe is fair and right even if others disagree.

The sentiment also rings hollow after the things that have been said both in this thread and by at least one investor in the primary FAQ/Feedback thread.

I'm trying to fix things despite the fact that my reputation here has been trashed, not because I'm worried it will be.
08-31-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by terrellk11

I'm trying to fix things despite the fact that my reputation here has been trashed, not because I'm worried it will be.
Keep your head up. This isn't as bad as it seems. A lot of the most respected people on here are taking your side, it just seems really one-sided as everyone ITT has a vested interest against your side. It's more skewed here than in reality in MP. I think this is all going to work out.
08-31-2010 , 10:49 PM
I have a solution that gets backers $200 per share.

If the 10,300 seat is sold 70% at a 25% markup, the proceeds of that sale would be $9,012.50. Add in $700 of the 1k in expenses cash (70% obviously) and the total come to $9,712.50. If that sum is divided by 70 and distributed evenly amonst investors, each % would receive $138.75.

$138.75 for selling seat
$60.74 distributed for AP win
= $199.49 per share.

I'll pay the extra $35.70 out of pocket to get the total up to $200 per share.

The advantage is investors get far more than the original $173 I thought would be the maximum. The drawback is that you'd have to wait until it actually sold and would obviously no longer have a vested interest in the PCA action.
08-31-2010 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by terrellk11
I have a solution that gets backers $200 per share.

If the 10,300 seat is sold 70% at a 25% markup, the proceeds of that sale would be $9,012.50. Add in $700 of the 1k in expenses cash (70% obviously) and the total come to $9,712.50. If that sum is divided by 70 and distributed evenly amonst investors, each % would receive $138.75.

$138.75 for selling seat
$60.74 distributed for AP win
= $199.49 per share.

I'll pay the extra $35.70 out of pocket to get the total up to $200 per share.

The advantage is investors get far more than the original $173 I thought would be the maximum. The drawback is that you'd have to wait until it actually sold and would obviously no longer have a vested interest in the PCA action.
What if seat doesn't sell? What if half of the shares sell? How would you pick who gets a return?

If I recall correctly, you were wiling to do something similar, but also threw in 10% of your own equity for the funds to be raised/disbursed. If I understood correctly, why the difference now?
08-31-2010 , 10:59 PM
This sounds fair to me. This way Ken doesn't take any hit and we all get most of the money that we feel that we deserve. I agree to this and hope I'm not in the minority.

My 5% stake votes to accept this offer. Thanks for working so hard to find a solution.
08-31-2010 , 11:05 PM
I agree to what ken has proposed
08-31-2010 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by TexDuke
What if seat doesn't sell? What if half of the shares sell? How would you pick who gets a return?

If I recall correctly, you were wiling to do something similar, but also threw in 10% of your own equity for the funds to be raised/disbursed. If I understood correctly, why the difference now?
Several questions here:

1. Doesn't sell: If it doesn't sell, then the reality is the package has no value. Value isn't an intrinsic thing - there's only value if people believe it has one. Stars says it's worth 15k but that's not reality if people aren't willing to pay for it.

2. If it sells half: Investors would be able to cash in half their shares. You'd get to sell 6% of your investment in me and would still have a 6% ownership interest in the PCA Main Event. Everyone gets similar treatment.

3. The original proposal I offered had me selling the package but keeping part of the proceeds of the sale. I'd have been giving up 10% of the equity but getting some cash back in return as partial compensation. In this method the 70% shareholders keep the full proceeds of the sale.
08-31-2010 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by terrellk11
Several questions here:

1. Doesn't sell: If it doesn't sell, then the reality is the package has no value. Value isn't an intrinsic thing - there's only value if people believe it has one. Stars says it's worth 15k but that's not reality if people aren't willing to pay for it.

2. If it sells half: Investors would be able to cash in half their shares. You'd get to sell 6% of your investment in me and would still have a 6% ownership interest in the PCA Main Event. Everyone gets similar treatment.

3. The original proposal I offered had me selling the package but keeping part of the proceeds of the sale. I'd have been giving up 10% of the equity but getting some cash back in return as partial compensation. In this method the 70% shareholders keep the full proceeds of the sale.

Thank you for clarification. I'm not quite ready to accept as the "travel" piece hasn't been completely addressed, but if everyone else jumps in and "agrees", I'll likely follow suit.
08-31-2010 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by terrellk11
I have a solution that gets backers $200 per share.

If the 10,300 seat is sold 70% at a 25% markup, the proceeds of that sale would be $9,012.50. Add in $700 of the 1k in expenses cash (70% obviously) and the total come to $9,712.50. If that sum is divided by 70 and distributed evenly amonst investors, each % would receive $138.75.

$138.75 for selling seat
$60.74 distributed for AP win
= $199.49 per share.

I'll pay the extra $35.70 out of pocket to get the total up to $200 per share.

The advantage is investors get far more than the original $173 I thought would be the maximum. The drawback is that you'd have to wait until it actually sold and would obviously no longer have a vested interest in the PCA action.
How is this a fair solution? You are asking us to wait 6 months to see if the package sells out but you are not willing to give up any equity. Agreed that the dollar amount per piece is not very much but I cannot accept this solution.
08-31-2010 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Thinky
How is this a fair solution? You are asking us to wait 6 months to see if the package sells out but you are not willing to give up any equity. Agreed that the dollar amount per piece is not very much but I cannot accept this solution.
PCA is in 4 months, not 6. The action to sell it would be posted now rather than later and as was the case with my WCOOP I would expect the funds to be in hand long before the event actually started (had all of my 20k WCOOP funds in hand more than two weeks ago).

Instead of having to wait for me to play in January AND not getting any value for the hotel portion, this solution gives you the money sooner AND gives you back more than half the value of the hotel.
